The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Jess smiled at the two as Birch gave Faye a peck in the lips but she quickly looked away. 'Feels like I'm interrupting a private moment.' She thought, turning back to Ruineth. "Well everyone thought I was an outcast. I mean yes, going on this adventure is something that I would never change and yes the others are sitting there doing nothing but I couldn't have agreed with them more. I never fussed about it either because it didn't really bother me." 'That much.' She added the last part to herself.
Faye was quite startled when Birch leaned in and quickly kissed her on the lips. She didn't stay wide eyed at all though, actually she let her eyes close gently when she noticed him start leaning towards her. It felt more like a dream, but when he pulled away just as fast he froze, his golden eyes locked on hers as he left his hands on her shoulders. She could tell by his expression that he was even surprised by his sudden action.

Faye was smiling cheerfully, although you could tell she was attempting to hide it as she bit her lip and looked away. Her cheeks had also turned a rosy shade of pink, finally allowing her hands to slip from his shoulders.

After hesitating a moment she carefully looked back up at him and said softly, "That was nice..."
"Well, you still shouldn't call yourself an outcast. It's too negative, and you should think higher of yourself. How about...independent?" Ruineth suggested. She hated it when people were hurt. And though she didn't say it, it was obvious Jess didn't like being outcast. No one does.
Birch didn't react to the world around him until Faye had turned away and then looked back again. It wasn't much of an improvement since he seemed to go from turning to stone to being a deer in the headlights, almost looking afraid to have her attention. He didn't know what to do next and despite her words and the word of everyone who was watching them - oh my God, people had been watching! - he couldn't help but feel dreadful and small. Very slowly his hands began to loosen on her shoulders and he started to move backwards out of the water as he mumbled, "Sorry..."
(Well, this is what I get for going on a walk xD I missed something big :P hahaha. Unfortunately, I can't do anything until Nova responds -_- )
Jess rolls her eyes but she still smiles faintly. "Okay, I will now consider myself independent then, instead of an outcast." She puts her pouch back around her neck before leaning back against the tree. 'Thinking higher about myself is easier said than done.' She thought to herself, looking up at the fluffy clouds. "I hope they won't feel awkward now that someone made a move." She gestures over to Faye and Birch with her hand.
Despite the fact that Birch was clearly feeling humiliated, Faye smirked at him. "The only thing you should be sorry about is not giving me the chance to kiss you back," she called out to him with a wink as he backed away.

Faye chuckled quietly to herself, unable to remove the joyful smile from her face as she turned back to her jacket...which she had let sink under water. She reached her hand down and searched around until she felt the fabric, pulling it out of the water. She soaked it a bit more before holding it up and wringing it out. 
(( #TeamFirch xD ))
Birch stopped dead again as he heard Faye speak up and for the first time since he'd let go of her, he realized that she wasn't stunned or upset or outright embarrassed. In fact, what she shouted made him feel more meek than she looked. Was she being serious? Faye didn't seem the type to tease something like this but she was taking all of this with such stride. Did she know that he felt like this already? Had she wanted this? Before he could reach the shore, he had stopped and after an age of thinking he began to slink back into the water again.

All the moisture his clothes had picked up - he had been pulled in with all of his clothes on after all - was weighing him down terribly but it didn't stop him from getting about a foot away from Faye, his eyes meeting hers as he continued to look meek. After a moment of dead silence he managed to barely whisper the word, "Hi."
Faye looked up, seeing Birch awkwardly standing beside her in the water. All he had said was "Hi" which seemed a little vague considering he had just stolen her very first kiss. Then again, she didn't really think of it as stealing...after all, she wanted her first kiss to be with Birch.

Ever since it happened, there hadn't been a moment she wasn't smiling. Not to mention, her cheeks were a rosy shade of pink still. Although, the event happened so quick that she was barely able to enjoy it. Of course, she did enjoy it for the split second it lasted.

"Come here," she said, gesturing for Birch to come closer. She had her usual cheery smile on, but her face was tinted pink.
Birch hesitated for a very, very long time. It wasn't that he didn't want to move closer but he just wasn't sure what to expect if he did. She seemed rather happy, cheerful actually. She was always happy but this seemed to be something else. She seemed almost ecstatic. So despite every inch of him wanting to run away and hide in the darkest corner he could find, his feet managed to stumble their way a little closer to Faye, not a single word being uttered by him.
Ruineth sighed. "Yes. It always makes things awkward when two people kiss. But Faye doesn't seem like the type to think of things as awkward. Besides..." She chuckled softly, lowering her voice. "I think she rather liked it." She smiled and stood. "I'm going to get another drink of water. We might be leaving soon, and I'm going to indulge in the liquid while I can!"
Faye hesitated for the slightest moment as Birch approached her with caution, but figured there was no time to waste--her usual idea of things. Without taking another second to think, she reached out and grabbed the collar of his shirt before pulling him forwards and pressing her lips against his.

