The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( Oh wow, she just fell off a cliff xD

Annd thats sucks, :T Bye Paipai~

and Zeyro, I just skim posts that don't pertain to me--you never know they could be important xD ))
Ruineth took a seat on an old stump not too far from the group. She laughed at the elf, and realized how rude she'd been earlier. "Oh! Please, what are your names?" She asked. She tried to hide her displeasure with sitting on a decaying piece of wood. It was cold, wet, and nasty. It made her long for her warm, clean bed. Ruineth stopped those thoughts at once. She was an adventurer now. Warm beds and fine foods were long behind her.


Ruineth waited for their responses with a slight discomfort.

(Haha, a bit of a violent role play, isn't it? Poor Pandora.)

As I worked I glanced up at Ruineth when she took a seat. "I am called Varexes." Despite the rain and what I was working on, I was trying to make her feel slightly more comfortable by speaking the way she did, but I felt like I didn't do a very good job. "How long have you been out here? Are you hungry?" I asked her.
"Ah, well met, Varexes!" Ruineth said. "I've been gone...a few weeks maybe? I don't really remember." She paused. While it was true she was hungry, she still held her beliefs close to heart. They were all she had. She hated asking for food, even when offered. She did the best she could to seem indifferent. "Yes, I've been gone for a while. Still, I'm not starving. But I wouldn't mind...a little bread? Or whatever you can spare. If you are tight on rations, don't worry about it." She said as a fierce growl rumbled in her abdominal area. Her eyes widened slightly, and she felt her face grow hot with embarrassment.
Jess watched everything through the rain, chuckling when the new girl's stomach growled. She picked her self up off of the muddy forest floor and walked over to the girl, not wanting to startle her or anything. "It's nice to see a new elf stumble upon are little, well not so little, group." She sat down in front of her and Varexes, a little boom of thunder going off in the distance.
"Well met, friend! Please, what is your name?" Ruineth asked the elf who sat in front of her. She jumped at the thunder, and glanced at the sky.

(I'm going to be off 15 minutes. Maybe longer. I gotta drive home. No Internet on the interstate :P )
Jess smiled warmly at the girl, flinching when she heard the thunder. "I'm Jess, what's your name?" She bit her lip slightly and put her hood on, keeping some of the rain off of her face.

I reached into a pouch at my waist and pulled out some bread. It was old and slightly stale, but other than that I was out of food. I made a show of pretending to rummage and look at a few things, then I handed her the bread. "It's no big deal. Eat up! I'm sure that Birch," I point over at him and Nova while they speak, furrowing my brow as I realize the last thing I heard was that Nova wanted to learn archery, "will cook something when we stop for the night." When the thunder cracked I sighed contentedly. I loved the rain and thunder storms, grinning slightly when Ruineth jumped. "Afraid of thunder?" I asked, pulling my cowl deeper over my face to protect it from the rain as I used the to rinse the now-indented disc that was mostly smooth. I frowned and looked around, seemingly judging trees.
"My name is Ruineth Laeelenlal. A mouthful, I know. Many call me Rune for short." She replied to Jess.

Ruineth turned to Varexes as he offered her some bread. "Oh thank you!" She said, trying not to grab at it or eat it in one mouthful. Again she looked at the sky when he asked if she was afraid of thunder. "No. At least not of the thunder itself. It's the storm I fear. Lightning. Hail. The cold darkness that follows. Sure they're relaxing when you're inside, but...storms are not to be taken lightly while traveling." She took a bite of bread. "But it's even worse when traveling alone. I'm glad I found all of you in time." She hated to think what it might've been like roughing the storm alone.
"Oh, I'm Faye by the way," she said to Ruineth with a warm smile. "We still have some food left that wasn't stolen. Vex over there is carrying all of it, so if you'd like something other than stale bread don't feel bad to help yourself," she told the girl, gesturing towards the massive beast whose fur was now matted down from the rain.

Just then, there was a flash of lightning followed by a rumbling boom of thunder. However, Faye didn't jump at all. She was used to thunderstorms--actually, she loved them. She wasn't sure why some others were afraid of them, considering Faye thought they were a beautiful part of nature. Plus, the cold rain felt good even though it was already chilly during the fall weather. Not only that, but she figured she could use a little rain bath, along with her dirty clothing.

On the other hand, it seemed like the storm was right overhead and the lightning was extremely close to them. In that case, thunderstorms can be quite dangerous.

