The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((//facepalm// You always think of a name before creating a character xD That's one of the most important things! Hahaha, 'cause now Ava can't say her name or introduce her properly even though she's supposed to know her name xD ))

Faye jumped a little, startled by the sudden bolt of lightning. What happened to everyone being friendly around here? she thought to herself with a frown. Her eyes wandered towards Ava and she was already giving her an apologetic look.

" [insert girl's name here]! Cool it!" Ava said loudly, but below a yell. Faye could tell that the girl didn't like getting angry, although she was clearly frustrated. "Be nice for once, please? Why don't you go back to the house and fix the place up a bit for our guests?" she asked, her large eyes expanding in a way that was begging her to do so. Ava turned to the group of elves, looking terribly sorry for the girl's attitude. "I'm sorry, she's really one of the few around here with a bad temper. Most residents aren't like this..I'm sorry," she whispered, closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead.

" [insert girl's name here]!"

This time, Orion yelled. However, he certainly yelled. He put his hands on his shiny bald head and turned around, eyeing the hole in the wall and muttering something angrily beneath his breath. He turned back to the girl and waved his arms, shooing her out.

"You want to ruin my home?! Then go! Out! Return when you've lost that attitude of yours, young lady!"
The girl glared past Varexes, ignoring his comment. "Well, Ava...I approve. I will speak to that one later, or sparks will fly and things will burn. I have breakfast to gather in the meantime." She slammed the door in the way with equal fury as when she entered.

Nova looked at Varexes. "Given that display...I'm sorry for what I said earlier. How do you love with her Ava?"
The sudden strike of lightning shocked Valandil for a moment. What scared him the most was how she changed moods in a second. He made a mental note to not anger her. At the mention of food, his stomach growled. He then reached down and covered it with his hands trying to cover the sound. Turning to Ava he asked "Why do you have to have this mark on your hand to leave? Is there some rule that says villager can't leave?'' said Valandil.
Juniper relaxed a little when the girl left. She looked down biting her lip realizing Varexes' hand was on her side. She looked up at Nova when he started speaking grateful for the distraction. She moved back to Varexes' side. "am I 'that one'?" she asks confused wondering if the girl was talking about her.

I sighed in relief and turned to Ava. "Who was she talking about? Me or Juniper?" when Juniper came out from behind me I dropped my hand, slightly embarrassed. I don't want someone like that talking to Juniper. Who knows what could happen. I looked at the hole in the wall and studied it for a moment, and since I couldn't tell anything from it I turned away and looked at the door. "What is her problem..." I said to no one in particular.
As Orion turned around, sighing heavily as he eyed the hole in the wall, Ava sighed softly to herself. She looked up, her periwinkle eyes full of stress.

"Once again, I'm really sorry about that. She's a Dihart Elf as well, and she insisted to come along with me on this journey. She can be a real pain, but once you get used to her she's not so bad. I have another roommate that I also traveled here with. His name is Blake. He's a young mage my age, actually. Fortunately, you'll be pleased to know that he's very calm and laid back. I will admit, as quiet as he is he sometimes comes off a bit rude. He's a Dark Elf," Ava says, placing her hands behind her back. Her pupils wander from one elf to the next, silently apologizing to each of them with her eyes once more. 
Ava turned to Valandil and explains, "Without the mark you simply cannot leave the village. The wall surrounding Auchertown has to holes to move in or out through. However, since it's a magical barrier, this enchanted stamp on your hand will allow you create an entrance in the barrier to enter and exit."

She then turned to Varexes. "Honestly, I'm not sure who she was talking about or what she meant. She's..odd..and difficult. Don't worry about it," she said apologetically. 
Orion turned away from the wall finally, leaning his elbows on the desk and sighing heavily once more. "Oi, that girl is a real handful. Just about everyone in this village is pleasant except for that demon child," he spits, clearly frustrated now. "Look what she did to my wall! Arrrg.." He turns around again, rubbing his forehead with his hands.
"Again Var, really sorry." Nova was just as stunned as evrryone else. 'A thunder' He turned his attention to Ava. "Food sounds pretty good right now, actually. But after seeing that I think we should find a cook rather than ask you."
Ava giggles, placing a hand over her mouth, embarrassed by her laughter. Her cheeks redden brightly among her olive skin, smiling shyly as she removes her hand. "I'm certainly no cook...I'm sorry..."

