The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Dafuq, I thought it was Ceara... damn my memory is terrible ;- ;)


Nodding solemnly I walked in to look at the beautiful bows again. Despite having already seen them, I couldn't help but suck in a breath as I observed how beautifully carved they all were. This time I just looked, taking my time with each one, trying to find the one I felt would suit me best. Some were plain, some were ornate, but all were beautiful in their own ways. Some I skipped over, knowing they were too big or too small, but some I looked at closely before dismissing them. I went over all 40 bows, memorizing the few I thought would fit me. Once I had finished my first round, I repeated it, all around taking about 20 minutes. Somehow, out of all of them I narrowed down my search to 3 bows. One was a reflex bow, one was a recurve bow, and the final was a slightly more ornate recurve bow.

I pointed them out to Ava. "Can you help me hold those three? I want to see which one fits." I asked her.

(Pics in a moment...)
(Good, didn't see her name in his post. Ima go to bed...have Var find Cerah and Juniper or something...You guys can control Cerah as long as she acts creepy > ;) Goodnight )
(After I get a bow. xD

The one leaning against the tree is the Reflex, the plain white background is the plain recurve, and the one with 3 is the ornate recurve. Use the v2 one that's on the far right. Too lazy to crop xD )<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Hun_bow.jpg.3e2f14e8c5bd59c644789ed4ab0720dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Hun_bow.jpg.3e2f14e8c5bd59c644789ed4ab0720dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/recurve.jpg.0f159f0ea65528718f7955ffe9ed8bc9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/recurve.jpg.0f159f0ea65528718f7955ffe9ed8bc9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/url.jpg.efb307e39dbecb70d102d5c3dc35fe59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4932" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/url.jpg.efb307e39dbecb70d102d5c3dc35fe59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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((I guess this is time for Faye to come to the rescue xDD Goodnight Zeyro))

Faye put her hands in her pockets and gazed out at all the lights surrounding her in the dark. It truly was a beautiful sight. Just as she was admiring the visual, she heard some voices coming from somewhere behind her.

Faye's brows furrowed as she turned, not seeing anything in front of her at first. However, she then looked up to see Cerah on the balcony, holding Juniper in her arms. When Faye heard the word kill and saw Juniper struggling to release herself from the girl's grip, a small gasp escaped her mouth as she ran up the walkway.

As Faye swung the door open, the first thing she saw was a very thin, tall young man. He had black hair that brushed slightly against his shoulders, and razor sharp bangs that fell into his piercing green eyes. His skin seemed rather grey and he was dressed almost completely in black. He seemed older than the rest of them, possibly in his twenties, but he was still very handsome.

Faye quickly stopped staring at the older boy, realizing it must've been Ava's roommate, Blake, that she had been talking about earlier. With that, she ran past him and Ruineth who was settled at the table sewing something. She ran to the balcony, coming up behind Cerah and Juniper.

"Hey, let Juniper go," she said sternly to the thunder mage who was holding Juniper tightly in her arms. It almost looked as if Cerah was planning on throwing Juniper over the edge of the balcony. 
((Ohmaigosh I get to look at bows?<3 yes))
(I can control Cerah... maybe... give me a few to type something out and we'll see how it works.)


As I caressed Juniper's hair, smiling while enjoying its smell, I heard a voice behind me telling me to let Juniper go. Rolling my eyes I turned, one hand still on Juniper, my other sparking my fingers. "How about you back off, lady. Juniper's mine." I glared at Faye while sparking and summoning magic. If she tried anything, I'd blast her where she stood! Grinning maliciously I pointed at the door. "Leave us be. This is a private moment."
Juniper lifted her head hearing Faye's voice. She felt herself pulled back to her feet. "I'm not yours!" she squeaked startled by the comment. "I'm not anybodies!" she continued trying to pull away from her grip.
((Don't worry, I probably would've had to google stuff anyway xDD I don't shoot recurve, my grandpa does. He's gonna give me one of his longbows I think though 'cause he offered and I wanna try it out xDD Even though I'll probably suck 'cause shooting recurve is really hard. I shoot a compound bow, obviously xDD

This is my bow-without the stabilizer on it--

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/935362_664357723579479_860393369_n.jpg.c516d3de6bc32e9222a38c2a2b76f2ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/935362_664357723579479_860393369_n.jpg.c516d3de6bc32e9222a38c2a2b76f2ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


As Varexes continued to look at each and every bow in the shed, Ava stood behind him and smiled silently as he observed them. It was clear that he was taking in all the little details of the bows. Ava didn't mind one bit, actually she really loved that he appreciated her creations so much.

