The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Jess walked inside, not planning to get comfortable in case she had to get out, and sat down besides Ruineth, "I guess we are." She continued to shiver as she looked at what the other girl pulled out. "Watch are you doing, or going to do?"
Faye squinted through the pouring rain, seeing Varexes running towards her. After informing her that there was enough room for two more in their shelter, he apologized for being a bit bossy. It was almost as if he could read her mind, which for some reason made her feel guilty. She opened her mouth to respond, but he quickly ran off through the rain.

Faye watched as he became further and further away from the rest of them, thunder continuously booming louder around them as long flashes of lightning went off. She couldn't help but worry, feeling that none of them were in a safe location. Not to mention, Varexes was out there searching for something rather than doing as he was supposed to and getting beneath a shelter.

Faye clutched the disc in her hands tightly, contemplating chasing after him and pulling him back. Of course, she knew it wasn't a good idea. Faye sighed, turning back to Nova and Birch. She looked at Birch, who was totally soaked and shivering, his lips gone purple. After another terrifying boom of thunder, which actually startled her a bit, she grabbed Birch's shoulders and led him into the shelter Nova had made. She wasn't even sure if he wasn't finished building it, but there was no more time to waste.

Once I was a distance away from the temporary shelters, I slowed my pace to a walk and drew two arrows, one in each hand. Something didn't feel quite right to me, but then again I'd been with the group all day, so maybe that's why. Shrugging off the feeling I began to look for a tree stripped of bark. I needed the sap in order to stick the leaves to the sticks and form a water proof barrier. The disc was going to eventually be hollowed out and be a pack that could hold things. I might make another, and give the second to Faye, but I wasn't sure. Either way, I needed sap and mud and water. Deciding to stall the look for sap until the rain stopped, I stooped down, found a slightly less-wet spot on the ground, sat down and suffered through the rain slamming against my back while I started forming a hollow in the ground that would collect water, then weaving leaves together so it could collect and hold and be useful later.
"Birch, you want to talk any more or are you good until later?" Nova asked, glaring slightly at Faye who had interrupted them.
After Faye dove under the shelter with Birch, she looked from beneath it and stared out into the heavy amount of rain falling down outside. She wondered when all of this was going to die down. Additionally, she wondered where Varexes was and what he could possibly be doing. She figured it had something to do with that disc he was making...and she was still holding in her hands.

At that moment she realized she was leaning extremely close against Birch, as she was freezing at this point and was trying to find warmth. She was slowly starting to feel less cold in his comfort, even if he was drenched as well, but she had to give it up to go bring back Varexes. She couldn't help but be worried about the guy, considering this storm was treacherous.

"Ah, I have to go find Varexes..I don't know what he's thinking by going out there in the middle of a terrible thunderstorm," she said to both Birch and Nova as she slipped out from under the shelter, not giving them a chance to stop her.

With that, she raced through the rain in search of her new friend. Eventually, she spotted him settled on a log while working on something else in his hands. She ran over to him, raising her eye brows questioningly although there was a chance he couldn't tell.

"Varexes, what are you doing?" she asked loudly, focusing her eyes on him.
Jess watched as Faye ran out into the thunderstorm to find Varexes. If something were to attack them from short range they might not do so well, considering that they are archers and are made for long range attacks. Jess looked at Rune, as she will now call her, and sighed. "I'm going to go watch them, just in case something happens or they get attacked. I'll be back." Jess quietly walked out of the little tent and shifted into a wolf, silently following Faye's very faint scent and hid a good distance away to where they couldn't see her but she could see and hear them.

Through the wind and rain I didn't hear Faye sneak up on me. When she spoke I stood and spun, arrow in hand. When I realized it was her I relaxed and motioned at the hole I'd dug and filled with leaves to catch water. "Materials to finish the disc! It'll eventually be hollow so I needed things to keep the leaves together!" I shouted over the rain. I shivered slightly, hoping it wouldn't show. I was used to working like this, but not without my cloak. I was col, but I wasn't going to let the shelter falter just so I could be warm. It's not that bad, I told myself. Quickly checking to make sure the hole was secure, I took the arrow and scratched a mark in the tree to find it after the storm. Then, picking up a stone, I started scraping bark off the tree in order to reach the sap that I needed.

