The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I looked at Ruineth, then at the water. "This should be good for now. But we might need a refill. Can you get another cantine from the bags and fill that?" I asked her.
(Gah. i gotta go to bed, guys. You can control Rune for now. G'night y'all!)

"Of course." Ruineth said. She took another canteen from the bags and dipped it into the river, then gave it to Varexes. She stood there silently, then. Awaiting more instruction. (Ruineth control given!)
Faye couldn't help but smile herself as Birch managed to hold her hand despite everything that was happening. More tears welled up in her eyes and she leaned forward to plant a kiss on his cheek and when she pulled back she wiped away some of her tears, an absolutely relieved smile on her face.

"Birch," she said, choking a little from crying, "I'm so glad you're had me worried." She placed her hand over his and looked him in the eyes a couple moments longer before taking the cloth Varexes had given her.

Faye leaned over and soaked the cloth in water, pulling it out after a few moments. She moved the fabric over to Birch as it dripped with water, placing it on one of his wounds as she gently began to wash away the fresh blood. As she did so, her eyes wandered his back which was covered in scars. Not to mention, there was an enormous gash on his shoulder.

After washing a few cuts, she leaned over and picked up a new piece of cloth before wetting it with water once again. She was a bit afraid to hurt Birch, but she had no choice as she lifted the cloth to his shoulder.

"This might sting a little.." she warned him, beginning to clean the gash on his shoulder. She wondered what on Earth happened to him and why he even left the river in the first place, but for now she just wanted him to rest a bit instead of being interrogated.

I nodded at Faye. "Thanks Ruineth. Can you find any other strips of cloth we can use to bind this?" I asked, and she went to go look in the bags. I then found a cup and went to the river, got some clean water and came over to Birch. While Faye washed his wounds I trickled water into his mouth so he could drink, since he was obviously thirsty.
Birch looked so happy to see Faye even if he couldn't avoid how much it meant for him to see her and how oddly good it was to see her crying over him. It was a strange thing to be happy about but in a world where he felt like he was hardly noticed by most, it was comforting to know that someone would remember his passing one way or another. Not that he'd ever want to leave her behind like that. The idea of knowing she was alive, reduced to a sad state of being because of his passing...

Despite the rest of him lagging behind, it seemed that his reaction to pain was dead on as he flinched the moment the cloth touched his wounds. He let out a weak moan of pain as it hit him like a hammer to the head but he didn't make much noise and quieted down as he got use to it. If they didn't do anything he'd probably get an infection and then he'd either die or lose a limb at the very least. The idea of even more of his body being useless wasn't something he wanted to think about.

When Varexes brought over water for Birch he drank it up in seconds, the cool liquid doing wonders for his throat. As soon as he felt like talking was possible, he stopped and spoke to Faye. "I'm sorry." While it was very average volume for most people, the words sounded loud coming out of Birch and he realized it too as he suddenly looked very meek and muttered, "I didn't mean to worry you."
Faye pulled back a bit when Birch suddenly flinched as she touched his wounds with the cloth, but continued right after. This would be worth it in the long run if he didn't want to get terrible infections. Fortunately, she had cleaned just about all of his wounds finally. However, there were still a couple left so she wet the cloth again and continued to wash them. After Varexes gave him some water, it was as if that was the key to unlock his voice box as he finally spoke up.

"Well you did," she responded to him softly, gently washing a bloody gash a few inches below his other shoulder. "Thank God you're okay...what happened anyway?" she asked finally. She couldn't wait to question him any longer, she was extremely curious as to what his excuse for leaving the camp was.
Birch was quiet for a very long time. It wasn't that he didn't know what to say but what he did have to say felt better off going unsaid. What happened in the forest was still a confusing, confusing experience and he didn't want to go panicking or scaring anyone with his problems just yet. He had to sort through this mess himself. Clearing his throat after a long stretch of time, he finally spoke up.

