The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((Okay, I'm sorry...No offense, Hunnyhelp, but I don't think you're quite cut out for roleplaying yet. You don't seem to understand exactly how things work, including using a variety of necessary details in your posts and making things as realistic as possible. Sure, this is a 'fantasy' roleplay, but in the sense that the characters are elves and have special talents like magic and shapeshifting and it's not something that's possible in reality. Other than that though, everything is supposed to be rather realistic.

Secondly, you cannot have any 'magic hammer' considering your elf's talent is carpentry. I'm not sure if you read the description for your talent, but I'll remind you either way: The carpentry talent focuses on gathering the finest wood to craft into furniture and bows.

So far, I haven't seen you do anything of the sort really. And if you were to, it can't just be done with the snap of your fingers--you have to describe it--as accurately as possible. If you're unsure how to, then look it up. I've had to look things up and do a bit of research for some things in the roleplay, such as what to do after killing that grizzly bear. You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.

I'm sorry, but we just frequently have issues with your characters and their actions. It's starting to become more than a bother at this point because, I apologize, but I honestly can't take your character seriously any longer. Additionally, you were practically kicked out of this roleplay with all the incidents with Caricon, yet you decided to make your way back into this roleplay again. You were lucky I let you stay.

I really hate having to be the bad guy, I really do, I just don't think you know what you're doing like 99% of the time Hunnyhelp and it's creating a fuss for all of us....))
(Yes I do understand I should return back to minecraft before trying to type paragraphs. I am sorry for any deserbance I have created I should have just stopped at Caricon. I can assure you I will not create another account to join this RP back. I do have quite a lot to learn. Thank you for being nice, to all the folks of this RP and RpNation, I might see you in a couple if years. Thank you for dealing with me under my short time under the sun.
Faye smiled and nodded at the others, just as relieved as they were to hear the sound of water rushing nearby. She felt disgusting currently, having not bathed in days and being covered in dirt and dry blood. She walking alongside the others, scanning the area as she tried to figure out where the sound of water was coming from.

As she walked a few more yards ahead, the sound became clearer, causing her grey eyes to widen excitedly. She started to walk faster, actually deciding to race right through the leaves as not only the sound became more apparent, but she was able to spot some sort of body of water up ahead.

A grin spread across her pale, dirt covered face as she slowed down while walking through the trees. Right before her eyes was a massive river with sparkling clear water.

"Thank the Heavens!" she exclaimed joyfully as she fell to her knees, creating a splash in the water.

She returned the bow to her back before cupping her hands together and leaning over the edge of the river. She dipped her hands into the fresh water and quickly splashed it on her face, hoping to wash some of the dirt off. It felt absolutely amazing to do so as she sighed thankfully, feeling grateful to have come across this river.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/deep_forest_riverscape_by_burtn-d5cgrvc.jpg.2534953537ccf985cbf9a4b993a58f84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4327" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/deep_forest_riverscape_by_burtn-d5cgrvc.jpg.2534953537ccf985cbf9a4b993a58f84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jess yipped excitedly as she followed after Faye, the river appearing in her line of sight. She shrugged her delicate pouch off of her head with some help from her paws before turning back to the river. It was the best feeling in the world when she ran right into a shallow body of water, her fur becoming soaked almost instantly while sticks, leaves, and other types of filth began to glide off of her. She bent down. while holding her breath, and ducked into the water, wiggling away to try and shake off any dirt that might be stuck to her body.