In the time it took for Faye to find me I'd dug a total of two holes, both of which were already full. "Go back to the shelters, I'll be back-" I stopped suddenly and held my arrow up. I felt watched, something didn't feel right to me. "I'll be back soon. Go back and keep the rest safe." I told Faye, looking all around, scanning through the rain to see whatever it was that could see me.
Valandil turned as Zerion approached and said "I'm Valandil. By the way, what were you doing when the bear attacked. You must have been there before we all noticed the bear." He was starting to wonder of the elf had been watching them. So far, the elf didn't seem like a threat. He didn't even look like he could fight. Still, Valandil decided to keep a eye on him.
Faye shook her head, unable to hold back a surprisingly impressed smile. "You just don't stop, do you?" she yelled to him, directed at his tendency to always be working on something creative.

Noticing the way he was scanning the area surrounding them, Faye assumed he saw something. She quickly pulled her bow off her back and readied it with an arrow as she did whenever something didn't seem right in the atmosphere. She hadn't noticed anything until she saw Varexes's concerned eyes.

"I'm not going back until you do!" she said over the rain, seeing as her whole purpose to come out here was to bring him back before he got struck by lightning. "Did you see something?" she asked, peering around to search for what it was that he seemed wary about. However, she couldn't see much through the rain. Although, she did see a wolf in the distance as she was looking around. She had begun to lift her bow arm just in case, but by the way it was settled on the ground watching them casually, she figured it might be Jess. The last thing she wanted was to shoot an arrow through one of their fellow elves.

I shook my head. "I don't see anything! I feel watched!" I looked where she did and saw the wolf, but it wasn't hostile. I knew when wolves were hunting, and that wasn't a 'hunting' stance. That was a watchful one. "Listen, if you're not there then they have nobody to protect them! Birch looked broken, Nova.. I don't know him or what he can do! Runeith isn't a fighter, and I'm assuming the wolf there is Jess! Get Jess and head back, I'll be fine on my own! I've been in worse situations than a little storm like this one!" I shouted at her, still glancing around, nervous. I tried not to show it, but I needed the sap. The tree I was looking at was the closest thing to a glue tree I'd seen in this forest. All sap worked, but some kinds worked better than others, so I'd decided on this tree.

While I didn't feel quite safe, especially without my bow, I was adamant about protecting the others first and letting myself take care of what I needed.
Birch jumped a little as Faye came up right next to him, energetic as always as she insisted joining himself and Nova in their shelter, even dragging him inside once she realized that he was shivering. He didn't argue though it probably wouldn't have helped if he did nor did he even want to say no at all. She was looking out for him, as always, and he appreciated it. As Faye looked out towards the rain, she seemed to forget how she was holding onto him, the closeness making his skin and his cheeks burn up in seconds. It was a nice change from the cold of the rain.

Which made it all the more upsetting as she rain out into the rain again to check on the new guy, Varexe. Unable to hide his disappointment as she ran off, he bowed his head and sighed, realizing he'd gone through another encounter with her without saying a thing. He could almost swear that it was getting harder to talk to her as he got close to her, like the mere idea of talking to her was just too much for him to handle. He liked Faye, he really did. He didn't want to look foolish in front of her.

Eventually he pulled his head up to look at Nova, his words only sinking in a few good seconds after he'd actually spoken. Blinking a few things, he brought his knees up to his chest and crossed his arms on top of them as he asked, "How exactly do you learn magic?" with the usual blunt simplicity to his voice.
Jess noticed that they both had seen her but she didn't really care. Instead she narrowed her eyes at Varexes and walked over to both of them, shifting into an elf when she was right next to them. She placed ehr hands on her hips and shook her head at Varexes. "Faye, I really think you should go back just in case something goes on up there. You are a great leader so having you there would help. I will stay here with Varexes, him being unprotected since he doesn't have his bow, and will watch over in case anything happens." She looked at Faye, waiting for an answer from her.

I stared at her astonished. Having never seen a shifter before, the process was... unnerving to me. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm fine by myself. Been in more than a few fights without my bow, I know what I'm doing." I told her, looking at how I was to approach the problem of retrieving the sap and mixing it with the water without the tools I normally had.
"One does not simply learn magic' Nova replied. "Magic is a gift given to few mortals whom the powers that be deem worthy, and only a few of those ever learn to use it. Let us assume you are able, if not it will quickly become apparent. Magic is this: It is the ability to project the will of your soul to manipulate the world around you. I know only the basics, but I will tell you all I know.

