The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper rolled her eyes stepping in between Nova and Varexes. They were acting like children. She took the coins out of Varexes' hand and split them up evenly between the two. "Stop arguing like a bunch of school children. You guys can turn anything into a fight." she stated annoyed. 
(dang flabbit. I'm way too slow at typing... <.<)
Ava rolled her shoulders uncomfortably as her gaze shifted away from the elves for a few moments. She sighed to herself before looking back at them. She hesitated a moment before speaking. "Uh..we'll talk about this more when we get inside." She forced a smile, pushing the door open and heading inside the house.

((brbz, my people. I need to go shoot my bow for a bit~ Btw, I believe warlock's roleplaying as Blake so no one take that character xD ))
As I saw the home I looked impressed. "Wow... this is a very beautiful home. I.. haven't seen anything like it. Nothing I've ever seen compares..." I said in awe. I turned to Juniper as she stepped between us. "I'm not fighting, I"m questioning his motives." Walking around her I followed Ava up and inside the house. Ignoring Nova, I walked inside and admired the interior and its beauty.
Cerah confronted the party upon entering. She stood arms crossed in one of the doorways in the main room. She glared at Var as he entered and then said to no one in particular "I hope you like it, I decided to clean the place up a bit. UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE I ACTUALLY CARE THAT WE HAVE GUESTS, BLAKE."
Ruineth looked to her right, noticing a girl sitting cross legged on the edge of the seat. In front of her lay a towel with pieces of cloth sewn together in a sloppy manner. Forgetting her anger at the old woman, Rune stood and walked to the girl. She couldn't be much older than 13. "Hello." Ruineth said, eying the pieces with wide eyes. She wanted to pick them up and run for the woods. They really were bad. The one on the left looked like it could be a shirt, but it was uneven and the stitches were crooked. The young girl looked at Rune with surprise. Obviously no one ever stopped at her little "shop" either. She didn't speak, so Ruineth continued. " you make these yourself?" The girl nodded. "Where are your parents?" She shook her head. Dead. Ruineth thought. She observed the girl. She was obviously a Dark Elf. Her hair was as black as pitch, and her skin was gray. Her eyes were dark with glints of gold in the irises. She was very skinny. You could almost see her bones. "How-how much?" Ruineth asked, holding up a piece of tattered, brown cloth sewn onto a a piece of a faded purple cloth. A leather strap was sloppily attached to it. It was a bag of a sorts. It probably couldn't hold much more than a few ears of corn. The girl shrugged, holding out her hand. Ruineth gave her the three gold coins from her pocket, and dug around in her pack for some cloth. She sat next to the girl with a needle in hand. "Do you mind?" She asked. Again the elf shrugged, but she seemed interested. Rune showed her the proper technique for sewing together cloth, and gave her some pointers on tailoring. She spent hours training the girl. The young elf was a quick learner, and almost even smiled when she held up the small dress Rune helped her craft. "There. Now you should be able to make some nicer clothes. What is your name?" Ruineth asked. "Mireth." The elf answered. "We'll, Mireth, I am Ruineth." Rune replied with a smile. The young girl smiled. It broke Rune's heart that she'd have to leave soon. Just a little while longer. She thought, continuing a conversation with Mireth.
Birch's eyes darted briefly up towards Faye's, meeting them for the briefest of moments before letting his own fall again. He trusted Faye with all his heart and soul but even then it was still a bit embarrassing for him to admit that this place was scaring him almost a much as all the other things they'd run into. Giving a weak shrug and leaning against her side gently, he muttered, "Nervous," before managing to look up again. He hated being such a mess but at the very least he tried to put on a smile for her to see if it helped her worries.
Hearing the familiar voice, she saw the lady from before in the doorway. She tensed nervously at the encounter. She wasn't sure how to react to seeing her again.

