The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Don't feet the hunger Alcatraz. It will only get hungrier.)

Juniper lifted her head "I don't know" she replied honestly. She leaned her head back sighing. "I couldn't protect myself. It's just that what if Faye didn't show up when she did?" she bit her lip not sure how else to explain herself.
(Idk, it's on Pandora. It was just, your gif like bounced to the beat xD hahaha! It's cute and mesmerizing O.o

It's not going anywhere because Varexes is as awkward as I am, and I don't get any girls. My last gf cheated on me 5 times and then elft me for another guy who cheated on HER.)
(( Dat bear's got moves~ xD He's a fabulous bear.

Annnnd awkward people are my favorite people. Awkwardly shy and dorky, anyway. Not the perverted awkward kind..I dislike those people -_- Hahah, AND WHERE IS THIS WHORE? NAMI WANTS TO SLAP HER. #1) Why do people cheat? It's just..omfg it makes no sense. x.x #2) Who would cheat on you?! You're fabulous. xD #3) GOOD. I'm glad he cheated on her xDD #4) //Nami is waiting for Varexes to go in for the kiss// x'D))
(Randomly comes into this conversation while chanting 'Viper! Viper! Viper! Viper!' ((or whatever the hell the shipping name is)) ... although I don't think it would be the best idea for Varexes to make a move on Juniper after what just happened with Cerah xD )
(I proposed to Goofy. We have been together almost four years now. ^_^ )
(( SEE, I knew I wasn't the only one shipping Viper! xDD

But good point...x'D

and I bet you and Goofy have a wonderful relationship, Dreamer<3 |D ))
(He is a fabulous bear O.o Idk, I'm just an awkward dude. Over the interwebz I'm kewl, but then you meet me irl and i'm like "Hai. :3" and it's awkward and weird D: and people hate me >.< the interwebz are my friends :3

I'm not going to pull any moves with Juniper >.>

I'm so happy for you! :D YAY GOOFY!)


I nodded. "It's okay. I understand." I sat there, arms on my knees as I thought. "Does the Holy Arts not have anything that could be used in self defense besides a shield?" I asked curiously.
(( IM AWKWARD IN RL TOO YAY. x'D //knuckle touch// I'm very outgoing through typing though xD I'm nervously shy around strangers--I cant even talk to cashiers -__- lmao--my family thinks I'm this monotone human being and they always make fun of me for it xD but whatevs~ around my friends though...well das a different story xD


You're not going to pull any moves with Juniper, yet******* xD ))
(Actually my ma proposed to him for me. It was very romantic. we danced the mocarayna (I CAN'T SPELL IT) together right afterwards. We are getting married when I turn 18.)"I can heal and create shields. That's all the holy arts are good for. It's not much use agains a sword or even a fist." She frowns hugging her knees to her chest. "I don't want to go back inside." she added making that clear. It was all so confusing. She didn't even want to think about what the girl's intentions were with her, but she couldn't shake the thoughts.
(Awkwardness is seductive baby ;D hahaha xD I'm totally with you. Except I can talk to cashiers... xD

macarena* and congratulations!)


I frowned and thought for a moment. "Would you like to learn how to defend yourself? Nothing overly complicated, but just some holds and kicks? Things you can use in close quarters if someone gets close to you." It was a sincere offer, but I doubted she'd take it. "I won't make you go inside. But I'm not going to leave you alone, either." It wasn't a request, it was a statement. I wouldn't abandon Juniper.

(Varexes won't make any moves on Juniper unless she happens to show some feelings for him, because he's a shy awkward mofo and refuses to believe he has feelings for her ^_^ so BACK OFF NAMI! xD )
(HEY! But that at least means that he does have feelings for her! You even said it for yourself... so that means that there may or may not be a chance of Viper in the future xD )
(I didn't say anything of the sort. I just said he won't make any moves unless Juni shows feelings for him. That says nothing about his feelings for her.

Now, new episode of video game high school. I'll be back in 30 minutes.)
(( Oh yeah x'D ahahah.

Damn, am I the only one who gets nervous having to talk to cashiers? I'm too socially awkward <//3 xD

and ALCATRAZ DONT LIE. We all know Viper exists so shh. xD Don't fight it~

Annnd okai xD I'm watching Hell Girl as well so xD ))
(Well too bad for you because Juniper has hard core feeling for Valandil. She liked the silent never around or doing anything type. ON a serious note. I don't think Juniper is one for relationships. I mean look at what happened with Caricon. When she wouldn't hold his hand, he went insane and tried to murder everyone. I think Juniper is better off being a loner)

(Look how long I was serious for??? one sentence. I think this a problem I need to seek help on.)

(My lord, I did it again.)

(afjogaognals I was going to have her ask for help on that. can you read minds?!)

Juniper thought over his offer. It was a thought that had been bothering her for a while. She was tired of not being able to defend herself, but she wasn't sure if she would be able to learn anything or if it would be any use. She seemed to just freeze up in tight situations, but it couldn't hurt to try right. None of this showed on her face, her emotionless expression stayed clear on her face. She turned to him and nodded. "I'd like that" she stated. She didn't clarify on what she meant. (the lessons or staying outside.) Which left the hint that her statement could refer to both.
(See? Viper stands no chance anyways xD So shut up about it! :P

Also, I'm psychic and can see the future and can read minds. >.>

Okay, now going to go watch VGHS season 2 episode 4. be back. Then i'll respond to juniper.)
(Nuh-uh! You said it! And I have proof in one of your OOC comments. You said that he refuses to believe that he has feelings for her which means that he does but doesn't want to admit it. Even if only a little. And if Juniper doesn't want a relationship and Viper will only be found in my dreams I shall still 100% support it. -sticks tongue out immaturely at everyone-)
(( I refuse to not believe in Viper!! xD Varexes needs to kiss her at one point, then she'll realize she has feelings for him.



xD ))
(See Nami? >.> btw, I'm done for the night. Getting shit from my ex's friends. I got into an argument with her today and now she's got one of her swagfag friends on my ass. I gotta deal with his dumbass and then finish this episode. Then play League of Legends because I'm a no-lifer. Sorry.)
(( Faye has Birch, my goodness. xD

And WHY on Earth would these people be giving YOU shit? Those stupid friends should've slapped their friend and been like, 'you whore, why did you cheat with 5 guys?' lmfao. THAT is what a good friend should do, slap some common sense into them. xD

Try killing her with kindness, she'll be confused and then leave you alone.

Ya know, I hate people sometimes..Gr. xD ))
(I need to stop sleeping lol. I always miss out on the best conversations. I already thought Viper was a reality, and y'all were slowly building to it. You're saying it isn't real? LET ME GO RETHINK MY LIFE.)

Ruineth woke with a cough. How had she fallen asleep in the middle of sewing? Well, she was sleeping next to a cozy fire. Either way, she put Faye's jacket away and looked around. Something had happened while she was out. "What happened?" She asked in a sleepy voice.
(1. I read these posts when I'm not on.

2.TOTALLY ship Viper

3.Dont worry Alc, I can't get people to hang even hang out with me de to lack of social skill xD

4.I am Zeyro, not Nova

5.I should have posted about Cerah's other powerd, you guys made her waaaay too weak

6. I approve of her dialouge xD )

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