Faye's eyes light up when she hears that everyone's hungry, but Ava can't cook. "Fortunately, we have this guy!" she exclaimed cheerfully, beaming as she grabbed Birch's shoulders and gently moved him out of everyone's shadows. "He's a wonderful cook!"

"Ah, bring me some food then will ya? I could use some. I can't get any chubbier than this, right?" Orion turned back to the group again, laughing hardily. It was nice to see the old man smiling once again. "Hey, that elf with the, eh, reddish hair and gold earrings. You're the cook, eh? Well, I don't think I've stamped ya, yet." He waved his hand over to the desk, gesturing for Birch to move forward for a stamp. "Don't worry, I don't bite."
Juniper looks around "I'm not that hungry. I think I'm just going to head to bed." she stated still overwhelmed by everything. (pfft. I just realized I never changed out of my hit girl costume. <.< my little sister made me dress up so we could get the swag bag at the movie theater.)(Das what I dressed in, I go get my pajamas on now.)
((Ahahaha, that sounds fun x'D))

Ava turned to Juniper and nodded. "Well, we can head to my house after..." her gaze focuses to Birch for a moment, struggling to remember his name.

"Birch?" Faye says, figuring she was wondering what his name was.

"Oh, yes, sorry. I don't know everyone's names, yet. We can head to my house after Birch is stamped, if you'd like," Ava says.
Birch had gone very quiet since they had arrived at the strange little village, simply watching and listening at first and in full blown panic mode once the situation set in. Of all the misfortune they could have befallen, finding such a nice place with such a big problem-- well, he didn't know if it was a problem yet but he wasn't able to stop his heart from pounding and his palms from sweating as he bit his tongue as to avoid getting the attention of his companions. They'd all probably get mad at him if he said this was a bad idea.

Of course the appearance of a young girl nearly gave him a heart attack as she seemed to come out of nowhere. Resisting the urge to simply grab onto someone, preferably Faye, and try and hide, he managed to keep his cowering simple by staying as far back as what he felt was reasonable which was still probably way too much. Looking at the girl, it was obvious that she wasn't normal and once she explained why he found himself taking an involuntary step back. This place was making his skin crawl before they'd even taken a step in and step in they did.

For a while Birch managed to keep his panic attack in it's own nice little bubble in the back row. Of course the mention of his name and Faye's hands suddenly coming over to drag him front and center. Everything sort of blanked out as he tried to avoid screaming. Or crying. Or fainting. A few seconds passed and he somehow managed to get none of these results and hoped that was a good sign. Looking up, he did find it hard to see the old elf in front of him as being scary. Trying to tune out pretty much everything else in the world, he held out a hand to Orion.
(Yeah, I was the only one of four people dressed up. One of them included my dad in a vampire cape--don't ask-- and another dressed as spider man. again-- no idea-- at least there was one person dressed as kick ass. Why do I do these things? For the free carmel corn and swag bag that I don't get any of. So worth it?)
(Future reference: Avas house is cleaner than usual when the group gets there)
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I turned to Nova and stared at him. "Why are you apologizing? She's the one that flung lightning at me, not you. Don't worry about it." My heart was still racing after that and it had been all I could do not to move. Bullies and people that would attack you would generally throw a warning shot first, and if you showed you were scared they'd keep doing it, knowing they frightened you. If you stood your ground, didn't flinch, didn't get angry, they would get nervous at how calm you were and would back off. "Birch is a great cook, he'll cook us something nice." Turning to Juniper I nodded. "I'm sure at the house there's somewhere you can sleep." Leaning in close I whispered to her, "Do you want me to stand guard outside so lightning girl doesn't barge in on you?" I asked, realizing the safety of the group came before me getting a new bow and cloak and even eating. While I was hungry, I'd gone days without food before, so I could survive the pangs for a few hours.