As I entered I ignored Lightning girl, stepping in and keeping myself between her and Juniper. "Nice place." I said to Ava, keeping my voice flat as I avoided Ceara, however I paid attention to her out of the corner of my eye to ensure I could move if she decided to fling something my way.
Ruineth stood. "I'm sorry, Mireth. I have to go back to my friends." Mireth nodded, turning silent again. She told Ruineth how to get to Ava's house. Ruineth's heart broke when she turned from the girl. How could she just leave her there? With a squeak, Rune came up with an idea. "Hold on. Where do you sleep at night?" She asked. The girl pointed at the tree Ruineth had been sitting under earlier. "Hmm..." A plan began forming in Rune's mind. "Wait here." She said, swiftly making her way back to the old woman from earlier. "You again?! I thought I told you to--" Ruineth held up her hand with an firm look on her face. "Listen, you old croak. If you're anything like me I know you are afraid of your practice dying with you. And it doesn't look like you have an heir. So how about a proposition? You let me have one of these dresses, and I'll get you an apprentice." Ruineth said in a bartering tone. The woman huffed. "Apprentice? You must be joking." She said in a condescending voice. "No, ma'am. I'm not." The two stood there in a stubbornness face off. Eventually the woman caved, nodding her head. "Very well. But I'm only agreeing to this because I need someone to clean the house." She stated firmly. Ruineth smiled. "Of course." She said sarcastically. She snatched up a red dress with orange accents. "This looks expensive." She said as she headed for Ava's house. She told Mireth she now had a warm place to sleep. Too bad she'll be living with that old frog. It's better than staying on the street I guess. Besides, despite her wickedness, the old woman is an amazing tailor. Mireth will be taught well. Ruineth made her way to Ava's house with a content heart.
Jess whimpered quietly as the girl from the stamp place yelled at Ava, her sensitive ears picking up every noise and making it louder than it should sound. 'Goodness, does this girl ever stop nagging...or yelling?' Jess thought, rubbing her temples to help soothe the oncoming headache while she also mumbled to herself, "Oh the downs of being a shifter, more specifically a wolf."
(I just remembered Herbert is here. I must go cuddle him. my sister made fun of me because one time someone asked what pets I have at my house and I said "two dogs, three rats, five fish, and a herbert...." I never herd the end of that.)
Cerahs voice calmed slightly as Var and Juniper entered. "Thank you, the three of us try to keep that way, but magic is magic and things happen, especially 'accidents'" She said this while smirking at Var, a quick bolt skimmed across her fingers and vanished. "Watch this" She put out her hand and grabbed a metal pole in the center of the room. The room lit up in dazzling colors as light sources behind stained glass embedded in the roof came to life. "Blake likes crazy magic stuff, he learns that kind of thing from his books..."
Ruineth approached the house. It was quite beautiful. She stood there, observing the architecture. "Amazing." She said. Suddenly a flash of light came from inside. She jolted into a defensive stance.. I've been really jumpy lately. She stood there with wide eyes, frozen in place. I hope they're all okay. Rune ran for the house, knowing they were all okay. She couldn't help but worry. They were all she had. "Hey! What was that?" She shouted from below as she approached the home. Magic. Why was it always magic?
(( I have one cat xD If I could get another animal it would be a cat xD Many cats.

Oh, how I love cats<3 I want a Sand Cat. ;w; but they live in the desert~ :c ))

Ava smiled and nodded at Cerah when she saw her, acknowledging her presence. She then made her way over to the large table in the middle of the room. There were enough chairs for everyone to sit down.

"Please, make yourselves at home," she said, neatly folding her hands across her lap as she took a seat in one of the chairs. "Though, I'd prefer if you all took a seat around the table so you could explain to me what exactly you're doing out here." Ava's voice sounded a bit wary, as if she was worried about the elves.

Faye took Birch's hand as she headed into the cozy house, a pleasant grin forming across her lips. She gazed around at the beautifully crafted interior and took a seat at the mahogany table with Ava.

"So, where exactly are you headed? I mean, where else is there to go other than here and Fayland?" Ava asked, her eyes focused mainly on Faye.

Faye blinked, noticing how the girl purposely left a huge location out of that question. She opened her mouth, but hesitation was brought upon her. Eventually, a laugh escaped her mouth as she scratched the back of her head. Looks like it was time for her to really explain.

