The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Jess quietly followed behind the group before sighing and changing back to an elf, her short brown hair blowing in her face. She has been a wolf a bit too much, at least that's what she thought. Once she caught up with the others she raised an eyebrow at Nova. "The Wolf? Really."
(I was reffering to Vex xD )

Nova summoned his Ice Spear and broke it in half over his knee. He then threw one half out in front of the group. "Fetch?" 
*Nova said that to Jess
Birch followed behind Faye as they made their way out of the ruins, exhaustion written on his face after so much walking today. The same fatigue probably hadn't hit the others yet but Birch wasn't exactly the pinnacle of physical health all things considered. He was tired, a little hot and felt awkward as they continued to go around with him hardly knowing the names of the people around him but for one reason or another he couldn't focus on that. For some reason, all his focus was on Faye's hand. She wasn't holding anything in it, not clenching it and it didn't have so much as a scratch or mark on it. Then why exactly couldn't he tear his eyes away? His own hands knitted inside the pockets of his tunic as he just stared at her hand as they walked. He knew why he was so interested, he couldn't deny it, but it still wasn't easy.

There were a few things that could go bad, rejection high among them. Maybe she'd take it wrong. Maybe she'd see it more like he was a child who needed guidance. Pity was as bad as rejection at this point. All the same, it didn't stop his hand from reaching out and touching her, his finger curling around hers gently as his eyes darted up to gauge her reaction.
Jess rolled her eyes with a small smirk on her face. "Nah, and did I ever give you my name... I can't remember." She grumbled the last part under her breath, having bad memory was something that she hated.
Faye was walking along, now able to hear the group behind her. Even though it was unnecessary, she glanced back a few times and smiled at the others to ensure that they were truly there this time around. Of course, she could hear their chatter from behind her as they continued to walk. Additionally, she saw a large icicle fall from the sky a few feet ahead of them followed by Nova's voice saying, "Fetch?"

Faye chuckled to herself while shaking her head slightly. She doubted Jess was actually going to go retrieve that for the mage, considering not only was she a wolf rather than a dog, but it was just something she didn't seem interested in.

As they continued to walk along, something a bit surprising happened. She looked to the side of her, seeing Birch eyeing her cautiously. It seemed that Birch had reached out and held her hand, which made her smile warmly at him as her eyes sparkled softly. He looked a bit nervous at first, like he feared she was going to pull away or something. However, that was the last thing she was planning to do. Instead, she pulled him a bit closer and swung their hands back and fourth merrily.
Pandora let out a loud "Awwww~" at the sight of Firch. "You guys are sooo cute!" Pandora giggled lightly, spinning around cheerfully. Pandora spun around in circles, feeling very bored during this little "trip". Pandora slammed into a tree while she was spinning around with a loud THWACK!

"Owch." Pandora fell onto her butt and frowned. "Today really isn't my day, is it?"
"Actually," Nova said to Jess "I'm pretty sure you told me your name when you and that other shap shifter were talking."
Jess nodded her head once as he finished talking. "Okay, just making sure. I have pretty bad memory so I couldn't really remember." She looked around the area out of habit, just in case something decided to pop up out of nowhere, which has been happening a lot lately.
Birch's face went red as she looked away from Faye as she started swinging their hands back and forth. This was a good reaction, actually sort of great. Then why did it feel like there was a hole burning in his stomach? Oh, right. Nerves. He'd just taken a big step towards something he didn't fully understand and he hated the mere idea of stepping back out of it again but there was something weighing heavily down on his mind. "Um." He mutters this meaningless little sound, hoping it would get Faye's attention as he looks up over at her, still blushing some. "Faye. Do you.... remember me yet?" he asks, his words very careful and slow.
Faye turned her head to look at Birch again, smiling contently as she continued to swing their hands back and fourth cheerfully. His words rung a sudden bell in her mind, bringing her back to that dream she had last night. That was wasn't like any other dream. It felt more like a flashback.

Although, she was still asleep and dreams are capable of making you feel like they're totally real, but she spent a long while afterwards going over each and every moment of it in her mind. She had tried to tell Birch about it, but he fell asleep before she was able to. Faye decided to keep it to herself when she finally remembered.

