The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"Well he kissed you first. So I'd assume he wanted to kiss you." Ruineth said, relieved that Faye wasn't angry with her. She honestly didn't know why she was worried. She was bad at overreacting about such things. She added that to her list of "Things to Change About Myself". She tightened her braid, as she always did to reassure herself.
Jess smiled to herself as she looked at everyone, especially Faye and Birch. The urge she had to wolf whistle when those two kissed again was huge but she somehow refrained herself from doing so. It would of only added to the awkwardness and embarrassment for them. She just shook her head with a smile on her face and walked over to Ruineth and Faye, sitting down next to them quietly.
(Ok lol. Btw just started playing LoL and noticed that your avatar was Riven)

Valandil turned and looked in the direction from where they came. He began to worry about the others. "If we keep moving while the others are searching for whatever Nova wanted, they'll have a hard time catching up. He turned to Jess and Ruineth and said "I'm going back to look for Varaxes and Nova. If I can't find them I'll come back." He then started walking.
Faye smiled at Ruineth and laughed a little too loudly. "Yeah, maybe. But he seemed a little more than startled. Maybe it was a mistake when he kissed me," she said with a sigh, unsure of why exactly she was putting herself down like this. It was probably due to the fact that she still not only felt embarrassed, but a bit humiliated as well. She didn't think she handled the situation well.

"Maybe I'm not cut out for this relationship stuff," she said quietly, chuckling softly as well. Despite her attempts to seem positive, it was more than clear she was a little stressed at this point.

Faye looked up as Jess took a seat beside her and smiled weakly at the girl. She wondered if she'd seen all the embarrassment that occurred earlier. After all, Ruineth hadn't seen it the second time.
Ruineth smiled when Jess sat down. "Don't say that. Everything happens for a reason, after all. Maybe you should talk to him about it." She looked at Birch, then at Valandil as he left. She sighed. Now she would begin to worry. If they didn't return soon... She returned to Faye. "Everyone is cut out for a relationship. You just have to find the one you were specifically cut for. It's sort of like a jigsaw puzzle."

Nova's idea was good. But I had no idea how to make it work, so I decided to let him lead. "Your idea, your lead, Nova." I said quickly, loosing another arrow. 20 left. I thought.


Grimacing, Nova prepared to create a wall of ice at the doorway. It wouldn't be that strong, but it might drive the mutant into the door. "Force the rabbit into the door." Was all he said, concentrating and calling upon the meagre power within his amulet.


The rabbit roared at me as I crouched and loosed another arrow. 19. The 4 arrows I'd shot so far were sticking out of the rabbit's hide, obviously tickling it and pissing it off more than actually hurting it. "Eyes.." I muttered, rolling in front of the door. "COME AT ME!" I shouted, waving my bow around, ready to dive out of the way, glancing at Nova. "I hope you know what you're doing..." I muttered. Nova merely nodded, eyes closed as he concentrated. I pulled out one arrow and shot it straight into the rabbit's chest, where it stuck to draw out another roar. "COME AND GET ME!" The rabbit complied.


The spell was ready, all it took was Varexes to get the rabbit to the door. Come on, I can't hold this up forever. Nova thought, the pressure of the spell being held back beginning to wear on his endurance. Almost immediately after this thought, the rabbit hopped at Varexes who rolled away. Instantly the rabbit stopped and tried to turn, but it was too late: the spell was cast. A sudden wall of ice appeared around the rabbit, startling it. With a screech it fell backwards in an attempt to escape the suddenness of the wall...

Straight into the door. Nova stepped backwards while Varexes huddled by the opposite wall. A flash of purple shone within the ice, which contained it for 3 seconds, then shattering it. The ice shattered into a cone which shimmered a strange lilac color, then faded almost immediately. The rabbit's body was a pile of ash on the floor and the door seemed dimmer. "The enchantment's gone." He said simply, stepping towards to open the door.


I stood up at Nova's response and followed him through the door that he quite safely opened. "Good job Nova." My voice had a hint of awe in it, and while I was down to 19 arrows, those and magic would be more than enough for almost anything. Grinning at the nearly flawless teamwork, I followed Nova into what looked to be some sort of workshop. "Woah..." I said, gazing around at all of the alembics and various other pieces of equipment. "What specifically do you need? We can't take all the books..."


