The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I saw the look of concern on her face. "Well... I do have some skills at tracking. If you take me to where you last were with them, maybe I can help find them?" It was a sincere offer, one I knew I could hold up if she accepted. "Where were you guys last were together? How far is it, roughly?"
Faye turned to Varexes and said, "We found some old ruins we ended up camping there for two nights. We only walked about ten minutes from the ruins..I assumed everyone had been following.."

Her face turned slightly red with embarrassment as she managed a half grin. Leave it to Faye to forget to make sure everyone was there as they left the ruins.

I raised one eyebrow at her. "You didn't check to make sure everyone was following?" I chuckled a bit. "Well, I'm going to guess they're that way." I pointed in a direction. "You were walking away from there when I found you, so unless you turned somewhere that's where the ruins are? We can head back there and see what's up. If they're there, we found them. If not, I'll try and track them down. Either way, that seems like the best place to start looking."
Faye nods in response to Varexes's suggestion. "Yeah, that sounds good. We just kept walking left from the ruins, so.."

Nodding I give her a warm smile. "We'll find them. Lead the way, since you know where it is." I waved her forward, and held my bow in my hand. I just had a bad feeling that something was coming all of a sudden, and that paranoia made me nervous. Normally it was nothing, but the last time I ignored it I nearly got chomped on by a pack of wolves.
Faye nodded once again, turning to head back to the ruins. As she started to walk back, she placed her free hand on Birch's back and began to push him along. She held her bow at her side with the opposite hand.

"Come on, guys. We're heading back to the ruins!" she exclaimed to the group, her voice full of false excitement.

It was clear that Faye really didn't have any desire to go back to the ruins. She was most certainly fascinated by the ruins, however they really needed to get a move and start heading out again. There was a part of her that wanted to grab the collars of all the elves who failed to follow her and yell at them for being so lazy. She could cut some of them some slack, like Juniper for example though, due to the fact that she'd been struggling to heal everyone even though it exhausted the hell out of her. But someone could've carried her on their back, rather than just not coming along. Faye, Birch, Vex, and Jess had already walked ten minutes away from the ruins and now it was time to go back just to drag the rest of the group along. Maybe it would take more than a year or two to get to the other side of the land. That'd mean she'd be 18 by the time they arrived at their final destination.

Faye was obviously frustrated about having to go back, but I wasn't sure what to do. I mean, is there even anything I can do in the first place? Her voice was straining to force excitement out, that much was obvious. I suppose maybe after we get the rest of the group she'll be better, but until then she was obviously frustrated. Not only that but I couldn't help but notice the touch she gave Birch. There was something between the two of them, I'm sure of it.

I'm not gonna think too much about it. I'll just follow Faye and keep an eye and ear out. Hunching over slightly, I draw a single arrow of my two dozen and notch it, my eyes flicking back and forth between the trees to look out for any potential threats.
Birch's eyes went wide as Faye suddenly started pushing him along as they made their way back to the ruins, the sudden contact quite unexpected. After a few inches she stepped to the side, showing Faye he was quite capable of walking on his own and scooting back next to her side once she put her hand down again. He stayed close to her as they made their way onward, not only because he liked staying close to her but he felt his nerves curling up into a tight ball. The new boy, Varexes, kept looking at him. Birch hadn't been doing much more than watching the two for an age so it was painfully obvious when he was glanced at. A lot of the time he looked confused but he was never sure as to why.

When I saw Birch step away, then step back it was all I could do to contain my laughter. The relationship between the two was painfully obvious, and I cracked a smile. It was cute, but also hilarious, the way that he wanted to be close but didn't want to be too mushy-gushy with her in public. I covered my chuckle and smile with a cough and covering my mouth politely, but glanced at him and I realized he knew I'd kept looking over at him. The only reason I had was to figure out the relationship between he and Faye, and I knew to keep off. Faye was off-limits for me, and I shrugged inwardly. That was fine, I'd only just met her, so Birch had nothing to worry about.
((Turns out I can't write while listening to Sleeping With Sirens without getting really distracted.))

Faye dropped her hand by her side, almost forgetting that she had even been guiding Birch along. She smirked a little, glancing at Birch to her left before focusing her eyes on the path ahead of them. She heard Varexes cough to the right of her, startling Faye a bit. She looked at the dark haired boy, noticing the slightest hint of a smile on his face as he put his hand down after coughing.

Faye raised her eyebrows a little, unable to feel a little left out on this inside joke he seemed to have going. Even if it was just barely a grin she noticed, she still had noticed it. She decided to ignore it, looking back in front of her at the path as the three of them continued to walk along silently, only the sound of leaves crunching beneath their heavy shoes. She wasn't sure if there was actually some sort of tension in the air or if it was just awkwardly silent between them all.