Unlike Birch, she wasn't the least bit quick to pull away. Of course she had been interested in him for quite some time now, but even for her she was too shy to tell him. Though, he had already made the first move, so she figured he felt the same way.

After a good ten seconds, she reluctantly pulled away without caring who was watching. After all, she was blocking out the world around her while she kissed him. Even though she had been so confident to do what she had just done, her face was still burning up with slight embarrassment. Faye wasn't sure if she had forced that on him too much as she did with many other things like just getting him out here in the water to begin with, but it was simply because she really liked Birch.

"Best...ten seconds of my life.." she blurted awkwardly, not even meaning to say that out loud.

After a few more moments with her sparkling grey eyes locked on his golden ones, realization was finally starting to sink in. She rapidly released her hands from the collar of his shirt, her jacket still in her grasp. She looked away, focusing her gaze on the beautifully clear water surrounding them.

"Uh...I.." she stammered, glancing around to try and search for something to say, "need jacket--er, I have to, um, give my jacket to Ruineth..yeah--she's, uh, gonna fix it up..and stuff.." Faye held her sopping wet jacket up in front of his face as she spoke, unable to get more obvious than that. She shot him an awkwardly dazzling smile before laughing shortly and moving around him.

Faye dragged herself out of the water, truly not wanting to leave Birch's presence, but after what she just did her heart was racing. Now she understood how Birch must've felt after he kissed her first. She then fell right beside Ruineth at the edge of the creek and sighed happily.

"I, uh, washed this for you," Faye said to the girl, plopping the jacket in her own lap. "It's sopping wet though now, so I'm guessing you'll need to wait for it to dry to do anything to it."
Ruineth looked over at Faye. Water was dripping down her chin. She wiped it away before responding. "Thank you, Faye. I'll get started as soon as possible." She said, looking over at Birch. She tried not to notice Faye's red face. What had happened in the few minutes Ruineth had her back turned? She dismissed the thought. If Faye wanted to share something, that was her business. Ruineth picked up the basket she'd weaved. "I can carry the jacket in here so nothing gets wet." She said.
Faye smiled warmly at the girl before nodding. She then picked up her jacket from her lap and placed it in Ruineth's basket.

"Thanks," she said gratefully. She was glad that they now had a tailor around, which made her wonder what talent the next elf that stumbled upon them would have. "I wonder how Nova and Varexes are doing back at the ruins..." she thought aloud. "I wonder if they're on there way to find us, yet."
Ruineth shrugged. "Hopefully. If not, I'm sure they'll be fine." She looked up. A few clouds floated about, and the sky was a deep blue. She took in a deep breath, savoring the feeling of fresh air filling her lungs. She couldn't help but looking at Faye and Birch a few times. She saw Birch peck her on the lips, but Faye didn't seem to mind. Now... "No, Ruineth." She thought to herself. "Stop worrying about others' business. It's rude." She let the thoughts pass, focusing on Faye's concern with the other elves.
If Birch was barely thinking when he kissed Faye, then his brain wasn't doing a damn thing when she suddenly grabbed him and smothered him with her lips. Everything sort of blanked out as he suddenly found himself unable to enjoy the moment. Of course he was far too surprised and far too meek to actually kiss back at first but in the very last second he thought he did something. Maybe. Whatever the case, everything snapped back to normal when Faye finally pulled back. Without needing to see a reflection, Birch knew that he looked stupefied. His eyes were wider than ever, his face was deep tomato red and he felt like all of the muscles in his body had seized up.

Time seemed to shoot by at lightning speed because in what felt like a split second, Faye had gone off to the shore again and her words took ages to sink in. After what felt like an age he started to move again, pulling himself back onto the shore and finding a nice warm path of ground to sit on. Without so much as a sideways glance at the others there, he began staring out onto the the water, his expression somewhat thoughtful.
(Well, I miss a lot apparently. xD

So... since I can't really do anything without Nova... would it be OK if I just took control for a bit? Like, it's OK to bitch at me for asking, but I'm so bored, and I don't know what else to do... I have some ideas and I just want to continue with my part instead of being an observer, especially because I don't want you guys getting too far ahead. So... would it be OK for just a little bit, or is that a "hell no gtfo you're stupid" idea?)
Faye sighed to herself, but it unwillingly came out dreamily. Then again, she was still thinking about the past events that had occurred in her favor. She hugged her legs close to her chest, her arms wrapped around the sopping wet leggings she was wearing.

