The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"So," Faye started, cocking her head to the side slightly, "what were you and Birch discussing before I..uh, interrupted..?"

At that moment she realized she'd actually interrupted their conversation, hadn't she? She mentally gave herself a facepalm, wishing she wasn't so slow minded sometimes.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt you guys earlier! A-and I hope you don't mind me asking what you two were talking about...I mean, it's probably none of my business.." She looked down at the ground, feeling like lately she was really bothering everyone. Maybe they didn't need her around here. Maybe they didn't even want her around. She was starting to see how much of a pain she could be.
Ruineth sat down on the opposite side of Faye, exhaling a deep breath. "Oh, nowhere really. I thought I saw something, but it was nothing." She said cooly. She was getting better at deception, that was for sure. It worried her. "If you don't mind, I'm going to get some rest. It's been a long few weeks." She said, pulling her braid out and resting her head on her pack. Ruineth shut her eyes, letting her dreams take her.

(Well, I'm turning in for the night. See ya guys tomorrow :D )
((Goodnight! ^^))

Faye nodded at Ruineth, seeing she was probably tired from being out here on her own for so long. She figured it wouldn't hurt to allow the girl some time to sleep. 
((Meanwhile, Nami's trying to figure out wtf this kid is saying. xD

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf25c8bf_uhmwatlol.PNG.522ee95e64cec4bcb847c69951227f98.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4178" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf25c8bf_uhmwatlol.PNG.522ee95e64cec4bcb847c69951227f98.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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I jogged back to the shelters and saw that everyone was huddled under Nova's. Shrugging inwardly at it, I went to underneath my shelter and lay down, forming a sort of pillow out of a mix of mud and leaves and grass, then I curled up and lay my head on it, shivering ever so slightly from being so soaked. "I could use a fire..." I muttered.
(The first one makes no sense... the second one... Helicase is a molecule in your cells that unzips DNA to replicate it during cellular reproduction/mitosis. So what he's saying is he wants to get in your pants, because "genes" is pronounced like "jeans" but spelled differently.)
(( I love how it took me this long to understand that.

I regret adding this kid from middle school on facebook xD Now I have to sit and listen to these jokes ;w;

I don't even know what he's saying half the time. ))
Faye looked up, a sort of relief washing over her to see that Varexes was alive still as well. Even though he'd been kind of harsh to her earlier, she understood. He probably didn't want to seem like he needed protection from someone else, especially after being used to being alone all the time.

"Hey Varexes, I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have been so overprotective," she tells him as he lays down. "And there's still room over here for a group huggg," she sang merrily as she pat the empty space beside her. Maybe she missed her family back home a little too much.. 
(( Aweh, but he's actually a nice kid xD He's just a bit...sciency..I hope he's not perverted. T^T I mean, that was a joke so.

//despises perverted people//))
Jess walked along the path, seeing their little campsite up ahead. She still couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen. She just groans and flops down onto the muddy and wet ground, putting her paws on her nose as if she was trying to cover her eyes. 'Me and my stupid paranoia.' She mutters, her eyes glaring at the air.
Zerion looked at him. "I have no idea what you just said." He then pulled out a carving knife and began to carve a small peg of a elf.
(my internet is fritzy right now. also, do you mind people who are jokingly perverted? like, not actually are but make jokes like that?)


I made sure that the package of sap and all my possessions were still there, especially my bow, before I laid down. As I did so, I heard Faye call out to me. Groaning as I sat up I walked over through the storm. Kneeling next to her I glanced at the ground. "It's all right. I was kind of bossy, so I'm sorry too. Thanks for the offer, but I'm just gonna lay down, and while there might be room for a group hug..." Swallowing, since I haven't had any close contact with other elves in quite some time, "I'll pass. But thanks." I got up and went back over to my makeshift shelter and bed and lay down.
(( "fritzy" xD lol, and depends. I can take a perverted joke every now and then if it's necessary and at least a little funny, but it pisses me off when people make perverted jokes all the time. I find it disgusting and it unenjoyable to be around those people. )) 
Faye frowned a little, wondering why she seemed to be the only one who actually enjoyed everyone's company. She didn't care if they were all drenched and hadn't showered in days, they were her new family and they were all going to be stuck together for a very long time. On the bright side, she was thankful that Varexes had apologized to her. See, she knew he was a good guy. He was just frustrated earlier--and so was Faye. She just needed to cut the guy some slack.

Faye sighed, resting her head on Birch's shoulder as she peered outside at the rain. It was so relaxing, causing her eyelids to start closing every few seconds. Eventually, she blinked harshly to remind herself to stay awake, causing her brain to suddenly have her back to normal.

I lay still and thought. I'd had time to think while we'd walked, but I hadn't had any chance to properly put my thoughts in order. So that's what I did, and quickly came to the conclusion that I didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay with Faye and the others. But, this meant altering my entire way of thinking, which also led to the thought that Faye was the leader. Thinking this was the only solution, I decided that whatever Faye said went from here on out.

Again, I felt something watching me and I sat bolt upright, taking down my shelter and donning my soaked cloak, pulling the cowl over my eyes, allowing the shelter to fall apart into a soggy mess. Quickly re-stringing my bow and checking the tautness, I pulled out three arrows and held it in my hand that also held the bow. I sat in front of Faye, not quite touching but also close enough to be within the "shelter."

Nevertheless, I did my best to observe my surroundings still while staying out of the rain. "Something doesn't feel right about this rain..." I muttered.
((So, Varexes is in the same shelter as Faye, Birch, Nova, and Ruin? xD And he just randomly took down the shelter? lolol xD ))
(Yeah. I guess. Idk, I'm trying to move it forward and I felt that I messed up earlier so I tried to fix it >.<)
((I'm so lost :'c

Well, just next time add in the transition before suddenly appearing in a different location x'D))

Faye lifted her head up, seeing Varexes sitting right in front of her with a concerned look on his face. He muttered something about the rain not feeling normal, which made Faye eye him curiously. She was concerned as well, but more so for him.

She sat up and grabbed her bow before moving beside him and asking, "What's wrong now?"
Zerion watched as a storm approached. He put his carving knife and his wood back in his pack. "I think we should make a shelter." He then began collecting leaves, sticks, and other things on the ground. He then used his talent to make a big shelter that could withstand string winds and keep them dry. This took about 30 minutes and the storm had just reached them.
(Sorry. Didn't mean to. I'm tired >.<)


"I don't know. Just... the rain feels wrong. I feel like I'm being watched and it only started when the rain did. I'm paranoid, but... not normally this badly." I said honestly.
As the rain started to pick up, Valandil got a shiver. Eying the group, he thought "If we don't find the others soon we'll lose them." He then turned and squinted. In the distance he saw what looked like small shelters. "Guys, look over there. Maybe it's the others." He then started walking toward the nearest one. "At least I hope it's the others." When he nears it he shouted "Guys are you in there?"

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