The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I chuckled. "No, not at all. In fact, the only reason why I did it was to appease their parents and siblings, since most everybody hated me. Also, some of them were genuinely nice, so they came to me for help." I nudged her back when she punched me with my shoulder, but continued forming my little disc, slowly rounding out the edges. When she asked the question I fumbled and dropped one of the sticks. "My grandfather is the reason I'm still alive today."
Juniper looks at Zerion "I'm fine, I'm just tired from healing too many people yesterday." she looks through her satchel and pulls out a pouch of berried "these are all I have" she holds them up, they were edible but she had brought them more for the use of healing.
"Oh," he says, his eyes wandering to watch Nova blankly for a moment. He wasn't entirely sure what Nova was talking about or if he could really perform magic if he tried but he wanted to do something and his body was hardly in a condition that would allow him to push his body and magic wasn't likely to do that. Not that he was entirely sure magic -would- strain.
"Look, just tell me one thing: Why?" Nova said, not wanting to miss an opportunity. 'This could be useful'
"Are you being modest again?" Faye asked, lifting an eyebrow at him. "Why would anyone hate you?"

She leaned over and picked the stick he dropped up off the ground, handing it back to him. The question she'd asked a minute ago seemed to strike something in him, making her feel a bit guilty. Maybe it was too personal for her to ask, after all they'd barely known each other a day. She looked down at her lap, the rain coming down heavily now around them. At this point, she was practically drenched. However, that didn't stop her from casually continuing the conversation.

"You know, my grandfather and I were really close. He passed away last year, though.." she said quietly, but just loud enough to hear over the sound of the rain pounding against the ground. "He was like my best friend..."
He took the berries and ate them quickly. They didn't do much but he wouldn't starve tomorrow. "What we need now is a elf with the talent of cooking." He then closed his eyes. "Do you have any weapons at the moment." His hand went behind his back to the large sack of wood he always carried with him.
"What just happened?" Pandora interrupted, barging into any of the elf's conversation. "Someone please fill me in with these new people!" Pandora pointed at the new elves with a ridiculous expression on her face. "I am so confused right now...And why do you guys smell like a bear?"
Birch's normally spiky hair started to droop as more and more rain poured down on his head though he didn't seem to really notice a he took a moment to think over Nova's question. "I want to help people. More than I can just by cooking meals. I want to help protect people instead of just being a burden."
"I don't have one." Juniper replies "I'm no good at that kind of stuff." she answers. "I think we have enough elves have them I suppose. Why do you ask?" she asks him "Are you thinking of stealing them?"
Seeing the new elf he started walking slower getting away from her. He wasn't good at conversations and this girl scared him. Although he was going very slowly he was following the group. Mentally slapping himself for staying behind. 'I should have at least got a answer,' he thought to himself. He then caught up (after you filled her in what happened). "I forgot to answer you. I want to know if you have one so I can make you one." He then stayed with them not going behind.
(( Well, I'm too awkward xD I didn't wanna be 'that kid' that has to point out small grammatical errors xD But it was starting to bug me so I finally said something ||D

And that is why you should always reread your writing first! xD ))
(I don't see things like that unless they are big otherwise my brain auto corrects it. That's why I can't tell if my auto correct is working correctly or not.)

I shook my head, accepting the stick, sliding it into the disc. "People hate me because I don't keep my mouth shut. I'm blunt, I'm brutally honest, and overall I'm kind of a jerk." I began to wrap the disc in leaves. "My grandfather... was my only true friend. He died about 8 years ago. I saw his body..." I trailed off, turning my head slightly to let a tear run down and not be noticed in the rain.
((WAIT I am very confused at his moment. Whatever. I'll just do my thaaang))


Pandora skipped around, following the group. It seemed like everyone was ignoring her. Maybe she was invisible! Pandora grinned mischievously as she ran around screaming, "TO THE WINDOWS! TO THE WALL!" Pandora was about to recite the next line until she ran straight into a tree. "Ow."
Seeing the girls weird behavior he laughed. "Is she always like this?" He then pulled out a block of wood the size of a dagger handle. "Would you like a weapon?"
Faye's cheery face suddenly fell, seeing how Varexes had remembered something terrible. She could tell it caused a pang of sadness in him and Faye couldn't help but feel sad along with him. She just hated seeing others in such a state.

She then reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're most certainly not a jerk. I actually happen to think you're very sweet. I'm sure I'm not the only one either," she told him quietly, gently rubbing his shoulder as he continued to look in the opposite direction. She couldn't tell if he was tearing up at all, both the rain and his hood not making it any easier for her.

"And I know how it feels," she continued softly, "when a loved one passes away...but you just need to remember that they're watching over you...and they're in your heart as well. I know my grandfather would want me to be happy and not grieve over his death, so I make sure I continue to stay positive..for him." Faye smiled warmly, actually feeling as though her grandfather is there smiling at her proudly. She knows he's watching over her..she can almost feel his presence much of the time. 
((How many times has Faye recited this speech? x'D ))
((Many times...many I'm still a loser by myself, so I'm just going to be weird while everyone else ignores me))


Pandora got up and saw that, still, everyone seemed to be ignoring her. Looking at her hand, Pandora frowned. I'm not invisible... Deciding that they were just being mean, Pandora huffed and walked up to the elves, kicking each and everyone of them in the shins. "Meanies!" Pandora crossed her arms and pouted, she knew she was acting immature, but the young healer didn't give two dinos.

After a few seconds, Pandora groaned and gave up. "Urgh. Fish." Pandora began tagging along with the group, poking one of the new elves' cheek every few seconds.
Zerion put away the wood. "What do you do then," he asked her looking at a tree and admiring its beauty. He then reached up and took a leave from the oak. He then softly put it in his pocket. For later on he would show his grand kids this leaf a token of his adventure outside of Fayland if he lived.

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