The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper watches Valandil worried. She looks at the bear and how unnatural the beast looked sprawled on the ground. She frowned saddened by all the death that had been happening recently.
Zerion came from behind the building hearing the bear fall. "Thank you," he said awkwardly. He then pulled out the peg that he had made durning the attacked. He then tossed it to the man who saved him. "I be leave I haven't introduced myself. I am Zerion." He said sticking his hands in his pockets.
Bit by bit, Birch starts to calm down. Faye was right. Of course she was right. All this time he'd been trying to keep himself safe, tucked inside a shell to stop himself from getting hurt. How many people had he hurt or lost in the process? He wasn't quite ready to be a normal boy again, all happy and energetic, but Faye was doing her job to encourage him out. Letting out a deep sigh before taking a deep breathe, Birch nodded a few times as he tried to dry some of his own tears. "O-Okay," he says in a shaky voice, not directing it towards anything Faye had said in particular, mostly doing so just to give her some comfort.

He looked down at his chest, realizing that her hand was still there which made him blush a bit as he takes a step back. He didn't really want to create too much distance between him and her but for the time being he was still figuring out what that distance was to begin with, not to mention whether he liked where it was. Wiping his eyes with the back of his sleep, he says, "I need to go talk..." He lets the sentence hang there before clearing his throat, lowering his arm and walking to the small group they had following them, making a beeline for Nova whom he looked at with his usual pokerface expression as he asked, "Excuse me, Nova. Can we talk?"
Gradually, Birch began to feel a bit better and less dreadful. She hoped she had helped him feel that way, smiling a bit wider as he wiped his tears away. She just wanted his happiness--that was all. And she was willing to do whatever she could to bring that to him.

The emotional moment had come to an end with Birch stepping away from her, allowing Faye's outstretched arm to fall back to her side reluctantly. She was both a little puzzled and surprised when he turned away from her to speak with..Nova. Maybe he was planning on making some new friends? The thought alone made Faye feel warm inside, glad to think that he was trying.
(SHIT I MISSED A LOT! I didn't get emails when you guys replied! Short version of anything important I missed?)


I silently observed everyone in the group as they reunited, introducing himself and nodding when appropriate. When Faye and Birch began to get a bit closer, my brow furrowed slightly, but it was barely noticeable. During their bonding moment of panic, I stepped away into the shadows and simply watched, not quite a stalker but definitely close. I watched with interest, not knowing quite where to step in and speak since I didn't know them. But while I listened I took the time I had to think about the family and friends, as few as they were and as little as they cared, behind in Fayland. It wasn't the best place to live, but we lived far enough away from patrols that we didn't worry too much about the soldiers. How did I even escape..? Was there a hole in the wall? Or did that cave I ran through bring me out on the other side of the border? I was so unsure of what to think. Did I want to go with Faye or go back? Could I even go back? I don't remember the path. Maybe I could just write, because I did want to go with Faye. I'm just so confused.
(( Alcatraz Faye, Birch, Nova, Pandora, Jess, Varexes, and I'm assuming Vex have left the ruins and are currently walking through the forest. Juniper, Valandil, Jane, and Axel are still at the ruins and just fought off a bear. Birch just turned to speak with Nova. And that's it xD ))
(OK, glad I didn't miss anything to do with my character too much xD I'm in school so can't reply much but will do what I can.)
Tamura yay, I'm glad you feel better! :D

Oh, and am I the only one with an elf that has two living parents? x'D Why is it that everyone likes to have their parents killed off somehow? ||D hahah
((Hahahah ohkay xD I feel like 90% of the character sheets I read have histories pretty much all about how their parents died xD It's not a bad thing, it's just more unusual to find character sheets without that xD ))
(Eh, I try to stay away from stereotypical things like that. I try to describe my own life and try to fit in how I would normally if this were to actually happen to me.)
(Sorry to interrupt.)

Ruineth pushed through the forest, huffing and puffing. She was long over her anger with her aunt, but to be honest she didn't know how to get back home from this point. Besides, it'd be too much to see her aunt's smug face when she could say "I told you so." So on Ruineth puffed, despite her dress getting shredded and packed with dirt. She really did look a mess with her hair starting to fizz and her face streaked with muck. What was worse was her on growing hunger and thirst. She cursed herself for not bringing more food and beverage. So there she was. Lost in the forest with a heavy pack, empty stomach, and dry tongue. Not only that, now she was hearing voices!

Ruineth went berserk. She stomped past the trees, ripping at her surroundings. She tripped, falling to the ground with a horrible crash. Angrier than ever, she kicked at the stone she'd tripped over. Her brow furrowed. She heard the voices again, but this time they were closer. She crawled past a large oak tree and looked to her left. A group of elves stood there. They were a rough looking bunch. She observed from a distance, trying hard not to be seen. It looked as if they were having a conversation. She waited, pondering whether or not she should approach.
(( It affected my character the most, you posers! ))

Birch shuffled nervously for a moment, eyes falling to look at Nova's feet as he mutters, "I'd like to talk to you in private, if that's okay." It was an odd request and he wanted to keep it as a bit of a surprise for the time being, not to mention he wasn't sure he could say it aloud in front of everyone present.
Juniper looks at Zerion as he handed Valandil a peg. She thought about coming up with a snarky remark about how much of a coward he had been quivering behind a tree while Valandil took on the bear by himself, but she wasn't much in the mood lately. She felt tired, at least her head had stopped throbbing. "We should catch up to the others before they get too far away." she suggests.

I kept quiet as we walked, simply observing. When Birch asked to speak to... Nova? I'm terrible at names. But anyways, when Birch asked to speak to him in private it peaked Varexes' interest. After everything that had happened, any information about people in the group could come in handy. Not for blackmail, but simply to identify and learn how to treat each individual. Taking one tiny unnoticeable step off to the side, but also closer, I started to eavesdrop for real now, shoving the thoughts of my home into the dark recesses of my mind.

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