"I love thunderstorms," Faye said joyfully as she gazed up into the sky, letting the droplets of water pound against her face. After a moment, she looked back at the others surrounding her. "Although, the rain is getting really heavy and--" as she was speaking, there was a longer flash of lightning and an extended boom of thunder. She waited several seconds until the loud noise died down to continue, "and it seems like the storm is getting worse...closer, too. It's probably a good idea if we try and find some shelter." Faye had to speak loudly so everyone was able to hear her over the horrendous weather.
Ruineth managed a smile in response to Faye's offering. "No, I'll be fine." She stumbled over the words. The storm was growing violent. She felt her stomach tighten. She stood quickly, her hands shaking slightly. She folded them, hiding her cowardly behavior the best she could. Eager to find shelter as Faye suggested, Ruineth pulled her hood back over her head and tightened the ropes on her pack. "Good idea. Let's go. We must hurry." She said, trying not to let her voice crack or shake.
Faye nodded at Ruineth, noticing how she looked a bit frightened when she stood up. The girl was definitely wary of the storm.

"Alright," Faye said loudly over the thunder, "let's get moving again!" She then waved her hand in the direction she began to walk, gesturing to follow her. She did this twice, once to the group right behind her and again to the group a bit further from them which consisted of Birch, Nova, and Vex.

At that moment, Faye realized something. She saw that they were missing a number of elves, which made her insides knot. She kept her eyes on the emptiness in that area, wondering where on Earth they were and praying that they were safe. She finally tore her eyes away and continued to move forward, knowing there was no more turning back. Hopefully the others would catch up with them eventually...if not, well then...she hoped they'd at least be okay.
Jess whimpered quietly as the rumbling thunder sounded, flinching when it echoed throughout the forest. She knew it was stupid to behave this way but she couldn't help it, she has always acted this way when there was thunder. She looked up at Faye and, standing up with a slightly shaking form, she nodded her head. "That seems like a good idea." Jess then began to follow after her.

I stood up and offered a hand to assist Ruineth. "I've spent more storms outside than inside in my lifetime." I said loudly. I glanced over my shoulder. "Hey, before this rain picked up I saw a thicket of trees that way. It'll provide some shelter, and I might be able to rig something up to keep the rest of the rain off of us." I said. I remained completely calm in the loud thunder, because what I said was true. In fact, one time I'd even been up the mountain when a forest fire started due to lightning. If I kept my calm in that, I could keep calm in some loud booming thunder.
"Oh. Alright. I guess I can try and convince her... if you teach me a bit first," he adds, looking over at him carefully as he does so. Birch wasn't exactly untrusting but it felt like a very odd thing to do, like acting as if he was some kind of messenger. Plus, he was actually a little eager to learn magic.

"Birch! Nova!" I called out through the rain. "Come on! We need to find shelter! Finish your private conversation later!" I shouted over the rain and thunder, wanting to hurry to the shelter. I wasn't used to waiting on others, if I wanted or needed something I'd just go and get it. I wasn't used to having to wait for others to catch up.
Ruineth accepted Varexes' hand, hoping he didn't notice it was shaking. "Well I'm glad you're here, then." She replied, watching the clouds above. The rain stung her eyes. She wanted to run to the nearest shelter, but waited alongside the others. Jess was looking just as scared as she was. She admired the ones who stayed fearless. She peered at everyone as they began to set off. She wished they'd hurry. It took everything in her not to book it for the thicket Varexes mentioned.

(Why does everyone think Ruineth is always sitting, lol? I keep having to sit her back down so everything makes sense. I'm not trying to complain, but it's happened twice now. I keep thinking everyone just wants to hold hands. :P )
(Oh, I'm in school, I'm skimming and responding quickly.)


I felt Ruineth's hand shaking as I helped her up and I pointed them over towards the log where I'd been sitting when Ruineth had first appeared. I turned to Faye. "Get Birch and Nova, everyone head that way. There's a small copse of trees, keep your eyes open. Get into the middle of the group of trees and I'll be there in a moment." I paused for a moment and handed the disc to Faye. "Hold onto that for me! It's not done yet! Don't let it fall apart, it's still loose!" I ran ahead of the group towards the copse of trees and began setting up what shelter I could using my cloak to stop the majority of the rain from the wind and using pieces of a bush and stones to hold it all in place. Rain would still get in, but only a trickle rather than the storm.
(It's all good. I just thought it was funny.)