You will first need this" Nova reaches around his head and takes off a necklace with a pearl on it. '"This is a manastone. It stores mana for the user and can release it when a spell is cast. It is given to new mages whose bodies cannot yet store much mana on their own." Nova lets the stone dangle in the air. He spreads his fingers and positions his hand palm-up around the stone as it glows a soft white. He then dips the stone in a small puddle, shich freezes instantly as the stones glow ceases. "The result varies with the user. If you can use magic, you will be able to charge the stone and tgen release its energy."

Nova hands the stone to Birch. "With training you will be able to store and use your own mana. But until then, most new mages are able to use the stone as a weapon by releasing tge raw form of their element through it. Tell me when you get the stone to glow"
Jess rolled her eyes and looked at him with a small smirk on her face. "I really don't care if your fine by yourself but you never know. All it takes is something to sneak up behind you while your gathering things and bam! Your a goner, especially without any weapons. So I don't really care what you have to say cause I am staying here until your done." She crosses her arms while raising an eyebrow at him. "No matter what you say I'm still going to stay."
Faye was a bit startled at the way Varexes had so bluntly ordered her to go back and take care of everyone else, since they apparently couldn't handle themselves. She almost fired a nasty comeback at him, not appreciating the way he'd spoken to her. He seemed flustered and annoyed by her presence, her heart dropping a little due to the fact that she was simply only caring about his safety. The rest of them were fine under the shelters and she doubted there'd be any harmful animals hunting them down at the moment. A terribly mean thought went through her head as she sighed with irritation. Well, it won't be my fault when you get struck by lightning. Right as it crossed her mind she regretted it, feeling guilty about thinking something so harsh. Faye, just go back! she told herself in her mind.

She sighed, deciding she was no longer wanted or needed here. That was confirmed once more when Jess ordered her to go back to the others. However, the girl had said it a lot less harsh.

"Okay," she said above the rain, shrugging her shoulders with a very subtle eye roll. "Just be careful, please! And Jess, protect this kid since he's unarmed." She glanced at Varexes for moment longer before heading back to the shelters. Before she headed back to hers, she stopped at the one Varexes had put together. Faye leaned over to see Runeith in there all by herself, shivering from the cold.

"Hey, why don't you come to the other shelter with me? Jess and Varexes are doing something out there, so you shouldn't be in here all alone." Faye gave the girl a caring smile before waving her to follow her over to the other shelter.

Faye then made her way back to the other shelter, slipping right underneath it next to Birch again. She was more soaked than ever now, so she immediately scooted close to Birch. He was still drenched and chilly, but he was drier than herself. She placed her bow down in front of her and wrapped her arm around Birch's, looking for warmth.

It wasn't quite frustrating, but it wasn't relieving knowing that Jess was there. After all, if she got hurt protecting me I'd be the one to blame for going on this insane mission. I took a second to think, then sighed. "Fine. Just... watch your own back too. Don't get hurt on my account." Turning to Faye I sighed. "With Jess here I'll be more than fine. Birch needs you more right now, I think." I wasn't trying to order her away, and I didn't want her to leave because I liked her being there, but the group needed her more than I did.
Jess nodded before shifting back into a wolf and setting herself in the shadows to keep watch. She could hear and see much better while she was a wolf which helped since it was raining. Her coat was completely soaked but she ignored that while she tried shutting out the sound of thunder, failing miserably. 'Stupid weather and it's unpredictableness.' Jess grumbled to herself, not really caring if that was a word or not.
I saw a flash of anger cross Faye's face and immediately regretted speaking at all. I knew instantly that my "guilty" look crossed my face and I looked away, wiping water from my face. I squared my shoulders against the thoughts I knew were being directed my way and figured that Faye wouldn't make it to the record time of one week before she figured out he was annoying and obnoxious. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. I thought to myself, muttering it aloud under my breath. Due to the rain, not even I heard myself say it, but I simply took an arrow and stabbed it into the tree and dragged, accidentally breaking the tip off. Sap welled from the wound and, picking up the leaves from the ground, I collected it and began to work on making the glue I needed for future projects. This would be the first thing to go into the pouch, once I finished it of course. I'd have to make a second one for tools, but I couldn't do it in this rain. I'll just finish containing the sap temporarily, transport it back to camp and finish up there after the storm.

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