The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Nami said:
((I think I get what you're saying owo //pats head// WELL the universe is a whore so, xD Good, don't let it bring you down. I noticed everyone craves relationships, but life is so much less stressful when you're single xD So, I don't care for relationships much hahah. And then you just end up disliking the person ten times more in the end so xD It's always a bad idea ||D ))
(I crave relationship because I have none, I don't really care for my family....nobody in real life seems to treat me like anything more than an aquiantance...but I really don't care about those things, I just want one person who I can share the screwed up world with, and who will share their equally screwed up world with me. )
(*randomly pops in during deep conversation. sorry just didn't want you guys to think i bailed the rp. so here's an insurance post in case i cant post later)
(I'm single. But there's this girl in Wyoming who I'm basically reserved for :P

Also, I have a shitty phone, can't create a hotspot with it >.<) 
(It's strange... I have page 300 unblocked, but page 301 is blocked...) 

And Nova, you're our friend. So we got you bro. Nobody in life might, but hey, I lived that way for over 4 years. Internet friends can be more badass than real life ones :D

So just because you don't have anyone in real life doesn't mean you don't have us. SO MEH :P )
(Yes. I know the 'weird' kids always make the best friends ^_^ That is the #1 reason I sought out this site. The second being that I wanted to see how RPing works in practice. Though I don't consider anyone 'weird', society is strange enough without having subcategories of abnormality)
(( Yeah, Ima weird kid xD But I'm proud! xD hahaha. I tend to make better friends online too owo A lot of people I befriend at my school end up being dumbasses in the end hahah--except for my Conservative friends <3 xD lol. It's true! x-x--I was in a long distance relationship for like half a year too, broke up with him few months ago 'cause it was like kinda taking over my life x-x Like, I started to hate texting my other friends and stuff 'cause I texted him so much. It was like a big routine and it just started to get kinda old xT...He also started to get on my nerves lmfao but yeah, whole other story. xDD

BUT YES, we're your friends ^^

P.S. this is totally, totally random but We Came As Romans makes the best Punk Goes Pop covers x-x ))
(Being weird is synonymous with being awesome. :D )


I finished my nightly ritual and then gathered a few sticks and twigs and created a "minefield" of sorts around our little spot. Nothing too complicated or too large, just a few dry twigs that would snap under a foot fall that should wake me instantly. Once I finished, working from the outside towards the inside, I lay down in my spot, made myself comfortable with my bow and arrows next to me and fell fast asleep after muttering one final sentence: "Don't move on without us guys..." Then I was out like a light.
(Pshhh I'm just gonna make Rune fall asleep. I have to write! Yeah, and normal people are boring.Just started at a new school and my only friend so far is pretty off. Almost as off as I am. All the normal people are just...dull. They talk about the same thing, do the same stuff, and act the same way every day. I walk around thinking, "Look at all the normals. Doing normal things. Don't they get bored of themselves? Maybe it's all an act!" *starts getting paranoid.)

Ruineth eventually gave up on cooking. She set the fish aside, despite her hunger. It was all either too burnt or too raw to eat. Maybe she could satisfy her hunger in the morning. With a sigh, Ruineth reluctantly crawled over next to a tree, putting her pack on a root to serve as a pillow. She turned over on her back and glared at the stars. They seemed so full of themselves tonight. There they were, up in the sky without a worry about falling. And Ruineth was there, on the cold ground. Alone.

No. She wasn't alone. She was with a group of elves who cared about her, even though they didn't know her for very long. She gave the stars a smug grin. All they represented was the fact that even though some people may seem close, they are actually very distant. In fact, some of them might not even be there at all. Ruineth had a relationship with a definite closeness and a truthful appearance. She turned to her side, slipping quickly into sleep. And just before she was lost to the dream world, the elf could feel the chill of the stars as they glared down at her.
(OH! I got in trouble today for singing happy birthday to one of my friends at the top of my lungs in the cafeteria at lunch. After we finished, one table applauded, then the entire cafeteria applauded her birthday. I was so proud of myself for embarrassing my friend THAT MUCH.

My vice principal is a bitch -_- she said I'm not allowed to do that ever again. Next time, maybe I can use the intercom at lunch... xD )
(( xDD Screw it, I'm ditching Birch and heading off to find Varexes, Nova, and Val. It'll give Faye something to do hahah

And you got in trouble for that? Man, teachers need to lighten up. ))

As Faye peered into the eerie forest behind her, she wondered if the others were trying to find them at the moment. Even worse, what if something had happened to them? Chills trickled down her spine, causing her to shift positions.

She glanced at Birch for a moment, asking herself if it was worth it... Quickly deciding to go with her gut, she turned to him completely. She placed her hand on Birch's shoulder and leaned forward so she could look him in the eyes.

"Hey, ah, I'm gonna go look around to see if the others are nearby. Why don't you stay here and keep an eye on things for me, kay?" She smiled warmly at him, planting a kiss on his cheek before pushing herself up off the ground.

