The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Jess smiled at how obvious it was that they liked each other yet they were each somewhat oblivious about it. Not that oblivious but she could bet that they were having some small doubts. She just shook her head while getting back up, shivering slightly from her wet clothes that attracted the cold. "Goodnight guys." She said softly, going back over to the tree she was at before. She sent a small glance to them, her eyes sparkling with joy, before she sat back and used her arms as a pillow of sorts. She knew she wouldn't fall sleep any time soon, if at all, but she didn't worry about it much as she faced the stars in the sky. hoping Ruineth would find enough sticks for a fire.
After a moment she spotted a perfectly flat rock settled beside her. She picked it up and moved her arm back before swinging it forward with one swift motion, but for some reason it only skipped once before sinking. She frowned a little to herself, deciding she was better at using her right hand than her left. After all, her right hand was her dominant one.

Just then, she felt something brushing against her hand. Faye turned with curiosity, her eyes coming to find Birch's hand suddenly grasping her own. She smiled happily to herself, her cheeks turning pink as she looked back up at his face.

Well, judging by the way he was continuously acting, she decided to rid of all negative thoughts about their relationship. Maybe, just maybe he did have feelings for her. It couldn't be possible that he was just doing all these little, cute spontaneous actions as friendly gestures...and there was no way he was trying to mess with her head. Birch wasn't like that. However, for some reason she was unable to ask him anything about it or to mention it either. She was simply afraid to make him feel uncomfortable, but most importantly she wanted to try not to force him into doing things anymore. She had a bad habit of doing that. So, she decided when he was ready to talk about it they would.

Faye silently rested her head on Birch's shoulder, their fingers comfortably intertwined. This way, she wasn't forcing him to do anything, but simply just willingly resting her head. Well, unless she was forcing him to allow her to do so...She clenched her eyes shut tight for a second, ridding the idea from her mind. She wasn't making him do anything. 
Faye quickly lifted her head for a moment at the sound of Jess's voice. When she looked up, she saw the girl walking over to a tree as she said Goodnight to them. Even though it was just a few glances, Faye was able to catch the joyful twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh, goodnight, Jess!" Faye called back with a warm smile. As she went back to resting her head on Birch's shoulder, she wondered what was on Jess's mind. The girl didn't look tired, but more happy than anything.
Birch was happy when Faye didn't pull her hand away from his though it dwarfed in comparison to the joy and panic that came with her head suddenly resting on his shoulder. At first he froze, panicking as he didn't know what to do but as time ticked away he realized that he just needed to be there and support her. Slowly but surely he calmed down, almost wanting to laugh as he was technically fulfilling what he'd wanted for a long time now in a very literal sense.

He felt a little bad at Jess suddenly leaving them, knowing it was on his account but at the same time deeply appreciating having less of a crowd watching what felt like an intimate moment. After she left things went quiet as he enjoyed the warm on his shoulder and in his hand, the rest of him frigid but not quite freezing. Of course one question rocked his mind back and forth, something that was so mind numbingly stupid that he probably shouldn't have asked it at all but that didn't stop the words from coming out of his mouth. "So, um, Faye. Do you like me?"
Ruineth returned with an armful of fuel for the fire. She let it all fall to the ground with a huff. She sighed, rubbing her arms, and looked up. Birch and Faye were sitting close together. She smiled to herself as she loaded the larger pieces into a pile and pushed the kindling in between them. She used her dagger to create a notch and depression on her fireboard and put a piece of bark under the notch. She spun a stick in the depression until an ember fell on the bark, then dropped the ember on the tinder nest. A single curl of smoke raised up, and the faint smell of burning leaves filled the air around her. Ruineth bent low and blowed gently on the ember until a small flame started. After a few minutes of messing around with dry leaves and bark, Ruineth had a decent fire going.
Faye smiled warmly as Ruineth began a fire, ready to get up and move over by it. However, she didn't want to get up at the moment since she was much too comfortable with her head nestled in Birch's shoulder. Actually, her eyes were starting to gradually close with a few gentle blinks.

"So, um, Faye. Do you like me?"

It took Faye a moment to snap back to realization, needing a second for his blunt words to process in her head. Finally, she sat up straight as she lifted her head from his shoulder to look him in the eyes. She opened her mouth to respond the obvious answer, but then closed it just as fast.

