The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( :c I hate people.

Lol, middle school was just a terrible, terrible time. xD I regret those days. I asked like two kids out who I never even talked to--considering I'm shy as fuck around people I don't know or think are out of my league xD --and I laugh about that now, though. 'Cause they were like ERM, how 'bout no. x'''D

Although, I was asked out by a couple of people..including my neighbor..o-o..which makes me feel a little better x'D But I turned 'em all down, so. Derp. (now one of them is a jerk and a druggie so good thing I did or I'd have one more thing to regret lmao) )) 
"Sounds tempting," she joked, eyeing the lantern in a way where she was ready to swing it around so that it'd go out. Of course she wasn't going to because that would be a stupid prank right now.

She then peered around while she held the lantern up by her pale face, searching for the others.

"Where's Nova? And Val--have you seen him?" she wondered, looking back at Varexes curiously.
(Lol ok that's what I'll do)

Valandil started to worry. The night felt like it crept up surprisingly. He stated to trip even more so then before. He then completely fell onto the forest floor. "I hate this forest!" he thought as he rubbed his knee.

(You guys typed like six post while I was typing this lol. That's what I get for playing league of legends and trying to type as well)
(Middle school was a bitch xD

We should play league some time. xD what's your summoner again?)


I shrugged. "Nova's right there." I said, pointing over my shoulder. "Val..." As I said that I heard someone fall and say something. "Is probably there, maybe? Val, that you?" I say, calling out to Val.
(( Once again, it took me 5ever to figure out wtf that meant. Do they really need to switch b*tch with bitch? xD lololol ))

As Faye looked over Varexes's shoulder she spotted Nova. Just then there was a loud thud a few feet away which startled Faye, causing her to jump closer to Varexes. Remembering his tendency to react to close contact with something along the lines of shoving, she quickly lifted her arm up just in case.

She focused her attention back in front of them, lifting the lantern higher so she could try to spot what had fallen. Had she really made it there before Valandil? If so, he must've gotten lost in the dark. Why did no one else think to bring a lantern along?
(I didn't even notice. dafuq.)


When Faye jumped a bit closer to me and lifted up her arm my spirits immediately dropped. Does she trust me that little...? My shoulders slump slightly, but I squared them immediately afterwards to avoid any awkward situations or conversations. I saw Val in the dark. "Val, what the hell are you doing?" I asked him, taking out some of my frustration on him.
(My summoner name is StardustBreaker2. I usually manage to get on every day)

Valandil looked up surprised to see Varaxes and Faye there. "I was looking for Nova and you, but I got lost trying." He then stood up wiping some of the dirt of his clothes.
(The OOC is more engaging than the RP xD

Val: Yay, I'm starting college on the 26th :D

Middle school was no fun for me, high school was so much fun as a senior, mainly becuase one teacher simply didn't care if we played games all the time in his class, as long as we did our projects by tge end of the semester; ironically I learned more from that class than any other class because he allowed me to self-guided

one girl did ask me out in high school, but I was so anti-social I couldn't dven hold her hand, so I decided to break up with her because I knew my shell would take forever to break. )
(Because nobody's online at the same time to RP, so it takes forever to get done with anything xD

High school started bad, but it's slowly been getting better since freshman year. This year so far has been one of my best years, and I'm hoping it stays that way, haha. Next month is my birthday (it's over a school break) and I'm hoping my dad'll let me go to Wyoming to visit this one girl.

I'm not really antisocial, it's more everyone just has this natural hate for me. I had a girlfriend for over a year, but she cheated on me like 5 times with 5 different guys, and she broke up with me for a 6th guy who then wound up cheating on HER. So it's like, whatever xD Life sucks sometimes, but hey, when you have awesome people around it gets better :P )


"Well luckily you found us. It's so dark in this damned forest." I was bitter and that pissed me off even more, and that's when I realized I just needed my own space for a while, some time to sleep. I'd be better in the morning. "Let's head back to where everyone else is. I feel nervous with only Jess back there to protect Ruineth and Birch." I walked to the edge of the dim light and turned around. "Coming guys?"
(( 1. WHY DO PEOPLE CHEAT?! HFGREJGHGJH like seriously, it it just makes no sense to me x-x Stupid whores.