At last, he turned and pointed to his final choices. Her periwinkle eyes scanned the three bows of his choice and she grinned to herself.

"All wonderful choices," she told him, heading towards one of them. She carefully lifted the ornate recurve off the wall, allowing her fingers to graze over the fine details of the bows before holding it out to Varexes. "This one is actually one of my favorites," she said with a smile. "I think it suits you the most of the three, as well."



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As Juniper struggled I smiled. "I like it when they're wild." I said with a wink, moving my hand over to caress Juniper's face with a knuckle. Of course I stopped calling on my magic so as not to hurt her. "You're lucky you're cute." I said to Juniper before adjusting my grip on her so that she couldn't struggle as much. I waved my hand at Faye. "Begone woman. I want my private time."


I stood there for a quick second, trying to see how best to do this. Then I turned my back to Ava and stepped close to her. "Can you hold it for me while I put my hands on it to see how it fits?" I asked her. It seemed a bit awkward, but it was the only way I'd be able to hold the bow. Honestly, of the three it was the one that looked like it would suit me best, but I wasn't entirely sure. A badly fit bow was worse than one that was badly made, in my opinion, and I wanted to make sure it felt right.
((I dont know why but I laughed aloud at "Leave us be. This is a private moment." xD

LMFAO. "I like it when they're wild." I just read that. Stahp. Stahp. I'm laughing too much. x''D))

Faye's eyes narrowed as she pulled her bow off her back. However, she didn't nock an arrow. She just took a step forward and gave Cerah a chilling look.

"She wants nothing to do with you, you scumbag. Release her. I don't want to have to make this violent," Faye said in a steady tone, keeping her eyes focused on Cerah. It was for sure that this girl was beyond sketchy and to her surprise, she must've been interested in female elves.
Juniper turned her face away from Cerah. "Don't touch me." she gritted her teeth angrily. She breathes heavily due to nerves. "let me go." she added after a moment of thought. She stared at the girl's creepy smile afraid of what was on her mind.
(I like your bow! I don't shoot much but I'm half decent xD haha

I'm just trying to be creepy ;-; too creepy..? Does this reflect on my personality? D:)


I moaned when Juniper struggled more. "Oh yes, talk just like that more." I said licking my lips. But when Faye took a step forward and threatened me, I lost it. Spinning angrily, releasing Juniper I walked straight up to Faye. "What do you think you're gonna do, biatch?" I said, bringing my hands up and sparking between them, ready to blast Faye.
Ava nodded with a warm grin, reaching out to grip the top section of the bow. She held it there for Varexes to grip the handle. Although she wasn't sure how he was planning to manage using the bow with his arm all screwed up like that, she still wanted to give him a bow as a gift. In addition, she could tell the bow was crafted for someone like Varexes, so she assumed it would fit him wonderfully.
Juniper threw up a shield around Faye startled by the sudden outburst. She backed away realizing she was cornered. She had no idea how to get around the girl with the electricity flying from her hands. She was blocking the only exit.
(( Thanks xDD I shoot 3D archery--where you walk around a big coarse through the woods and fields and shoot animal targets xD . I shoot a match like every other weekend.

And you just gotta practice and you'll get better xD

and bahahahah. Seriously, I'm dying of laughter by your Cerah posts, Alcatraz. I think Zeyro will approve x''D ))

Faye's eyes glanced in Juniper's direction as Cerah threw her aside like a ragdoll. She then looked back to Cerah and smirked. "Juniper, shield yourself," she said, keeping her icy grey eyes focused on Cerah's. Although, there was an amused glint in Faye's eyes as she spoke.
(I don't own a bow... and they're expensive. Also, I can't shoot anything around here because this is an old people/veterans neighborhood >.<

I honestly don't know how they make you laugh ;-; I'm just trying to be creepy like Zey said!)