Nova nodded, impressed at the workshop. "It hasn't been touched in a while. Look for any books on controlling elements or ice magic." Luckily most of the room was workbenches and experiments rather than bookshelves. There were still plenty of those, but not many, and it took Nova and Varexes little time to scan them all. "These books are all on theory. Some of them might be good, but these are all." 5 books were all Nova had found that might be useful, and those he slipped into his bag. Varexes pointed at some of the workbenches. "There's books on the tables."


I hopped over to a couple of the books and closed them to glance at their covers, but none of them looked like they'd help. But there was one book where it was written in scratchy handwriting, and when I looked at the cover I realized it was a journal. I tossed it over to Nova. "That's a journal of some kind. That might help. But other than that, there's nothing. Sorry Nova." I was a bit down, because I was actually hoping for something to give to Nova, but I suppose it didn't matter. We'd find more books or something at the next town, and you never know when we might run into another wizard. "We've been gone for almost a day. We should rush to catch up." I told Nova and walked out of the ruins with him. "I can find a way back to where we were, but after that we'll have to look for marks that Faye hopefully left behind." Nova nodded at me, and I started walking out of the ruins back towards where we'd split up from Faye. It would take us perhaps two days if we moved faster than Faye, so I set a pace that Nova would have to keep up. 
(I really hope I got Nova's character right. He seems kinda... cold and calm and very introverted, so I tried to portray him as that... hopefully I didn't screw up too much. >.<)
Jess nodded her head in agreement with Ruineth. "Mhm. Stop talking so down Faye, I mean you would be amazing for a relationship, especially with Birch. Your patient, caring, optimistic and an overall selfless person. No ones perfect though but like Ruineth said, everything happens for a reason." She thought for a second before adding in, "Even if the reason doesn't make since yet."
(And yeah xD haha, I might change it to a thing of riven I made myself :P well, I just recolored it, but I made it all blue instead of green :3) 
(Which I just did :D haha, Riven is my favorite champ. She's such a badass)
(Lol. I'm still having trouble wit getting adjusted to the games style. I just got Warwick and still need to try him out. I like to use Ashe a lot too)
Listening to the girls try and boost her confidence, Faye was actually starting to get back to her usual positive mood once again. She sat up straighter, stretching her legs out in front of her. Slowly, she began to nod while she gazed off into the distance.

Finally, she said in a quiet tone, " know, maybe you guys are right..." With that, a cheerful smile swept across her clean face as she laughed the way she usually did. The twinkle in her eyes had returned.

"Well, enough about Birch and I!" she exclaimed, waving the thought away at last. To be honest, she was still a bit embarrassed by it all and the idea was seeming to bring her rare negative thoughts. "What's new with you guys?" she wondered, even though they'd pretty much been together the entire time.
Ruineth laughed. "New? Well I noticed this new spot of dirt on my hand." She joked. She was glad Faye started to grow happy again. She hated when elves were upset or uncomfortable. She thought about what was new when she was at home. In truth, she did have an interest in one of the elvish boys there. But when she told him, he sort of just choked and said "Okay". And that was the end if Ruineth's live life. 
(If you want you can add me. Alcatraz01 is my summoner. I'll play with you and help you out if you like. I'm silver 2 from silver 5 and I've been playing for over a year.)


I led Nova on the path at a light jog, a pace that I doubted Faye would have the group keep up. Not quite as fast as I'd like, but one that I knew Nova could keep up for the next two days. After a few moments I'd caught up to where we'd left Faye and the others and I began to follow their tracks. Luckily I noticed the obvious marks on the trees and began to make a mental map in my head as I jogged, in case I needed to back track. Hopefully they haven't found a river or patch of rock where I won't be able to track them... I thought to myself, not letting that fear show on my face.
Jess smiled, happy that Faye was going back to her normal self. "Nothing new with me." She lays back and looks up at the sky, noticing how it was becoming sunset. "I say we stay here for maybe a day or two. Nova. Varexes, and Valandil are still out there, maybe even trying to find us. Plus it is a good place to relax and get some stress out." In all honesty, Jess was exhausted. She wasn't able to sleep at all last night because of the random bursts of thunder that occurred, the big trek to this river didn't really help either.
Faye laughed at Ruineth's response, knowing it was a stupid question to ask. However, she didn't know what else to say at the time. She then turned to Jess as she spoke, suggesting they stay at the river for a while. She was correct, their other friends were still probably searching for them and it wouldn't make much sense to keep moving until they were no longer separated.

