The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper felt herself lifted off the ground, she looks up at Valandil a bit surprised. She hadn't expected to be carried again, she thought someone would offer her a shoulder to lean on. Her expression slowly changed to gratefulness. She felt herself tense a bit not sure how to get comfortable in his arms. Although she was carried by Caricon the other day, she still wasn't used to it. She hoped this didn't become an everyday thing.
(Hey, sorry guys. I lost internet or this website spazzed on me last night, so I went to bed. Did I miss anything to do with Varexes?)
(Lol, it's ok. The website or my internet spazzed and I couldn't get back on so I was just like "It's almost midnight... I'm going to sleep." xD )
((Lol, for some reason rpnation stops working late at night sometimes xD I just take that as a sign that I need to sleep x'D ))
Faye smiles at Varexes, willing to take on this challenge. "Eh, I don't know. I'm not that good," she tells him, although she's being quite humble.

Archery was the one thing Faye had always loved just as much as her grandfather's stories. When she was real young she began practicing outside their house in Fayland, though she seemed to be a natural. After all, her talent was archery. Not long after she was already going hunting with her father, but when he was too busy to go out and shoot she went by herself.

As she thought about this, she remembered practicing shooting with another elf whom wasn't skilled in archery. She remembered teaching him a bit, and although he certainly wasn't great at it he wasn't bad. He was able to hit the targets after learning from Faye. Who was it that I used to shoot with? she wondered to herself. She also wasn't quite sure why they had stopped shooting together, considering the past few years she hasn't been shooting with anyone other than her father.

Finally she snapped out of her sudden thought process and turned her attention back to Varexes. "Uh, so yeah! That sounds like a plan! I mean, we are waiting for the others to catch up anyway. Let's go find this clearing.." she says to him before turning away.
(I have to go soon. If I don't change my mind by the time I have to leave, Juniper will be passed out today until I return. Probably late tonight if not then tomorrow.)
(( I get nervous sometimes when RPNation stops working sometimes. I'm like D:! Whyareyounotworking! Comeback! Come baccckk. I'll never let goo! *wails* ;a;... and then it starts working and I'm a happy camper :3 ))

I nodded and pointed. "It's that way a little ways. I'll gather some stuff and see if I can't make a couple targets..." Glancing around and walking slowly, placing each step carefully I begin picking up various sticks and leaves. After I got a nice little armful of twigs and leaves I sat down and started weaving them together to form a nice dinner-plate sized target with a ring in the middle for a "bullseye." Since I'd done it so many times I let my mind and gaze wander, and soon enough I had about 6 targets. Dropping what few materials I had left onto the ground, I stood up with them under my arm and my bow slung across my back.

"Faye, I've got some targets." I walk up to her and show her the crudely made, but functional, targets. "This is how I train my archery, not sure how well it'll work for you though... if we need to I can take an arrow head and carve out a target on a tree."
(I was looking for some good pictures of Juniper and I couldn't decide between these two)


Faye observes the targets that Varexes made, looking quite impressed. Of course, you couldn't say they were absolutely perfect and incredible considering they were quickly thrown together out of leaves and twigs. However, she was impressed at the fact that even though he claimed he wasn't an amazing archer it was clear that he practiced much and had crafted targets like this for himself multiple times.

"Wow!" she exclaimed, probably sounding too facinated by his hasty work. "I can tell you've done this a lot. They'll certainly do. You're right though, I usually shoot at trees if I'm practicing in the woods. Usually when I'm shooting out in the woods I'm hunting, though. I have targets set up in my yard back home in Fayland, so I've never tried this out actually. That's pretty creative," she told him. 
(( Little*Dreamer the first one looks more like a healer :3 second one is an archer ))

I grinned when she complimented them. "These are actually destructible targets. They won't last long, I just thought I'd show you what I can do for my training, and then maybe if they're still alive at the end we can use them or just shoot at trees, because honestly they're crap." I set them down, pulled some string out of a pocket that was on my quiver and set up the targets by hanging them on trees or setting them up against rocks. Each one was at a different location in a semi-circle in front of me, all at different heights. Stepping back so I could see all of them at once, I drew my bow and a single arrow, testing the string for its tautness.

"This is how I train." I said to Faye, then shutting her out I took a deep breath, then hunched over into my normal position. I took one small step slowly forward, and then I exploded into movement, launching off my other foot into a combat roll. From there I come up and fire off my first arrow, hitting a mid-height target dead center and shattering it. In the same movement I drew a second and dove to the right, aiming for a low target near the ground, firing a split second before my roll, then following through and rolling around, twisting my body to aim at a target on the left. Firing off a third arrow and shattering 3/3 targets so far, I dropped to my knee and twisted to aim at another mid-height target, shattering that. Running at the closest target, I jumped and twisted in midair to kick it, drawing an arrow in the same movement and aiming it at target number 5, which was straight above me. Using the tree as a spring board, I kicked off and rotated to shoot it, then bouncing off my back with a grunt I slid back, drawing a 5th arrow. Doing a sort of roll and a spin to bring myself up to my knees I fired off the final arrow at the final target that was off to my left, shattering it.

