The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I grinned back. "Then you'll love this one. I also have a few other tricks, but you'll have to wait to see those." I winked at her, scooted over on the log, patted it where there was room for her to sit, and continued forming the disc.
Birch gives Nova a very, very very very, -very- confused look and after a long stretch of silence he decides to focus on the -one- thin that made sense and asked, "Why do you think fire?" in a low voice, a frown visible on his lips at the mere thought. Him and fire had a bad history.
((The group out in the forest has stopped for a break; Nova and Birch are speaking about Nova teaching Birch some magic, Varexes and Faye are talking about his creativity skills~

The group at the ruins fought off a bear and are now trying to find the others; Juniper, Valandil, Jane, Axel, and Zerion

Oh, and it's starting to rain ^^))
(( Varexes's talent is archery. )) 

Nami said:
She scanned across the group, seeing Varexes sitting a little further from the rest of the group. She figured he was resting his legs, probably as the rest of them were. So, she casually made her way over to him and settled herself down on the log beside him, figuring it wouldn't hurt to give her own legs a break as well.
((Faye's actually been sitting on the log beside him the entire time..xDD But I can pretend she wasn't ||D))
Caricon tossed his hammer in the air and caught it. He then put in its holster. "What can I make you for you to trust me." He then started playing with his hands being the ADHD kid he was (as in he can't sit still but can focus.)
((Okay. Time for Pandora to come back to life and rejoin Juniper again. lol I hate that alert machine thing.))


Pandora's eyes fluttered open. When did I fall asleep? The young healer stretched her arms and noticed she was standing. Have I been sleep walking this whole time? Pandora glanced around the group in confusion. "What's up guys? Anything happen while I was asleep?" Pandora obviously didn't notice their tired expressions and then stretched her legs.

What had happened? And who are the new people? Deciding that it wasn't the best time to ask, Pandora shrugged it off and continued walking with the group of elves.
//assuming Faye was never sitting beside him xDD//

Faye then accepted the gesture and took a seat beside Varexes on the log. Her eyes focused on the work he was doing with his hands, fascinated by his creative skills. He was certainly right, she was looking forward to seeing what else he was able to do.

After a few more moments of watching closely, she looked up at him and joked, "Maybe your talent should've been tailoring."

She laughed to herself as she looked down at the ground, feeling more and more rain drops hitting her. The rain had begun to come down even harder. In response to the sudden change in weather, Faye lifted her hood up and placed it over her head.

"Here comes the rain," she said, stating the obvious.
Juniper pushes herself off the ground standing up and follows trying to keep up with Val. He seemed to know where he was going. "They did get a pretty good head start." she states "and they do have all the supplies."
((Yes. Caricon is dead. HunnyHelp brought back a new character named Zerion on another account, but we caught him and he's just using his old account. Idrc.))
(I created a new char Zerion)

Zerion followed them. He felt his stomach growl. Once he caught up with the girl who was talking he asked," I haven't eaten in days do you have any food?" He then saw her pale face. "Are you ok you look ill."
Jess sighed as the rain poured down harder, the result being her wrapping her hoodie around her tighter. She wasn't that big of a fan of rain, especially thunder. Thunder scared her half to death and she could never understand why. She put her back against a tree and slid down the damp wood since it seemed like the group would stay here for some time. 
(I know but in his most recent post he said Caricon instead of Zerion.) 
(That confused me but now I understand.)

I chuckled when she said that. "The girls back at my village always came to me whenever they needed sewing done, but I'm worse with a needle than I am with leaves and sticks." I shrugged unapologetically. "Even then, I'm not that good. This disc is pretty rough compared to what my grandfather could do. He taught me how to do this before he got killed." I grimaced. "He tried to protect my mother from a bear when I was 6. Since then I've sorta taught myself as best I can."

I looked up and saw a few more droplets land on my disc. "So it is, Mrs. Obvious." I grinned at her from under my cowl.
Nova stared a Birch. "I was once energetic like Faye, I could move from one thing to the next without a care in the world finding both things equally enjoyable. But when I acquired magic, I think fate chamged me. I think I paid the price with the lives of my parents and my place in my village; my magic took a lot from me. I've reflected on it and I understand it, but I still feel the cold void; I feel as though the bitter cold is my very nature.

You on the other hand hold more tge nature of water, passive and retreating. If magic were to extract a price from you it would most likely take your extreme caution leading to arrogance and rash action; the nature of fire."

While speaking with Faye I also eavesdropped on the conversation between Birch and Nova. I frowned slightly, furrowing my brow, but I made it look to Faye like I was thinking about my grandfather. This is why I prefer archery. Magic is just too complicated.
"The girls came to you for sewing? I bet you were quite the ladies man back at home, huh?" Faye smiled at him and playfully punched his arm.

She was getting the idea that this boy was quite modest. After all, she'd seen his shooting earlier today--which was grand--yet, he claimed he wasn't all that great. Now he was telling her that he wasn't that good at creating these little trinkets of sticks and leaves, even though it was clear that he was. Although, she didn't really mind the fact that he was so humble. To be honest, it was yet another thing she admired about Varexes.

"Were you and your grandfather close?" she asked him, hoping the subject wasn't too personal.
"... You think I'm rash and arrogant?" he asks, his eyes tilting towards the grown as most of the explanation goes through one ear and out the other.

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