2. I'M HAVING A CRISIS. FML. This morning I fucking managed to step on my headphones cord and it was connected to my headphones jack in my laptop, so figures it BROKE. The end of the headphones did, and so now theres this little b*tch of a piece of the headphones stuck in my heaphones jack and it's IMPOSSIBLE to get out x-x so like, now not only can I use headphones but I can't hear any sound at all because the stupid computer thinks theres headphones plugged in.

T^T fml. I'm trying to fix it, though.

AND OH SHIT, now I don't even have headphones to listen to my music on my phone.

//Has just gone on an angry rant// ))

Faye nodded at Varexes, picking up her pace so that she was in front of him. She held the lantern up by her face, the light illuminating her cheery smile.

"I'll lead the way," she told them, "since I have the lantern and I made the marks on the trees." With that, she began heading through the dark forest, allowing the light to shine among the trees and the markings to guide the way.
(I can only respond on page 303 so I can't see what anyone was saying. Can someone email me anything said? The one thing in the email I got was Nami talking about an angry rant about her headphones.)


I nodded and waved her past, then followed behind with Val and Nova, a little off to myself with my cowl up and bow in hand. I heard wolves in the distance, and while those wolves were howling for community, the tracks I saw earlier made me nervous. I moved close to Faye and spoke under my breath, loud enough for her to hear but not Val or Nova. "Faye, something was stalking you earlier." I whispered. "I saw the scuffle between you and some animal, rabid fox or something? Doesn't matter, just about an hour after you something with huge paws, smaller paws than a bear but larger than a wolf followed you. We should hurry."

I felt guilty about not telling her sooner, but the sudden surprise of being woken from my sleep had given me a blank mind. No point in apologizing about it, better to come clean and accept the consequences now of Faye being pissed off at me then tell her too late and there be mere bodies to clean up later. Whatever they were, they were bigger than Jess in wolf form.
(( I needed to rant somewhere -_- ))

As Faye listened to Varexes speak below a whisper, her eyes widened with concern. She turned around a little while holding up the lantern more to see if anything was following them currently. As she moved, the light knocked Varexes in the head.

Faye spun back around with guilt, quickly retracting her arm away and holding the lantern on the other side of her again. "Oh! I'm sorry!" she said apologetically, her face even more concerned than earlier.
(Lol xD Just send me an email with a copy-paste of anything that's said if I ask for it, k?


She spun around and the lantern smacked me in the face. I saw it coming and managed to go with the blow, going down onto the floor to maintain contact to make it hurt less. Nonetheless, it still hurt like hell. I didn't make a sound though and simply stood up. "It's fine, I barely felt it. You only slightly tapped me." I said, lying through my teeth. I brushed myself off and turned to face forward, talking to her without looking, whispering again. "Nothing's following, or there shouldn't be. If it's anywhere, it's forward or to the sides."
(Really pretty girl walked into the place I work today, didn't see any rings on her fingers and she was in normal clothes so she probably would have been wearing one if she had a boyfriend. Going over to Dunkin' Doughnuts tomorrow (where she works)...wish me luck)

