The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Ruineth woke, pushing herself up from the ground. Leaves clung to her hair, and her side was covered in dirt. She brushed it off, and listened as one of the elves announced they'd be leaving in search of books. She yawned a quiet yawn, trying not to seem as if she were yawning at him. She put her hair slowly back into a braid, and searched for Faye as she did so.

"Oi...what did I miss?" She asked.
As Axel walked over to Valandil he asks him. "Do you think we'll be ok traveling in the rain?" Axel says as he stops by Valandil's side.
Faye nodded, feeling as though Nova would be able to take care of himself well. She had to admit she was slightly wary of the group being split up at all at this point, but if he wished to go back to the ruins then she was sure he would.

"Maybe someone should go with you then, Nova," Faye suggested as she glanced around at the others.

I nodded. "I'll go with Nova. I can find my way back to the group easily." I said, adjusting my bow onto my back.
Ruineth shrugged, assuming she hadn't missed much. She stood and walked to Faye. "What are the rest of us doing?" She asked, rubbing the side of her face.
"I will go to the ruins with you. You might need my help if your bow breaks or other things." He then pulled out his small hammer.
Faye was a bit disappointed that Varexes was leaving their group, but she didn't object to his offer. Instead, she simply nodded approvingly at him.

"Alright, thanks. You and uh, Zerion, can go to the ruins with Nova. Are you sure you guys will be able to find us again afterwards?" she asked, eyeing Varexes. Faye sighed, pondering how they could communicate in case they lost each other again.

She turned to Ruineth and said, "Well, we're gonna keep making our way through these forests. It's gonna take a real long time for us to get to the other side of the land, so we better get walking." Faye pulled her bow off her back, ready to make some more progress.
Ruineth nodded, pulling on the strings to her pack. Now it was time for some real adventuring. The idea of an elf such as herself embarking on an adventure sort of tickled her. She smiled at the thought of going beyond her expectations. "Let's go!" She said a little too enthusiastically.
Faye smiled brightly at Ruineth with a chuckle, the girl's sudden enthusiasm exciting Faye as well. She was right, it was adventure time--Faye's favorite time. She turned and waved at Varexes, Nova, and Zerion, hoping she'd see them again eventually and praying for their safety.

With that, Faye turned back to her current group and grinned. "As Ruineth said, let's get going!" she exclaimed, walking ahead of the group. When she looked ahead of her, it was nothing but what seemed like a neverending forest. This is gonna be a lot of walking, she thought to herself.

I nodded. "I'll catch up, with Nova and Zerion. Promise. If you don't mind though, leaving a mark on trees wouldn't be too bad of an idea. If you cross an area with no trees, leave an arrow pointing in the direction, try and leave obvious marks so we can catch up." I told her, a glint in my eyes and a grin on my face. "Obvious tracks make it easy. Even if you didn't, the only way you could lose me is if you crossed a river or it rained. In the mud, it shouldn't be too difficult for me to find you." I thought for a moment.

"If there's an emergency, I would suggest finding something you can use to shoot into the air, or something loud that can get our attention." I grimaced. "I will find you guys again, and I'll make sure Nova and Zerion come back with." Something about Zerion bothered me, but I'd deal with it. After all, we were only going back to the ruins for a little bit to get some books for Nova. 
(Let's say that I said that, then Faye and Ruineth walked off.)
Ruineth walked on behind Faye, observing the forest. The storm had begun to let up, and beams of sunlight began peeking through the clouds. Everything looked very beautiful to her, and she couldn't help but smile. "You know, the forest isn't so bad when you aren't afraid for your life." She commented. As an elf, Ruineth was in love with nature and its wonders and beauty.
As Faye walked along, she heard Ruineth's comment from behind her. She chuckled, turning around and walking backwards as she looked at the girl. She seemed to be observing the beauty of nature, clearly mesmerized by its extraordinary details.

"It is, isn't it?" Faye responded with a smile. She'd always loved the forest with all her big heart. After all, she was an archer and did spend the majority of her time in the woods.
Zerion looked at the group. He looked up and saw the beauty of nature. He pulled out a small block if wood and quickly carved a small wooden leave, without taking his eyes off of the beautiful nature. Twirling it in his hands he tossed it to Faye. "Just so you know we are co ing back." He then followed Nova and Vaz on their journey.
Birch followed back behind Faye, Ruineth and company with a look of awe on his face as he saw the forest around them. It was amazing, especially with how the dew of the fresh rain made everything listen in the sunlight. Despite being an elf, Birch was never outdoors that much. Between helping his parents before their death and shutting himself inside after, most of his days were spent working in a kitchen. The rare exceptions were when Faye had dragged him around, telling him about how their own trip would be just like this but much, much bigger. As his eyes fell on Faye again, walking backwards and talking up a storm with the new girl, he couldn't help but smile ever so slightly. Despite shutting himself out and them losing connection, he'd managed to keep his promise.
(We all regrouped, but Nova wanted to go to get books for magic. So Varaxes and Zerion are going to help him. And I think the rest of the group is moving again)
Jess, who was already back in her elf form, walked around next to everyone, a slight bounce in her step. She was always a little giddy after a thunderstorm passed, everything looking so pretty and refreshed. She would stop to look a flower or a bird flying by every now and then before straightening back up, continuing to gracefully walk and look at her surroundings.
As Faye was scanning the forest and watching as little droplets of water dripped from all the Autumn leaves around her, her eyes stopped on Birch. He was already looking at her, so she flashed him a cheery smile. At this point she'd practically forgotten she was still walking backwards. Therefore, she was startled when she tripped over a root, her gasping expression clearly showing it.

"Oof!" Faye hit the ground with a thud, landing in a pile of damp leaves. It actually hurt quite a bit, but she started cracking up anyway.

Unable to lift herself up due to her immense amount of laughter, she just laid back in the pile of leaves and placed her hands on her forehead. She was laughing so much that she was trembling, really not even knowing why she was hysterical at the moment. She popped open her eyes, which were watery with joyful tears and noticed her entire elbow was bleeding.

"Dammit," she said in between laughs, still smiling the whole time. She rolled onto her side and continued to shake with laughter.
Ruineth stopped as Faye fell. She was going to ask if she was hurt, but she immediately began laughing. Ruineth laughed a bit, too. But she soon became concerned. Faye continued laughing nonstop. Ruineth's eyes fell to the blood seeping out of Faye's elbow. "Faye, are you alright?" she asked, breaking out in another fit of laughter mid sentence. She looked behind her shoulder, to see if there was anything in particular Faye was laughing at.

"Faye, what is so funny?" She asked, turning sober.
Nova got up and walked ahead leading the group without a word. When they approached he instructed; "Dust every floor, search every container, destroy anything you search so we don't search it twice...and stay close, anything magic could be trapped or guarded, or both. I am mainly looking for books."

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