She sighed dramatically, preparing herself for the speech she was about to begin. "Yes," she said flat out, but she continued to speak, "I do like you, Birch. I have for a very long time. I liked you when we were younger, mostly as a best friend solely, but being with you on this journey has just made my feelings grow stronger for you...I mean, now that we're older. I do still consider you my best friend of course, but you can be more to me than that. Well, you do mean more to me than anything. I'm really glad you came out here with wouldn't have been as special without you." She pauses for a second, glancing at the ground before looking back up at him and giving Birch a warm half grin. "You didn't give up on our adventure...'cause here we are now," she says, gesturing around them.
The more Faye confessed, the redder Birch's face went. Of course he was happy to hear all of this but for her to be so open about it was a bit overwhelming though it wasn't enough to make the smile fade off of his lips. This was it. This was happening. Everything was out there in the open and so far nothing about it had gone wrong just yet. Not able to help himself, Birch actually let out a little chortle as Faye finished her answer. "I guess you're right," he said quietly, a tinge of emotion bleeding into the words. All of this was breaking down a huge wall inside of him and he was happy to be able to do so.

Deciding it's only fair, he decided to speak up without waiting for Faye to repeat his own question. "I think I like you. A lot. You were always my best friend, even when I felt like my world was ending. I wanted someone with me back then but I didn't want people to see how bad off I was. Eventually I think I just hid away so well that I forgot why I was there." His eyes traced the ground as he spoke but darted up again to meet hers as he says, "Even if you don't need it, I want to protect you. Take care of you, be useful. I've been trying, I really have but it hasn't worked. But... maybe now I can do better. For you."

I sat on the ground, bow in hand and three arrows in the same hand with a fourth on the string. I gestured for Nova to sit down. "Dusk and dawn are the darkest times of the day, excluding a moonless night. Tonight shouldn't be moonless, so I can navigate. But until the moon rises, we're a bit stuck." I told him, considering making a fire, but since we were only going to be there for another hour and a half or so, I decided against it. "We'll just relax and take a break, then get moving again. Try and rest, I'll keep watch." I said, despite my eyes wanting to close. I had to stay awake so I could get back to the group in time.

As I sat there trying to avoid sleep, I thought about things I shouldn't. Despite how horrible my life was back home... it was familiar. It was home. It was safe, mostly. But it was also boring and horrible, what with how my parents and "friends" treated me. But there I knew I could take care of myself and I had nobody else to worry about but me. Out here, outside of Fayland... I knew nothing. I was at the mercy of these strange forests, and I had to worry about the rest of the group too. Nova, Faye, Birch, Jess, Ruineth, everyone. It was definitely different. And those differences frightened me. I'll admit I was scared. But I also was excited, for I knew that I had actual friends, people I could count on. Well, I hoped I did, but I knew that I could count on at least Faye.

I was scared because of how different it was, how I wouldn't be able to take care of myself as I normally could, I wouldn't be able to protect the entire group. But I was excited for the adventure. As these thoughts drifted through my head, I wound up passing out against the tree in my usual light-sleep where I'm generally aware of all the sounds around me, but I am resting.
As the day faded away, Valandil had found it increasingly hard not to trip over the small holes and roots on the ground. "Damn all this walking around in forest." He paused near a tree to take in his surroundings. If he couldn't find Varaxes and Nova before it got dark, he would be stuck for the night all alone. He kept walking, hoping that he would find them soon.
(Not much else to do at night so now she will sleep.)

Jess smiled faintly as she watched the fire over where Ruineth was, tiny embers fluttering their way to the ground where they burned out and disappeared. Something about fire fascinated her, from the way it could provide warmth or light as a form of survival, all the way to the fact that one little flick of the flames the wrong way and lives could be taken, houses and villages destroyed. It was always unexpected, just like everything else you can't control. She watched as the flames licked the air, smoke particles flying up in the sky until they blended in with anything and everything around. Something about the fire, maybe the colors or the brightness, made her drowsy and as she continued to stare at the bright light source a little ways away she got more and more tired until all she could see was darkness.
(( Ooo, this new layout has certainly caught my eye. Lolol. xD

Oh my, even better, I don't have to refresh to see notifications <3 I'm lovin' this. x'D //is too intrigued by this//))

Faye couldn't help but laugh softly right as Birch did, feeling a sensational warmth in her stomach. This may have been the first time she'd really seen him laugh in an extremely long period of time. She was moved by his words, understanding as well. She didn't blame Birch for anything he'd chosen to do in the past; for choosing to not see her ever again until that night at the bonfire. Whatever had happened with him was tragic and a real struggle for Birch.

