The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"You don't have to apologizs so much" Nova said, allowinf comfort into his voice. "Just because something isn't to our liking doesn't mean it's your fault" He smiled softly. "If you'd like to hear more about us, I'd be glad to talk to you. Jess, Birch, and I really don't need to get anything in the village so we could all get something to eat and talk to pass the time, how does tgat sound?"
Jess listened as Nova talked, a smile on her face when he was done. She turned and looked at Ava once again. "I don't mind doing that. Like Nova said, I don't need anything from the village and It would be nice to know a little more about this place." She said gently to the Dihart elf, seeing no harm in doing any of it.
(( I thought you said 'Do you have a toilet then?' when I first read that and I just burst out laughing. //is so immature//

Anddddd -cough- Ruineth is a tailor -cough- js xDD ))

Ava turned her head, allowing her luscious pink hair to flow around her in the wind. She smiled happily at Varexes this time and told him, "Yes, we have many elves with different talents her in Auchertown. We most certainly have more than a few tailors. Many of them sell clothing in front of their homes. That's where I obtained these garments." She pulled at the side of her white tank top, showing that she was referring to the clothing she was wearing.

With that, Ava turned back around and continued to walk. Faye and the others followed her until she stopped at a small house built of grey stones. There was a large wooden sign bolted above the oval door that said STAMPING STATION in white paint.

Ava opened the door, holding it open for a moment until Faye grabbed hold of it. Ava smiled gratefully at her and headed inside the little building as Faye continued to hold the door open for the rest of the group to follow Ava inside.

The inside of the little house had a large wooden desk right up front and there was a balding man with a chubby build standing behind the counter. He seemed to be busy cleaning some things off with a rag until he looked up and his eyes widened by the sight of such a large crowd. His attention then focused on Ava, a large smile spreading across his pudgy face.

"Ava!" he exclaimed in a raspy voice. He seemed to be thrilled to see the girl. This made Faye wonder if Ava was friendly with many of the town's residents, or if she'd helped other elves into the village before them.

"Orion, hello!" Ava responded, approaching the counter with an excited grin on her face. "I met some new elves outside..they all escaped Fayland, so I welcomed them into our village," she explains.

The chubby old man, whose name was apparently Orion, smiled cheerfully. It seemed that he was quick to understand and was pleased to welcome new elves to their village. "Ah, welcome!" he exclaimed, turning to face the group of elves who were walking inside. "Come on over here and I'll get you stamped," he said, waving his hand for them to come over to him. "Who's first?" he asked, reaching behind the desk and pulling out a pad of what looked like black ink, along with a stamp in the shape of the marking.

((The marking looks like this:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/0SYMBOLAUCHERTOWN.PNG.18a2379b28f6ee009ca573513074aa10.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/0SYMBOLAUCHERTOWN.PNG.18a2379b28f6ee009ca573513074aa10.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

and someone can go up first to get stamped xD ))



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(I know. I have a plan ;p)


"I'll have to find it later. Ruineth, would you mind taking a... personal request? If you're not busy with anything else..?" I turned and asked her as I stepped forward to get stamped, then I hesitated. "This seems a bit... easy. Pardon my paranoia, but if this is supposed to be a secret village... how do you know we aren't from Fayland and we're traveling in disguise to infiltrate? This just seems like you guys are very lax on security." I was paranoid and it just seemed odd that they were so welcoming to complete strangers.

(You're still on my back, we found a secret village in the middle of the forest. Tensions between Var and Nova are growing. We met a Dihart (half Light half Dark elf) named Ava who's showing us around.)
Ava turned to Nova and Jess, a warm grin forming with her rosy pink lips. "I'm glad you're willing to sit down and talk with me. Oh, and I'd love to show you all around. You can all stay at my home here also. I live with two other elves, but there's enough room for all of you, I believe."