Panting slightly after the exercise, I stood up glanced around to make sure I hit all 6, and then slung my bow across my back. I walked up to Faye, sheepishly grinning. "So what do you think?"
Faye raised her eyebrows, clearly both astonished and impressed. She was most certainly not expecting that from this guy. Sure, she thought he looked like he could be a pretty good archer from the start, but after everything he'd told Faye she expected much less from him. It seemed that he was just rather humble, which wasn't a bad thing at all.

She looked at Varexes for a moment or two as her lips curved into an impressed grin. "Well, someone's modest. You're definitely talented!" she told him, lifting up her fist for a knuckle touch.

"Thanks, but I'm really not that great. It's one thing to shoot at a couple of non-moving crappy targets that I set up myself, and quite another to actually shoot at something that could be trying to kill me or something to eat." I grinned though, glad at the compliments, and met her knuckle touch with one of his own. "So, wanna carve a target and show me what you can do?"
Faye rolled her eyes with a laugh as he continued to sound modest. She shook her head, telling him that she thought he was really talented and his words wouldn't change that. Faye then took a few minutes to carve some targets into the trees surrounding them. Once she was done, she moved back and removed her bow from her back, readying it with an arrow. She didn't bother asking anyone to move out of the way, even though the targets were scattered among the trees surrounding them.

She stood still, her back completely straight as she pulled back her bowstring. The tip of her nose was just barely touching the edge as she aimed the tip of the arrow at one of the trees. Right as the point was aimed where she wanted it, she released the arrow and watched as it flew through the air rapidly, hitting the target dead center.

Without waiting another second she swung another arrow from her quiver into the bow and lifted it up to the next tree. Right as she lifted her bow arm it took her less than a second to shoot the arrow right into the center of the target. Altogether, it had taken her about three seconds to switch to the next arrow.

She continued to do this routine, hitting all ten targets right in the bullseye each and every time.

Of course, she didn't do all the crazy stunts and what not, but it was obvious by the way she swiftly sent all the arrows dead center of all ten targets in about a minute that this was a little too easy for her. After practicing for hours on end every single day of her life, well what do you expect?

Finally, she put down her bow arm and moved over to Varexes.

I nodded, not surprised. She definitely had an air of confidence around her that obviously had some honesty behind her skills as an archer. I had already collected the 5 arrows I shot off before. "You're pretty damn good at that." It was a statement of truth, said in a tone that couldn't be argued with. Nodding to her I stepped to the exact same location she did, and hunching over again I drew one arrow and notched it, testing the tautness of my bow. Exhaling once before I began, I steadied myself and shut out the world.

Standing up straight I shot a single arrow at the first target, purposely sliding it slightly off to the side so as to not compete with Faye. Perhaps it was my paranoia or maybe it was just I didn't want to show off and come across as arrogant, but I purposely slightly missed each shot, so it was on the edge of the bullseye rather than dead center. Spinning around I varied where my targets were, spinning and stepping in a small circle. Within 20 seconds I'd hit every target, my movements completely fluid and using momentum from my spinning to add some extra distance. Once I'd hit all 10 targets, slightly off center from Faye's dead-center shots, I slung my bow again. "Well, I guess that proves you're better than me." I chuckled and grinned at Faye as I approached her.
Faye slid her pupils in Varexes's direction, confused as to how his arrows were slightly off center compared to her own after he had shot all those other targets extremely well.

"They're still really well shots," she said to him with a warm grin, "you're probably just a little tired from all the other targets you shot." She meant what she said to him. It was true, he had still shot the targets on the trees extremely well, even if they weren't touching her own arrows in the dead center. Therefore she figured he was just a bit exhausted.

She looked at him for a moment, biting her lip as a thought crossed her mind. It might've been a stupid thought, but she decided she knew what she was doing.

"Hold on a sec," she said to him, her lips curving into a rather devious grin.

Faye walked past the boy and headed over to where Vex was standing silently beside Jess. She stood on her tippy toes and reached her arm over his back just far enough so that she could pull out an apple from one of the bags of food. As Faye turned towards Varexes, it was clear that she was trying to hold back a smile. Maybe she was getting too into the zone with her skills, her mind begging her for more of a challenge. She stopped right in front of him, holding the apple out to him.

"Take this and go stand over there," she said to him, unable to hide her excited smile. However, not only was it a smile of excitement, but of just the slightest hint of nervousness.

Relieved that she wasn't worrying too much about his off-center shots, he nodded. "Thanks, that might be it." When she grinned, a trill of fear went through me, but luckily it didn't show outwardly. When she handed him the apple though, he knew what she was thinking, and he hesitated before taking the apple. If she missed he was dead, or at least out of commission for a while. If she hit it though, she might brag about it.