She remembered they were best friends when they were younger. She remembered how he used to always be smiling just like Faye. She remembered he used to laugh all the time with Faye. She remembered their plans to go on an enormous adventure together. She remembered it all. She even remembered why he vanished all of a sudden when they were younger and she never saw him again until that day at the bonfire. Well, she'd seen him around before that but never approached him because she didn't recognize him much. Through the years that the two hadn't spoken she began to focus on different things, like her archery skills and helping her parents with their work. After a while, just about everything about Birch seemed to have faded from her memory and she even continued to dream about leaving Fayland..but she forgot about the promise she made with Birch to go together.

It was until Faye had that dream that she'd forgotten. Birch used to be her best friend because they used to be so much alike, but something happened. She wasn't quite sure what happened, but one day she tried to visit Birch at his house but no one was there. Not only that, but the house looked like it went through some serious damage. Faye's parents told her that he probably moved to another village in Fayland, but now Faye was wondering if they'd only said that so she wouldn't worry.

Either way, Faye looked at Birch and nodded in response to his question. "Of course I remember you, best friend," she said quietly with a soft smile.
((The whole group besides Juniper, Valandil, Axel, and Jane are walking through the forest. ^^))
Zerion walked through the forest thinking back to that fateful night. The night he killed his mother and father. He touched his rib, remembering the pain of the whip. He then heard a rustle and pulled out his hammer. He couldn't do much but at least he had a weapon. He stepped through a bush and meet a group. (Are we doing the two different groups?)
(I think Valandil is holding her still. Is the group within a distance where we can see them or are they gone again?)
Birch should have been happy, been able to smile and be appreciative of the moment. He didn't feel any of that. Instead he felt a giant hole in his stomach as he hung his head. "Faye, I-I'm-" He cut himself off as he realizes his voice was shaking. She remembered how things had been just as she did. Yes, she had forgotten and that hurt but...

"I'm sorry," he said, his hand suddenly pulling out of her grasp as his hands tighten into fists and his head turned to look away from her. "I'm so, so sorry," he muttered again as his body began to shake. He'd left her. He could have gone at any time before the day after the bonfire to find her and try and be happy. Instead he'd let himself rot away in his own misery all these years, so badly that all these returning emotions were really and truly painful from the shock alone. He felt so ashamed that things had ever gotten so bad.
((Juniper, Valandil, Axel, and Jane are all still at the ruins. I believe Val is holding Juniper, Axel's probs just chillin there along with Jane. Faye, Birch, Nova, Pandora, Jess, Varexes, and Vex have all left the ruins. They've only been walking for like four or five minutes so they're not far, but you can't see them from the ruins. Flingzombies we're doing one group, but some groups can stray from the big group if they wish. You can either go catch up to Faye and them or go to the ruins where Juniper, Val, Axel, and Jane are. ^^)) 
(( Oh and it's okay Tamura feel better! :u )) 
Faye's smile quickly faded as Birch's hand slipped from his grasp and he trembled dreadfully. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, but she wasn't aware what was so wrong. Did she miss something in her memory that he was thinking of mostly? Why was he sorry?

"Uh--Birch..." she said gently, placing a caring hand on his shoulder. Faye glanced back at the group of elves behind her, telling them with her eyes that she didn't know why he was acting like this. "Sorry for what?" she asked softly, looking around at his turned face.
As Zerion looked closer he realized they were in ruins. He then put away his hammer and slowly stepped forwards he got into their eyesight and smiled. "I see others wish to leave fayland." He then stood there looking like a dope.
"I lost everything," he says, his voice shaky as he forces his eyes closed. "I-I couldn't save Mom and Dad, I know I couldn't. But then I lost everyone else I cared about, including you. I didn't try to see you, try to let you comfort me. I was so numb. I didn't want to cry anymore. But.." There's a long silence as Birch keeps shaking, his balled fists growing tighter as he looks over at Faye, eyes watery as he speaks in barely a whisper. "I'm afraid, Faye. Somedays I-I think that I died. Died with my mom and dad and instead of becoming a ghost, my soul passed on and left my body to mourn. Even when I want to be happy or sad, I just can't without effort. T-That's not how it's suppose to work..."
As Birch speaks, her mouth opens to say something, but she doesn't know how to form words. Her own eyes have begun to water, seeing the tears welling up in his glassy eyes. Faye felt shocked by what he was telling her, although somewhere in her she knew it already. She had an idea that something like that had happened, but she told herself not to believe something so horrid.

Slowing down her pace, she looks at Birch for another moment before pulling him into a tight embrace. For once, she doesn't have enough words to speak. She hopes that both her tears and actions will express herself more than any words could have to begin with. 
(( SliverOfHope there's still four people at the ruins xD So, I'm assuming Flingzombies is with them now xD ))

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