Ruineth walked quickly to the trees Varexes talked about. She let her mind wander as she hung around the others. She remembered when her mother had taken her out to pick berries, roots, and various plants to use in dyes. One by one she was taught which were edible and which were toxic. She remembered once while they were picking it'd begun to storm. They ran inside, laughing and smiling. They changed to dry clothes and worked by the warm hearth, sipping at fresh warm tea. Now she was cold and wet, with the tips of her fingers stinging from the rain invading where she'd pricked herself.
"Alright. " Nova followed Var, took off his torn robes and began making a shelter of his own away from the main shelter. Nova had no intentions of allowing a fire in this shelter, as fires made him uncomfortable. He invited Birch to follow. "I don't know how your magic will manifest itself, but if it happens to be fire then we better find out now so you do not burn anything down"

(Pick whatever element Nami will allow, fire was just a suggestion; not trying to control anything.

Also, Nami; Do you have a preset explanation of magic or may I come up with one?)
Birch followed behind silently, the rain still barely affecting them though he did start to shiver after a while. As Nova began to build up the shelter, Birch simply watched, at this point drenched from head to toe.
Jess walked a little behind the others, shivering occasionally as the rain seeped into her clothes. She tried to ignore the loud sounds of thunder but each time one went off she would flinch or jump slightly. Jess walked for a little while longer until she saw the canopy of trees up ahead, her mood perking up a teeny tiny bit.
((Oh crap, I was so focused on my editing that I forgot to check back here lmao

I've been falling behind! xD I might go out and shoot my bow for a bit as well, but only 30 arrows so it should be pretty quick.

And Zeyro anything's fine, and sure make up your own magic stuff xD I'm cool with it as long as it's not like extremely powerful. It can be powerful, just not..yeah. xD ))

Faye furrowed her brows, suddenly noticing a change. No, it wasn't in the weather--it was still storming immensely. Actually, the storm had gotten worse; more thunder, more lightning, and more wind. It was the fact that ever since she'd met Varexes she'd been taking more than one order from him. It bothered her a little, as she was so used to being the leader of this adventure. After all, it had been her idea to gather an entire group to escape Fayland. Although, she simply just overlooked the thought once again as she turned away and started heading over towards Nova and Birch.

Anyways, Faye was actually a little relieved to join the two, especially wanting to check up on Birch. She rushed over to them as the rain came down extremely hard, making it sort of difficult to see where she was going. She held the disc that Varexes had shoved into her hands against her chest, trying her best to keep it from getting any more wet. Of course, she couldn't stop that too much.

Finally, she stopped beside Birch, her eyes falling onto Nova who seemed to be making a shelter of his own. She was going to point out that Varexes and the others were working on a shelter already, but figured another shelter wouldn't be a bad idea. After all, their group of adventurers was beginning to get a little packed.

Faye remembered why Varexes had sent her over here, to get Birch and Nova to hurry up and join the others. However, since they were already working on their own shelter and Faye was already there, she figured she'd stay with the two. Varexes wouldn't mind.

"Hey, do you guys mind if I join you?" she asked loudly, above the heavy rain as she gestured towards their shelter.

Using what few materials I had at hand I built a small wind-ward shelter that would overhang ever so slightly and ward off most of the rain. Holding it up with one hand and using my bow to prop it up, it was relatively unstable, but only a trickle of rain got through. It could hold about 4 people, which was spacious enough for myself but not so much for the group. I noticed Faye going over to be with Birch and Nova, and while I was a little disappointed I shoved the thought back. I'd been a bit bossy, so maybe she was pissed because she was the leader of the group. Shrugging inwardly I stepped back a moment to make sure the shelter would hold, and when I was sure it would I beckoned for Jess and Ruineth to get under it. I ran over to Faye.

"Faye, there's room for 2 others under the shelter." I pointed. "I've gotta go do something. I'll be back in a bit." I turned away, then turned back. "Sorry about being bossy. I'm... not used to being in a group." At that I ran off, quiver tight across my back but no bow as it was holding up the shelter. I ran with the rain so it was kept out of my eyes, memorizing the path I took so I could get back.

I was looking for something very specific, and while I wasn't sure if I could find it, if I could it'd allow me to finish what I was making. Not only that, but I'd have a lot left over to make more.
Ruineth nodded and entered the shelter Varexes had built, relieved to escape the storm. She patted the spot next to her, and motioned for Jess to sit beside her. "Looks like we're shelter buddies for now." She said, pulling out her dress so she could continue mending it.

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