"Nova!" I shouted again, more excited than scared now. The near death experience had shaken me for less than a minute, but I knew that whatever was behind this door would interest him. "I think I found what you're looking for!" I ran back to where I last saw Nova.
Ruineth followed Faye as they searched for the river. When Faye started rushing forward, Ruineth tried her best to keep up. Eventually she caught up. "Wow." She whispered. It was absolutely beautiful. She stayed back for a second, completely in awe. She smiled, then rushed for the water. Her basket dropped from her hands as she dove to her knees, taking the water in her hands and drinking. She did this a few times, then splashed some on her face. She sat back and relaxed for a little bit, watching as the water rushed by in magnificent torrents. She pulled out her water pouch, and dipped it in the water. As it filled, she looked over at Faye. "This is wonderful!" She exclaimed.
Birch was hanging just behind Faye as usual, quiet and apparently calm despite the incident with the foxes. it was hard to hide the panic still set in his eyes despite how well Faye had taken care of things. Of course it also riddled him with guilt as he felt more like a burden then anything helpful. It seemed that danger was around every corner and he couldn't do much more than cower. Eyes on the ground, he followed behind as usual, trying to not get in the way in case anything went sour.

When the sound of running water met his ears, he looked up in confusion as he didn't quite recognize the sound. It wasn't until Faye had shouted out in excitement that he actually spotted the brook, the smallest look of awe crossing his face. He edged closer to the water, scooping up a little water and splashing it on his face, enjoying the cooling touch of water on his skin. As water dripped down his face he watched Faye from the corner of his eye, happy to see her so excited about the water. Deciding that he'd been awful quiet for a while now, he softly asked her, "Are you okay?"
Faye smiled in response to Ruineth's joy, chuckling a little as well when she looked up to see Jess settled in the shallow end of the river. After splashing a bit more water on her face, she stood up and removed her jacket. This thing seriously needs to be washed, she thought to herself as she eyed the ball of fabric in her hands.

At the sound of Birch's timid voice, she looked up to see his caring face. She smiled warmly at him, assuming he was talking about the incident with the foxes. She knew the boy didn't know quite how to help in situations like such, not that he needed to, but he probably felt a little guilty about it.

"Oh, I'm alright..thanks," she said to him. "Damn animals with rabies," she joked with an eye roll.
"Oh. Okay," he said plainly, glad to hear that she's alright also a bit bug at how casually she was about it. It must have been a piece of cake for her but he couldn't imagine being in that situation and doing any good. And then she took off her jacket. It was a hardly suggestive or even revealing at all as she wore plenty underneath her jacket but he couldn't help but going a bit red faced at the sight. As much as he saw her as a close friend, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. Those grey eyes, her long blond hair, the way she smiled at him. Of course he felt distant from her in that respect as she didn't seem interested in him in the least bit. She so casually was able to be close to him and act so kindly. She treated him as a close friend. He was happy to have that much. She was very special to him and if she was happy, he could too.

"Good," is all he muttered as he sat down on the river's edge, pulling his legs up against his chest as he watched her curiously.
Once Jess was sure she was all clean she shook out her body of some water then shifted back into a human, her body and clothes still kind of wet. "I guess I should of thought about that first, huh." She muttered, wringing out her clothes with her hands. She felt kind of bad for the others who were back at the Ruins, all filthy and maybe even dehydrated. She let out a soft sigh and walked over to a tree a little ways off, sitting down with her back against it.
Ruineth watched the two elves by the water. She sighed happily, loving the fact that everyone was so close. She dipped her hand in the water again, swishing it around. She'd always loved the way a river's cold water felt so alive, as if it were tugging on you like a small child beckoning you to follow them. She stood and wiped her hands on her cowl. It was getting warmer, so she pulled it off. She winced when she remembered the clothes she'd been wearing. "Ah well. You'll just have to put up with it, Ruineth!" She scolded herself. She was done being so picky. She stuffed the cowl in her bag, tightened her braid, and looked around with a content way about her. "Hmm.." Ruineth kicked off her boots. (Of course she took her dagger out first) She headed for the water, rolling up her leggings as she did. Before she knew it, the water was just above her ankles. She stopped, not wanting her clothes to get wet. That would be uncomfortable for the journey. She kicked at the water, letting it cool her a bit.
An amused grin crossed her face as she watched Birch take a seat on the ground, not even touching the water. After not being around water for days, she found it a bit puzzling. For Faye, being around water was one of the biggest gifts God could give them right now.

"You're not seriously just going to sit there, are you?" she wondered, raising her brows. She laughed a little while shaking her head at him, dropping her jacket on the ground momentarily.

