The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye nodded at Varexes and said, "Yeah, that's them. I'm not quite sure where the other three are, though.." She scratched the back of her neck, scanning the area once more. 
((can Nova, Pandora, and Val like run back into the ruins quick? I don't think they're there yet.))
Pandora emerged from the woods with the others, panting hard from all the running. "I." Huff. "Hate." Huff. "Running!" With those words, Pandora stumbled over to a small stump and fell over, leaning her back against the rotting wood.
As Valandil emerged from the woods he saw two figures in the ruins. He entered and sat down, resting after running for so long.
Faye was about to ask Juniper if she'd seen the others around, but then something rather unexpected happened. She felt herself jump a bit, startled at the sight of Pandora, Nova, and Valandil stumbling out of the woods while trying to catch their breath.

"Wow," Faye said, her gray eyes expanding, "perfect timing, guys!"
Nova blindly follows Pandora, seeing how his scouting didn't go well. He sees her stumble and fall and offers a hand to help her up, feeling it is the least he could do.
Pandora happily accepted the hand Nova gave her, only to fall back down on the ground the moment she let go of his hand. "I feel like a baby giraffe..." Pandora groaned, her legs feeling very wobbly.
Faye moved over to where Nova was lending a hand to Pandora, crossing her arms in wonder as she came to a halt beside them. She cocked her head to the side, strands of blonde hair falling across her face as she lifted her eyebrows.

"Where were you guys this whole time? We started heading off about a half an hour ago to find that half the group was missing!"
Seeing his attempt to help her up failed, Nova falls to the ground and sits down next to Pandora. "Scouting out a small human settlement. I really should say that our mishap was my fault" Nova takes out the waterskin again and freezes the water into a jagged short version of his spear, curses and then unfreezes it.
Nova falls to the ground beside Pandora and although Faye had been frustrated that they never caught up to the group, causing the rest of them to take another ten minute walk back to the ruins, it had vanished now. She wasn't regularly a serious person, so something of the sort wouldn't push her over the edge. She was simply just glad everyone was together. Not to mention, just seeing the two sitting on the ground beside one another sparked the slightest smile on her lips.

"You're lucky you guys are cute," Faye mumbles as she turns away, giving them one last teasing glance before heading back over to Varexes and Birch. Hey, if she couldn't scold them for running off right as they were about to leave, she could at least taunt them.
Pandora let out a small chuckle. "Nah," Pandora grinned at Nova. "I guess you could call that fun. It was my fault that we were found out in the first place." Pandora patted Nova's head with her hand, I mean, what else would she pat him with? Her foot?
"Yes, but I invited you to go with me; I should never have lied saying that we were scouting ahead. I've wanted to check that village out for a while now." Nova said, getting up and following Faye to join the others.
(Well my day ended on a kind of low note. I didn't expect that. Um..... What's happened? last I remember Valandil had picked up Juniper.)
(( Low note? D: And everyone's at the ruins now))

Faye threw her hands behind her back and nodded at Nova understandingly. "It's fine, we're altogether now so..let's just all try not to lose each other again!"

Faye chuckled happily as she did a number of times on a daily basis. It was up to her to keep the group in a dandy mood as well as keep them up and ready on their feet for more adventuring. She was taught to always have a positive attitude, which she almost always did. If Faye was either negative or angry and showed it on the outside, then there must've been something horrible to cause it.
(Yes. After the closing of the show, my twin had to attend the cast party. This left me having to attend as well, because I live an hour away from the theater, there was not an opportunity to drop me, my little sister, and her lovely friend at home. To be frank, the cast excluded us using every opportunity available during this dinner.)
Nova just shook his head, too energetic tgat one is. 'Already off on another adventure'. "Agreed. You never told me why you guys are out here. What are you doing?" 
(Aww, that sucks D: )
Pandora sighed and pushed herself up with the stump. Feeling the feeling come back to her legs, Pandora stretched out her limbs before following the others, humming a light tune while at it.

After a few seconds, Pandora noticed a new addition to the group. "Who's the new guy?" Pandora inquired, staring intently at the new elf.
((When I was a freshmen in theater, the theater kids hated me. They would do these really lame warm up songs and I wasn't even planning on actually singing in the musical, I was just going to lip sync xD So, I didn't actually sing the warm ups //im telling you they were awful// and they glared at me and hated my guts. They were kids tend to be attached to their big 'family' of other theater kids they've been with for a long time. ;p

Wanna hear a funny story? //im sorry guys x'D you're probably like UGH NO WE DONT WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER STORY ;w; but im telling you anyways xD// well, back when I did a play at the Warner theater, that wasn't a school play so I didn't know anyyyyone. I'm really shy in person actually, so I didn't talk to anyone or have any friends in the production. One day they were all playing this 'Statues' game back stage and I was just kinda watching like :l derp. and then someone actually approached me and was like, "hey wanna play with us?" and im like "sure :l" and they told me I had to be the person to make people laugh so I was like "kay :l" so let me remind you this was 5ever ago, like 5th grade I think. So, I go up to these people and just start saying really weirdly, "YOYOYO, MY NAME IS JOE, MY PANTS HANG LOW, AND MY BOXERS SHOW!" and they all started cracking up and I won, and after that everyone apparently thought I was hilarious and wanted to be my friend.

