The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye slapped her palm over her mouth and clenched her eyes shut to try and stop, but it was clear by the way she was trembling she was laughing still. The blood was seeping from the fresh wound in her elbow and it stung, but she didn't mind it. She's been through a lot worse than a cut open elbow.

"I...I don't know," she managed to say when she removed her hand from her mouth. "I'm such a dork," she said, still chuckling away on the forest floor. She rushed a hand through her wavy blonde hair, trying to calm herself down.

She was getting cut up from tripping over roots. They'd barely even started walking again, yet she managed to hurt herself. Maybe Varexes would be a better leader.
"Well come on, then." Ruineth said jokingly, offering her hand to help Faye up. "We best continue." She looked ahead, anticipating the long journey awaiting them. The dagger in her boot seemed to grow heavier. "Take this and wrap it around your wound. Don't want that getting infected, do we?" Ruineth continued, handing Faye a scrap of green cloth from her pack.
Faye chuckled as she took Ruineth's hand and pulled herself up off the ground. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes, smiling humorously as she retrieved the piece of cloth from her. Faye then hiked up her sleeve and wrapped the fabric around her fresh wound. When she pulled her sleeve back down she observed the large rip in the material, her laughter finally having died down.

She sighed as she began to walk alongside Ruineth. "This jacket is already ruined," she said reluctantly, "it would break my mother's heart if she saw its current condition. She had been working on this for a while for me.." She frowned, giving the rags one last look before fixing her belt and checking to see if her bow was still in good shape after the fall. Fortunately it was still in good shape, which wasn't a surprise considering her grandfather created it to withstand a lot of damage.

I followed Nova's lead, nodding when he gave the orders. Walking around the ruins, bow in hand, string taut and dried, I began to search. Treading softly in order to avoid disturbing too much ground and potentially walking into some sort of magical trap, I searched various chests or pots and things, smashing them when I didn't find anything. My bow was still in hand just in case, and my head tracked between everywhere around me to keep an eye out for potential dangers, but nothing caught my eye. Stepping through a doorway, I stopped, foot in air. "Nova, come here. I think I found something." Eyeing the ground, a layer of dust covered what looked to be very straight cracks in the ground that curved. Some kind of rune maybe? Unsure, I was going to be safe rather than sorry.
Nova examined the markings carefully. "They look like runes, but see the stray marks there? These are actually claw marks, from a giant mutant rabbit I would guess..."
Ruineth glanced at Faye's jacket when she mentioned it was damaged. She sucked in a quick breath. As a tailor, she hated seeing clothes in ruins. "Oh my. It's breaking my own heart at this moment." She joked. "You know, I could fix that for you. I am a tailor, after all." She said, lifting Faye's arm to examine the damage. "Yes, a few stitches here and there." She muttered to herself, already thinking of a plan in her head.

I glanced at him, placing an arrow on my string. "Mutant rabbit? Great... are the runes dangerous?" I asked, wondering if maybe a well placed arrow could trigger the trap, or maybe destroy it if it scratched the rune.
(Are these runes like, written language or actual runes?)


I shrugged, kinda ticked off at his reaction, but I didn't respond with hostility. "Humor me."
(True, I suppose I'm thinking legible characters versus "runic symbols" from like, the Norse. Are these characters in the common language or are they magical symbols?)
(But wouldn't runic symbols still be a written form of communication, and thus a language?

I assumed they would be common; but I was thinking that in fantasy settings, reading may or may not be a rare skill. Either way I figure Nova can read them or at least some of them considering he's been to a few lessons at a magic academy.

Starting work now, will be on in like 4 hours)
(Yes, it's a language, but then there's the common language (i'll say English is a common language) but then there are generally also runic languages in fantasy settings as well (magical runes) and the runes mean something, but they are words of magical power, thus being traps or summoning circles or things. But the common language is what everyone speaks on a daily basis.

So like, from the Eragon series, there's the Ancient Language with its true names which hold the power to control the noun that is that word. Then there's the Common language, which is what everyone uses to speak to one another daily. I'm asking you if like, these runes are in the Magical language and thus are Words of Power or if they're just common?