Faye headed over to where she dropped her few articles of clothing and weapons before heading into the river earlier. She leaned down and picked up her leather belt, wrapping it back around her waist as she let the quiver rest against her hip. After she tightened the buckle, she picked up her bow and held it close to her side as she turned away from the others.

Faye took a few steps forward, a forest leading into pitch darkness just ahead of her. She came to a gradual halt, knowing it would make absolutely no sense to head out there without some sort of light source. So, she turned back around again and headed over to their pile of supplies, shuffling through some things until she pulled out a lantern.

Already set, she twisted the dial and knocked the dirt covered glass a bit before the light inside flickered on. Faye headed back out into the forest, ready to find her friends and ensure that they were okay. There was no way they'd be able to find them without a light source, not to mention it'd be rather difficult if they settled in the woods at night without any supplies other than their weapons.

Faye continued to walk through the woods, holding up her lantern so she could see the marks she made earlier on the trees. She made her steps as gentle and quiet as she could as she stepped upon the leaves, trying not to make loud crunches beneath the soles of her leather boots. Owls hooted mysteriously in the distance and her heart pounded against her chest at the sound of wolves howling in the distance.

She had been walking for about twenty minutes now, questioning whether this was really a good idea to even come out here or not. Was she even going to find the others? What if they'd gone a completely different way somehow?

She squinted through the darkness, allowing the light to guide her along. Taking another step, she was startled to find herself falling face down in the dirt due to another damn root. She lifted her head up, watching as the lantern rolled across the ground while flickering slightly from the damage. As it came to a stop, she noticed a familiar face in the luminosity of the lantern.

Faye gasped, a bit frightened by the sight considering his eyes were closed and he wasn't moving. She rapidly pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, not bothering to wipe the dirt off her face as she quickly stumbled over to him.

"Varexes?!" she whisper shouted, praying to herself that he was just asleep. For some reason she couldn't rid the idea that he was dead from her mind. She began to shake his shoulder rapidly, trying to bring him back to life.
"Var, I'll be up all night, of course I'm going to move around." Nova said as Var fell asleep. 'I wonder where the others could be...and that journal, have to peek at that in the morning.' Novasummoned his spear and began to pace the outer edges of the camp, looking for a nice patch of moonlight to hopefully use to read. 
(How is the magic thing going for Birch?)

I nodded at Nova's comment, thinking, Whatever floats your boat. I slept for what only felt like minutes when a shout woke me up. Before I could react something slammed into me and began shaking me. Instinct kicked in before reason and I flung my hands out to force them into the chest of whoever it was, moving into a roll over my head, arrow in hand like a dagger, bow left on the ground forgotten due to the proximity. "Who are you?" I said through the darkness, my dark cloak making me blend in with the tree I had been up against. I couldn't see, but I saw a dimming light of what appeared to be some form of lantern.

At this point my mind began to work and thoughts raced through my head faster than the adrenaline. The voice sounded familiar. It was frightened and female. When I slammed my hands into whoever it was, they compressed slightly meaning... definitely female. I felt slightly embarrassed about that, but I skipped over the apologies, mind still racing to identify the figure. The next thought was where I was. Forest, stopped for the night. We were trying to find Faye and the group. I was with Nova. Suddenly a final thought raced through my head. FAYE! The voice belonged to Faye!

A mere second after I asked the identity of whoever had shaken me, I stood up. "Faye?" I asked cautiously.
"Oof!" Faye fell backwards, the shove having been very forceful. She closed her eyes momentarily and sighed in agony, regretting her concern.

Finally, she reopened her eyelids and sat up carefully as a ringing pain pounded in her back and her chest. She forced herself up off the ground, using the bottom of her bow to assist her. Once she was back on two feet she placed the bow onto her back again, wincing in pain as it made contact with the area that was still hurting.

"Yep, it's me," she said in a forced cheerful tone. "Remind me to never make any sort of physical contact with you ever again..ugh.."

CRAP! I thought quickly. I grabbed my bow and arrows, placing them in the quiver. "Sorry... instinct... people generally yell at me to wake up. Too many bad experiences with people jumping me while I'm asleep." I said to her quietly, obviously guilty about what had happened. "I couldn't see the marks on the trees so I stopped for the night. I thought the moon would be bright enough to see, but through the canopy I was wrong." I sighed, shaking my head. Screw up. Dumbass. Idiot. "How did you find us?" I asked.
(Since I was homeschooled, I didn't really have a chance to make friends in a school setting. The cool thing for me is that I did two grades a year so that now I have no school besides college soon. The interesting thing though was that a lot of my friends that I made were online. Now I have friends from Judo, but in general I don't like a lot of the people my age. Btw I thought that Valandil was still searching for them. Does that mean Faye passed him? Or that she took a different way? I have no idea what's going on)
"Hah, it's okay.." Faye said, plastering a forgiving grin onto her dirt covered face. She rubbed the back of her neck as that started to hurt as well. She tried to hide the pain as she held back wincing any further.