Faye nodded before laying back and gazing up into the darkening sky. It felt nice to lay down and hear the rushing of the water right in front of them. Although it had rained earlier, the day had certainly cleared up and become beautiful. The temperature was nice and cool with a gentle breeze as well.

"Sounds like a plan," she agreed, throwing her hands behind her head.
Ruineth agreed happily. It had been a long time since her last full night's sleep. She leaned back and watched the faint glints of light as the stars slowly appeared in the sky. She yawned and stood to walk into the thicket. "If we're staying here, we best build a fire." She said. "I'm going to gather some wood and kindling." She walked on, searching for thick chunks of wood and smaller flammable pieces. The smell of old fallen leaves filled her nose, mixing with the cool air. It was always a lonely mixture of smells, but tonight they seemed like home.

As the sun began to set I started getting nervous. If we were stuck out here in the dark, there was a very high chance of getting lost, and if I got lost it'd be twice as hard to find the path. But if Faye decided to keep moving in the dark to try and make up for all the distance we lost, then we'd be even further behind. What to do... I thought to myself as I rushed forward, following the tracks and markings Faye made. Suddenly I stopped. "Hang on Nova... look at this." I pointed at the ground where there was a scuffle. "They were walking here." In the dimming light it was hard to make it out exactly. "They were walking, and someone got attacked. My guess is Faye, from the size and angle. Also, right there is a stab mark that looks like it could be from a bow. Something jumped at her from... there." I said pointing, running around behind the tree. "Something rabid. There's some wet marks that look like they could've been foaming. They're bubbly. It jumped, attacked Faye, and she had to fight it off with her bow. A wolf, probably Jess, knocked whatever it was off of Faye, but didn't bite. Then there's a kneeling mark here where Faye probably knelt and loosed an arrow and killed it."

I felt proud, especially since the dimming light made it nearly impossible to see, so I was filling in the holes using logic. "There's fresh dirt over there, suggesting they dug a hole and filled it up to bury the rabid animal. It was small, smaller than a wolf, so probably a fox or something." At this point the sun was too dim to see much, but there was one thing I saw for sure: more tracks, from more than just a fox. Bigger too, and fresher. "Something big passed by here. It looks like a wolf but... it looks too big to be one. These prints..." A thrill of fear ran through me. "We'll stop for a few hours, wait for the moon to come out and light our way." I wanted to get back to the group as fast as possible in case whatever had passed by was dangerous, which it probably was.
Athral said:
(Ok lol. Btw just started playing LoL and noticed that your avatar was Riven)
Valandil turned and looked in the direction from where they came. He began to worry about the others. "If we keep moving while the others are searching for whatever Nova wanted, they'll have a hard time catching up. He turned to Jess and Ruineth and said "I'm going back to look for Varaxes and Nova. If I can't find them I'll come back." He then started walking.
( How dare you leave me out, you worm! Stand in awe of my Veigar avatar! >:V ) 

PsycoWarlock13 said:
( How dare you leave me out, you worm! Stand in awe of my Veigar avatar! >:V )
( :D Oh. And I play LoL too. Add Vindaragorn. )
As time passed and the sky got a little darker, Birch had still barely moved. Perhaps the only thing that was different was how his head was turned, his eyes set on Faye though his gaze was the same as when he looked at the water. He was curious about her, curious what she could be talking about. Of course it was her and two girls and there had been kissing involved a bit earlier so it was probably gossip. At least, that's what his understanding of girls told him. Of course now that his heart rate was down he wanted to talk to her too. Talk to her about exactly what had gone on and what it meant. Of course he couldn't be -that- blunt, it wasn't in his nature. Nova was right. He was like water, passive and free flowing. Still, he could at least talk to her.

