The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((I was assuming everyone would catch up.. xD ))

Faye stared at the boy for a couple moments, her left brow raised with wonder. "Uh, well..why are you suggesting that you're a threat? Also, why did you mention that we can't trust you? I just...I just don't understand.." she said to him, her voice stuttering a bit with puzzlement.

Faye glanced back at the other two who were cautiously making their way towards her and Varexes, probably a little wary of the new elf as well. After Caricon everyone was probably going to be wary. She turned back to Varexes.

"Oh, I'm the way..and I'm actually just waiting for the rest of our group to catch up..they probably just fell behind a little.." she tells him, plastering a warm smile onto her face.
((Well, Faye and them just kept heading straight from the ruins :o like here: Imagine the '^' is the ruins and the lines next to it are the ways they could've headed:


They headed in the direction of the line on the left xD So like, yeah they headed left..lolol xD ))

I shook my head. "It's obvious, isn't it? I mean, a new elf comes out of nowhere and almost shoots you with an arrow. No idea where he came from, no idea who he is, no idea what his motives might be. I suggest it because it's probably what you're thinking." Raising one eyebrow I look her dead in the eye, a small glint of amusement in mine. "Am I wrong? Because that's what I'd be thinking if I were in your position." I chuckle a little bit and stand up straight. "I suggest I might be a threat because that's what you're thinking. If I agree and decide to not beat around the bush about you not trusting me, we'll get over this stage faster."

I pause and think for a moment. "Besides, would I be less or more suspicious if I said something along the lines of, 'You can trust me?'" A smirk creeped onto my face. "Go collaborate with your friends there. I'll wait here for what you guys say. If you don't trust me, I'll probably lay down and pass out. If you do I'll trudge along, then pass out the moment we stop for a break." I shrug, being openly blunt and honest.


While Pandora was having fun with some of the locals in the village, she heard a high pitch scream. Turning to the sound, Pandora's eyes narrowed when she saw a few men harassing a young girl. Having a sudden flash back to her own experience, Pandora stomped up to the men and pushed them off the girl.

"She clearly doesn't want you." Pandora stated, standing in front of the girl.


(Okay, the idea is that the humans see our elf ears and chase us out, thinking we're dark elves. And then ACTION TIME!! WITH FIGHTING AND AWESOMENESS!!)
Faye blinked at Varexes, her mind spinning with all of the words he just spewed to her. He seemed to have some sort of theory going on in his head, but Faye wasn't planning on trying to decipher it.

"Uh..okay.." she said to him, clearly not having processed barely a word he'd just said. The only thing she followed was 'Go collaborate with your friends there.'

Although Faye wasn't too excited to take orders from some new elf, she awkwardly turned away and headed in the direction of Vex The Villain King and Birch PsycoWarlock13 so that she could discuss with them whether he should be allowed to tag along with their group. Once she stopped beside the boys, one of them in beast form, she looked each of them in the eyes for a moment, trying to figure out what to say.

"Sooo, that kid over there has apparently been in the woods for a while as well..he wants to know if we're willing to allow him to come along with us," Faye told them, scratching the back of her neck as she seemed to do when she was a bit nervous. "He..told me to ask you guys if you were okay with that. I mean, not that I wouldn't have asked you, aha. It's just.....uh..we previously had a bad experience with strangers.." She said the last sentence a bit quieter, still feeling pretty embarrassed about letting Caricon into their group. It was on her list of duties to keep the group safe and letting that lunatic into their lives was one of the biggest mistakes she had made.

I shook my head, realizing that I'd probably just ordered her to do something. "Oh screw me...." I muttered under my breath, taking stock of my surroundings. There were various trees I might be able to climb, but Faye's bow looked strong, and he doubted he had the strength to climb and dodge arrows. "Well, if they decide to kill me I'm dead... if they don't trust me I'm dead from the wolves or starvation since I have no idea where I am, if they take me in one of them might slit my throat while I'm asleep or attack me if I make a mistake... I'm in a bad situation here." Still muttering I paced back and forth, one hand on my chin. "What can I do... Before I do anything though I NEED sleep. A hot meal is a close second. Then I'll be able to think straighter."

Rubbing my eyes I yawned. "I'm not thinking straight..." Sitting down, my back against a trunk, I rest my eyes for a moment and instantly fall asleep.
(Sorry I went to the movies and I'm just going to say I was with Faye and them all along.)

Jess, who had shifted into a wolf, walked up behind Faye and the others quietly, looking over at the man that was standing on the sides. She raised an eyebrow Faye, just watching her talk since she couldn't speak to them while she was in this form, and she didn't feel like changing back into an elf. 'He looks like a good replacement from Caricon, wherever he went.' She thought to herself, a small growl coming out of her mouth as she thought about that obnoxious, food poisoning bastard. Jess just shook her head and looked at the female elf, nodding her head just slightly as an answer.
Faye noticed Jess walk up beside them in wolf form. Now they had two shapeshifters, a cook, and an archer...well technically two archers including Varexes. She was able to catch Jess's nod of approval, so Faye returned the gesture.

