The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye's laughter died down immediately, finding that he was actually being legit. She moistened her lips a little, preparing herself to speak.

"Oh," she said, feeling a bit awkward now. "Well...we're about...five or six hours away, I'd say..."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "We're not too far from the border then..." I fell into silence, thinking deeply, a dark look crossing over my face as I took in this new information. I was driven away from my hometown... My family would miss me and what few friends I had would too, but none of them really needed me. I was more of a burden... But then again, I'm me, and they'll miss me... My thoughts are too jumbled to think straight. I don't know what to think or do right now... "Let's... just get to the ruins. I need to think."
Faye opened her mouth to protest, not wanting him to even consider going back to Fayland. Maybe she should've lied and said they were more like...twenty hours away... Point was, she wanted Varexes to come along with them on their journey. She seemed to be enjoying his company. It was kind of nice having another archer in the group.

Instead of begging him not to go back to Fayland, she allowed her lips to curve into a warm smile. "Well, at this rate it's going to take forever to get to the ruins. You guys walk so slow!" she told them, chuckling as she grabbed both Birch's wrist and Varexes's wrist and started running through the leaves, dragging the two of them along beside her.

She could already sense that the three of them were going to have a wonderful friendship.

I let her drag me along by the wrist, speeding up my walking pace to keep up with her, my thoughts in a swirl. Not noticing her reaction to what I'd said, my vision narrowed to my feet while my mind had a thunderstorm of thoughts brewing within. "My town... do I want to go back for them...?" I muttered under my breath, not knowing what to do.
Faye slowed down finally when she spotted the ruins up ahead. She was panting from running so much and dragging the weight of two other elves behind her the entire time. She released their wrists and turned around to face the two of them with a cheery smile as she continued to walk backwards.

She focused her attention on Varexes, his expression looking a bit solemn and puzzled. Faye cocked her head to the side and asked, "Varexes, what's wrong?"

I glanced up at the sound of Faye's voice. "Sorry, what'd you say? I.. wasn't paying attention." I closed my eyes for a moment and took a breath.
Faye blinked a few times, wondering if he was okay. He seemed a little lost in his mind. "Uh, I asked if everything was alright.." she told him quietly.

I heard her this time. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking things through. I knew I was close to the border but I didn't know I'd crossed it..." My voice faded as I spoke, until I just stared at the ground and thought silently. Shaking my head suddenly I looked up and gave her a crooked smile. "So, those the ruins you were talkign about?" I pointed and made a beeline for them, not giving Faye time to ask any more questions.
((That awkward moment when you actually have to get past a massive wall that surrounds Fayland guarded by guards because no one's allowed out x'D hahaha))

Faye was about to speak, but the boy rushed off to the ruins without giving her a chance. She was a little puzzled as to what he was telling her. She wasn't sure how he didn't realize he'd left Fayland. Maybe he blacked out later on...and forgot..?

She speed walked over to him, now in the ruins once again. Without warning, she popped up behind Varexes and grabbed his shoulder. "Well, now that you're can join us on our adventure!" She leaned over to look at his face momentarily before stepping back. Faye clapped her hands together excitedly, grinning brightly at Varexes.

She then turned, seeing Jane and Juniper settled on the log. Faye glanced around, not seeing the others in sight. Oh god, she thought to herself with a brief sigh, don't tell me the rest of them left.
(I'll say I found a hole or something in the wall... >.>)


I jumped when she grabbed my shoulder. "Yeah, I guess." I said softly, looking away and towards the people on a nearby log. "They're yours I take it?" I ask.
Nami said:
((That awkward moment when you actually have to get past a massive wall that surrounds Fayland guarded by guards because no one's allowed out x'D hahaha))
(Building a wall over a mountain could be very expensive, assume that he just got chased through some sort of rocky area where he found a cave that lead all the way through a mountain. Guards would most likely believe that nobody was determined enough to scale a mountain to get out, or something like that....

I feel we should get an airship xD )
(I like this idea... Honestly I'm not sure if I just didn't read that or if I was just never told, but oh well. Let's go with that explanation! xD ) 
(So... anyone online?)
((I don't even know how much I missed this time. Seriously though, this confounded alert system never tells me when someone posts on this thread, even though I'm following it. SO duuuumb))
(I think today everyone was sorta busy. I was gone all day so I didn't get to RP. But I think we have a large amount of people that still in the RP, so I don't think it'll die)
(( WEE, I'm back. :o Nothing else happened, wow xD That's different lmao. I filmed for the music video alll dayy x.x We got 92 clips of him singing and shiz in these really great woods. We still need to film the scenes with the couple, 'cause he wasn't able to get 2 people today, but I think Tuesday or sometime next week we are. I edited a little bit, like I did the cloning scene and the beginning with the cardiogram and him waking up, buuuuut until we get those couple scenes I can't do any more ;w; I just wanna edit e-e Either way, it's looking cool already X3 I'm excited. Sorry, guys. I'm just like telling you everything about this x'D //slapped//))
Everyone's at the Old Ruins currently (except for Nova, Pandora, and Valandil I believe.) Therefore, Juniper & Jane are there sitting on a log, Faye, Birch, and Varexes have just entered the ruins, and idunno where Axel is hahaha.

P.S. the ruins look like this xD

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/gede-ruins.jpg.dfeae673676de0ba26bc6b66b8d640d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/gede-ruins.jpg.dfeae673676de0ba26bc6b66b8d640d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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