((Oh, and anyone can create & control elves the live with her~)) 
((Oh! And for those of you who don't know, you can create a minor character and control them while we're in Auchertown--meaning, you can create residents of Auchertown to interact with. :3

Example 1 being Ava~

And Orion, I guess..but he's just the stamping dude xD ))
Valandil walked up and stuck his hand out. The old man then took the stamp and pressed it on his hand.Valandil then looked at the mark, thinking of odd it looked to him. He then stepped back and looked at himself. "Ugh, I haven't washed myself in days.' he thought. Turning to Ava and Orion he asked "Is there any stream nearby that I can use to wash myself?" (I didn't know if the mark was supposed to go on the arm or hand so I just went with the hand.
(I call dibs on one of Ava's roomates, give me a second...) 
Nova went next, offering his arm to be stamped. He elt that the Dihart would make a great friend...and that amazing hair. He felt an odd sensation from this village, her explanation of the barrier didn't explain his loss of magic. He could still feel it, but his mana was blocked. "Ava, is there anything I can help you with? You seem if something is wrong...are you worried that since a group of teens found this place, any trained spies could with no trouble?"
Juniper lifted her head hearing voices. Opening her eyes, she took a second for them to adjust. She took in everything around her. It seemed like they were in a small village. She felt a bit uncomfortable realizing she was still on Varexes' back. She had no idea how long she had been asleep and was surprised he was still able to carry her. "Varexes" she whispered in his ear. "You can put me down now."

Turning, I nodded and let Juniper down slowly, keeping my right hand on her arm to make sure she could stand. "You can stand?" I asked, making sure that she was fine on her own before I released her. Before I could stop it, when she slid off I trembled slightly as my muscles relaxed from carrying her for so long. I didn't realize how much my muscles ached until the burden was released from them.
((It goes on the palm of your hand because in order to leave and enter the town you need to press your palm against the stone wall surrounding the village and it creates an entrance through the wall. It's a magical stone barrier :3 You missed that section, I believe~

And Okai, Zeyro :3 ))

As Ava was watching Nova get stamped, he spoke up about her, causing her to look at him with wonder. "Hm? I do?" she questioned, clearly looking dumbfounded by the sudden judgement. "Well, no, I'm not worried at all. I'm actually really glad that we have new residents...of course, I'm not sure how long you all plan to stay...but I'm still glad! Plus, we've never came across any sort of spies. Since our village is so far into the forests, not to mention no one knows about it really, and those who do don't believe it exists, it's unlikely for anyone to travel out to find it and harm us," she told him, displaying a half grin. "Plus, all the citizens of Auchertown are very close with one another, so we'd all do whatever we could to stick together and defend one another if anything of the sort were to happen."

"You elves don't need to worry, we've got a number of very skilled mages living around here and they're not gonna let anything happen to us. Plus, as Ava said, the entire village is like one huge family. Nothing's gonna stand in our way," Orion pitches in, waving his hand for the next elf to come forward so he can stamp their palm. "Well, I guess I can't say the mages here are quite part of the 'family' since they rarely ever come out of their homes. For some reason they like to be locked up inside and never come out and speak with people. Most of them, anyway. The older, more skilled ones. I've talked to a few in my lifetime and there's no doubt they're wise elves, but they are all a little on the odd side."

I nodded as I accepted the explanation and held out my right hand to be stamped, keeping one eye on Juniper in case she was about to fall. "I suppose that makes sense." I furrowed my brow as I got my hand stamped, then looked at the mark on my hand.

(BTW, is that mark Gallifreyan?)
"Oh, we're odd are we?" Nova asked, smiling to ensure the commemt was recieved with joking intention. "What about old- "

"AVA?!" A voice shouted from outside. The door flung open, the hinges sqeuled in protest, the knobcrashed against the wall in agony. A girl stood in the doorway, she had blonde hair ending in bleached streaks that sermed to crackle every now and again. "YOU FORGOT TO COOK BREAKFAST, YET AGAIN!"
Juniper nods "I can stand" she states feeling embarrassed that he had to ask. She held onto his arm just in case. She looked around trying to make sense of where they are. "Are we staying here for the night?" she asked trying to figure out what was happening.
Jess stepped up after Varexes did, watching as the stamp was pressed into the palm of her hand. When he lifted the little device away from her hand she pulled it to her eye level and looked at it with awe, seeing the barley visible marking now there. "That's pretty amazing." She muttered to herself before stepping away from the counter to rejoice with the rest of the group. She flinched when the door was flung open, her eyes quickly going to look at the entrance where she saw a girl who had blonde hair that ended in bleached streaks standing in it, talking, well shouting really, to Ava.
((lmfao! I laughed at that too x'D

Annnd, no idea what that is, but I'm pretty sure it's just some random ass symbol xD

I googled 'Random symbols' xD and then I found a big blog of random circles and I just snapshotted one that wasn't in the clump xD ahahaha ))

Faye stood back and listened carefully to every word the elves said, her narrowed eyes showing that she was allowing each and every syllable to sink into her brain. She was finding all of this very interesting and even if she wasn't yet showing it on the outside, her insides were jumping with excitement. This was all a brand new experience for her and she thought it was wonderful.

