The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(I meant the skyrim thing is more mechanical. Meh, I guess I support runes because I support scrolls but; In NetHack a Wizard class has the ability to write scrolls they do not yet know. So, would I be allowed todo something like that late game? Actually, since runes are where the magic is, shouldn't anyone be sble to do that, sort of like the 'Elbereth' mechanic in NetHack?)
(Still, I just thought that it would work, since you were saying "keep your eyes open for traps." but whatever xD )


"What does it say Nova? Is it dangerous?" I asked, testing the tautness of my bow.

When Nova through his spear into the rune, it exploded in a burst of flame, consuming the spear and causing a wave of heat to flash over Nova and I.

"Well, I think that answers that question." I said, glancing inside to see what was inside. Besides the scorched circle, there were a few book cases, one box, and another door way with more scratch marks.
"You're quite welcome, Faye." Ruineth said as she backed away once more. Her focus returned to the journey. "Now then, should we continue?" She asked. She tightened her cowl around her neck, ready for whatever the world had to throw at the group of elves. She let her shoulders slump in the slightest degree. Ruineth began to tire of her uptight approach, but she couldn't help who she was. Her shoulders lifted back into place, as if they too were prepared for the journey. Whatever happens...nothing changes. It was a promise Ruineth knew would be hard to keep. 
(Oops sorry. I didn't realize. Gah, I hate it when I mess up details. I'll fix it, Nami!) 
(Okay, I edited the post I messed up :P )
"Yep." Said Nova sifting through the charred remains, "Nothing of any magical value here, but the trap indicates we're getter close. And by the way, it was the rune for 'fire' " Nova began dusting the floor looking for trap doors or any kinda of vault designed to survive the blast, but found nothing. He then examined the room more carfully, though any hints to its former purpose were most likely caked in charred dirt, or were blown into some other part of the ruins by now. "We better hurry, there is a human village fairly close."

Nodding, I strode forward, eyes taking in the charred remains of the room and instinctively observing the ground in case of any more traps. My bow was at about half draw and I was hunched over slightly, in a ready mode. In less than a second I could lift up, draw and release that first arrow from this position. "You said books, Nova. What would these books look like? Because I've seen some back home and those were all cook books and story books. What's the difference between those and magic books?" I asked.
Juniper looked at her feet listening to the conversations around her. There was a lot of talk about things that didn't interest her much. She couldn't think of anything worth contributing to any conversation. She wanted to speak up about how being left unconscious and forgotten about had hurt her feelings, but she didn't want to hurt anyone else in the process. She felt under-appreciated, after all she had healed almost everyone in the group and risked her own neck to do so and hadn't even received a thank you in return. But she wasn't one to complain.
"These books were written by the mages that founded the acaxemy, some of the highest inFayland. They recorded what they observed about the nature of magic, there are many copies of these books but only a few people own them because they are written in an older dialect."
(hunny, we're already in the ruins... Nova just set off a fire trap and scorched a room, so we're exploring the ruins...)
Zerion walked into the ruins after the two straying behind being Zerion. He then saw then stumbled upon the two. "I see you have had some experience with fire," he said pointed to the building that was still on fire.

(Got to go.)
Faye nodded at Ruineth with a friendly smile as she removed an arrow from her quiver, which was now heavier with water. She figured she'd just empty it out at their next real stop. Right now, it was time to start walking..for a long while.

She stopped at a tree for a moment, using the arrowhead in her hand to carve a smiley face with pointy ears into the bark, chuckling to herself a little as she did so. She was going to leave it just like that, but in case Nova and them weren't going to notice that, she engraved an arrow beneath it. It was pointing in the direction they were headed, of course.

Faye glanced back for a second, a slight bit of worry in her for the other group. Telling herself they were both strong and brave enough to fend off anything that tried to harm them, she turned back around and rushed back over to her current group of elves. As she began to walk alongside Birch she sighed happily.

"Ah, another nice long walk ahead of us," she said aloud, stepping over any obstacles this time around.
"The original copies were bound in black covers, very nicely. They are also enchanted to never decay or rot or take minor damage. Copies of those books, which are the most common, will look like any other book. The academy had one original book and copies of four others, plus about ten copies of those five...all were made by different people at different times."
Ruineth smiled as the elves continued. She picked long pieces of grass and other plants, weaving them together. She walked behind Faye and Birch, observing the area around her. Weaving was one of Ruineth's favorite things to do. She worked automatically, her fingers knowing exactly what to do without much instruction. She continued picking plants and twigs as they went. "Over, under. Over, under..." The words replayed in the back of her mind like the constant tick of a metronome, giving her fingers a beat to work to. She worked first on making a large rectangular patch. She didn't know what her fingers were thinking, but they were working on something on their own. She gave them no mind, and let her mind go elsewhere.
Once hearing this, Zerion looked to the side feeling ignored. He then saw something black. Was that a book that Nova had described? He stepped over and brushed away the rocks from it. He picked it up and blew all the dust off. "Feats of the modern Elf," it said. It was about was old as the war. He tried to pry it open with no luck. He was strong (Not as much as Caricon(He still has to have fingers to carve)), but he still couldn't open it. He then walked over to Nova a smile on his face. "I think this is one of your magic books," he said shoving the book in his hands before walking off looking in every corner.

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