The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( paipai900 well, it seemed like you were with the other group of elves since you said you were with Juniper xD Therefore, you're currently only around Juniper, Valandil, Jane, Axel, and Zerion. The others are further into the forest xD ))
((Because I was with them in the first yeah...I'm just gonna do mah thaang and wait for everyone to do their thaang! And then we'll all do our thaangs! :D ))
Juniper looks down kicking at a pebble. "You sure ask a lot of stupid questions." She looked ahead not seeing the group that had left them behind. "I'm a healer. I heal those wounded in battle. Which I mentioned before, I guess you don't pay much attention to the answers to your questions."
(( Just making sure xD So you knew the rest of us weren't ignoring you 'cause I wasn't sure who you meant xD ))
Pandora popped up behind the two people and whispered, "Ooooh! You got dissed!" the other healer knew that they weren't going to hear her, they were probably ignoring her because they thought it would be funny to do that when she woke up! Well! Pandora bent down and licked Juniper's elbow. What will you do about that? Hm?
(No idea. But one of my grandparents has actually died, lol. Like I said, I base my characters off of myself xD )


I nodded, not sniffling but taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I know. He may be watching over me, but that doesn't mean I miss him any less. Besides, It's harder to recover when you see how badly mangled the body is, and know that he was your one true friend and the only reason you're alive to this day." My hands shook slightly, but I clenched them for a moment and straightened them out.

"Thanks for calling me sweet, but you haven't known me long enough. You'll get to realize that I'm not that sweet." Once the whole disc was covered in a solid layer of leaves, I began flattening out any bubbles or sticks that were protruding.
Juniper looks at Pandora and punched her in the stomach. "Get away from me, you weirdo! That's disgusting!" she screamed tired of the girl acting like an immature child.
Faye scooted closer to Varexes, wrapping her arm around him tightly. She had tried to keep a positive smile on her face, but his negative energy was starting to affect her as well. It was clear that she was trying to do the best she could to comfort him in this time of distress. She wasn't sure what else to say about his grandfather, but simply allowed him to grieve. There's nothing wrong with being sad about something like this every once in a while. It was normal to have emotions like this.

"I beg to differ," she told him, directed at his idea that she'd soon no longer think he was sweet. She then allowed her eyes to once again focus on the disc in his hands.
Pandora clutched her stomach, trying to contain the pain. It seems that I'm not invisible.. Pandora frowned and stepped back for a moment, processing what had just happened. Glancing up at Juniper, Pandora had a very confused look on her face. So.. I'm not invisible..?

"Sorry about that," Pandora flashed Juniper an awkward smile. "I though I was invisible."
Zerion having enough snapped. "And why would you think that you weirdo." He had just meet this group and they were already seeing his bad side. He then ran ahead steaming off. He had no idea how commendation worked but he was pretty sure you don't lick people elbows and get called a weirdo for nothing. He then caught up to Val. "I believe we haven't meet. I am Zerion and you are?"

(Sorry I was gone my Internet farted on my)
Hunnyhelp said:
(I don't see things like that unless they are big otherwise my brain auto corrects it. That's why I can't tell if my auto correct is working correctly or not.)
(You make glaring errors in spelling; 'strangled' for 'scrambled', 'be leave' for'believe' and 'I'll for 'ill'. That last one might be spellcheck though) 
(Not to be mean, those just bug me because they are not even the correct word :/ )

"Archery would make me far more deadly than I am now. My magic cannot act at a range, so I must compensate." Nova said, not even turning to look at the commontion.
(Sorry, I passed out in my bed last night.)


When she put her arm around me I stiffened at the contact, and turned toward her slightly so that her hand wouldn't go further than the tip of my shoulder and she couldn't "hold" me, perse. It was force of habit from when people would hold me while another would beat the crap out of me. I'd learned to live alone with few friends and few people looking out for me. It was different and I was unaccustomed to the kindness that Faye was showing me right now. Deciding to just go along with it, I pretended to relax but in reality my entire concentration was focused on Faye's arm and the disc in my hands, which was now nearly perfectly smooth, as perfect as I could get it with my hands. I nodded, satisfied.

As I leaned down to pick up a rock that would suit my next purpose, I replied to her tactful conversation change with, "There are two types of people. The ones that find me annoying the moment we meet and the ones that find me annoying after a week." I told her bluntly, glad that I didn't have to hide my face anymore. While Faye was nice, I wasn't comfortable talking to her about my grandfather, who had been more of a father, brother, and friend to me than anyone else had ever been for me.