(Will RP in a minute, need to catch up on reading; and Nami don't feel bad about ranting, friends listen to other friends rant, "just keep swimming" -Need I say who said it? ) 
Nova picked up speed in the line to catch up with Faye. He observed the exchange between her and Var, a slight half-grin broke across his lips, then vanished. He shifted closer to Faye and extended his hand "Maybe I should hold it? So you don't set Var or the forrest on fire should you trip again."
(Holy crap i missed a bunch! Stupid alerts... I'm just gonna catch up and post here in a few.) 
Ruineth woke with a jerk. Her neck was cramped up. "Ugh..." she moaned as she rubbed her neck. It was still dark, and the moon was the first thing she saw. She let out an irritated breath. Why couldn't she get just one night of decent rest? She stood, a bit dizzy at first, and walked to the river. After splashing some water on her face she glanced at Birch. Faye wasn't beside him. Where was Faye? "Birch, where's Faye?" She looked at Jess, who was still asleep. Suddenly she heard footsteps. They were slow and menacing, like a wolf staking its prey. Ruineth's heart leapt. She quickly stood, scanning the nearby area. She heard them again, to her left. She slowly crept over to the bushes, picking up a stone on the way. She heard a snort, and the slight ruffle of leaves. Ruineth tossed the stone, and saw movement in the woods. She tossed another, and whatever was there took off. As small bit of white flickered in the general area, she sighed in relief. It was just a deer. Of course it was. Ruineth returned to the others, adding some wood to the fire. "Sorry about that." she said, watching the fire. Already she was getting paranoid. She heard the ruffling of leaves again. This time more distant, and from her right. "Just another deer. Or the wind." But no matter how much Ruineth tried to convince herself that was true, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was out there. She poked at the fire, trying to warm herself. Somehow it seemed colder outside. "I hope the others get here soon."
Jess woke up with a start, her breathing hard as she started panting. Her slightly shaking form stood up as she paced the ground just to give her something to do. "It was just a dream. No. It was more of a nightmare. Just an awful nightmare." She muttered to herself but it didn't have the effect she wanted. She knew that it wasn't just a nightmare, but a memory instead. She could see those men breaking and searching for things as they tied her and her parents against their dinning room chairs, just like it was happening for the first time. Feel the knife along her skin as her blood flowed freely as if she was still there. 'No. Stop thinking about.' By now she was a gasping and trembling mess with tears brimming in her eyes, practically putting holes in the floor with how much she was pacing. She could hear and register wolf howls in the distance, somewhere inside the dark and eerie forest, but didn't pay any attention to it as she continued to struggle to push the memory back.
(( If she had a boyfriend she'd be wearing a ring..? xD You mean..husband? Hahaha. Or is normal for boyfriends and girlfriends to wear rings? xDD

Nonetheless, good luck :3 ))

Faye felt terribly bad after hitting Varexes with the lantern. It made a loud thud when she'd smacked his face, yet he still kept his cool. Although she was able to tell that he was just holding back from crying out in pain. She felt even worse when she laid eyes on the blood seeping from his forehead.

Her mouth dropped at the same time that Nova came over towards them, seeing the scene for his self. He suggested that he take the lantern off her hands and guide the way instead, making it clear that she wasn't cut out to even hold a lantern. However, she couldn't argue with him, especially not now. She'd made someone bleed and that was a sign that it was time to pass the job onto someone else.

She gradually handed the lantern over to Nova, a dreadful look upon her face as she turned back to Varexes. She eyed the cut on his forehead and sighed, reaching out to stop him from moving so she could take a closer look at it. Once again she remembered his instincts, so she reluctantly retracted her arm and leaned over a bit instead so she could see it better.

"Crap, you're bleeding," she said with obvious guilt. "Ugh, this is all my fault. I'm so sorry!"
(Well, if a ring on your left ring finger exclusively means a girl has a husband then I see a lot of married teenagers 0_0, or a lot of older women who look like teenagers... which is scarier now that I think about it) 
Nova placed his hand over the cut on Vars forehead, "Hold still, this may sting" He said channeling the last bit of his spare mana into his hands, attempting to slow the bleeding. "That's about all I can do at the moment, no need to have you leaving a trail for the wolves to follow, but now I'll have to wait before I can do any more magic."

I flinched slightly as my forehead stung where Nova healed my cut. "Thanks." I muttered, then I motioned for him to lead the way. "Don't worry about it, Faye. We all make mistakes. I've had worse when I deserved less, so it's no big deal." While the implication in this statement was that I deserved the smack and few people could pick up on that, I said it in a forgiving tone and gave her a small smile. Instead of drawing out the conversation any more, I took a step forward and stopped, pulling up my bow. "Something's here. Faye, bow out. Val, stay between me and Faye. Nova, go. Now." Cursing at myself for giving orders again when I had no right to, I nocked and arrow and prepared to fire. It was instinct that made me notice that something was there, just out of sight. Maybe I smelled something, or maybe I had heard a soft padding of footsteps, but every sense screamed at me that something was out there.