"Yeah, I hope they find us soon..." she responded, although her voice sounded distant as she watched Birch take a seat a few yards away. 
(( Alcatraz Yes, this is one of those situations xD So, yes, you can control Nova for the time being. Just a bit, though. You're a good writer/roleplayer so I'm sure he wouldn't mind ^^))
Ruineth nodded, watching the river again. She picked at the grass near her feet. One of her eyebrows perked up, and she felt herself laugh. "I'm sorry. I've tried, but I just can't help myself." She said. "What happened with you and Birch? You know, after he kissed you?" She said it quickly, embarrassed by her her own prying. She felt rude for bringing it up, but by this point she was going crazy.
Faye suddenly turned back to Ruineth as she snapped back to reality. Her cheeks turned even rosier than they had been as she smiled shyly.

"Hah, you didn't see? I kinda forced him into another kiss," she said, chuckling softly to herself. Faye buried her face in her hands, unable to hide her embarrassment.
Ruineth laughed at Faye's embarrassment. "Well I had my back turned. What is there to be ashamed of? I don't think he minded, that's for sure." Ruineth's eyes grew wide. She slapped her hand over her mouth. Her face grew red. "Faye! Forgive me for speaking that way!" She said.
(OK. Thank you. I'm so bored xD Sorry Nova!)


When he heard Varexes shout, he stepped quickly, dropping a book that wasn't entirely scorched. "What is it Varex-" Cutting off as he entered, the purple shimmer on the floor just disappeared. "What did you do?!" He asked, voice rising. Varexes pointed his bow at the door. "I shot an arrow and damn near got murdered. Think this is what you're looking for?" Nova nodded and walked up to the door. "I can certainly feel magical energies coming off of the door. I'm not sure what though, or how to counter it."


At that I grimaced. "Is there any way we can perhaps dissipate it? Or redirect the energy?" I took one step into the next room, nervous about the increasing number of scratch marks. Not looking at Nova, all he knew was when he spoke. "No, we can't dissipate it. For all we know, the amount of power in this door could be enough to last an eternity. We'll have to find a way around it." I turned towards him. "Couldn't you redirect it into the wall? Or absorb it into some magical pendant?" Having no clue as to how magic worked, and not really wanting to, I was throwing out possible solutions.


Staying cool and calm as he always does, Nova shook his head. "No, that-" pausing as he thought for a moment. "I can't absorb it into my amulet, for my magic is too different. It would poison me if I ever tried to access it. But perhaps I could use my amulet as a mirror of sorts and redirect the magic into the walls by expunging my own magic at the same time. It'd be like funneling it. But if I make a mistake, I'll probably die." It was the honest truth, and while Nova wanted more magic books, he wasn't sure whether or not he was willing to risk his life for them.


I was about to respond when I heard a crashing noise from behind me. "What the-" I turned and got smacked in the head by something large and what looked to be furry. "Get down!" Nova said firmly as I was thrown across the room, landing next to the door. I rolled to the side and pulled up my bow and glanced at what I was going to shoot and hesitated. "What the..." I said before I fired at the giant rabbit with red eyes, large buck teeth and foreclaws.


Nova flung out a bolt of ice to discourage the rabbit from entering the room. Perhaps we can use the rabbit to get through the door... but how can I tell Varexes that in time? The thought flashed through his head in an instant before an arrow suddenly stuck out of the rabbit. As it roared, Nova looked down at Varexes. "Use it to get the door." Varexes nodded and fired off another arrow.
(Would it be ok if I walked back to look for Nova and Varaxes? I don't want to mess up anything Alc had planned though. I just haven't really known what to post for the last couple days)
((Oh god, another mutant bunny xD

and Athral do as you wish! c: )) 
Faye removed her hands from her face and looked at Ruineth, her eyes sparkling with both curiosity and humor. She started laughing while shaking her head a bit.

"Hahah, don't worry, Ruineth. I don't mind if you talk about it with me.." She turned back to face the water, picking up a pebble and skimming it across the shimmering water. "I'm actually not sure if he enjoyed it--I mean I did," she says, her face reddening, "but I might've been too forceful...because I'm an idiot." She sighed, shaking her head with an amused smile however. Boy, was she awkward and dumb the majority of the time.
(He said something about a mutant bunny earlier and i thought it appropriate xD hahaha, sorry :P

Athral, if you show up I'll fit you in xD although it might be easier if you just meet up when we leave the ruins.)

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