The Path From Fayland - Official RP

( oh gotcha HEY IM NOT CRAZY D: )

" Why not find an opening area? There's one down there! Well I should leave so you guys won't be distracted! Have fun! " Jane said.

She walks down alone to find an empty spot. I wonder when I can feel like I'm actually part of them... Nah, you're just over thinking, she thought. As she's walking, she saw a plant. One green plant that caught her eyes. It looks very familiar to her. She decided to go over and examine it.

Hmm.. I've seen this somewhere but I don't remember wher- Wait a minute, this is the plant that will heal some sort of injuries. I should bring this to Juniper! UGH water water water! Oh wait, they should have water with them. IM COMING JUNIPER! oh wait, what happens if this doesn't work on her? Well, that's why they said you never know until you try. LET'S GO!
She pulled the plant out carefully and ran back to where everybody is at. She look around to find Juniper.
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(Valandil said he was coming back for her later. I'll just wait until then. I'll keep her passed out for tomorrow. I can't come on much tomorrow anyways. I'm working for my twin's performances. So that's a good place to leave Juniper I guess.)
(I would come and get you but I was going to wait for paipai or zeryo respond. I can't tell if they're online or not though)
( i edited my comment Juniper. )

Jane went and grab a cup and filled it with water. Then she cut the plant into tiny pieces and put the plant into the water and stirs it. ~Okay all done. Now where's that woman?~ She went into the old ruin and found her body there. She walked carefully so she won't spill the water. She slowly hold Juniper's head up and feed the water to her. ~ Uhhh i hope this work! I hope she swallows it somehow. SHE WILL. SHE BETTER SHE NEEDS TO WAKE UP. Jane panics.
(Sorry! I've been checking my email for updates! It didn't work so I missed some!)


I chuckle at Jane as she floats around. "Well, there is that clearing I burst out into before I shot you. I can set up a target out of some twigs and leaves and we'll have a competition?" I suggest, looking around to see the types of materials I have to work with. "And to be perfectly honest, I doubt I'll be a match for you." I laugh softly at that, the sound somewhat deep and it seems to ring through the trees.
(Basically Faye, Birch, Vex, Jess, and Veraxes are traveling away from the ruins. Juniper and Jane are at the ruins and Valindil is trying to get Pandora and Nova attention so they can run in his direction to escape the humans.
(Mmkay thank you)


Pandora's breath was heavy as she and Nova ran to escape the angry humans. Spotting Valandil gesturing them over, Pandora sped up, her legs going numb. Ducking down behind Valandil's hiding spot, Pandora leaned back and tried to regain her breath. "Hopefully the humans didn't see us go here." Pandora wiped the sweat from her brow. Pandora was never one for physical movement, the healer was more of a quick sprint and "I-dont-lift" kind girl.
(( Athral. I'm going to say. Thank. You. I was like. ;a; Where do I put Alice? I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON AND I READ THIS 5 TIMES. xD ))

A bustle of a few leaves here and there before Alice popped out into the clearing. Her breath heavy and labored from running so long, two lone wolves came together and hunted the nearest food around, Alice. She did exceptionally well the time that she spent alone in the forest until she crossed paths with them. She didn't have any weapon with her, except her Violin that she couldn't just simply pull out and use against them when they sprinting full speed towards her.

Managing a few second block between her and her predators, Alice looked around to her new surroundings before finding a group of what she hoped was also other elves. She tried calling for help but her voice failed her as it always did, even in the worst situations. She did make a small whimper noise as she heard the wolves getting closer, deciding it was better to run towards them. However, she tripped midway and nearly curled in a small, protective ball as she prepared to be lunch.

( *casually leaves this here and disappears in the darkness* )
Valandil peeked out from his cover one last time to confirm that the humans hadn't seen them. He then turned to the two and said "We can rest for a little bit if you'd like. The others accidentally left us behind so make it quick if you can."
Juniper felt her head lifted off the ground and some liquid slid into her mouth. She opened her eyes staring at the strange girl. She rolled onto her side spitting out the disgusting stuff coughing. Panicked she thought about the few in her group that had been poisoned earlier. "What the heck is that!?" she screamed.

(sorry I poofed. I get distracted easily.)
Pandora nodded, feeling absolutes exhausted. "Urgh!" Pandora groaned, throwing her head back. "I hate running." Pandora took a few seconds to catch her breath and got up from her resting position. "I guess I'm ready." Pandora's face was still red from running so much.
(Brieternal. Which group of elves did you mean? The ones that accidentally left or the ones that were left behind)

Valandil nodded his head before jogging in the direction he came from. He was wanted to get back to the main group before nightfall. He was also worried that it might have not been a good idea to leave Juniper in the ruins sleeping because anything could harm her in her sleep. He then turned and looked at Pandora who looked tired from running. "The ruins not too far from here. Once we get there we'll rest, okay?"
Pandora nodded, still feeling a little breathless. Following Valandil, Pandora had to use him as an anchor once in awhile when she felt dizzy. Knowing it was just from exhaustion, Pandora brushed it off, only to have an annoying cramp form on the left side of her abdomen.
When they finally reached the ruins Valandil was tired himself. As he was looking for Juniper, he spotted her and Jane. He walked up and said "So, are you ready to go? We're going to rest for a minute." He then sat down and sat there until his breathing went back to normal.
Juniper looks over at Valandil watching him return. She coughs a few more times and bangs on her chest with her fist trying to clear her chest of water so she could breathe properly. Finishing her coughing fit she swallows clearing her now scratchy throat. "I might need help walking." she mutters embarrassed finally able to talk.
Falling flat on her face, Pandora hit the ground with a loud thump. Instantly she closed her eyes and took one of the quickest power naps ever. "Just let me..." Pandora fell asleep before she could finish her sentence, light snores coming from the young elf. It was official, Pandora wasn't very fond of humans, considering they were the ones who caused her cramp.
(Sounds like a lazy elf lol :P )

Valandil walked over to Juniper and picked her up gesturing to the others to let them know it was time to get moving. Hopefully we can regroup and get some sleep once we meet up.
(Lol just making sure I don't get any complaints about being op)


Pandora groaned when she heard that they had to get moving. "Where's Vex when you need him..?" Pandora got up off the floor and extended a hand to Juniper. "I'll help Juni walk, since I can't fight if we get attacked." Stretching her body, Pandora let out a small sigh as she felt her cramp lessen.

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