As Faye stepped forward after Jess to get her palm stamped, she thought about how different this village was from Fayland. Of course, Fayland was a thousand times larger since it consisted of various different village, but that's not what she was really contrasting. It was the fact that in Auchertown it seemed everyone was apparently extremely friendly with one another, whereas back at her hometown in Fayland it was more quiet and she didn't personally know many of the elves living around her. She wasn't sure about the other villages in Fayland, but Bellford was like that.

It was nice...nice to be in a place where they thought of each other as one big happy family. Right now, being away from her parents that's all she could really ask for--was other elves to comfort her along the way. Friendship. Faye stepped back, observing the symbol on the palm of her hand. It was amazing how the ink was practically invisible, only the indent of the marking showing in her palm. 
Ava's head flung to the side, her pink locks swinging along with the turn and draping over her shoulder. She was clearly startled by the sudden entrance of the blonde girl.

"Oh--I'm sorry...I'm a carpentry elf...not a cooking elf," she said apologetically with an embarrassed smile. "Ah, this is my roommate, everyone."

When the door slammed open I whirled my head around, spinning my body as I did so. When I realized it was Ava's roommate, I relaxed. I nodded at Juniper and let her go to stand on her own and smiled at her. Flexing my right arm to ease some of its burn, I looked at the mark on my hand, dimly paying attention to the commotion going on around. "Hmm..." I was thinking.
"THAT EXPLAINS WHY YOUR FOOD SUCKS HALF THE TIME...BUT NOT WHY YOU KEEP FORGETTING!" The girl yelled. "Who are they? Hopefully newbies with better memory." She let a deep breath. Her hair seemed to become more straight and still.
(( Lmfao x'D Btw, what's the girl's name?))

Faye looked up from her palm, allowing her pupils to scan back and fourth from Ava to her roommate. As far as she could tell from all the yelling, the blonde seemed like quite a handful. She looked back to Ava, who was scratching the back of her neck with frustration in which she was probably trying not to show.

A smile gradually formed on Ava's face as she turned back to her roommate. "Once again, I'm very sorry. I'll make breakfast tomorrow, even if it won't taste too lovely," she said, her eyes scanning over the group of elves rather quickly. It was beginning to look clear that Ava was a bit embarrassed by her roommate's attitude. "They're going to be staying with us for a while. Well, I'm not sure how long, but I hope you don't mind."

Faye turned to Ava, realizing she should probably let her know that they wouldn't be staying long. After all, she didn't want to seem like a burden. "Oh, don't worry. We should be out of here by tomorrow, Ava."

I glanced up. "We're elves from Fayland. They escaped. I got lost." I told her, wondering why she was so pissed. Well, obviously it was because Ava had forgotten to cook... but why get so upset over it? "Is there really a need to treat Ava like that? Come on, she was showing us around. We just got here." I said, not quite pleading but explaining the situation in an effort to make the new elf understand. "I'm Varexes." Going around to everyone, I pointed and introduced everyone. "Faye, our leader. Nova, a mage. Juniper, a healer. Ruineth a tailor, Jess a shapeshifter, Valandil a fighter, Birch is our cook, and Vex is the giant wolf. We're just passing through." I said, agreeing with Faye.
"Shut it, I asked who you were, I don't care about your life story" The girl said, sending a bolt of lightninf arching across the room, missing Vars head by inches and cutting a hole in the wall the size of a coin. This time one could see the bolts of static racing through her hair. Her eyes softened when she saw Juniper. "Who did you say she was?"

(I haven't thouhht of a name)

Without flinching I felt the air crackle as the lightning flew past my head. Calmly I stood there, just as I had been, shifting my weight slightly. I let Juniper step behind me, subtly pushing her further behind me with my hand on her side. "After that little pissy outburst, I don't think I'll be telling you." I said quite calmly, using the same tone I'd used with Nova outside a few moments ago, however without the undercurrent of force. She could use her magic, Nova couldn't, which meant I'd lose a fight with her. Unless it was directional, and depending on how fast she could shoot... I might be able to dodge it, but with my arm... that would be difficult.
Jess jumped when the lightning shot out, her moving slightly farther away from the group in case it happened again. "So much for everyone being somewhat nice and all that crap." She mumbled under her breath, staring at the girl again.

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