The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Caricon died... That's what happened.) 
Juniper lifts her head from her lap cringing. She took her water bottle out of her bag sipping at it and puts it away.
((Oh, and Dark Elves aren't necessarily evil or 'bad', they're just a bit more rough around the edges..and a little sketchy. xD BUT RID YOUR MIND OF ANYTHING ABOUT DARK ELVES 'CAUSE THEY WON'T BE COMING IN FOR LIKE A LONG TIME. xD I probably shouldn't have even told anyone about them in the roleplay info xD Focus on the journey~

And this is also nature, my friends. They have yet to come across a lake/river/etc. Not everything has to be about fighting and shiz xD Although on the way there it's likely they'll come across some animals or something.)) 
Since no one bothered to answer her question of where Pandora and Nova headed, she simply shrugged with a sigh. "Well, if they're here can someone please tell them we're leaving?" she asked before heading in the direction of Vex and Birch.

"Alright guys, let's get going!" she called to the present elves, waving her hand in the direction she was beginning to walk.

As Faye started to head out of the ruins, she pulled her bow off her back and readied it with a new arrow. It was always better to be prepared than to not be at all, though it was early in the morning so she wasn't sure if they'd even come across any dangerous animals. Then again, they had come across a Red Grizzly Bear the other morning.
(Hah, he got what was coming to him)

Vex nodded and shifted into beast form, and began to haul the supplies as he followed Faye. After the time they had spent away from Fayland, the load had gotten slightly less heavy, but it was still a considerable load all the same.
Nova followed Pandora as she ran all over the village chatting with everyone. He wondered what she hoped to learn from these creatures. The humans had always seemed overly violent and troublesom to Nova. After a little while of talk he interrupted Pandora and asked "How are you feeling?"
((We have a new roleplayer who has fabulous grammar, everyone. *-* He's like the perfect replacement for Hunnyhelp xDD))
(OK, I'm going to try and introduce myself here. As far as I know you all are in a forest, right? So it'd be simple to just introduce myself by stumbling across you?)
(OK... I'm gonna try this. If I screwed up tell me and I'll retry.)


The wolf pack was still on my tail. It'd been after me for almost a week now and I had no idea how far I'd travelled. I was so lost there was no way I'd be getting back home again, which made me sad because I loved my family and what few friends I had. Of course, that was in the back of my mind as I stumbled through the forest, bow in hand and three arrows held between my fingers. Sprinting and using what acrobatics I'd taught myself I leaped over and under logs, not quite sure how far ahead I was.

Over the past week I'd had maybe 8 hours of sleep in total, and that was normally when I could climb a tree. Now I wasn't so sure I'd have the strength, but then again, at the speed I was keeping up maybe I would. Suddenly without realizing I burst into a clearing and saw movement straight ahead under some trees. Due to habit over the past few days I drew an arrow and shot before realizing they were other elves. "WATCH OUT!" I screamed as I released, my mind too confused to think about stopping, but my other hand wrenching the bow to the side as the arrow was released, redirecting the arrow.

(I really hope this works. I suck at starting ;- ;)
(( Lol, Dreamer we all headed out into the forest xD I'd assume Valandil or someone would've woken you up before we left xD ))
When Valandil noticed that three members of the group were not with them, he walked away from Vex and to where the fire was. After looking around he saw Juniper lying in the ground. He kneeled down and said "Juniper, are you awake?"

(I was but I didn't even know where most of us were)

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