The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Doesn't count, I'm laughing at you xD

Besides, isn't the drama what makes it so interesting? ;p

Also, Juniper likes Val, remember? So Viper wont' be shipped. Ever.)
(Dafuq man, I do this with my chick friends all the damn time. It's cuddling man. I told you, I've been friendzoned ;- ;)
( xD I'm laughing at this whole conversation. Pretty much everyone wants Viper shipped except the You(Varexes) and Little*Dreamer(Juniper), which are the people we are trying to ship in the rp.)

Varexes is your character so you just allow him to have a bit of a relationship

Juni doesn't even have to know, just kiss her head while she's asleep

Then well all be content for a while xD

Like birch is dead half the time so Firch is kinda fading. And as I always say, 'what's a story without romance'? xD just some nice cute little romance. xD ))
(Well you can try your hardest but it ain't gonna happen. Besides, I wouldn't do that in real life, and Varexes is sorta characterized like me. Just better. So not gonna happen. xD )
(By the end of what? The Roleplay? I don't see the end coming any time soon so I don't think there's any fear of that xD

Go ahead and have Faye meddle. I've been forewarned, I shall act accordingly >:3)
(JUNI DOES NOT LIKE VAL? who told you that because I will rip their insides out and feed them to my herbert. haorhgoaogg. Nor did she like Caricon. Um or Vex or if there was anyone else that carried her while she was flippin passed out.)

(Now that I got that off my chest. How is everybody? good? good.)
(She's not a combat character, you don't have to fight her. Her magic is supposed to seem powerful but be nerfed by the fact that she's more an intimidation character who doesn't have to use it. But she can dodge an arrow, if that's what worries you but she most likely can't dodge a second one iffired fast enough.)
(YOU SAID THAT xD You said "Uh, Juniper has hardcore feeling for Valandil. She likes the never around silent type." or something like that. lemme find exactly what you said. 

Well too bad for you because Juniper has hard core feeling for Valandil. She liked the silent never around or doing anything type.
That's what you said xD  
(Page 362)
(No i'm retarded. <.< I'm the one with high functioning autism here. ((because Aspergers in now autism)) I would prefer you insult yourself with another word. Thank you very much.)
(Guys, guys! I think we should stop with the whole Viper thing right now xD I'm dying over here from laughter... -dies- 'R.I.P- SliverOfHope. She had a great life til' she died from uncontrollable laughter at a failed shipping pair'

Gosh we are getting so off topic from the actual Rp c: )

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