"Well," Faye began, shifting positions in her seat, "like Orion told me earlier, Fayland is like a prison. King Calaer is keeping all the Light Elves locked up in that one side of the land. You can't just...not allow elves to not see the world beyond Fayland. It's ridiculous! And if you try and leave you get sent to the prison within the prison!" She said this, referring to the idea that Fayland itself was a prison already. "And the worst part of it all is that..we have to live separate from all other types of elves. Like, you Diharts and the Dark Elves. I mean, you're all living in peace and harmony here, so why do the kings of Fayland and Reddell refuse to accept the others?!" Faye crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes, allowing her pupils to fall onto the fine wood of the table. She'd just gone on one of her emotional rants, making her feel a little stressed out. In a way, she found herself kind of like Orion. They both felt the same way, but all elves of Fayland must feel the same, right?

I ignored Ceara's show and nodded to Ava, taking a seat that was apart from everyone else, letting them fill in the extra seats if they wanted. While I was there I nursed my arm slightly as it throbbed from all of the work I'd been doing. Yawning, I also shook my head to keep myself awake. I'm exhausted. But I have to stay awake. I made it a point to ignore Lightning girl whenever I could and sat there listening to Ava and Faye. After Faye's rant I leaned forward, resting my arm on the table in a position that eased most of the throbbing. "I seem to remember there being something about some war between the Light and Dark elves centuries ago. Since then there's been tension between the two that it's basically racism, yet in between you get places like Auchertown where everyone lives in harmony. While there are some people, like us, who disagree with the idea that the other race is beneath ours, there are some who are raised to believe that the other race is pure evil and we must do what we can to avoid and eradicate them." I said this calmly, thinking, speaking softly more to myself than to anyone else in particular.
Ava nods slowly as Varexes speaks up. She closes her eyes and sighs for a moment before looking back up at him. "Yes, that's it exactly. All King Thiriston does is brainwash the elves of Reddell into believing all Light Elves are evil. Not to mention, if you have the smallest amount of Light Elven blood in you you're not tolerated. It's quite a shame because, yes, as you can see by being here in Auchertown all different races of elves can get along perfectly well. Although, I will admit the culprit behind this reason of separation is mostly King Thiriston's fault. You see, there's a myth that back before the Blackwald War Thiriston created a group full of Dark Elves that hated all Light Elves. For some reason, he simply hated them all. The group began harming the elves, and the Light Elves began to fight back. Eventually, no one knew who even started the fighting but it was all between Light Elves and Dark Elves. That's when the war started..and Thiriston stepped up to lead it. King Calaer did for the Light Elves. After a few years of fighting and killing, they decided to create a treaty. This was the Blackwald Treaty. It said that each race would take a separate side of the land and no one was allowed in between in order to avoid confrontation with the opposite race. If you were caught on the other's land you would face extreme consequences. Thiriston hates Light Elves so much that he executes any that trespass onto his land." Ava takes a deep breath, having just explained so much.

Faye sits there completely still. She'd heard this from her grandfather, but only once. Although, the story wasn't what had her heart beating, it was that damn word. Execution.
Nova took a seat right next to Ava, Cerah did not take a seat, she roamd around the room, mainly staying near Var and Juniper. "Why do you worry about the outside world if you aren't doing anything about it?"