I'm just confused on what language the runes are, because if it's magic then I can't read them, but if it's common I can.)
Faye looked up at Ruineth with a hopeful look in her eyes. "You wouldn't mind?" she asked, watching as the girl observed her ruined jacket while mumbling a few things to herself.

Faye would be very grateful if the elf could repair the jacket her mother sewed for her. At the same time, she was afraid that after Ruineth fixed it it'd be ruined all over again anyway. However, Faye was a bit anxious to have it back in decent shape..and maybe that way it would be less destroyed by the end of their journey. In the end, the jacket was simply the only thing left to remind her of her mother waiting back home in Fayland.
"Of course not!" Ruineth answered. "It wouldn't take too much time, plus I have to keep my skills sharp. I'm going to start my own tailor shop one day, you know. Can't let myself get rusty, now can we?" Ruineth stepped back, checking the rest of the jacket. "The rest isn't in the greatest shape, either. But do not fret! I'll get it looking as if it were never worn! Hmm. You'll need something else to wear in the meantime. Here." Ruineth pulled a jacket from her pack. It wasn't anything special, just a thick blue replacement. "I know it's sort of...boring, but it'll do. Unless you have something you'd rather wear?
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(Well, I actually thought of Eragon while reading the begining of that xD

I just jumped to the conclusion that magic was instant and at will, because of some stuff Pandora did. So, the thought of a language for spells never crossed my mind, but I see what you mean.

I think I've had too much input on thisWhat is your verdict Nami?
(I personally think that there should be magical runes for like, traps or summoning circles and the like, that way it makes more sense for their to be magical traps. Also, it'd add depth if only the mages could read it so then we don't have to undo what I did. But it's Nami's RP, so what do you say? Is it ok if there's a sort of magical runic language for magic traps and whatnot?)
(Argh...Var you've torn me. I was gonna say I personally don't think that runes carved into something should constitute mystic properties, but then I remembered the scrolls in NetHack....I don't know how to feel =_=)
(Like Skyrim destruction magic. There is a spell that's basically a trap spell where you put a rune into the ground and when it's triggered by an enemy stepping on it, it activates and sorta explodes into a form of magic, depending on what type of rune it is. Or like Supernatural, with the devil traps? Only it works on everyone. Idk how else to explain it, but like if you put specific rune(s) on the ground, they can have different properties, and a lot of games use them as mage traps of sorts.)
(( Oh, and EkimAdonihs her jacket is in pretty bad shape xD It's covered in dried blood as well from the time she was shot in the leg with an arrow and used it to wrap the wound x'D ))

Faye grinned warmly at Ruineth and said, "Thanks so much. Ya know, it's nice having a tailor around." She chuckled before allowing her eyes to fall onto the pins.

Sure, they were getting a ton of new elves joining their group which meant more of them to keep track of and protect, but there was an upside to it. Not only was Faye ecstatic to have an even bigger family of friends to travel with, but there were a number of positive sides to this. It seemed that they were getting elves with various talents, which meant they had a lot of options in different situations. 
(( Sure, why not? xD I processed as much of that in my mind as possible lmao. ))
(I'm bad at explaining xD Think of the runes that you put on the ground as things you need for specific spells like summoning spells or traps. Since these ruins are apparently magical, I just thought it appropriate for runic magical traps was all. Now that I think about it I guess I'm getting kinda pushy with this... Let me know if I go too far with something. Just tell me "shut up you're stupid" and I'll back off, lol. I had 5 cups of coffee earlier and less than 6 hours of sleep last night so I'm not thinking straight xD )
(( Hahahah, no, I'm just really slow minded don't worry x'D

I mean, I'm the one who didn't understand that science joke 'so I can unzip your genes' for a long enough time bahahah. //embarrassment//

But no, it sounds like a creative idea xD I love hearing creative ideas even if I don't really follow xD Don't ever feel too 'pushy' or whatever 'cause it's fine xD

(Yes, but I think that is more mechanical than lore. How else would you know where you placed the trap?)

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