The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( I don't mind typing on a phone, but only for like texting and things like that. I think it's alot more annoying typing like stories and shiz on a phone--mostly because of, a keyboard is much more convenient in my opinion xD ))
Birch accepted the manastone, eyes going ever so slightly wide as he held it in his palm. The actual idea that he could use magic was an interesting one but one that he wasn't particularly hopeful for. As Nova had said, it was a rare gift even when it was tapped and he could be magicless for all the knew. Still, there was no harm in trying. He He hoped.

He quickly pocketed the little pearl as he heard wet footsteps in the rain and he was suddenly met with the sight of Faye, soaked to the bone and looking a little down though that didn't stop her from plopping down next to him and grabbing onto him in a semi-hug. His eyes went wide as he froze up, not expecting such close contact without even a word to him. He quickly realized that she must have been freezing and with his cheeks still burning, he slowly wrapped his arms around Faye and held her close. It was honestly a very nice warmth, much less intense than a campfire but just as enjoyable and it was nice to be close to someone again. Deciding that he wasn't quite pleased with being a living personal warmer, he cleared his throat and muttered, "Hi," to her after the longest time.
Ruineth was happy to be invited to the other shelter. She stowed her dress away and made her way over. She hadn't noticed much while she'd been sewing, but she did know Jess had left her. Ruineth glanced behind her shoulder, and noticed wolf tracks leading away from her previous spot. She stopped.

"Um...Faye? I'm going to go check something out real quick. It'll be but a minute." She called out. Ruineth headed for the tracks, squatting next to them. She traced them with her finger and pushed at the dirt inside if them. They were undoubtedly wolf tracks. Leading away from where Jess had been sitting. A strong wave of confusion overcame her. If there'd been a wolf next to them, it surely would have attacked. Or at least growled. Ruineth would have noticed that. Which meant there was only one explanation. Jess was some sort of wolf-elf hybrid.

Whether from dehydration or shock, Ruineth was overwhelmed with nausea. Her eyes rolled back, and she fell face down into the mud.
(Ruineth is obviously a very... idk how else to say it, no offense meant here, but she's "prissy." she's very... sophisticated. the idea of a shifter is new to her, and the idea that someone who is so quiet and shy like Jess can turn into a huge and deadly wolf is terrifying to her. at least, that's how i'm understanding it, lol)
(Oh darnit. I'm sorry about the fainting thing! I posted it and suddenly a bunch of posts showed up so now it looks like I'm calling for attention to my character and... I'm going to wake her up now lol)
(Yeah that's how I made her. I usually make a bunch of characters who are cool with stuff. And I wanted a change. I'll hold back on the prissiness.)
An amused smile gradually formed on her face as she turned to look at him. "Hi there," she responded in a dopey manner, purposely teasing him. She chuckled as she looked in front of her at Nova, wondering if he was freezing as well. Faye was taking much comfort in Birch's arms, although she was still shivering. Being sopping wet in the middle of Autumn wasn't exactly the best thing.

"Nova," Faye said cheerfully with a bright smile, "are you cold? You must be. Come over here!" She patted the space beside her, gesturing for him to come sit beside her for a group hug. She had a feeling he wouldn't want to join them, seeing as maybe he was too cool for a friendly little group hug. Literally. ((Ba dum tss! xD )) However, she loved having everyone close. These elves were all like her new family.

Once I had collected enough sap into the leaves, I grabbed some dirt, mixed it in, and then covering one of the holes with my body I emptied the water carefully and placed the sap into it, mixing a little bit of water in with it. Once that was done, I quickly wrapped it up in leaves and washed my hands in the second "bowl" and then retrieved the package I'd made. Standing up I placed the arrow head I'd broken into my pocket, tossing the shaft. I turned to Jess, "Let's go." I jogged quickly through the mud to make my way back to the shelters.
Jess looked around the little area they were in wearily, not having the best feeling about this. She was sure it was nothing, just her being paranoid, but she was on full alert anyways. You never know what to expect in situations like this, especially being in a place that they don't even know. She got up off the ground and slowly walked in the direction Varexes went in, her eyes darting from tree to tree.
Faye looked up just then as Runeith peeked inside the shelter and told her she needed to check something out. Before she could question her, the girl left. Faye was about to go out after her, but didn't want to go through another 'Faye, leave me alone' situation. She knew she could be a little curious and overprotective of her friends, but she just wanted everyone to be together and safe.

She looked up, Nova and Birch the only ones around her. She was grateful for at least their presence, but where in the world was everyone else? She sighed to herself, wondering why even in a time where it would make sense for everyone to be huddled together, everyone still managed to be separated.
Zerion looked to Val. "I haven't meet you what is your name," he said not really knowing what he was doing. "I am Zerion." He then stuck out his hand.
Athral said:
Valandil turned as Zerion approached and said "I'm Valandil. By the way, what were you doing when the bear attacked. You must have been there before we all noticed the bear." He was starting to wonder of the elf had been watching them. So far, the elf didn't seem like a threat. He didn't even look like he could fight. Still, Valandil decided to keep a eye on him.
(Lol. You must have not seen this post)
(( Met* I haven't met you. Not meet. Meet is present tense. Met is past tense.

Sorry, that's just been bothering me lmao. ))
(Sorry again I didn't want to make a scene! Forget the fainting thing, Ruineth's waking up now)

Ruineth snapped open her eyes and pushed herself up. Wiping the mud off her face, she stood and peeked over at the shelter Faye had gone to. She was snuggled up against another elf. It was all so strange. She'd been in the tailor shop too long... She'd never had a grasp on magic until it was used on her father years ago, and now she'd just witnessed an elf shift into a wolf. She was too sheltered for too long. Ruineth smiled and headed for the shelter Faye was sitting in. She did her best to clean herself as she neared the elves.
"No thanks Faye, the cold is better. Too much contact with other elves skin can actually cause minor burns on my own skin. Domething to do with my magic"
(( Hahahah don't worry you didn't make a scene xDD

and I don't mind typing on a phone, it's just freaking autocorrect. Sometimes I wanna murder it, but I keep it on 'cause it can sometimes be useful xD ))

Faye smiled when Ruineth entered their shelter, feeling grateful that she was already back (and in one piece). "Ruineth! Take a seat! Where'd you go?" she asked with curiosity. 
Faye nodded at Nova, a clear look of astonishment written on her face. "Oh! You learn something new everyday.." She then smiled with a small chuckle.
Nova nodded, he then took out his waterskin again and began to freeze the water into short versions of his spear but with a flat edge, the edge became ever flatter and smoother as he practiced. He messed up frequently, cracking ghe ice or forming jagged edges.

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