She kept her grey eyes focused on his, an obvious glint of endearment in them. She placed her other hand over his and smiled warmly at him, the bright flames of the fire casting a bittersweet glow among the side of his face. All she wanted was to be there for him..and she wanted him to know that for a fact.

"Well, I'm always going to be here for you," she told him cheerfully, keeping her gaze fixed on him.
"Thanks," Birch muttered, his words soft though the smile on his face seemed to be widening bit by bit. While those words might have been very simple for her to say and it sounded like such a simple thing to do, they meant the world to him. Part of the reason he'd been so distant from everyone was because he knew how easy it was to lose people. Rosalyn had been the perfect example, dying so early into their travels like she did. He didn't even shed a tear for the girl he barely knew, feeling more bad for the people she'd left behind. But Faye wasn't someone he wanted to stay away from. He wanted to be close to her, stay by her side, comfort her and be comforted by her. It was such a strange, alien feeling but one he didn't want to let go of.

Birch closed his eyes for a moment, letting the warmth of the fire wash over his still soaked skin, every inch of him still cold except for the hand Faye held onto which felt like it was in a furnace. Not a bad feeling especially with the contrast to the rest of him. His eyes slowly opened again and the first thing he saw was her face again. Cheeks flushing before he even did it, he decided in a split second to lean over again and kiss her. This wasn't the same fleeting kiss from before but something more akin to what she had done in the river as he held it there.
Well, there it was. Her rare negativity from earlier was all just paranoia. The truth was out, both her and Birch had feelings for one another. She must've just startled him before with the sudden forced kiss, which she had to admit she didn't exactly regret. However, from this point on she was planning on not forcing him into anything anymore, considering she didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

After kissing him back for a bit, she finally pulled away. She was smiling contently, glad to have everything cleared up. It was really dark out now, the sky twinkling luminously with stars. It was a magnificent visual, but Faye was slightly concerned about something deep down.

Her grin slowly faded a little as she turned her head around, allowing her pupils to scan the eerie forest at night. She sighed softly to herself, hoping they were going to be okay and wondering where they could possibly be.
Ruineth stood from where she'd been crouching. She yawned and raised her arms in the air, slowly letting her gaze move to Birch and Faye. She quickly looked away and put her arms back at her side. She'd looked over right as they began to kiss. She sniffed and poked at the fire with a stick, pretending she hadn't noticed. After a bit she looked again to see if they were done, and they were. She smiled at the two, happy that they seemed to be official. Ruineth was about to go to Jess but she was asleep. She certainly couldn't bother Faye and Birch. So she just sat back down and thought about what to do. Her stomach growled. She hadn't eaten since Varexes had given her stale bread. It was too late for supper! She argued mentally with herself until she finally decided it was better than doing nothing. Maybe the others would be up for a late night snack. Ruineth took a long, living stick and tied a big piece of thread to it. At the other end she inserted a locust tree thorn as a hook. After looking around for bait, Ruineth sat by the bank of the river and began fishing. It seemed odd to her to use such a primitive line, but it was something her grandfather had shown her years ago in case she ever found the trick useful. So she caught a few fish and began cooking them on the fire, hoping the others would want to eat. But she was no cook, and the fish started to burn. She nearly gagged on the smell.

(Sorry I haven't been on all day, I just started school. [Freshman!!!] I'll probably post less now that it has, but I'll try to post as much as I can!)
(( Hahaha it's okay! xD Bleh, I go back to school in three weeks. [Junior] Not looking forward to it xD ))
(Sorry guys, got distracted by a pretty girl, then got my heart crushed :/

What did I miss?)
Zeyro said:
(Sorry guys, got distracted by a pretty girl, then got my heart crushed :/
What did I miss?)
(( D: Aweh, I'm sorry..//huggles// she ain't worth it~

Annnd yeaah, well since you vanished for a bit I allowed @Alcatraz to control your character for just a bit. Nova and Varexes fought off another mutant bunny x-x and then Varexes searched through the books but nothing was there that was helpful, but he found some sort of journal and threw it to Nova. Then he lead the way and Nova and Valandil (oh yeah Val came and found them) back to find the other group. It got too dark to see the markings on the tree so Varexes said to sit down and wait until the moon came out so he could see the markings.

