The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((It's all good in the hood xD ))

Faye put a hand on his shoulder, but removed it just as fast. She was trying to stop doing things that may bother people, even though trying to be comforting was something she was so used to.

"Well, I think the rain's finally starting to let up. So, we can start moving again soon..or now if you wish.." she said, leaning forward a bit to see his expression. 
At that moment, Faye heard a male voice in the distance. It sounded very sounded like Val's voice! Reacting too quickly, she jumps up and smacks her head on the top of the shelter.

"Ow!" she yelps, the whole thing crumbling around them. She feels the raindrops falling down on her head once again, soaking her blonde hair even more.

Faye glances around her, feeling a little embarrassed for ruining the shelter. On the other hand, she didn't care all that much due to how joyful she was that she heard Val's voice. She saw him in the distance, a relieved grin spread across her face. She waved at him, clearly happy to see that he was alive still.

"Valandil! Over here!" she shouted cheerfully.
Hearing the shouting Zerion packed his head out of the shelter. (He just made hot chocolate and was watching TV Jk). He saw the new people. "In here come join me in the shelter," he yelled to be heard. He then moved farther back in the large shelter. He started a fire inside to keep it warm.
Jess chuckled as Faye knocked down the shelter in her haste to see Valandil. She also heard him, looking at the rest of the people behind him as she noticed that one person was missing and another one has joined them. She looked closer but just shook he head and got up off the ground, shaking the mud from her fur as she did so.

When she put her hand on my shoulder I ignored it, but she quickly removed it and I raised one eyebrow slightly at that. She was learning I wasn't used to people. Shrugging inwardly, before I could draw breath to respond I heard a male voice, and suddenly Faye was screaming and knocking down the shelter. I smiled at her enthusiasm to see her friend. "Val..." I said quietly.
Faye looked around at the few that were sitting near her, her face reddening with embarrassment as she actually looked at the shelter that had collapsed onto them. Oops, she thought to herself, an apologetic smile forming on her face.

"Sorry about the shelter," she said quietly, glancing at the ground. "But we'll be moving again soon, anyway!" she reassured them, trying to point out that it wasn't all that bad.
"I'll go see how they've been doing. You might want to come to introduce yourself." said Valandil to Zerion as he approached the ruined shelter. "Geez, you guys left us behind. From now on we should do a roll call or something." he said, trying to tease everyone. He then noticed another elf there. "The group just doesn't stop growing." he thought.
Zerion got out of his shelter and followed Val. Once he got to the ruined shelter he lifted the top (yeah when he gets small skills like carpentry it doesn't matter.) Once he saw the two he frowned. "I have a shelter much bigger and safer then this if you will follow me." He then stuck out his hand wanting to help them out.
Faye scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, feeling that was partially her fault. "Yeah, I'm sorry..I really thought everyone was together this time!" she tells him, feeling terribly guilty for leaving them behind. "I'm just glad you're alive!" she exclaimed, stepping over to Valandil and throwing her arms around him.

As she pulled him into an embrace, she peered over his shoulder. She noticed another new elf walking towards them, along with Juniper. However, she felt they were still missing some others.

Faye released Val and looked him in the eyes. "Do you know him?" she asked, gesturing towards the new male elf.
Valandil was a little shocked at the sudden hug. He had not really been hugged many times and he really didn't know what to do. He turned and said "This is Zerion. He appeared after we got attacked by a bear. So far he's proven to be useful and not a threat."
Faye's eyes widened, "You were attacked by a bear? I'm glad you're okay!" she told him, clearly feeling even more guilty for leaving them behind. At that moment she realized she was sounding too overprotective again. "I mean, of course you're okay. You're strong," she says, awkwardly giving Val a playful punch on the arm.

She then sighed and crossed her arms, looking over at the new guy. Zerion.. geez, how many new elves were going to be part of their group? She decided to prepare herself for plenty more at this rate.

"We have another new elf," she says to Valandil, pointing at the girl whose dozed off beside Nova. "Her name is Ruineth. She's asleep right now, though." Faye chuckled as she looked at the girl. She then shoved her hands into the pockets of her soaked jacket before turning back to Val.
(Yea I think it is)

"Well it looks like we both picked up new people. Zerion made a wood shelter if you all want to stay in that." he said, looking at the ruined shelter.

I stood and took one quick look around to make sure the coast was clear, then I introduced myself to Val. "I'm Varexes." I said, holding out my hand to shake.
"Well, I think we're gonna start heading off again real soon," Faye told Val, "it seems like the storm's finally letting up."

She looked up into the sky, the raindrops still coming down on her face, but much softer than they had been earlier. She looked back down and flipped her hood over her head.

"Here comes the frizzy hair.." she said with a sigh, readjusting her bow on her back better. She then took a look in her quiver. "Looks like I'll need to dump the water out of this thing later."
Valandil took Varaxes' hand and shook it. He looked like he had already adjusted to the group somewhat. He turned to Faye and asked "Do you want us to start packing up the supplies?"
Faye put her hands behind her back and smiled. "Actually, all the stuff is still on Vex's back. He stayed in beast form," she said, nodding towards the beast sleeping a few yards away.
(Gah. Sorry guys, I won't be on much today. My grandma wants to make peach jam and she said "no radios" which is what she calls iPods. I'm still gonna bring it so I can sneak a few posts. I'm really sorry I won't be on more! You can sort of control Ruineth if you have to, like wake her up and have her perform simple tasks and whatnot.)
Nova let out a deep sigh of frustration when the ahelter collapsed. The raindrops in front of his mouth froze into ice crystals as if to emphasize his feelings. "So, I have a side mission I am working on. I feel we would be safer if I enhanced my magic abilities. I'm sure all of you heard the legends of the ancients discovering magic; I will return to the ruins when the storm passes to search for their books. I will catch up when I can."

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