Faye's black vest was in pretty good shape still, quite dirty but not many rips and no dried blood. She didn't mind her grey tank top getting wet, or her black shorts and leggings for that matter. After all, they were already still soaked from the thunderstorm earlier.

She undid the golden buttons of her vest and slipped it off her shoulders before dropping that onto the ground, still wearing her grey tank top underneath. (to clarify she's still wearing clothing, yes she's very layered in clothes. xD //fashionable elf//)After untying the laces of her brown leather boots, she kicked them off onto the ground. Faye then picked up her jacket, ready to wash that off in the water. When she moved forward and noticed Jess leisurely soaking in the water, a humorous smirk inched onto her face. Clutching the jacket in her left hand, Faye walked over to Birch and grasped his wrist with her right hand, pulling him up onto his feet.

"Come on," she said to him while chuckling, gesturing towards the river as she dragged him in without his consent.
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Birch's eyes went ever so slightly wider as Faye continued to undress as she got into the water. She really was pretty and it made him feel like an idiot for staring. Of course looking away felt almost criminal in it's own right. She'd probably take it wrong and think that he didn't like how she looked. Then again, why would she care what he thought about her looks? A small frown crossed his lips. Why was everything so complicated all of a sudden? It was so much easier when he didn't care about anyone. but did that meant it was better?

Any train of thought he may have had derailed the moment as Faye suddenly went and grabbed his wrist. Eyes going even wider with surprise, he could barely stutter out a complaint. "F-Faye, I-I-I-" He couldn't think of anything to say as he suddenly found himself half soaked with his face red as a beet and his eyes planted firmly on the water. At least it felt nice to have such cool legs.
It was obvious Faye didn't care one bit if her clothes were completely drenched again as she pulled Birch deeper and deeper into the water. After all, they all needed to clean some of the filth off of themselves. She decided they were far enough in when the water stopped right at her chest. It was amazing how deep the water actually got, considering you couldn't quite tell unless you checked for yourself.

Faye turned around, smiling brightly at Birch. She couldn't help but laugh, seeing how startled his expression still was. She finally released his wrist and used both of her hands to unfold her jacket before rinsing it beneath the water.
Ruineth watched the two elves in the water, and decided it was time she take her leave of the river. She plopped herself next to Jess. "Beautiful day, huh?" She asked with a laugh. "I'm wondering about those two. Curious indeed..." She rubbed her feet in the grass to dry them off. Eventually she had her boots back on. She stabbed her dagger into the ground beside her. Eventually she'd need a sheath for that thing...
Birch didn't struggle or even say a word the entire time. It was obvious that Faye was wanting him to have fun but he was still in a state of shock at how sudden things were happening. It wasn't until she let go of his wrist and let his stand there in the water did he finally manage to clear his head enough to take in what was going on around him, trying to avoid Faye as he knew it would be distracting. The water was nice and cool, feeling good on his skin after how long they'd been going. The area around the creek was peaceful and quiet, a little paradise right in the middle of nowhere. It felt so disconnected from all the places they had been where it felt wild, dangerous and unfamiliar. This was strangely calming, almost like a familiar old place they'd all been to in their past.

Tearing his eyes away from woods, Birch gazed over at Faye again. Of course he was right to avoid it before because now he couldn't tear his eyes off of her. She didn't pay him any mind, just washing out her jacket the best she could and apparently just enjoying his presence. He opened his mouth a few times to try and say something, maybe make some small talk but as usual he was hopeless. Deciding to try and enjoy the silence, he just stood in the water and continued to watch her curiously. He was sure she didn't mind.
As Faye continued to rinse her jacket as best as she could, she glanced up at Birch, unable to hold back a grin. He was just standing there completely still like a bump on a log as he observed her 'laundry skills'. She looked back down at the jacket, chuckling to herself as she thought about how she should've allowed her mother to teach her how to wash clothes properly. All Faye was doing was soaking the jacket full of water. Not only did she simply want to get rid of the blood stains because this jacket was special to her, but she figured Ruineth would not want to deal with a jacket covered in her dried blood.