(Sorry about disappearing last night, I have school and it was past midnight and I was passing out in my chair, so I just sorta changed and fell on my bed.)
(We entered a town in the middle of nowhere and found a Dihart elf (mix between Light and Dark) named Ava. She brought us in and is answering questions and offering to show us around, and she took us to a stamping station to get stamped. The stamps are magical symbols on your palm that allow you to open a hole in the magical wall surrounding the town. Juniper's woken up, Birch is spazzing out because people, some lightning mage chick came in and screamed at Ava so Varexes tried talking her down and nearly got his head blasted off with lightning. They're going to go to Ava's house (where Lightning Girl is) to eat while Juniper sleeps because she's still tired)
(Okay thank you so much!)

Ruineth's heart felt heavy. Near death experiences, even if they weren't her own, always left her in a trance. Especially when magic was involved. Ever since they arrived, Rune had been fairly quiet. She decided not to speak now, either, or else risk enflaring the shock. Instead she nodded, happy to look forward to food. Her stomach felt pretty emtpty, so eating would help her regain some sanity. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, trying to calm down. He's not dead. It's okay. She did not witness another person dying by magic's hands. The memories put Ruineth in a bad mood, making her even quieter. Her feet barely made a sound when she moved.
(Minor character info:

Name: Cerah

Gender: Female

Race: Dihart Elf

Age: 14

Talent: Thunder Magic (Includes shooting lightnining from fingertips,

Personality: Firey temper, she seems to be angry all the time, including bursts of stronger anger in which she shouts louder than normal. She is not afraid to harm others who get in her way and has done so several times, so much so that the local hospital has a room dedicated to patients with 3rd degree burns.

Background History: Cerah and Ava have been roomates ever since they met in the village. The consequences of Cerahs outbursts often fall on Avas shoulders. Cerah had loving parents and a great childhood, she seems to just be an angry person. ) 
(Alc, you should let Cerah talk to Juniper. I hsve plans > :)

I know she sounds OP, but I won't have her fighting anyone; I'd perfer she intimidate people but only once or twice
(Okay, noted.)

Ruineth walked over to Varexes, lightly tapping his shoulder. "Hey, um...I'll definitely make that cloak for you when you get the materials." She said quietly, her mind in a different place.

(I don't know. Sorry if her response is out of place. Anyway, she'll do it.)
(It's fine, haha)


I smiled at Ruineth warmly. "Thank you. It's a bit special, but I hope you can do it." My smile faded as I realized she was upset. "Are you okay?" I asked concernedly, worried about the group. What are you doing? Worrying about too many people. You can't take care of all of them. A little voice in the back of my head said. Says you. I said back, which only laughed. I AM you. Ignoring the voice I shoved it to the back of my mind and looked worriedly at Ruineth.
"Huh?" Ruineth snapped back to reality, in full defense mode. "Of course! I'm just a little worn, is all! A little tired, a little hungry, a little thirsty! Nothing to worry about!" She said. And it was the truth. Even if some parts were left out. She stood up straight and let the feelings fade away. No one should worry about her. She didn't need it. They certainly didn't need it.

I nodded, giving her a look that said "I know you're hiding" and smiled. "Well if anything is bothering you, you can talk to me, k?" Ruineth was very defensive. Something about why she ran away maybe? Either way, Lightning girl had scared her, and that made me more pissed off. I shoved those feelings down so they wouldn't show.
Ruineth smiled and nodded. She swallowed. Something about the way Varexes looked at her hinted that he knew. She quickly turned and returned to her spot behind everyone, trying to fully return to her normal self. She watched the clouds, letting their shape pull the negativity from her thoughts. Eventually she took to them, her mind, heart, and soul becoming less heavy. She sighed and a smile slowly crept back onto her face. That didn't change the remaining shock of the attack.

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