The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I frowned at Nova. "Could you be any more cruel and blatantly obvious?" I said to him. "Some cower in fear because they feel helpless, or ARE helpless. You can use your magic, but what if all of a sudden you had no power? No mana? You would be helpless, and if a group of 100 Darks are coming after you to kill you, and you had no mana, what would you do? You would run. Do not dare scorn these people who wish to live a normal life free of tyranny." I spoke angrily, wanting to punch the mage in the face. Also how he dared to treat us like we were helpless children, trying to show off to Ava... it sickened me. I almost stood up, but remembered Lightning girl who was walking around behind me and Juniper, probably waiting for the perfect opportunity to talk to Juniper.
"They won't kill us if they don't know we're Light Elves," Faye responds strictly. Ava looks at her with confusion, opening her mouth to argue the comment. However, Faye rushes to speak first, "We aren't going to walk in there looking like a Light Elf. We'll disguise ourselves as a Dark Elf."

Ava turn her head to face Nova after allowing Faye's words to sink into her skull. She just looks at him for a couple moments before beginning to shake her head slowly.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think you understand--"

"Aren't you the one that said all you needed to get by was some hope?!" Faye yelled, interrupting Ava's sentence as she stood up angrily. Her hands with spread out on the table and her chair fell backwards. Her eyes were flaming and it was quite an unusual sight to see Faye in such a state.

"I needed it to leave Reddell, Faye," Ava says quietly, trying to calm her down a bit while getting her point across.

At Faye's outburst, I stood up. "Calm yourself Faye. It is not her fault. She is a carpenter. You are a warrior. You have fought and been wounded, you have experience." I walked over, picked up her chair and righted it. "Do not blame Ava." I spoke forcefully, trying to penetrate Faye's anger without making her more angry.
" magic allows me to summon a spear which is a meleee weapon. If I were without magic any pole would work. Also, I feel that raw combat power does not determine the outcome of a battle, spirit does."
Juniper, tired of all the arguing, stood up leaving the table. She decided to go find somewhere quieter. She left the room without saying a word. She walked down the hall and found a balcony. She rested her arms against the railing letting the wind rustle her hair looking out at the sky. It was nice and quiet here compared to the arguments going on inside.
Faye gulped, swallowing her rage as she looked down. She was getting angry...this rarely ever happened. Calm yourself, Faye, she told herself, repeating Varexes's words. This is what happened whenever someone tried to crush her hopes and dreams, tried to tear away her faith. No one could take these things away from her, yet they tried..and it enraged her.

"I need some air," Faye said solemnly, moving away from the table. She pushed open the door and walked down the wooden walkway. It was dark out now as she sat herself down at the bottom of the walkway. She gazed out at all the lights from the houses, the pretty visual calming her insides.
Cerah sat on the balcony rail. "Hello there. Are you alright?" She asked Juniper in one of the softest voices she had ever used.
Juniper turned her head realizing Cerah was there. She turned her head back at the town below. "What do you want?" she asked not much in the mood for small talk. She thought about ignoring her completely and walking inside, but she guessed the girl would just follow her.

Turning back to Nova, I spoke again, my brow furrowing and my voice rising slightly. "Our group versus over 100,000 Dark Elves. No matter how much spirit we have, we will lose against those odds. Do you understand that? There is no single defining factor of a battle. Morale, skill, tactics, strength, all of these things influence who will win a large scale battle. You are a fool if you believe that mere morale or 'spirit' as you put it will win a fight when we are outnumbered on such a scale." I saw Juniper leave and took a deep breath. "I think we are all a little frayed. We should drop this now and walk away, cool our tempers, and perhaps talk about how we're going to do this. I'm not going to abandon Faye, but I refuse to charge in foolishly." This was to no one in particular, more me thinking aloud, but then I turned to Ava.

"Ava, I apologize. We don't mean to cause controversy or a heated argument. Please forgive us. If you want us to leave, we will." I was hoping that she would let us stay, but it felt wrong to assume we could stay after speaking about the villagers and to Ava this way. I saw Ceara leave and wanted to go after her, but decided against it. Figuring this out with Ava was more important.
Nova kept his attention fixed on Ava. "I understand this is difficult for you, but you can't fear fir us. Imagine life in Reddell....that is how we feel about life while Reddell still stands and her king still rules. A few have died already, many more will if we don't act. We will return, I promise" He whispered the last words as he stared into her eyes.
Ava smiled calmly at Varexes as everyone slowly began to leave the table. "No, no don't worry. This isn't your fault. It's mine, actually. I brought the entire thing up." She sighs, looking away momentarily. "Maybe we should just let the entire topic go for now. I just...I don't want anything to happen to you all...and having experience from being in Reddell myself, I just don't see how it will work..."

I nodded and smiled back. "It's quite all right. Thank you for worrying. I just think that we need some time to cool our heads, then we can talk about it again. If you're so worried, perhaps you can give us the insiders look on Reddell? Maps, details on guards and villages, etc. It could help a lot." I said. "But before you say anything, let's go look at your bows, shall we?"
"I wanted to talk to you" Cerah began slowly. "You really are very pretty...and I hate to see you in such an exhausted state." Cerah lowered herself slowly off the balcony railing. "You see when I used to get exhausted Blake would make me keep going because I needed to get stronger. But then he taught me a few tricks." She lifted her and stared distantly at the bolts arcibg across her outstretched fingers. "I hate to do this,I really do" Cerah hugged Juniper.
Juniper didn't see Cerah approach, so she didn't have time to put up a shield. She felt the electricity surge through her body sending. She gritted her teeth in pain regretting her decision not to leave. Her eyes rolled back in her head falling limp in Cerah's arms.
(It could be dramatic irony thougg, like Juniper wakes up feeling recharged after getting shocked by a 14-year-old 9-volt battery xD )
Ruineth stood at the door, her hand in a fist. She hesitated before raising it to the door and knocking. She shifted Mireth's bag on her shoulder, checking the dress she'd put inside. It was a nice catch for three coins. "Hello?" She asked, hoping it was the right house. "Faye? Birch? Varexes? Nova?" Jess, Val, Juniper...she continued in her head. She would have listed everyone's names, but that would be a little too much. Instead she stood there, glancing around the house.
(sorry, i'm so confused what was supposed to happen? I thought when she hugged her she was using the electricity powers thing.... Was she not? I don't think I read it wrong.) 
(Was she flirting? I thought it was like a wicked witch line 'i will get you my pretty!' was she serious? IM SO CONFUSED!)
(It was supposed to be a normal hug. Everybody was supposed to think it was bad because of the description of her hands. But I never sctually stated that Juniper was affected. I meant for the suspense to occur only in the reading. But afain, the ambiguity is my fault. I can roll with the new plot turn)
Birch stayed very, very quiet as the argument went on, keeping his head low as if he was avoiding projectiles going to and fro though the sharpness of everyone's words did feel like stinging knives. He didn't want to take sides on the subject, not even sure what his own opinion was. Well, he did. Avoiding dark elves was a nice idea so avoiding their capital was even better. Too bad Faye seemed dead set on doing just that. As things died down and everyone starting splitting off to cool down, he hesitated. It was obvious Faye was steamed and he wasn't entirely sure she wanted the company. Going after her would seem cling, especially with how much time they'd been spending together lately. Looking sad, he simply folded his arms on the table and rested his head in the crook as he stared off into nothing.

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