I nodded as Ava confirmed what I'd heard. "Honestly, I don't think I've heard where we're going. Faye, why do you want to go to Reddel? (I can't remember the name -_- )" I asked her curiously, turning to look at her. But then Nova spoke up and I turned. "This is a village of perhaps a couple hundred, a couple thousand at most. The two nations have more than just a couple thousand people, closer to a couple hundred thousand each. That's just population. Soldiers alone outnumber everyone in this village, and the people in this village are mostly civilians, not soldiers. They CAN'T do anything about it, unless they created some sort of ranger corp that was great at infiltration and running and fighting guerrilla warfare, but even then this place would eventually be found, and all of that would be for naught." I explained this in a calm and forgiving tone, not accusing Nova but explaining thoroughly.
Faye sat up straight in her chair finally, placing her hands on the table. She kept her eyes on the surface for the majority of the time she spoke. "We're headed to Reddell. I want to see what it's like...but not only that, I want to do something. I want to put an end to this stupid treaty...I don't want a violent war, but a war to fight for what's right. To bring Light Elves, Dark Elves, and Dihart Elves together as one again! To break down the walls surrounding the villages!" she said, going into one of her inspirational speeches. She tears her eyes from the table and looks at all the elves sitting around her. "We may just be a small group of young Light Elves, but it doesn't mean we can't make a difference! If we just stand together and hold our heads up high, we can! We just need to have"
"That is my point. Either hide or act. Don't not hide and tgen fret over what is going on. It doesn't make sense. If you feel the village won't be found then live your life and be happy, if we want to march to our deatg, let us because that is what will make us happy. I understand your sentiment Ava but if we stay here we always wonder what we could have accomplished had we continued our journey."
Faye smiled, nodding slowly at Nova. She was extremely glad that the others were understanding what she was saying as well. When her pupils landed back on Ava, she noticed how the girl's eyes had gone wider.

"Wait, I understand that, but please...just hear me out a little," Ava pleaded, her eyes darting from one elf to the next with concern. "The Dark Elves back in Reddell aren't friendly like they are here in Auchertown. They've been brainwashed by Thiriston and they hate Light Elves with a burning passion. They are all extremely loyal to Thiriston--so loyal that it's scary. If you go near that place you are going to die!"
Juniper sat silently looking down at the table. She wasn't much interested in the conversation being passed around. She brushed her knotted up hair behind her ear and folded her arms resting them on the table. Her chin resting on her arm, she stared at the table.

I looked at Faye as she spoke. As she began to cry I felt the urge to comfort her, but knew it wasn't my place and she'd resent me if I tried. But as she finished I nodded. "That is an admirable goal. It is one that many an Elf has had, but nobody has accomplished as of yet. With that in mind, I believe it is possible that we can. However, you have to look further than the immediate acts." I looked around the table at everyone. "If we DO somehow manage to get into Reddell, survive the Dark Elves that will be hunting us down night and day and who outnumber us a hundred thousand to one, survive whatever dangers are within the wilderness, infiltrate the Dark Elf capital and slay their king... what then? What of the citizens? Do we go to every home in every village and try to convince them we Light Elves are not bad? You have a worthy goal in mind, but the problem is is that it's such a vast goal, one with so many little loose ends you'll have to tie up to fully succeed, and that means living dangerously for YEARS. And it would take more than a single lifetime." I said this in my head, unsure of whether or not to say it. They could hate me if I did, or they could give up. Either way, it was probably better that I didn't... if a time came up at a later date where it couldn't be avoided, I would speak then and suffer the consequences. But for now...

I turned to Nova. "It's not as simple as just hiding or acting though, Nova. If you act, you risk death and the deaths of noncombatants, lives you have no right to risk, even with their permission. But if you hide, you're not creating a change. So what do you want them to do: try and fail due to the overwhelming odds that are against them? Leave their homes and livelihoods to live on the run to avoid the nations while a small group of them fight guerrilla style to try and make a change, placing all of their lives in danger? You can't expect them to choose between those!" I said exasperatingly. I had no idea how else to explain it, but you couldn't just expect someone to fight what they and everyone around them knew was a lost cause... But maybe with the right encouragement the town WOULD fight. But it would still be dangerous, and nobody had any right to ask that of them. 
At Faye's comment I grimaced slightly, looking down. I can't say it... I shouldn't... I thought to myself. Nova was telling these people to fight or run away for good, but that's not how peoples minds worked... and Faye seemed like her goal was possible and like everyone around thought it was possible. I would help her, of course... but I felt that we were risking a lot for what seemed like largely a pointless task...
"If others wish to cower in fear then they deserve to die." Nova said calmly. He put both his hands on Avas. "Do not be afraid, II am the oldest and tgerefore their protector. I will not let them die without one hell of fight."

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