I picked up a rock and began smashing it into the center of the disc, creating an indent in the thick weave of sticks and leaves.
Ruineth glanced again at the group of elves she'd been following. It was a wonder they hasn't found her. Mother always said she was quite the sneak...

Ruineth shook her head and focused her attention back to her dress. She'd changed into something a little more fit for travel. It was more of a tunic, and quite embarrassing. She covered it with a cowl so she wasn't reminded of the wretched thing. She worked on mending her dress, but it had begun to rain and the needle was slippery. She pricked her fingers a number of times, and some of the stitches were slightly off. Honestly they looked fine, but Ruineth was a perfectionist when it came to tailoring. Eventually she gave up and stuffed the dress into her bag. She wrapped her cowl tighter to herself, and looked up at the clouds. She was feeling helpless. She looked back at the group of elves sitting by a fire, and couldn't held thinking about food. She clutched her stomach, craving the fine rabbit her aunt had always made.

Ruineth stomped at the ground furiously. No, she would never go back there! She sighed. Still it would be nice to have a bit of bread and water. And warmth... The crackling of the fire seemed to tease her. Ruineth took in a deep breath and stood. Slinging her pack behind her, she faced the group of elves and took a step forward. That was it. The point of no return.

But they were all lost in conversation. That stopped her. How rude to interrupt one's conversation! No, she told herself. Out here you must focus on survival. And her survival depended on her approaching these elves. Politeness must be put aside. The thought of civility being lost sent shivers down her spine, but on she went. Jumping into adventure.

"How to introduce myself?" She asked herself. "Surely they weren't expecting me. I suppose we'll just start of with an ancient strategy passed on throughout the years to introduce yourself..."

Ruineth tried her best to carry herself respectfully, but again she stumbled over a stone. She landed right in the middle of them all. Her face turned a bright crimson. She quickly stood straight, tilting her head. Her eyes darted all around, eventually falling to the ground. "Hello. Ruineth Laeelenlal, at your service." She said, her eyes tracing the elves' faces. Her own face grew a deeper crimson. And there was no fire, either. A feeling of disappointment spiced up her nervousness.

The rock slipped from my hand and fell next to my foot as I stood up suddenly at the sudden arrival of the elf. I was sneaky, but this elf had snuck up on ME. I was surprised and paranoid, reaching up to my quiver to grab an arrow, but when she introduced herself in a fluster I chuckled. "Welcome Ruineth." I gave her a warm smile, despite the rain. "Where are you from?" I asked. Her extreme politeness and sudden fluster made me think that perhaps she was used to extreme formality, but since that wasn't entirely me I decided to go for a happy medium.
Ruineth was surprised to be greeted kindly. She was relieved, and let her nervousness slip away. She straightened, smiled and let her eyes rest on the face of the elf who'd greeted her. "I am from Bellford." She said with what dignity she could. "And you? Where do you hail from?" She asked. Ruineth looked at each elf, indicating she wasn't just speaking to the one who'd greeted her.
((Hunnyhelp those errors Zeyro mentioned you made bother me as well x-x))

Faye was about to speak further to Varexes, but suddenly a female elf who claimed to go by the name Ruineth Laeelenlal fell flat on her face in the middle of their group. A moment after the incident, Varexes stood up and approached the girl, a fresh smile spreading among his face.

Man, she thought to herself as she stood up from the log, where are all these elves coming from? It seemed as though more and more Light Elves were stumbling upon their group, which she found quite odd. Apparently, the security back home in Fayland was more of a fail than anything. Then again, there was probably a number of elves trying to escape so the few that got out were probably lucky. Faye and the others were even lucky they hadn't been captured, considering the guards attempted to chase them down. Fortunately, they had Vex to outrun them. Unfortunately, not all members of the group made it out of Fayland.

The thought sends guilty chills up her spine. She tried not think about this, hoping she was just at home practicing her music inside her cozy home. However, she couldn't deny the fact that her best friend Ivy was captured by the guards. There was nothing Faye could've done to save her, unless they all wanted to end up staying in Fayland--maybe even in prison. She was aware that those who tried to escape were sent to prison, but even if the amount of time for teens was around ten to twenty years, she knew Ivy didn't deserve that. It was all Faye's fault that she had been captured in the first place..Ivy didn't have to go..