I whirled around as I felt rather than saw the shield go up around Faye. "Is that how it's going to be then, sweetheart? Should I zap you instead?" I took a menacing step forward, curling my right hand into a fist with my fore and middle fingers outstreteched like I was going to jab Juniper, but a bright yellow light began to spark and fizz at the tip.

(Btw, Cerah never actually touched Faye.)


With Ava helping, I managed to grip the bow and it felt... right. Just, instantly. My last two bows were the only two I'd used before, and whereas the first one was crude and horrible, the second one took a while to get used to but was obviously better. This one though... this one was crafted well and fit, whereas my last one was just crafted well. It wasn't made for me, but this one... it was. "It... it feels perfect." I said a little breathlessly. "If you'll let me, I'd love this one..." I muttered, looking at the engravings. I knew instantly that the other two bows were going to disappoint me if I tried them, and I didn't want to feel that.
(How could those Cerah posts not make you laugh? I'm dying over here! And I wonder what Zeyro would think of these x'D) 
(Yeah... and I also don't know what to post =_=)
Juniper took the shield off of Faye and threw it around herself afraid of experiencing the the pain she felt the first time Cerah shocked her.
(Idk ;-; I feel like this reflects on my personality that I'm so good at this D:)


I grinned evilly and spoke three words: "Thank you sweetheart," with a wink, then spun around, falling to my knees as I did and outstretching my arm to fire a small bolt of lightning at Faye. Nothing too strong, just a little shock that would make her tingle and make her back off. 
(Your reactions to my Cerah posts are what cracks me up xD

Also, edited ^ post to make it creepy)
((Ah, I live out in the woods so xDD

And they're very creepy and that's why I'm laughing x'D Ex: "Oh yes, talk just like that more." I said licking my lips.

Hahahah. Lmfao.

And when I said 'as she threw her to the side like a ragdoll' I was referring to Cerah throwing Juniper aside xD Faye's just standing there still~))

Just then, the shield vanished from being around Faye and appeared over Juniper. This was the perfect time to do what she had to. With Cerah's back turned, Faye took two steps forward as she swung her bow back and whacked Cerah in the head with it forcefully.

Just as her bow made contact with her head, she noticed Cerah's fingers reach out allowing a trail of lightning to zap her ankle.

"Ah!" Faye gasped, shocked from the lightning. It was quick but it was painful. She jumped back, holding her bow. When she looked at the top of it she saw some blood, causing Faye's stomach to churn. She didn't mean to hit her that hard. 
"Juniper, go inside!" Faye said quickly, urging her to leave the scene since Cerah was finally on the ground. Last thing she wanted was for Cerah to harass Juniper, which is what she assumed the girl was planning to do to begin with. 
Ava was still gripping the bow as she looked up and smiled pleasantly at Varexes. She was extremely grateful that he found it to his liking. Then again, she didn't doubt that he would.

"I assumed you would!" she said merrily, laughing a little. "Well, it's all yours," she told him, eyeing him for a moment longer before releasing her hands.
(Oooh, okay.

I honestly thought that was a bit over the top, but I couldn't resist xD I felt like Zeyro tried to make Cerah cheesy-creepy, rather than actually creepy.)


As I spun I felt a sudden pain in my head and collapsed as I released my magic. It hit Faye in the ankle as I collapsed, stars bursting before my eyes. My head throbbed and I groaned as I lay on the floor, feeling something warm trickle down my head and neck. "I'll... I'll kill you..." I moaned, but that caused my head to hurt more, so I just rolled over and gripped my head as the pain made me start to black out.


I smiled at Ava and when she released it I quickly grabbed the bow with my right hand to prevent it from falling. "I might just take your advice about finding a healer..." I said softly when suddenly I heard a shout and a loud thump come from the main house. "What was that?" I asked quickly, slinging the bow with my right hand over my shoulder and running out of the shed towards the house. "What's going on?!" I shouted. "Faye!"
Juniper quickly made her way around Cerah and past Faye inside the house. She turned around still walking backwards looking at Cerah on the ground, then turned again racing toward the front door deciding she was not staying inside that house for another second.

I ran to the front door and burst in to see Juniper running out and I bumped into her. To stop either of us from falling I grabbed her arm gently but firmly and stabilized us. "What's going on? I heard a shout." I questioned her.

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