"Wolves," he said quietly, his expression the usual blank look he gave to most everyone, this time feeling it justified with how tired he was. "There were these giant wolves. I ran and they chased me but I got rid of them and then stumbled around the woods until I got here." He managed to traverse what felt like a tightly laid minefield as he thought anything he had said in his head and realized it was all truths even if he did dodge the question just a touch.

I thought for a moment, running my hand threw my hair. "That would explain why they took so long to attack US... but how did you get rid of them? Direwolves aren't easy to run from, and damn near impossible to fight without weapons." I was curious and I needed to know. If these forests had Direwolves, any method on how to escape them might be good to know. "How'd you get away?"
Faye's stomach churned at the sound of wolves. It was just how she'd imagined it in her mind, causing her whole body to go numb for few moments. She shot Varexes a terrified look, even if Birch was safe and sound again with them. It was the fact that he was this close to dying that scared her.

But Varexes was right--how did he possibly get away? It just made no sense at all...there was no way he could've outrun those wolves, but...he did...right? Birch wouldn't lie about this, would he?

Faye sighed softly, wrapping her arms around him gently and resting her head on his shoulder. She was just glad he was okay. God, if he had died out there...she'd be broken beyond repair.
Birch's knee jerk reaction was to shift his eyes to the side, knowing that it was probably rather suspicious of him but not being able to help himself as he started to mutter in broken sentences. "I jut... ran. I kept running and then I hid but they got me a bit... then I started going through the forest until I was here." He seemed to relax a bit as Faye hugged him, a meek smile crossing his lips as he moved his good arm to give her a gentle hug back. Of course at the same time he felt a bit of guilt. He had just lied a little bit to the both of them but what was he suppose to say? Truth was stranger than fiction was a phrase that came to mind.

I frowned. "Direwolves are smarter, stronger, bigger, and have a better sense of smell than normal wolves. But that's not the scariest part. The scariest part is that they're FASTER. They're faster than most horses, when they're fully grown. You don't outrun one, you get out of reach by climbing, but they can camp out for over a week before getting bored." Birch didn't outrun the wolves, he was lying to us. "There must have been something else. Do you remember a plant you may have run through? Or something weird that you ran into that you can't quite explain?" I asked.
Being stern wasn't in Birch's nature but at the very least he was able to frown with slight annoyance up at Varexes. "I... I don' know. Things just sort of happened. It was all kind of a blur and I was in pain.." He quickly closes his eyes to avoid having to make eye contact as he tries to relax, enjoying the feeling of having Faye so close to him. Back in the woods he felt like he was never going to feel this again and never before had he been so happy to be wrong. He may be the one who was hurt but Faye didn't need another death on her mind. He worried more for her than himself.
As Faye rested her head on Birch's good shoulder, she took comfort in his presence again while listening to Varexes speak. However, he wasn't simply just speaking, he was questioning him more. Sure, Birch's explanation sounded a little...well...suspicious, but maybe he just didn't feel like explaining. Maybe he just wanted to rest. He was in such a weak state and it actually aggravated Faye some that Varexes was still trying to force answers out of him.

"Varexes," she snapped, shooting him a look, "maybe he's too tired to explain..or maybe he forgot or something.." She was clearly fishing for excuses, but they could get answers out of him later. He'd literally just gotten back to the camp a few minutes ago and he was already being interrogated.

