The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"Very well..." Nova said nervously. He took note of Birchs nervousness as well, assuming Birch would be more confrontational if he were upset by Novas spying, which Nova hoped he hadn't noticed in the first place. Nova allowed Birch to lead the way to wherever this talk would occur.
Birch stopped dead in his tracks letting everyone get a bit of distance in front of him, hopefully out of earshot of most of the group, before waiting for Nova to join him so he can get what he wants off his chest.

I pretended to walk off a little bit myself, not quite alone into the woods, but also not towards the rest of the group. I had excellent hearing and so took a seat on a nearby log that was barely within range of earshot of Birch and Nova, but far enough away that it looked casual. Once I was seated, I leaned around me, picked up sticks and leaves and began weaving them into a disc.
Faye had continued to walk after Birch had ditched her to speak with Nova. She still was a bit wary of the situation, finding it rather unusual that Birch willingly decided to talk to another member of the group...especially Nova. It's not that Nova was a bad guy, actually Faye thought he seemed really sweet. She was glad that Birch was trying to make some new friends.

Faye hiked her bow onto her back before sighing dreamily and shoving her hands deep into the pockets of her long grey jacket covered in dry blood. She really needed to give this thing a washing... Faye put one foot in front of the other, but walked with a sort of motion that showed her legs were getting a little tired. However, she didn't mind the aching in her legs. She simply just looked up at the sky and closed her eyes momentarily with a warm smile. She was grateful that everyone was getting along.

Just then she felt a droplet of water fall onto her nose, causing her eyes to pop open. Her pupils both turned to look at her nose, giving her a cross eyed look. When she felt another droplet of water hit her cheek and then her forehead, she blinked a few times to get her normal vision back.

After gazing up into the darkening sky, Faye moved her head back down and turned around to state the obvious to the group--that it was beginning to rain. Of course, when she turned she noticed she was about ten feet away from the group already. For a second she figured she'd been walking to fast, but that was until she realized that everyone had stopped to chat. She frowned a little to herself, wondering why no one had warned her. Heck, if it hadn't started raining she probably would've never turned around in the first place, meaning they would've let her walk further and further away. She scanned across the group, seeing Varexes sitting a little further from the rest of the group. She figured he was resting his legs, probably as the rest of them were. So, she casually made her way over to him and settled herself down on the log beside him, figuring it wouldn't hurt to give her own legs a break as well.
Birch stares off into nothing for a moment, acting as if he hadn't heard a thing before he looks over at Nova with a dull gaze and asks in a quiet, empty voice "I'd like you to teach me magic."

When I heard Birch ask that, I dropped a stick and swore under my breath, bending down to pick it up and weaving it back into the disc I was making. I was using the same strategy I used for the targets as before, but I was using thicker sticks in order to make it heavier. I'd done it before, but it wouldn't be ready until I was done. Nevertheless, I paid more attention to what I was hearing than what I was doing. Out of hte corner of my eye I noticed Faye slightly ahead of the group, but she had stopped and was glancing around at everyone else. Nothing unusual for someone who Varexes was accepting as the primary "leader" of the group.

Returning his attention to the conversation and the disc, he lowered his head. Feeling a water droplet land on his head, he raised his cowl and worked silently, his face invisible in the shadow and drop of the hood as he leaned over.
"Alright, so let me try (try, try) to want to be a magic man?

Steal the girls Heart? Well,

Never think of never...because spells don't last forever.

She will love you for who you are, not what you can do.

But, I can teach you.

I'll have you time-travlin,

Have your mind babblin,

You're trying to inhert the skills

So you're askin?

I got the magic in me

So I guess I can help you too.

Based on the fact that my magic relates to my inner being as cold ice, I would asssume yours will be fire...are you sure about this? Magic always comes at a price..."

(References: B.O.B "Magic", Heart "Magic Man", and Rumple Stillskin "Once upon a Time".)
"Watchya doin there?" Faye asked as she leaned over beside Varexes, trying to figure out what he was busy crafting in his hands. She believed it was another target of some sort. Hm, she thought to herself, he seems to be quite the creative elf. Creativity was something she admired, along with the love of adventure.
(Nami; I suggest you allow cross training with one stipulation; the trainee can only be half as skilled as the trainer)
(( Well obviously Birch won't be all that great at it, but he can pick up a few skills. Elves can never be great at a talent they weren't born to be good at. :0 At least, that's what I'd figure so that others can't be great at another's talent, meaning they'd have two talents. But since his talent is cooking he certainly can be able to pick up some magic skills. I mean, he needs to defend himself somehow, and I doubt cooking some bacon is gonna do him any good there x'D He could always throw a pan at someone, but y'know..still not all that great ||D))
(Yes, that is why I suggested a max of 50% proficiency. Now, if the trainer becons more skilled, then the trainee could become as proficient as another just starting with the talent. Birch could also weild a castiron skillet, which would really hurt. Also, can Nova become more skilled with his talent?)
((Sure, to all of that xD hahaha, I don't even know what a 'castiron skillet' is but do as you wish xD And Nova can be as skilled as he wants.))

When Faye snuck up on me I heard her footsteps, but I feigned a jump when she spoke. Throwing my head at her and peeking from under my cowl I grinned. "It's just a little surprise. Here." I tossed it like a frisbee at her for her to catch, having to flick my wrist a specific way to make it fly because it was heavy from the materials I'd used.
Faye kept her eyes on him as she caught the object in both of her hands, surprised at how heavy it actually was. She was grinning when she looked down to observe the disc made up of a number of sticks and leaves. She turned the disc around in her hands as she wondered, "So, what's it for?"
"Ok." said Valandil to Juniper. He then turned to the new elf and said "You can come too I guess. But your staying in my sight until I know we can trust you. He then walked towards the exit of the ruins, barely finding tracks in the ground. "They probably went in this direction. I hope they haven't gone too far."

I grinned. "It's a surprise. But i'll tell you this: it's not a target." I held out my hand for her to toss it back to me.
Faye looked up at him, a curious grin across her face. She continued to spin the disc around in her hands for a few more seconds as she kept her eyes on him. Finally, she handed it over to him reluctantly.

"I like surprises," she said to Varexes, although now there was a hint of eagerness in her voice.
( A castiron skillet is a normal cooking pan hamd-make of solid iron. It is about 3x as heavy as a modern pan)

Nami said:
(( Well obviously Birch won't be all that great at it, but he can pick up a few skills. Elves can never be great at a talent they weren't born to be good at. :0 At least, that's what I'd figure so that others can't be great at another's talent, meaning they'd have two talents. But since his talent is cooking he certainly can be able to pick up some magic skills. I mean, he needs to defend himself somehow, and I doubt cooking some bacon is gonna do him any good there x'D He could always throw a pan at someone, but y'know..still not all that great ||D))
Is the the same for carpenters?)

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