She then leaned over and grasped the thin metal handle of the lantern before lifting it off the ground. She wiped some of the dirt from the glass as she held it before Varexes's eyes. "Well, I used this," she stated obviously. "The rest of us found a river up ahead in the woods and decided to settle there until we found you guys..but..I was worried so I came out to search for you three." She smiled apologetically at him, feeling a little dense now due to the fact that they were a strong group. 
(( I always wondered what it would be like to be homeschooled. You don't have to deal with people which would be very nice xD But then you gotta figure out ways to make friends :0 But yeah, I end up making friends online in the end xD I made so many friends on Tinierme but then Tinierme died and it's still sad :'c that was the best site ever. lolol. //slapped//

Annnnnnd I thought Val already found the group??? :0

Well, in that case maybe Val got lost? The woods are massive and he didn't have a lantern I'm assuming, so when it got dark maybe he didnt know which way to go since he couldnt see the markings? :x ))

I saw a glimpse of her face through a small streak of moonlight that happened to fall across it, and I saw her forgiving smile. Don't forgive me idiot, I don't deserve it. I hurt you, why are you doing this to me? Don't you understand I don't deserve it and I'm not going to forgive myself?! I screamed in my head. Unsure if whether or not my eyes betrayed me, I attempted to cover it up. "A river? That's great, I could use a snack. Fish are amazing if you can shoot straight." In response my stomach growled loudly, and it was then I realized I hadn't eaten in a very long time, and the last of my food I'd given to Ruineth. I laughed, but to me it sounded hollow and fake. "That thing's a little dingy. Mind if I see it?" I asked, holding out a hand. 
(I know Val was looking for us, but how about he's stumbling around close by and Varexes can hear him? That way we can find YOU.)
Faye blinked, unsure of what he was planning on doing. A part of her hesitated, not wanting him to bother with it in case he screwed it up. After all, the light was already dying a bit.

Without thinking furthermore, she silently held the lantern out for him to take.
(Also, I wanted to be homeschooled in middle school because everyone hated me. Now I've made some actual friends and I realize fuck the haters, whatever they say or do is nothing I haven't experienced before now, so oh well :P

BTW: apologies for swearing, if you want me to cut back on it I will.) 

Nodding my thanks I took the lantern and sat down in a patch of moonlight. I dismantled it carefully, placing pieces in my lap. Fiddling around with it for a bit, the light suddenly brightened and then went out. "Hmm. Curious." Fiddling a bit more I managed to make it bright and it stayed that way when I took my hands away. "Ha! Just had to show it some love. Can't go throwing it around without it getting mad, now can you? It's ok, I've got you all fixed up!" I said, partially talking to myself and partially talking to the lantern. Then suddenly I looked up at Faye. "I talk to inanimate objects." I said with a perfectly straight face. I wiped the dirt from both the inside and outside of the glass and reassembled it, handing it off to Faye.
(( Why would people hate you? :c Lol, middle school is just an embarrassing memory for me x'D I think I thought I was cool and someone would like me, but I look back and laugh because those were my terribly unattractive days. Not that I'm attractive now or anything x''D lmfao, but it was worse. And everyone sucks because they don't care about what people are like on the inside, rather what they look like on the outside so. xD Everyone's really judgmental, like in middle school I was crazily obsessed with Kingdom Hearts and I had alllll my binders decorated with Kingdom Hearts pictures as well as my locker. And everyone made fun of me T^T

B*tches. I still love Kingdom Hearts xD

And no worries, I swear a lot so. xD ))
(Because I'm an annoying and obnoxious piece of shit :P haha, people would try and tease me by saying certain girls liked me, but I never believed them so it never worked xD it was hilarious.

I was ugly, my face was fat because I was on anabolic steroids for my Crohn's disease, and all this other stupid stuff. I just wasn't popular, and I was hated, even by my "friends.")
Faye watched carefully as Varexes fiddled with the lantern. She crossed her arms over her chest, praying he wouldn't break it or something. If the lantern was dead they could possibly be dead next. They were in the middle of the forest at night and she could still hear the faint sound of wolves howling in the distance.

Her hopes fluttered when the lantern brightened, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips, but just as quickly it flickered right out. Her grin vanished right away, about ready to sigh dramatically at his failure. However, he continued to fiddle with the lantern when suddenly the light came back and shone luminously. He removed his hands and it stayed that way, allowing her to smile for real this time and sigh of relief. She chuckled when he talked to himself, not having seen this side of him earlier. She took the lantern back, happy that it was working better.

"I shouldn't have doubted you," she said, looking up at him joyfully.

I shrugged. "It's nothing. The lantern is simple, you just gotta fiddle around. Honestly I just stuck my fingers in and felt around and messed with things." That was pretty much what I did because I couldn't see the mechanism, only I also used how things felt in order to know which way to push things to make it work. "It's old, it needs some maintenance. Tomorrow I can see what I can do to make it permanent. For now, don't swing it around too much, else it'll go out again."

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