Faye took a deep breathe before heading over to the new girl. "Ruineth? Hello, what are you doing out here? I'm assuming you escaped Fayland as well for some similar reasons," she said, plastering a smile onto her face as she bent over to give the girl a hand standing up.

The smile on my face was warm only in the sense that it was welcoming. I didn't feel like smiling, but I didn't want to scare Ruineth off. "I hail from the village of Sonmar, near the border of Fayland on the mountain. Bellford is a large town, if I remember my geography correctly?" When Faye stepped forward as well I remembered the disc in my hands and fumbling around for a moment I retrieved the stone I was using and continued to work while looking at Ruineth and speaking to her.
Ruineth turned to another elf, the one who'd sat next to the elf who'd greeted her. She asked what Ruineth was doing out here, and to be honest Ruineth didn't know herself. Her brow furrowed. The best answer she could think of was that she was running away, but she wasn't really running from much. Just an angry aunt. It wasn't like she was treated badly. She began to feel slightly bad about leaving. Aunt Calina must be so worried.

Ruineth choked a bit, and quickly searched for another answer.

"I'm...lost." She said. It wasn't a total lie. She quickly folded her arms, much like a child protesting. "But...but I have no intention of being found!" She added. Despite her guilt, she still hated the idea of returning home. 
"And yes, Bellford is quite large. My family owned a tailor shop there." Ruineth replied to the first elf.

I nodded at her answer. "Come and join us. Make yourself comfortable in our temporary camp here. Not much here, but you're welcome to join us." I'd created an indent in the disc that was about half an inch deep and left half an inch around the edge of the disc, almost like a plate but too small and thick. I observed it, then I placed the stone in a pocket and just held the disc, smoothing out the torn leaves that made up the front of the disc now. 
"A tailor shop? What did you make?" I asked in response.
Faye couldn't help but chuckle a bit, putting her generous hand in the pocket of her jacket as she stood back up. When the girl crossed her arms, she assumed Ruineth wasn't going to allow Faye to help her up off the ground. She tilted her head to the side, a welcoming grin formed on her face either way.

"Well, looks like you found us," she says to the girl, "and you're welcome to tag along with us, if you wish. We're trying to get to the other side of the's an adventure.."

Faye then awaited the girl's response. Sure, Faye knew she probably shouldn't be allowing multiple elves into their group so easily after the incident with Caricon, especially. However, judging from Varexes and some previous new elves, she decided it was more rare to find an elf like Caricon than to not. 
"I'm from Bellford as well," Faye mentioned, "most of us here are."

I nodded. "You're welcome to come with us. I met up with them earlier today myself, and so far they're all very nice people." It was hard to invite someone along without sounding casual, but I certainly tried while I bent down to pick up leaves and began smoothing them over the new crushed disc.
Ruineth stood, dusting herself off. She was moved by the hospitality of these elves. They were so willing about allowing her to join them. "Yes, I'd live to join you. I've never gone adventuring before. To be honest, this is the first time I've ever been outside Bellford. Speaking if which, I'm surprised I've never come across any of you before. On the other hand, I did spend most if my time in the shop. And...what did we make? Dresses, fine clothes, and the like. We'd also mend damaged clothing." She said, her pride returning at the mention of their old tailor shop.

(I might be off for a little bit. I'm at my grandma's house and she wants to go for a walk. Plus my iPod died, which is what I post from and I have to use my brother's now. It's a bit slow)
(Post when you can :) )


I nodded. I figured, but I was still curious. Besides, maybe having a tailor around could help him finish up these natural weavings his grandfather had begun to teach him but never got a chance to finish. "Well if it's your first time we'll go easy on you." I gave her a little wink and laughed at myself for being so stupid. "Come have a seat." I said, motion back with my head as I picked up a few more leaves.
((Sorry guys I've been really busy lately I'm going to have to drop out of this rp. It was fun while it lasted :D ))


Pandora frowned at the man's words and ran away into the woods. Not like they're going to care or anything... The healer kept on running, not even looking where she was going. Tears streamed down her face as she took one more step- and fell off a cliff.


((The end. Bye guys! Have fun :) ))
(Awwww :( Just so you know, I'm not reading those because they don't pertain to my character buy mainly because I'm too lazy :I )

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