The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I noticed somebody else off to the side trying to be unnoticed while watching my exchange with Faye. "I see you there. If you're worried about me, then come talk to me. Watching silently will only make you paranoid." I looked directly at the other guy past Faye, giving him a look that showed I could be dangerous if I needed to, but hopefully also portrayed he could trust me. But of course, I'm sure I screwed that up somehow.
"Well," she started, a trace of unusual agitation in her voice, "I have no idea what's taking the rest of them so long, but there's eight of us--including me. We have two healers named Juniper and Pandora, Valandil who's skilled in martial arts, Axel who's skilled in close combat, Nova who's skilled in magic, and I have no idea where they all disappeared to." Faye takes one last look into the distance to see if she can catch a glimpse of any of them, but when she finds that they're nowhere in sight she continues. "There's two shape shifters, Vex and Jess," Faye nods her head in the direction of the wolf and the large beast, "and then there's Birch, our cook.." she smiles at Birch, coming to realize that he's been standing beside her. Her cheeks turn a rosy shade of pink as she looks at him. After a moment she snaps out of her trance, rushing to add, "Oh! And then there's me, of course!" Faye laughs and gestures towards her bow. "I'm obviously skilled in you." She then crosses her arms and cocks her head to the side, focusing her eyes on Verexes. "Oh, and we're trying to get to the other side of the land. We're aware that it'll be difficult and take ages, but it'll be worth the adventure."

Turning my attention back to Faye I smiled. "We'll find the rest of them. I sorta trained myself in archery, so I wouldn't say I'm 'skilled' perse. But I know you pull the string and the arrow flies into things." Chuckling and grinning slightly I took an easier stance that was less imposing and more comfortable. "I'm a hunter. Maybe I can help track down your friends?"

I couldn't help but notice as her gaze lingered a moment longer on Birch and her cheeks turned slightly pink. In my head I raised one eyebrow, but on my face I didn't show any reaction and pretended not to notice. "Can't say I'm any good in a fight though. Never been in one with a bow. Had my ass kicked a few times back home, but I left some nasty bruises on those cowards." I snarled slightly, then recomposed myself and grinned. "If you'll all agree to have me I'd be glad to join you guys in your adventure. Maybe I can be of some use."
(Will someone please tell me what's going on? I'm balancing 4 active role plays right now, and have no idea what's going on)
Faye grins at the dark haired boy, envying the fact that he wasn't quite like some of the other elves she'd met. What she meant by that was, rather than talking as if he were some kind of expert with his bow even if he wasn't, he admitted that he wasn't the greatest and it'd shown back at home.

"Well, if you ever need someone to practice with, I'll always be here!" she said cheerfully, punching him on the arm playfully.
(( xD Pandora and Nova are running from a tribe of humans apparently, Valandil has spotted them, Juniper is passed out at the ruins still //facepalm// xD , everyone else is ten minutes away from the ruins in the deep of the forest, Jess and Vex are chillin next to each other in their animal forms, Faye, Birch, and Varexes are all together talking.)) 
((Oh btw, I probably won't be on at all sunday unless late at night or early in the morning. Filming a music video for Amanda's bro~))

I chuckled at her playful punch. "Hopefully you punch harder than that. If you don't mind sharing some arrows, maybe we could measure skills? See exactly how good we both are and see what I need improving on." It was an honest request. Most people back home hadn't bothered to teach me anything, and if I'd asked then they would've laughed and refused, so I'd done my best with a bow stolen from the storehouse and a few quivers of arrows I'd made myself. Sadly they were almost all gone. "I sorta ran out of arrows when I was running. I can make some more next time we stop in town, but 'til then I'm short about 22." My quiver could hold 2 dozen arrows, and I was down to 2 since I'd wasted one when I freaked out after seeing Faye for the first time.
Faye smiled at Varexes, liking the sound of this suggestion. She was up to shoot a couple arrows for fun, not to mention she was interested in this guy's archery skills.

"That sounds fun," she says with a nod. "Lucky for you, I have a special quiver with me that holds 250 arrows. It's kinda heavy, but on a journey like this it's needed. Plus, I've gotten used to the weight by now. Actually, here," she told him, reaching into her quiver and removing a massive handful of arrows. She held them out to Varexes as a kind offer.

I gladly accepted the arrows, nodding my thanks, picked out 22 and then handed the rest back. "I'm used to my quiver. If need be I can make a couple more. This'll be plenty for now though. Thanks." I smiled and placed them carefully into my quiver, readjusted it and tightened the straps, then made sure my bow's string was taut without dry-firing. "So when do you wanna compare skills?" I asked casually.
Vex turned his head to look over at Jess, grumbling softly.

So, I never got your name, he said to her through his mind. It was a special skill that only shapeshifters could have, but they could only mindspeak if they were in beast form, and they could only use it to speak to other shapeshifters in beast form. 
((All right guys, I'm getting off for tonight, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE don't go overboard without me x-x))
( Faye, I got no choice so here we go)

Jane saw Faye. She decided to walk up to her and cling to her like a puppy. " Are you having funnnnnnn? " Then she looks at Nova. " Faye, where did you find this guy?"
Jess was a little surprised when she heard a voice in her head but realized that it was only Vex's. She chuckled underneath her breath as she thought back to him. "Sorry, My name's Jess. I kind of passed out before I got to tell you." She glanced up at him with a smile on her face before she looked back over at Faye, Birch, and the new guy, whose name she didn't know yet.
( But Alexxxxxxx :c i like being clingy to youu for fun :sorry: just to gain MORE INFORMATION EASIER BECAUSE I WAS DRAGGED TO NORTH CAROLINA FOR NO APPARENTLY REASON FOR 5 DAYS Dx) 
( Okay so who knows who? i am really confused. Im pretty sure all i know is Faye, Birch, Juniper and that guy that i fired a fireball on that guy.. uhmm that stabbed faye? omg did he stabbed or what? what did he even do with his knife?! I DONT REMEMBER ANYTHING WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!?!?!?! IM SORRY D: )
Faye took the arrows back from Varexes, slipping them back into her quiver. She looked back up at him, opening her mouth to respond when suddenly some rushed into her, causing Faye to stumble a little. Her eyes widened with surprise until she heard Jane's voice.

"Jane! You scared me!" she said while laughing. "Where have you been?!"

Faye looked back up at the dark haired boy whom was probably a bit startled as well. She had actually forgotten all about Jane, considering she kind of vanished the past two nights. A stream of guilt crawled up Faye's spine at the fact that she'd forgotten about the girl.

"Oh, Varexes, this is Jane..she's skilled in magic..Jane, this is Varexes, he's skilled in archery..he's new as well," she said, introducing them to one another with a kind smile.
((Sharen, lmao everyone I think knows one another...but Jane doesn't know Nova yet. And also, that guy was Caricon, but he turned out to be a lunatic so he died and is no longer in the roleplay lmao.))
" I was just up in the sky sitting on the air.. or wind. or flying or whatever you guys called it. You forgotten about me didn't you!?" :( then Jane turns and looks at Varexes. " Hi, nice to meet you. I see you got a new challenge here Faye" she winks at her. " 
( AWW YOU GUYS SHOULD'VE LET ME KILL ME oh wait i was away T-T. Oh I dont know Vex or Jessy or Pandora or who else... THESE PEOPLE OH MAH GERDDD xD )
"Actually," Faye says, "we were thinking of shooting some arrows together. I'm not sure where or at what..considering we're currently in the middle of a never ending forest." Faye chuckles with a shrug, eyeing Varexes the entire time.

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