The Path From Fayland - Official RP


Nodding at Zerion, I took a step forward into the next room. More scratches going out the door to the right, and the door to the left was closed. The room was mostly bare, a broken pot or two, and a cracked window straight ahead. I was about to go right when I realized something.

Wait a second... I thought to myself as I turned back to the other door. "Hey Nova. These ruins, how old are they? I found a door here that looks... clean." I wasn't sure how else to describe it. It was solid and vibrant, almost like it was actually kept clean and in repair when the rest of the ruins... well, fell into ruin. A shiver ran through my body and I glanced through the other doorway to make sure it was clear, then walked back to the door, reaching out a hand to touch it, hesitating with my fingers millimeters away.
"I don't know. But this book is odd, it doesn't have the signature protection rune on the cover but it is bound the correct way. The pages seem fairly damaged though."

At the sound of Nova's voice I stopped and turned. "Nova, come here. This door.... it's weird. I think it's enchanted."
(Zerion felt a knife go in his heart as he died on the ground. He was shocked he didn't see that coming and bleed until he died. The figure that killed him then went up to the building where Nova and another where. He then put his dagger away and pulled out his long sword. Stepping out of the shadows Caricon grinned.

"I'm back," he said smiling like the devil.

I wish I could post that.)
The group of elves continued to walk..and walk..and walk further into the forest. About a half an hour had passed, although it felt more like five hours had passed. Along the way she had made a number of various marks among the trees they passed so that Nova, Varexes, and Zerion would be able to find them eventually. She felt a smidgen guilty for walking so far and not stopping to let the others catch up, but there was no time to waste.

However, at the moment she was currently feeling drained from all the traveling, her legs aching slightly. She tried to ignore it as best she could, but after turning to mark another tree she leaned her back against the bark and started to close her eyes so she could try and catch her breath.

Just as her eyelids shut, she heard a faint growl somewhere behind her. Her eyes popped open again, hesitating a moment before turning ever so quietly to see what was behind the tree. Right as she stepped to the side, a red fox pounced at her.

She gasped, falling to the ground as the animal pushed her down. She winced, seeing its sharp teeth right above her face. She used her bow to keep it from clawing at her face.
Jess, who watched the animal attack Faye, gasped. The fox must of had rabies because they wouldn't just openly attack someone. She ran over and knocked the animal off with her head, growing at the little creature. 'Can't bite it or else the rabies will get transferred to me.' She thought, another low growl coming out of her throat.

I stepped back away from the door, lightly stepping on the balls of my feet and preparing myself to roll out of the way. One shot, otherwise I might get hit with a blast of magic. Drawing myself to my full height, back and arms parallel and straight as I pulled my bow back, resting my thumb on the corner of my mouth, I took a deep breath and shot the arrow at the door.

As I released, I hesitated for half a second for the arrow to leave the bow, then I dove out of the way, rolling as I did to dodge the incoming blast of magic. Not bothering to look, I simply rolled and huddled until I felt my skin stop crawling. I turned back to see the door looking completely untouched, but the floor where I'd been standing was scorched purple. My heart beat faster and adrenaline began to pump through my system. Drawing another arrow I stood up. "NOVA!" I yelled, fear cracking my voice.
She had noticed foam welling up in the animal's mouth from above her bow, droplets trickling down onto her face. Faye continued to hold the bow in between her and the fox, keeping it from biting her. Her heart was pounding rapidly, when Jess smacked the animal off of her body.

The fox skid across the ground through the leaves, growling continuously. Faye sat up while turning her head, seeing the spark of craziness in the scarlet eyes of the animal. It dug its paw into the dirt before pouncing at her again, but Faye was quick to slide out of the way before they could repeat what had happened moments ago.