"We need to move, fast." I said, urging Nova on. Giving Faye one last apologetic look that I tried to convey the sentence: Sorry for taking charge, I leaped up onto a large root and peered into the darkness, ready to follow Nova.
Ruineth sighed. It was getting boring with no one to talk to. She looked over at Jess. "Oh..." She wasn't sleeping anymore. On fact, Jess was in tears. "Jess! What is it?" Ruineth asked, quickly moving over to where she was sitting. Something felt strange. It felt as if something were about to happen. Each movement seemed like a mistake, as if it were a giant neon sign advertising to some unknown enemy. She swallowed. It took everything in her not to freak out. She couldn't help but think about earlier. The deer...was there something else? No, it couldn't be. Still, Rune couldn't help but worry for the group deeper in the woods, or for the three who were there by the river. She shivered. "Hey...let's go sit by the fire and talk." she suggested.
(Summary: Faye, Varexes, Nova and Val are in the forest after Nova and Varexes went to some ruins to search for magic books. It's late at night and dark, everyone has a bad feeling instinctively and the group is hurrying back to a river where Ruineth, Birch and Jess are.)
Jess whimpered but nodded her head nonetheless. When she got to the fire she didn't sit down, instead she continued to pace the forest floor. "I-It's nothing." She mumbled quietly, her voice wavering. She didn't like showing her emotions that much to others but right now she didn't really have a choice. 'Could I be having a panic attack?' She thought but shook her head quickly, tears filling up her eyes even more. She unconsciously rubbed her arms and her stomach where most of the scars were located. She could also sense something bad about to happen, just a gut feeling and she desperately wanted to run and find the others but she didn't know if it was the best idea, especially in her state. She just hoped that the others would be alright and make it back soon.
"It doesn't seem that way." Ruineth replied. She forgot her gut feelings for the moment and focused her worry on Jess. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Just know that if you want to talk, I'll listen." She added another log to the fire. She knew something was wrong. Why else would Jess be crying? She didn't seem like the type to wake up crying in the middle of the night for no reason. She watched Jess rub her arms and stomach. Noticing the scars on her arm under the dim light, Rune assumed there were some on her abdomen area as well. She kept her mouth shut. If Jess wanted to talk, so be it. If not, that was her business.
(( So, therefore you don't necessarily know if she has a boyfriend xD Well, at least you know she's not married xDD

This was meant to be posted like 2 hours ago lmfao but my mom and dad just spent them getting the end of my headphones out of the headphones jack in my laptop xD I've never seen family teamwork like this before x'D

But I have sound now! Yay! But my headphones jack is..well..

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdfa1b50a_photo(2).JPG.aeeb6cdb437c070f3687bf3b60ce049f.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4554" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdfa1b50a_photo(2).JPG.aeeb6cdb437c070f3687bf3b60ce049f.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

xD's....pretty hacked up x'D Whatevs~ ))

Faye watches as the bleeding stops seeping out as much as it was a moment ago. It must be nice to just channel magic like that, she thought to herself. When Varexes forgave her he showed the smallest smile and even though she figured it was probably fake, it made her feel slightly less bad about the situation.

Moving on, he took a few steps forward and began giving orders. Normally something like this would make her kind of annoyed, but after what she had done she figured it would make sense to cut the guy some slack. Plus, he was used to being on his own so she understood that everything went by his rules in his mind.

Faye readied her bow with an arrow as she was planning on doing before Varexes even spoke up about it. She took a few glances around to ensure that nothing was surrounding them at the moment. The sound of leaves crunching in the distance was there, but they were in the middle of the woods at night so what more was there to expect?



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