The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper looks over at the stranger. "We already left Fayland" she corrects not sure what he was talking about. "Who are you?" she narrows her eyes not recognizing him as someone part of the group.
Birch seized up as Faye suddenly pulled him into a hug. It was a strangely familiar to the last time Faye had been crying though the situation was quite reversed as she was the one hugging him now. He wanted to keep apologizing, say he was sorry for causing all this trouble by speaking up but he couldn't bring himself to say it. It was a lie. The idea had come to him years ago, his parents were dead, his own life nearly ended and then he felt oh so distant from the word. At least a ghost could morn in peace but he had a body to go with his numbness. It had felt like so long since anything had felt right.

After standing there limply for a few moments, Birch's arms manage to find their war around Faye as he hugs her back tightly, clenching his eyes as hot tears dripped down his cheeks. Last time he'd cried it had been tears of panic but these were tears of sadness and yet strangely relief at the same time. Faye cared about him, she really did. She didn't care about all of his problems just like she put everything bad that had happened on the trip behind them. She was so wonderful.
(So, Birch just got friendzoned? At least for the moment and then began to have a mental breakdown....Aradia was just 0kay with everything if thats who you're mimicking with the 'already dead' thing)

Nova follows close enough to hear the exchange between Birch and Faye, ready to intervien if Birch let his emotions get too out of control, as some others in the party had. "Hey Jess, what's it like being a wolf?" Nova asked to mask his observation.
Jess turned her head away from Faye and Birch, a small smile on her face, and looked over at Nova. "Well what do you want to know?"
"Like, do you still find elves attractive? Or do you find other wolves attractive?" Nova asked, attempting to look as engaged as possible while walking and spying at the same time.
Jess looked at Nova strangly, a few chuckles escaping her mouth. "I didn't expect an answer like that. Um, well I don't find other wolfs attractive. I don't know if other shifters find whatever they turn into attractive or not but I would have to say no to the whole wolf attraction thing."
He pulled out his hammer not really knowing how to interact. "Why do you need to know?" He then heard a sound and turned around. He saw a giant bear behind him. He turned around and froze scared. What the heck was that. If he wasn't frozen he would've thrown his hammer at it but then again he was in shock.
((Where did Birch ever get friendzoned? xD Faye didn't push him away at all :0 And Zeyro did you mean other *elves instead of humans? Or were you just asking about humans randomly? xD Sorry, I just always replace people/humans with elves. xD )) 
((And I love how everyones just like 'lol Birch is crying :) anywho,' xD ))
(She reffered to him as a 'best friend'. Often an indication that one is now capable of being catagorized with the same type of 'care' given to a smartphone. You may love your Android but you never date it :P )

" That's what I thought. I was just curious if your mind stayed the same or if you developed animal instincts or something while shifted into a wolf"
Juniper grips onto Val's arm staring at the bear, her eyes wide with surprise. She didn't know what to do. She didn't have any weapons, not that should use them while she was being held. She still felt awkward having to be the one to speak up to the stranger. Why was she thinking about that with a bear towering in front of her? Sometimes her thoughts didn't even make sense to her.
Finally unfreezing he dropped his hammer and ran. As fast and as far as possible from the bear. He then jumped behind a ruined building and watched the bear with fear.
Faye stood there for another minute or so just to hold Birch close in her arms. She hoped that she was being comforting enough, although she assumed so due to his arms wrapping around her in return. She patted his back a little before finally pulling away a little and placing her hands on his shoulders while she looked him in the eyes. His were red and soaked with tears, so Faye used her right sleeve to dry beneath his eyes a little for him.

"It's okay," she said to him quietly, a gentle smile forming on her lips. "We're together now and that's all that matters. And there's no need for all those tears..your family wouldn't want you to be crying right now. Even though you can't physically see them, they're there..and most importantly, they're here." Faye then gently places her hand against his chest where his heart would be and smiles lightheartedly at him.

Faye had to go through a similar experience just the other day with what happened with Roslyn. Although she was still sad about the situation and she could feel it returning in her gut every now and then, she reminded herself of how Roslyn wouldn't want her to be crying over her. She also reminded herself that she was watching over Faye and would always be right there in her heart. Faye hated seeing Birch cry so much that it even made her tear up. All she wanted was for him to be happy..and it seemed like he hadn't been for the longest time. Not only did Faye herself want Birch to be happy, but she knew that his parents would appreciate it if he was happy, so she wanted to help him for them as well. 
((Well, you can date your best friend though xD and she was calling him best friend because he was asking if Faye remembered him. You weren't here at the way beginning of the RP but they're childhood friends and Faye couldnt remember until now. So she said that to show that she remembered they were best friends :o


............................................................That awkward moment when Flingzombies is Hunnyhelp ....//places a hand on my forehead and sighs deeply//

Okay, just..whatever lmao. I don't even..just don't do anything annoying. lmao.))
(It's my brothers account he just said he quit and I thought of this. *hangs head*. At least I picked one of the two abilities you said before I left. I just could go to sleep so I came up with this plan.)
Valandil freezes and whispers "Don't move and don't look it in the eye." He remembered reading about what to do if you encountered a bear in the forest. He just never had a chance to test it because they had scared the last bear. He looked at the bears feet, prepared to draw his sword in case the bear charged.
(Awww Firch is so cute xD )

Jess shrugs her shoulders halfheartedly. "You still get some qualities as your animal. Since mine is a wolf I can still growl and whimper, I can also scratch my ear with my back paw, which feels weird. Also since wolfs senses, such as sight, smell, etc. are really good, mine are too."
"Do you like the taste of blood? I've heard of hunters freezing animal blood around daggers during the winter months. When wolves start licking the blood, it tastes so good they don't stop until they cut their tounge and bleed to death."
Zerion pulled out a block of wood and a carving knife. He then started carving a bear peg. Hiding behind the wall carving out of nervousness. He carved when he was nervous, he carved a lot. He then got a wooden peg in the shape of a bear. He then pulled out another wooden block and continued to carve.
"Um." Jess blinked a few times before speaking up again. "It's okay I guess. When I'm a wolf I can eat animals without cooking them and such, pretty much raw, but it doesn't taste that good. That's why I prefer to kill my prey then go back into an elf so I can cook it."
Juniper follows Valandil's instructions. She looks up at Valandil "You can put me down" she whispers back, thinking it a good idea if he was planning on attacking the bear. She had gotten to the conclusion when he reached for his sword.
Valandil slowly crouched and put Juniper on the ground. He then got back up noticing that the bear was now moving toward him. He started to run to the side, which made the bear start running towards him. "I only have one chance at this." he thought as he drew his sword. It still felt heavy on his hands. When the bear was within touching distance, he crouched as low as he could and shoved the sword forward. When he opened his eyes he saw that the sword was inside the bears head. He pressed it in deeper to make sure the bear was dead and then collapsed on the ground shocked at how the thing had snuck up on them.

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