So yes, that's my story of how I made friends in theater. So when in doubt, sing that and maybe they'll pay attention to you x'D. THE END.)) 
Faye turned to Nova as she he spoke. "Well, we all left Fayland because..they treat us like prisoners. We want to change the way things work..and if we have to get to the other side of the land, the so be it. Not only that, but don't you all wanna see what's outside of those brick walls?! I mean, that's why we're all here, right? For the adventure!"

Faye's eyes were dazzling with excitement, this clearly being a dream of her own since she was little. Her mind was off in a whole other world, gazing off into the even bigger journey they had ahead of them. The adventure had only just begun. Without even realizing it, she was shaking Nova's shoulders as she spoke. Maybe she had too much excitement, but she really wanted this.
(Yeah, that wouldn't work in my case. I'm not an actress. Unlike my entire family, I don't like to be on stage and the center of attention. I'm more of a behind the camera kind of gal, but I'm in no way fond of being excluded.)

Juniper looked around trying to make sense of what was happening. She hadn't been out for that long, had she? There seemed to be talk of a new person joining their group. Where was Caricon? He still hadn't reappeared. She vaguely remembered being told they were leaving and being picked up, so why she was still int the ruins boggled her mind. Nothing made much sense to her, so she resolved to remain quiet and let everyone else speak for a while.
((I like doing both xD It's weird though, my family doesn't understand me at all. I'm super awkward and shy around strangers--even my relatives, Idunno if thats sad xD --but when I'm on stage I get into character completely because I don't consider myself 'me' anymore, I consider myself the character. It's weird..I don't know how I do it but I do o-o Although they pick crappy plays at my school sometimes even though the final production comes out well, I just don't like having to act in something I'm not personally interested in. Last one was like 'Girls of the Secret Garden'

How 'bout no. xDD

I'll stand on the stage and pretend to be an old women singing Ke$ha, but I will not be part of something called 'Girls of the Secret Garden.' xD ))

Faye finally snapped out of her daze, realizing she was gripping Nova's shoulders. Oh god, she thought to herself, did I lose myself in my speech again? She rapidly removed her hands and spun around to Pandora. It took Faye a moment to collect the words she'd spoken before her own, finally remembering.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, throwing an arm around Varexes's shoulders. "This is Varexes! We just met him--but don't worry he's sweet, unlike that other dude, Caricon. Just trust me. He's an archer as well--a really good one at that!" Faye was smiling brightly as she spoke.
Pandora stared at Varexes. "I'm just going to call you Var, okay?" Pandora grinned cheerfully at Var. "Welcome to the-" Being somewhat like a baby giraffe, Pandora tripped over her own legs and fell right in front of Var.


((I love being in front of the camera!~ xD ))
Lanli pushed her way through the forest. She was trying to be quiet, but her footsteps where heavy; so as a result her trek made a lot of noise. The more she wandered, the more she had begun to realize that she had no idea where she was, or where to go.

"Maybe this was a bad idea..." Lanli muttered to herself.

Suddenly, she heard some talking coming from up ahead. She carefully made her way towards the noise, and looked to see who it was. She was surprised to discover two fellow elves sitting on a log near what appeared to be a ruin. Unsure of what to do, she simply stepped forward to where they could see her, but without saying anything.

EDIT: I dun goofed. Everyone is in the ruins now except Lanli. T_T 
Lanli pushed her way through the forest. She was trying to be quiet, but her footsteps where heavy; so as a result her trek made a lot of noise. The more she wandered, the more she had begun to realize that she had no idea where she was, or where to go.

"Maybe this was a bad idea..." Lanli muttered to herself.

Suddenly, she stumbled upon a large ruin-like structure. "Finally, something of interest." She thought to herself before walking inside.
Nova winced at the grip on his shoulders. 'Owww, she is so hot! Her hands I mean...ugh why am I justifying myself in my own thoughts?' He felt much better when she realized what she was doing and let go. Nova saw Pandora fall yet again, this time he offered her a hand and said " If you need help standing you can lean on my shoulder." He then directed his attention to the newcomer ansld Faye. " Actually Faye, I'm here because I was exiled from my village for supposedly killing my family in a fit of magic rage which I do not recall. After that my name spread and no village would accept me."

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