Faye glanced back and fourth between Birch and Varexes before saying, "Sooooo......" She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly.
(11 hour split shift at work today; need recap from when Pandora was found to be an elf by the humans)
((Okay well, Jane popped outta nowhere and ran back to the ruins and fed Juniper some weird leaf water shiz.. xD Meanwhile, Pandora found Valandil and I'm pretty sure they hid somewhere together. And I think you're there too? MEANWHILE, Faye and Varexes were out in the middle of the forest showing off their archery skills to one another, but now they realized the rest of the group STILL hasn't caught up to them so they're walking back to the ruins to find the elves that didn't follow them xD ))

I saw Faye glance at me when I coughed and saw my small grin, and couldn't help but smile bigger when she turned away. When she broke our silence, I just glanced around, bow still in hand. "Question for you Faye, have you ever made your own bow before? Or your own arrows? Or do you buy them pre-built?" It was an honest question. Normally I crafted my own arrows, and my first bow I'd had to make by myself, but the recurve bow I had now was stolen from an old dusty cellar that looked like it hadn't been touched in forever. I'd had to buy a new string for it and re-varnish it, but otherwise it worked better than almost any other bow in town.
( Sorry i was completely out yesterday xD )

Jane saw Juniper waking up. " Oh My! Yes you are awake! This is a plant that wakes you up. It heals injuries... well that's what I've heard. It's very rare to see this plant in this forest but I was lucky to find this otherwise you wouldn't be awake by now. I don't really know much about these stuff. I'm pretty sure you do though. Since it's working good on you, you should just finish the whole thing." Jane turns and saw a girl she had never seen before ( pandora). SHe is probably a new member since she and Juniper seems to know each other really well. Jane looks at the girl that she doesn't know and said " Thank you for coming and helping her." 
( Wait what? i thought Pandora went and carried Juniper? WHAT THE HECK LOLLL)
(Thank you...not my most FayVar(it) ship, still support more than Firch)

"Whoah, I spaced out" said Nova to Pandora, "what's going on?" 
(That reminds me...)

While Nova awaits Pandoras answer, he takes out a waterskin and begins freezing and unfreezing the water seemingly in no pattern.
Faye looked at Varexes, feeling glad he had asked such a question. "Well, I started off with a bow my father bought me, then he crafted me one for my 12th birthday, then I had crafted my own, but it turns out my grandfather was able to make a better bow then my father and I and better than what they sell at the general shops back in Fayland. I mean, I guess it makes sense since he was extremely talented in carpentry. So, he crafted me this for my 15th birthday and I've been using it ever since. It's one of the only things I have left from my grandfather."

Faye hiked her bow up from her side so that they could observe its fine wood and the way it had been perfectly crafted. She smiled warmly to herself as her eyes scanned the magnificent bow from head to toe. Just carrying it around made her feel like her grandfather was in their presence, which made her feel safe and joyful inside. She then dropped the bow back to her side and looked at Varexes once again.

"Oh, and I usually craft my own arrows. My father crafted the majority of arrows in my quiver, though...we never really bought arrows," she tells him. 
((haaaaaaaaaaaaaah, that was cleverrr. xD )) 
((I'm surprised we actually don't have a Firch fan :o )) 
(( YukiShiro Pandora's a girl... xD ))

I nodded, interested, and glancing down at my bow I realized that, while it was trusty and hadn't let me down, it was quite old and worn down. However, it looked familiar in a way that I couldn't quite put a finger on. Shrugging it off, I checked the tautness of the string again. "I made my first bow, then I found this in a cellar of some abandoned shack in the woods. I always make my own arrows and targets to shoot at."

Then I realized something she'd said. "Wait, you mean... we're not in Fayland anymore?" my voice trembled slightly.
Faye stared at the boy, her eyes wide with sudden confusion. His question had caused her to slow down her pace as she searched his eyes for some sort of explanation. How did the boy not know they were outside of Fayland? Was he joking? Hah...he must be joking, she thought to herself.

Faye quickly smiled and laughed, slapping her knee as if he was hilarious. "Nice! Good one. You actually got me there for a moment. I thought you were being legit," she said, still laughing. However, her laughter sounded a little fake, considering she truly didn't find it all that funny. She figured it'd be more awkward if she didn't even pretend to find his joke funny.

"No... I'm serious.... I.. had no idea.." I stopped for a moment and closed my eyes to steady myself. "How.. how far away are we?"

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