As she laid out on the ground, he began to scoot closer to her, trying to fight his nerves which must have been pretty successful because he found himself sitting right next to her. After a moment of silence, he cleared his throat and muttered, "Hey, Faye." He went quiet again, trying to pick up his thoughts before saying in the quietest of voices, "I'm sort of cold from being in the water. M-Mind if I sit with you?" He flinches verbally at his own stuttering, hating his own weakness.
Faye's pupils slide to the right, seeing Birch scooting beside her as he speaks up. She smiles warmly at him while sitting back up. "Of course I don't mind," she says cheerfully, moving a few inches closer so that she can lean up against his side.

She looks at him for a moment, but when she realizes how close their faces are she turns away again and focuses her gaze on the clear water. Her cheeks were turning pink again due to the fact that she wanted, almost needed, to kiss him again. Sitting this close to him was just making it more difficult for her, but she was able to keep her cool.

Faye picked up a pebble and chucked it at the body of water, watching as it skims across the surface before falling under. She picks up another and hands it to Birch this time, indicating that he do the same.
Birch put on a small smile as Faye seemed happy to have him sitting next to her. It was such a simple thing, something he wouldn't - and didn't - take advantage of a few days prior but now it felt like something else. Like there was more to it despite the motions being the same. As he tried to figure this out, Faye started skipping stones. He watched as she chucked it across the water, seeing it skip a few times on it's way. Birch looked impressed but what must have been such a simple thing to do, never being able to pull off the trick himself. Almost as if the world had to prove his thought, Faye silently handed him his own pebble. Frowning down at the little rock, he looked up and tried throwing it just as Faye had before though without anything near the same result as it simply hit the water and sunk.
Faye chuckled as she watched the rock sink right to the bottom of the river after Birch threw it. It was obvious that he'd never tried skipping a rock before, or he at least hadn't practiced enough. Then again, they must've done this together when they were kids. He probably just didn't remember how.

"Here," she said, picking up a perfectly smooth rock and grabbing Birch's wrist.

She placed the rock sideways against his palm before positioning his thumb over the top and his middle finger on the bottom. After placing his index finger on the top, she released her hands.

"Now, move your wrist like this when you throw it," she said, demonstrating an example for him. She moved her arm back and swung her wrist forward as if she were throwing a Frisbee of some sort. Faye then put her arm back down, smiling as she awaited his next attempt.
Birch didn't get time to pout over his failure as Faye quickly encouraged him onward, the warm touch of her hand surprising him. Turning his head towards her, his eyes completely avoided his hand and focus on her face as she tried to help him do it right. Her hair was still wet, making it look a bit darker and straighter than normal. Feeling his cheeks tinge peek, it took him a moment to realize that she'd let go of his hand. Scrambling his mind for what she'd just said, he nodded and looked back towards the water. He looked out across the water, trying to concentrate as he moved his wrist a few times in a practice motion before giving it a sharp throw after the sixth time. It was still not great but he felt a happy feeling rise up in him as he saw two skips across the water before it sunk again.
"Woo!" Faye exclaimed, laughing joyfully at his success as she clapped her hands together a few times. "See, it's easy. You just gotta practice a bit," she said, finally gaining the courage to look directly at his face.

She was clearly happy, but also doing her best to not think about what had happened earlier. As much as Ruineth and Jess had tried to convince her that Birch had feelings for her, she couldn't help but feel as if that wasn't the case. Sure, he pecked her on the lips before, but maybe it really meant nothing. Maybe in his book that was some sort of friendly gesture.

As the thought of kissing someone being a friendly gesture crossed her mind, she couldn't help but laugh aloud for a quick second. She quickly shut her mouth and bit her lip, turning away from Birch and distracting herself by searching for another rock to skip.
Birch did his best to not look so pleased with himself as Faye gave him praise, making his cheeks burn up even more. Of course it was still a small thing done very poorly but it was an improvement and one that she'd helped him with. "Thanks," he muttered, his smile growing a bit as he looked over a there. He watched her silently for a moment, actually jumping a bit when she suddenly laughed and quickly growing concerned as she looked away from him. Was she nervous? Did he do something wrong? Trying to not panic, his eyes darted towards the riverbed they were sitting on. Sitting right there was one of Faye's hands and for the second time today, Birch thought of doing something spontaneous. It wasn't a long debate what with it being so simple but still one he hesitate about beforehand. Deciding to damn the mere idea of anything going bad, he scooted his hands across the rocks, feeling his fingers brush her hand before he moved his palm against hers and gripped her hand gently.

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