The Path From Fayland - Official RP

( -_- ok. let's see. faye, the other archer. because that's all i know where to start and the best and easiest way to introduce myself to you. so meh. i thought faye was a wolf and shot an arrow at her but redirected it last second.

Faye continued to walk through the woods, moving through the trees like a labyrinth. She had no idea where she was headed, but she knew she was going the direction she wanted to. Despite that it seemed like a never ending forest, she had it all figured out. She knew which way they had entered the ruins, therefore she knew which way to leave them.

As she walked, she thought about how they had camped out at the ruins for two entire nights, wasting a lot of precious time. Therefore she was ready to get moving, Birch's wonderful breakfast bringing her to life earlier. She didn't stop walking for about a whole ten minutes, finally deciding to put her thought process on hold as she turned around. She only saw Vex and Birch walking behind her, although they seemed to be falling behind a little. Faye tried to catch a glimpse of the others, but she couldn't see them right then.
(big glowing green sword xD anyways, if someone can respond to my introduction so i know where to go from here? ;-; please?)
Juniper opened her eyes hearing a voice. She uncurls looking at Valandil lifting her head slightly. "Yeah?" she mutters confused. "Nova was was" she looks over realizing Nova and Pandora were gone. She couldn't remember them leaving. "Faye said.." she added softly. Faye said something what was it? Her memory wasn't working properly.
(Alc please, if you're gonna shorten it xD That's what everyone calls me when I use this name :P sorry for being picky. But yes, I edited it xD )
As Faye had turned to face the others, she placed her hands on her hips while she waited for them to catch up. As she was standing there silently, she heard something rustling in the trees. However, she figured it was either the wind or another small animal. Then again, last time she thought it was just a squirrel it turned out to be a crazy boy.

Just as Faye began to pull her bow off her back again just in case, she heard a male voice yell loudly, "Watch out!" She looked to her right, seeing an arrow spiraling in her direction. Due to her reflexes, she threw herself out of the way, preparing herself to slide across the ground with a harsh thud.

"Oof!" she yelped, landing in the pile of leaves. Her eyes followed the direction the arrow had went in, seeing it stuck in a tree a few feet behind where she had been standing. She then turned her head towards the direction the male voice had come from.
"I think she said we're getting ready to leave." He looked around for a brief second and then said "Do you know where Nova and Pandora went?" He was tired of sitting in the same spot and wanted to get moving.(Are we still in the ruins?)
Athral said:
"I think she said we're getting ready to leave." He looked around for a brief second and then said "Do you know where Nova and Pandora went?" He was tired of sitting in the same spot and wanted to get moving.(Are we still in the ruins?)
((Well, you and Juniper fell behind so you're still at the ruins, Vex, Birch, and Faye have been walking through the woods, thinking you guys were following.))
(I think Juniper and Valandil are in the ruins, Pandora and Nova are in some random village , and Faye, Birch amd Vex and tge newbie are in some random part of the woods)

I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw the elf dodge my arrow. Jogging out slowly, I stumbled due to my exhaustion. As I approached the elf, who I now realized was a female, I slowed to a stumbling walk and held up my bow. "I'm sorry, I thought you were a wolf." Approaching slowly as to not scare her, I blinked a few times. "I'm... not quite sure where I am. Could you uh... help me out..?" I asked, not sure how to introduce myself.
Juniper shook her head, but regretted it straight afterwards. She closed her eyes tightly wincing at the pain in her head. "Nova said... he was scouting ahead I think. Pandora I think went with him." she recalls, bits of her memory coming back. It still wasn't very clear.
(I had no plan. Whatever, I just thought I would let Firch do whatever while I tried to move the plot, which clearly backfired xD )
(Do you want them to go around and cause some ruckus in the little human town? > :D Because I have an idea that would stop the romance with some awesome action)
Valandil walked back to where he thought Vex was only to find out that they had left. "Crap. This isn't good." He walked back over to Juniper and said "The others left, they must have thought we were getting ready to go with them. I'm mainly worried about Nova and Pandora because they have now idea that we were going to leave." He thought about what they should do. "Do you remember which direction he went. When the others notice that we're not with them, hopefully they'll stop."
((Hey, Idunno if you noticed back there but I avoided anything Firch for a while xD Faye's not always drooling over Birch xDD))

Faye walked up to the boy cautiously, her gray eyes wandering along his nicely crafted bow. It seemed that he was an archer as well, the only other archer other than--Roslyn...

She gulped, blinking back a few tears when the memory returned. She shook her head quickly, replacing her weak expression with a cheery smile.

"Nice bow," she said to the new guy awkwardly. There was a part of her that was actually a little afraid of this boy. She normally loved meeting others, but after the previous incident with Caricon..well, she was a little wary.

" do I know we can trust you?" she asked him, readying her bow in front of her with an arrow along with a forced confident face. She looked at him, narrowing her eyes as she attempted to look like a true, hardcore leader. Truth was, Faye was more of a positive, joyful leader with a love of adventure.
I stood in front of her, loosely holding my bow. Placing the two arrows in my quiver I stand there swaying, thinking slowly. "You... can't. But I'm in no shape to be fighting. I somehow managed to escape a pack of wolves that's been hunting me for a week... I have no idea where I am or how to get home." Speaking somewhat quickly I leaned against a nearby tree. "If you don't trust me take my bow, it's my only weapon." I held it out for her to take. A little warning in the back of my mind told me I was missing something and it took me a few seconds to realize it: whoever this girl was, she was remembering something terrible. Immediately feeling guilty, I also took off my quiver and held that out too. "No weapons, no danger."
Juniper shrugs "I don't know, did they really leave without us?" she asks feeling a little upset she was forgotten about. She tried not to show it biting her lip.
Faye's hard glare had softened once he held out his weapons to her to take. As far as she could tell, the boy didn't seem like any sort of threat. However, the last thing she wanted was to mistake another enemy for someone they could trust. He had even said it himself--they couldn't trust him. Although, it was quite an odd thing to admit to her, causing her stomach to churn a little.

She sighed, her soft eyes focusing on the bow a few moments before looking back up at him. "I don't want to take your bow and're going to need them in order to protect yourself out here," she said to him. She hesitated a little before adding, "And you're gonna need them to help protect the rest of my friends..I mean, if you want to join us.." she gestured towards the group following behind her, even though there were only two member of their group of eight.

She still felt wary of allowing the boy to join them, although he looked pretty friendly. She was going to smash this guy's head into a tree though if he turned out to simply be a good actor.

When what she said punctured through my thick skull I nodded. Hanging my near-empty quiver on my back and holding my bow at my side. "I think if I go any further I'm going to collapse. Go ask your group. I might be a threat, so you should talk to them first." I said, nodding at the people behind her. "Something tells me that's not your whole group, so go make sure it's OK with them first. I don't want to impose or threaten you." Letting exhaustion seep into my voice I thought it might help her loosen up a bit more than she already had. 
"My name is Varexes, by the way." (var-ehx-ehs, like canada "eh")
(I would come looking for you guys. Valandil doesn't know where your at though. I can have him search in the forest for you, but I don't know how he would find you)

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