"Hey, would you mind holding this for a second?" she asked, looking back at Birch's face as she handed him the sopping wet jacket. She didn't mean to force him into doing things, but she didn't think he minded. Plus, half of the things she had him do were because she wanted a reason to be in his presence.

Without saying another word, she held her breath as she sunk completely beneath the water. After about four seconds, she came back up with a refreshed smile on her face. She used her fingers to fix her drenched bangs and remove some of the strands of hair that stuck to her face. She sighed happily, having wanted to do that for days now. She felt a lot less filthy than before, that's for sure.

"Your turn," Faye said to Birch, still smiling cheerfully as she retrieved the jacket from his hands.
"Yeah, it really is a beautiful day." It wasn't too hot or cold out, the wind wasn't that forceful, and there were birds chirping in the distance with an unknown song being made out of it. Jess smiled as she looked at Ruineth after the small comment she made about Faye and Birch. "Even if I barley even know them I'm happy that they are making some progress with how they are acting, they are good for each other." She said with a few small chuckles. Even if they don't even know there feelings for each other quite yet.
"Agreed." Ruineth said. She leaned her head back against the tree and closed her eyes. It was strange how things were as complicated as that. "What about you, Jess? Is there anyone back home you fancy?" Ruineth asked, opening her eyes.
Birch accepted Faye's jacket without complaint, watching her curiously as he let her drunk down into the water. He didn't even get time to worry before she was back up again, hair dripping with water as she had a big grin on her face. If he had been skiddish before, he was downright paralyzed now. Eyes as wide as ever, he simply kept staring at her even after she spoke to him, the words going through one ear and out the other. He didn't know what to say. He felt his stomach flutter as if it had an entire swarm of butterflies released inside of it. "Faye. I. Um. I-I-I..." He couldn't get a word out for the life of them and the longer he went, the worse he got and the redder his face turned.
Jess smiled a little brokenly as she shook her head. "No." Her voice was soft and quiet as she carried on. "I didn't fancy anyone, mainly because I really didn't have any friends, me being an outcast and all. That was the main reason I left Fayland, I had no one else to stay for." She was also curious about the outside area beyond the walls of the place she grew up in, always wanting to explore the unknown. Pushing away little memories of her family she closed her eyes and silently chuckled at the faint breeze. "How about you Ruineth?"
Faye blinked gently, her features softening as she noticed how strange Birch was acting. Not only was he stuttering immensely, but through his tan skin she was able to see his face burning up. She chuckled lightly as she raised her brows at him, awaiting the rest of his words.

"You what...?" she asked, smiling humorously at him. "Do you need me to help you out?" she joked, placing her hands on his shoulders as if she were about to force him under water.
Birch had no idea what was going through his own head, not a single clue. He wanted to stay nervous and stuttering and yet for one brief moment he decided he want to better. One stupid, stupid moment. As Faye touched his shoulder, he reached out and placed both of his hands on her shoulder, leaned over and, with his eyes shut tight, kissed her. It was a brief, fleeting moment, barely a peck and he could have almost sworn it was just a vivid use of his imagination until he realized his hands were still on her shoulders. He froze solid in that very second, not an inch of him moving to the point where he seemed to stop blinking.
Ruineth looked at her feet. "No. I was always absorbed with work. Even when I lived with my aunt. A few fellows caught my eye, but I can't say I ever got the chance to speak with them. I didn't really care. I suppose I still don't. It's a terrible business, love is. It can get messy. Still..." Ruineth watched the two elves. "When it finds you, love is a great thing." Ruineth picked at the grass. "And what's this outcast business? I'd like to give all the elves who made you feel that way a good pop in the nose! Either way, you're the one on an adventure! And where are they? Back in the village, doing boring, everyday things." 
(Oops. Big development. Didn't see that until I posted.)

"Well, there it is!" Ruineth said as she saw the two kissing.

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