I stiffened and nodded. "My apologies. Get some rest Birch." I said stiffly, gathering my shirt from its heap and going to the river to wash it. See? Stupid hopes. Just got dashed. I cursed at myself as I washed it, then once most of the blood was off I wrung it out and put it on. It was freezing, and damp, but I'd live. Slipping it onto my left arm was incredibly painful, but I struggled through it. I walked back to the camp and grabbed my quiver, putting it on my back. I felt defenseless, useless without my bow. But even if I still had it, I wouldn't be able to use it with my arm. Instead, I'd have to figure out how I could use arrows in melee combat, if it was even possible. I could still kick, but my left arm was going to feel a lot of pain if I did too many... It was an issue I'd have to figure out. I sat on a rock outside of the camp and watched the sun rise over the horizon, then I yawned. Maybe we wouldn't go anywhere just yet, and I could try and practice some easier attacks...
(Yep xD haha, I'll have to figure something out :P since you're the head of this RP i'll just hope you find me a town where i might be able to nab one xD )
(( Oh, I have a list going x'D I'm always prepared to stray away from it if need be, but it's a nice guide xD And fortunately next on it is a lil' village. I just don't know what species would be living there. :0 ))
As Varexes wandered off, Birch finally let out a deep breathe he hadn't realized he'd been holding. It was relief to be alone with Faye after everything that had just happened. He had to admit that he probably wouldn't have enjoyed been comforted that much if they were just friends but with them being... well, for lack of better word, more, there was a greater sense of warmth to it all. He'd worried about her and she about him. Maybe he could explain things to her later, the little creeping thoughts that fought to try and ruin this moment but right at the point in time it was impossible. She felt so warm, calming and innocent as she rested next to him. Giving her hand another gentle squeeze, he whispered, "I missed you," as his mind half faded into rest.
(Works for me xD haha)


I yawned again and got up and walked over to where Juniper was laying down. I flopped on the ground next to her, pushing some leaves under her head as a sort of makeshift pillow. Rolling over to the side I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
A warm smile appeared on her face as Birch told her he missed her. She barely noticed that her eyes were welling up with tears again. She was just so relieved that he was alive and in her arms right now, more relieved than she'd ever been before. The way she'd felt when she'd realized he was missing..she felt worthless and hopeless. Not to mention, she felt like she failed to protect him and that's all she wanted, was for him to be safe. She'd promised him that they'd both make it to the end of this journey alive and now that she'd almost broken it she was determined to keep him safer next time.

"You have absolutely no idea how much I missed you," she said softly, lifting her head up to look him in the eyes. After hesitating a moment and swallowing the lump in her throat she said quietly, "I thought I'd lost you...for good.."
Juniper's eyes fluttered open and she stared up at the sky seeing stars. She thought she was dizzy for a moment and blinked a few times, no they were actual stars. She didn't trust herself to sit up, afraid that movement would bring back her headache. Everything seemed to quiet around camp, maybe everyone had gone to sleep. She seemed to recall a vague memory of voices telling her some things in her sleep. Something about Faye crying and Birch was dead and then he wasn't. It was all very confusing so she decided to stop making sense of it all.She looked to the side coming face to face with varexes. She stared at him surprised. She hadn't expected anyone to be so close first of all. And second she thought he was mad at her. She looked back up at the stars counting them one by one until she reached fifty something and she began to feel tired again. Her eyes closed and she drifted back to sleep.
Birch's eyes widened a bit at her words and his smile faded into a vague neutral line again as he took in what she'd said. He was happy that she'd worried about him but at the same time totally heartbroken that he would have left her in such a terrible state had he not actually come back. "I promise you that you'll never lose me," he said quietly, putting a small smile to comfort her.

The pressure that had been slowly building up in his chest since he started to get questioned before was at breaking point. He wasn't quite able to explain what exactly had happened or want to worry anyone if he did but something was different. What had happened wasn't a horrible, terrible thing. It was an opportunity to do something. After a good few seconds of silence Birch sat up a bit and whispered, "Because I'm going to take care of the both of us from now on." Not wanting to leave these words hanging in the air, he quickly moved to give her a kiss just in case. Besides, it was something else he'd missed in the short time apart.
(( xD Well, Ima post tomorrow 'cause I've finally decided 3:30 AM is my bedtime lololol. Well, I'm just tired as hell lmao so, nighty night everyone! :3

..We roleplayed a lot tonight xD ))

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