Meanwhile, Faye, Birch, Ruineth, and Jess (and others whom are currently inactive) found a river in the woods and decided to settle there and wait for the others to find them. Birch and Faye confessed their feelings for each other and kissed. ^^ ))
(I'm a junior! :D

BTW: my school is a laptop school, so they give us laptops, and they finally found out what I was doing and blocked me from this site >.> so I'm gonna be posting less. I'll keep up, don't worry, just I can only post later in the day and earlier in the morning.

Sorry about controlling your character Nova, I just got so bored and didn't want to wait for you. >.< If you want you can read over them... they're somewhere in the 280 pages I think... I did my best with your character but wasn't entirely sure since you hadn't posted much, so I did my best. Sorry if I screwed up :/ )


I slept for a while then startled myself awake. I randomly jumped for no reason and almost stabbed myself with an arrow, but I managed to avoid impaling my eye. "Man, how long did I doze for..." I muttered to myself, shaking my head and standing up. Stars were in the sky, but the moon was still low, and I could tell I'd been wrong. Shaking my head and cursing myself, I thought about what to do.

My night vision was good, but on a near moonless night even I couldn't see much. If I went at a pace slower than a walk I might be able to find everything, but one wrong turn and I'd be lost until morning. Unsure of what to do, I stared at the stars. "Beautiful..." I said to myself, a content smile on my face, and I chuckled as I realized that this was the first time I'd smiled since I'd joined the group without it being fake. My chuckle this time was natural rather than forced, and to my ears it sounded a bit dorkish, but natural. It made me feel even better, and I managed to feel content for a moment.

With a stupid little smile on my face I sat back down against my tree and found the constellation I always did in order to find that one special little star, the one I always looked at at night. "You weren't blood, but you were the closest thing I had to family. I miss you." It was a nightly ritual, and tonight I didn't care that Nova could hear me. A tear ran down my face and I let it fall to the ground before I wiped away the streak it left on my dirt stained face. Turning to Nova, I had a harmless grin on my face. "Tell anyone, I'll stick an arrow in your heart." I smiled for real, laughing out loud for a few moments before I sat down and began muttering a nightly... prayer of sorts. Not to any god, but simply to the ones I'd lost and the few I had deep connections with. It's very specific, but tonight I mixed between saying it in my head and muttering it under my breath.
PsycoWarlock13 said:
( o_o Okay. So yet again someone ignores Birch's cooking skills and this time directly in front of Birch. k. =.= )
(( @PsycoWarlock13 but she's failing at it directly in front of Birch, meaning that is your cue to step in and help xD )) 
(( @Alcatraz yaaay junior buddies! xD lol, and that's okai :3 but you can always try using a proxy server...I do that for blocked sites at my school xDD They block so much random shit it's not even funny lmao. Even youtube. x-x But everyone gets around it of course, with like proxy servers and stuff. xD ))

My school blocks all the proxy servers. The few people that have found unblocked ones don't share it. Dirty bastards... >.>)
Alcatraz said:
My school blocks all the proxy servers. The few people that have found unblocked ones don't share it. Dirty bastards... >.>)
((And that is why you must search around google until you find one xDD That's what I did hahaha. They blocked them at my school too, but they can't possibly block every single one. ))
(My school uses a "topic" block, so any websites with a similar use are banned at the same time. There's only a few safe proxies out there and I'm too lazy to find them all. Besides, if I use it too much I could get my laptop taken and then that proxy will also be banned. So meh, I'll live. Just try not to do too much without me xD )
(I did not mean she crushed my heart, I mean the universe did. It likes to get my hopes up and tge crush them in front of me and grind the shards into my face...but I'm over it now ^_^ I just decided I don't give a dam anymore and I'm not gonna let defeat define my mood.

I don't care who controls my character, no big deal to me.

I would recommend setting up your phone as a hotspot and connect to your own wifi xD )
Zeyro said:
(I did not mean she crushed my heart, I mean the universe did. It likes to get my hopes up and tge crush them in front of me and grind the shards into my face...but I'm over it now ^_^ I just decided I don't give a dam anymore and I'm not gonna let defeat define my mood.
I don't care who controls my character, no big deal to me.

I would recommend setting up your phone as a hotspot and connect to your own wifi xD )
((I think I get what you're saying owo //pats head// WELL the universe is a whore so, xD Good, don't let it bring you down. I noticed everyone craves relationships, but life is so much less stressful when you're single xD So, I don't care for relationships much hahah. And then you just end up disliking the person ten times more in the end so xD It's always a bad idea ||D ))

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