She flung herself onto the soles of her leather boots, her eyes darting to Jess as the fox jumped at the wolf this time around. This was her chance. Faye hastily retrieved an arrow from her quiver and swung it into her bow before lifting it up to aim directly at the fox. Without waiting another second, Faye released the arrow and watched as it swiftly flew through the air and pierced right through the animal's heart.
Jess stood her ground, watching as the fox got flung off balance, an arrow sticking out from its heart. A few more growls escaped passed her muzzle as she stared at the dead animal with foam dripping from it's mouth, an insane craziness still flitting through its opened eyes. She let out a sigh and walked over to Faye, licking her hand once to show Faye that she was grateful for her killing the rabid animal.
(I was looking at the RP website doing my regular stalking and I found that Caricon is not on the dead chars section can you please add him there?)
Ruineth gasped at the animal's attack. But by the time she'd managed to get the dagger from her boot, it was taken care of. She jogged over to Faye and Jess, cursing herself for being so slow. "Faye! Jess! Are you two okay?" She asked. Her dagger was still in her hand. She glanced at the fox. It was dead, obviously. But she didn't trust it. What if something else came and she was too slow again? "Maybe now would be a good time to rest." She suggested. "I could work on your jacket, Faye."
Faye was panting from the sudden action as she put her bow arm down, glancing around the area for anymore rabid animals. Fortunately, there were none in sight. She walked over to Jess and Ruineth, nodding her head a few times.

"Yeah," she said finally, "I'm fine. That was a close one, though. That fox certainly had rabies." She wiped some of the foam from her cheek, grateful that she was lucky enough not to get bitten. If it weren't for her bow, she wouldn't have had any way to fend the animal off.

She kept her bow gripped tightly in her right hand just in case, petting Jess on the head with her left. She looked up to Ruineth as she did so.

"Sure, but I think I hear a river or a stream..or something up ahead. Why don't we try and find our way over to it and settle there? We could wash some of the blood off of my jacket too," she suggested, shrugging at the idea.
Jess perked up at the sound of running water, wanting nothing more than to get somewhat clean. She wagged her tail at Faye before she began to dig up a hole. Once the whole was complete she nuzzled the fox into it. 'Wouldn't want another animal to catch rabies no would we.' She thought, placing that dirt back into the hole.
"Alright." Ruineth said. She pulled out the items she'd weaved. She stared at the strips and patches, contemplating what to do with them. She walked down the path, putting the pieces together. It ended up being some sort of basket. Ruineth sighed. What would she do with a basket? She put her arm through it, and remembered her thirst. "I'm glad we're stopping at a water source." She thought to herself. "I can fill my water pouch while we're there.
Hearing Nova's name being called Zerion rushed in the ruins his hammer in hand. He looked at the door and saw it was out of place. Totally obvious to the fact some was wrong he went up and taped the wood one, twice, and then he brought the hammer down and brought a blinding shoot of light and energy came off of it. After that Zerion laid unconous his hammer in his hand next to him a door eroding right before their eyes. It then turned into dust and the only thing left was a small pile of dust and the destruction of an entire building.
(Wait, what? Zerion touches the door with his hands, gets knocked unconscious, a WHAT erodes before his eyes, then the entire ruins collapses? that doesn't fit with what I said though. the door is protected by magic, but it's not going to destroy the ruins.)
(Well it is a magic hammer and he used all his strength and the magic hammer to break to door. Although that left him almost dead and without help he will end up like the door)

As his body sat their it began to age. Slowly wrinkles appeared on his skin and he became older before their eyes.
(Right... that makes no sense. If the ruins were destroyed, it would collapse and crush all 3 of us, you me and Nova. That means that you basically just killed our characters, which, last I checked, isn't allowed. So do you mind coming up with something different and, oh, I don't know, interacting with characters rather than just going off on your own tangent?) 
(Also, the door is protected by a magical seal... it's not going to destroy the whole ruins, because if the maker of the enchantment made a mistake he'd rather just get scorched a bit, not destroy his whole house.

AND why would you be stupid like that and go and whack a door when Varexes had just done something similar and damn near died? Most people with common sense wouldn't do something like that.)
(Just... don't be stupid about this. Come on, if you were actually there in this setting, would you honestly smack the door with a hammer after there's purple scorch marks on the ground, and I called for help?)
(Sorry but please please don't stress me out I'd rather not repeat my stress attack from last time. Just please stop.)
( I'm sorry Hunny but me and Nami have talked it out and we'd like to please ask you to leave the Fayland roleplay and avoid any roleplays myself or she make in the future. Thank you. )

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