"Ah, does anyone know where.." she started, counting the number of elves missing in her mind, "Juniper, Valandil, Axel, Nova, and Pandora are..?" she sighed, settling the bottom of her bow on her leather boots with frustration. They didn't seem to be catching up.
Valandil looked out into the forest noticing smoke coming from that direction. At first he thought it was the rest if the group. But then he noticed it was more than one pillar of smoke. He then turned to Juniper and said "I think that Nova and Pandora may be in the direction of those pillars of smoke. I'm going to go see if that's where they're at. Hopefully everyone else hasn't moved to far so we can catch up."
As Valindil neared the smoke he heard sounds. He then saw footprints on the ground and couldn't tell if they were his friends or if they were humans prints. He then eyed the little settlement he found. "I hope they're not in there." he thought. "What if they got captured?" He then started to stealthily make his way to the village, weaving between trees. He the dove to the ground and tried to eye a way in that wouldn't attract attention.
(Still waiting for Nova to reply.. QAQ What's going on with the others now?)


The men approached Pandora with perverted smirks on their faces. "Two on the menu tonight, huh?" the men chuckled as they approached the two girls. Moving up close to Pandora, the leader grinned as he removed her hood. "Let me see that face of yours properly." Pandora panicked, grabbing her hood to keep it up, but, the healer wasn't really one for physical strength. The hood fell as the piece of fabric revealed Pandora's ears.

"IT'S AN ELF!" the men screamed in terror. Pandora ran for Nova's hand and sprinted out of the village, only to be followed by an angry mob of villagers.
Faye sighed, not getting much help from the three around her. Even Birch seemed to stay silent when she spoke.

"Alriiighty then...well, I mean..we may as well give the guy a chance..I don't think he's like Caricon, don't worry," she told them, flashing a set of pearly whites before turning away.

She started heading in the direction of the boy, finding that he was sleeping against the tree. Slowing her pace, she thought for a moment whether they should stop and wait for the others anyway..or that they should maybe keep going without the boy.

However, Faye felt a little excited to have another archer in the group as she continued to walk over to the boy. She leaned over and reached her arm out towards him, still hesitating a little before actually gripping onto his shoulder and shaking him a bit.

"Ah, Varexes...wakey, wakey..." she said rather quietly.

I was so exhausted I didn't dream. It felt like only a second before he felt something touch his shoulder. Without thinking he rolled away and came up, arrow in hand, poised to defend himself. Two seconds after doing so he realized who had touched him and stood up quickly, sheepishly returning the arrow.

"Sorry about that... I guess I passed out." Grinning meekly I held open my hands. "You startled me when you touched my shoulder. So what's the verdict?" I asked, hoping I hadn't scared her off. Honestly I liked her, she seemed nice, despite whatever it was she was so obviously hiding from me.
((How come Juniper doesn't head off to find someone like Val did? xD ))

Faye smiled warmly with a short chuckle as Varexes stood up, clearly startled by the sudden switch back to reality. He seemed like a pretty nice dude, so she was going to go with her gut feeling and not doubt him. Sure, Caricon turned out to be a terrible guy, but that didn't mean the next wandering elf they spotted would be as well.

"We'd love for you to join us," she said cheerfully, her eyes regaining that adventurous sparkle. Even though the group barely said a word to her back there, she figured they wouldn't mind much if he did tag along.
(I don't know, maybe I haven't been clear, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that she has strained her powers again and is passed out...)

At hearing that, a look of astonishment crossed my face. "Seriously? Well that's surprising." I smile warmly. "So who are your friends, may I ask? And where are we going?" I brush myself off and glance around one last time to make sure I didn't see anything unusual. I'd keep my guard up for now, but something told me these people weren't likely to betray me.
Valandil spotted a huge mob of villagers chasing something out of the village. He moved a little closer to see that it was Pandora and Nova that they were chasing. "They'll have to lose the humans soon." he thought. He then shouted at the two, beckoning them to head towards him. He was thought that while they had no chance of fighting the humans, they could outrun them due to their smaller numbers.

(We can get Juniper when we get back to the ruins if that's ok)
Birch didn't know what to say to Faye as she asked the group about having someone else join them on their trip. He was in personal debate. On one hand, strength in numbers was important. On the other hand, that's exactly what went through everyone's head when Capricorn joined them and that was more harm than good. Eventually he find himself too slip to form an answer or even look Faye in the eye before she lost patience and went off to check on the stranger again.

A little unsure at first, Birch eventually decided to follow after her, staying just a bit to her left and a good step behind her as he watches the new person carefully, not saying a word as if he was completely invisible to those around him as he watched.

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