Shrugging inwardly he took the apple and stood where she pointed, and put the apple on top of his head. "This what you want me to do?" My face was expressionless, but my heart was pounding, but I wasn't sure if it was from the excitement or the fear of what Faye was about to try.
Faye chuckled with a nod as he settled the apple atop his head. "Yep! Don't worry, I've done this a few times already," she assured him. "I had always wanted to try this, so I practiced by putting it on the top of a fence. One day my grandfather saw what I was doing, so I told him about how I was practicing to try it on a real elf. I guess he saw that I was repeatedly shooting the apples, so he placed one on his head and told me to shoot it." Faye laughed at the thought, shaking her head a little. "He was crazy. I was a little nervous at the time, but luckily I shot the apple. You just can't think about how it's an actual elf that you're putting in a lot of danger. If you do, you'll get nervous and have more chances of missing."

Faye shrugged a little, readying her bow with an arrow. She chose to not mention the times she had missed the apple on the fence, considering that would probably worry him way too much. The only reason she had missed though, was because of the nervousness in her system. She couldn't help but think about how if she missed--that innocent elf was dead..and it'd be all her fault. She would never be able to shoot another arrow again.

As she raised her bow, she aimed the tip of the arrow at the apple on top of his head. She didn't release the arrow as quickly as she had for the targets on the trees, feeling it was more necessary to concentrate for something like this. She was about to shoot the arrow at the apple, but that was until she noticed Varexes's slightly worried facial expression beneath it.

She gulped, losing focus as she quickly let down on the string. "Ah, I'm sorry. Just one second," she said with a trace of nervousness in her voice. She took a deep breath before getting back in her form, pulling back the string again.

She touched the tip of her nose against the edge of the string, aiming the arrow at the apple once again. This time, she blurred out everything around her, forgetting all about Varexes's existance. It was simply a target. Right when the arrow was aimed at the apple, she released it quickly and it shot threw the air rapidly, piercing the apple right through the middle. The apple flew off of Varexes's head, juice from the inside splattering out a little as it tumbled into the leaves on the ground.

Faye's eyes widened a bit before she could manage a smile, grateful that it had worked. Her head spun a bit as she saw Varexes--alive and breathing. She let out a small breath of relief.

Seeing her take her time made me worried, and apparently it showed because even from this distance I saw her nervousness. From there I stood stockstill and mentally said my good-byes, eyes closed, and I knew I couldn't control the look on my face that told her I was worried.

But when she shot the apple and as it fell my eyes widened slightly, then I let out the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. "Good shot!" I called, turning to look at the apple. I picked it up and threw it to her, then jogged back to her.

I remembered practicing the same thing, only instead of shooting apples off of elves heads I'd always shot within centimeters of their hands. Of course it scared the crap out of the elves I did it, and occasionally I scraped a hand or two, but nobody ever knew it was me. I suppose this was karma.

Once I got back to Faye I grinned. "Good shot. I'll admit I was worried, but I think I bow to you as the better archer." I said with a highly over exaggerated bow. "I won't try the same, I don't think I can hit an apple off your head." I laughed at that, even though I knew I was lying. I could do it easily, but I didn't want to show off to her. After all, Faye was the only person I'd managed to strike up a decent conversation with without worried about her thinking I'm too weird.

The feeling was similar from when I was a child with someone, but I couldn't quite put my finger on who it was. Shrugging off the feeling, I straightened from my bow, a crooked smile on my face.
Faye caught the apple in her hands before removing the arrow from it with a joyful smile. She slipped it back into her quiver, feeling more than relieved to have not killed Varexes. She knew she'd be able to easily shoot it, but there were those times when she got a little nervous. Today seemed to be one of those days. It must've been mostly because Varexes turned out to be quite a good guy and Faye was enjoying her time around him already.

She laughed in amusement as he bowed to her dramatically. "Nah, you saw me panic a bit. I'm not that great," she told him, her face reddening a little.

"True bravery is not fearlessness, it is being afraid and going through with it anyways. Yes, I saw you panic a bit, but you overcame it and shot it, so yes, you are that great." My face flashed serious, but I cracked a smile. "Don't be modest. That was an amazing shot. No way I could do that." Faye was a really nice girl, and I was having a blast being around her. Hopefully the rest of her group would be as trusting and as kind as she is, but you never know. With my luck, she'd be the only one who approved and would be my friend.

Ah well, whatever happens happens I suppose.
Faye processed his words for a few moments before smiling at him and nodding. "Ya know, that's true. You've got some nice quotes," she said with a laugh, settling the bottom of her bow on top of her leather lace up boot. "Well, it seems that the rest of the group kind of...vanished.."

Faye looked out into the distance once again, a trace of concern in her expression. Had they just been taking a while to catch up? Did they get lost? What was it that was taking them ages? They were only about ten minutes away from the ruins.

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