The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Well as long as you agree with the dialog ((and Viper)) then I think everything will be okay.)

Jess walked over to Ruineth, seeing as she was asleep when everything happened, and sat down next to her. "Um, apparently Juniper was harassed by Cerah and she threatened to harm Faye, who randomly popped up in the scene, so Faye hit Cerah over the head with her bow. Now Cerah has an extreme headache and Varexes is outside with Juniper." She thought over everything she said and everything that happened before nodding her head. "Well that's all of the important stuff anyways."
Ruineth nodded slowly. "I least no one died. Are you sure we should stay here? That Cerah girl scares me." She said. She'd rather they all sleep in the woods. It was better than getting killed in your sleep. (Cerah really freaks me out.) Why was magic always involved? Anything that scared or freaked Rune out was magic related. "Where's Nova?" She asked. She didn't know why, but she felt as if she needed to talk to someone who dealt with magic right now. She certainly wasn't going to talk to Cerah. And Juniper was with Varexes.
(*shrug* people are stupid. and they hate me. but it's funny because i got the guy texting me to give him his name (he's one of those swagfags who acts all macho) and I looked him up and he's one scrawny ass mofo xD

VIPER IS IMPOSSIBLE NOW DROP IT ALL OF YOU! >.< Dreamer said no so it's a no dammit!

I'm sorry I don't bother remembering usernames, because I look at Ruineth's and i'm like "DAFUQ HOW DO I PRONOUNCE EKIMADONIHS so I'm like balls to the wall, I'm saying their character names, they know who I'm talking about >.>

I tried my best with Cerah ;-; I didn't mean to make her too weak! D: We can say she underestimated Faye... >.>

All you said was "make her creepy" and I'm like "I CAN DO CREEPY" and that's what came out of my fingers ;- ;)


Juniper's face remained flat as she answered. I wasn't entirely sure what she meant, whether she was willing to learn to fight or stay outside with me. I decided that she meant that way with both, and I smiled at her. "Then we can start tomorrow. I'll see how strong you are and what we need to do to help you protect yourself." Thoughts ran through my head about training regimes and how I could teach her with my arm. An idea flashed into my head and I threw it out immediately. I can't ask her to heal me to train her... that's an excuse. Mentally kicking myself, I kept my ears and eyes open while I thought about the best way to both analyze her and then train her, and I realized that to teach her enough it might take some time. I'll have to talk to Faye about staying here for a few weeks maybe... if Juniper is serious about this.
(I call people by their character's names too. I'll look at the alerts and say "Oh look, Nova posted." Or "Varexes posted." I have to correct myself.

Yeah I figured people wouldn't know how to pronounce EkimAdonihs. It's just Mike Shinoda backwards, which is the guy in my gif. I tried using that as my username on deviantart but someone beat me to the punch! I'd never seen anyone use that name besides me, so I was all #respect. It's pronounced eh-Kim ad-on-is, but y'all can just call me Ekim or Kim. Or Ruineth! Honestly this is my favorite rp, and I catch myself thinking my username is Ruineth or Ruinel (I use both elvish names).
(What? I think everyone has been using Dreamer in reference to mwah. I think I chose a memorable name. It's a variation of a nick name that stuck, because LittleOne is always taken.)

(Sorry, what did I say no too? I recall saying Juniper isn't one for relationships and the was the gist of it. But seriously the emotionless blob over here hasn't even thought about it until you guys started talking about it... pfft emotions what are those?)

"Can we talk about this later?" She asks folding her arms over her knees. She rests her chin on her arm closing her eyes. She thought back to all the times she had woken up to someone petting her head. It was a comfort before, but the way Cerah had done it changed that. She didn't think she could deal with anyone touching her head anymore.

I nodded and hesitated before putting an arm around her. "Of course." In reference to her "talk about it later" question. I held her loosely so she could shrug me off, but it was my way of comforting her as I had no words that could potentially help her.
Juniper took the arm over her as an opportunity to rest her head against his chest. She kept her face hidden embarrassed by all that had happened. She closed her eyes listening to the sound of his heart beat up against her ear. She slowly let herself drift off to sleep.

When Juniper put her head on my chest I tightened my grip to hold her firmly so she knew I was there. It was my way of silently promising to protect her and make sure nothing happened to her, since I'd always be there. When she fell asleep, I sat there in a slightly uncomfortable position but afraid to move in case Juniper woke up. Keeping still, I slowed my breathing and watched what little activity there was in the village: the occasional cat, the shouts of an argument from a house down the road, the sounds of a kid or two sneaking out. But the view the held my attention was the sky: it was so beautiful, the bright stars twinkling with beauty. It was at this moment that I missed home the most, being able to see the full extent of the sky from the mountain tops, sleeping in the open in a clearing and drifting off staring at the sky.

(I'm assuming it's night time >.>)
(Weren't they about to eat dinner. I thought that is why they stopped at the sleep?)

Juniper slept contently not moving much in her sleep. Except for the occasional shift trying to keep herself from falling over. She breathes evenly in her light sleep.
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((YOU. PEOPLE. HGUERIGREUGH. You deny repeatedly that Viper doesnt exist but then you DO CUTE THINGS LIKE THISSSS //points to all your recent Viper posts// xD DENY IT ALL YOU WANT BUT IT MOST CERTAINLY EXISTS. And I've got Faye in on it too, so if she has to she's going to help.


<.< ))
(She did it, not me. What am I supposed to do, push Juniper away and be like "bish fk u"? That's not intimate, that's just being protective.) 
(And comforting. >.>)
(( Mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Yep, mhm. Sure.

Now brb while I wash off my cat face and shoot my bow for a bit. Sorry I've been MIA all day xD I'm enjoying my sweet home alone time. //Dance, Eat, Be a Cat, Eat// ..but I havent danced yet today fml. I'll do that on the way downstairs. xD BUT ILL BE BACK TO READ MORE WONDERFUL VIPER POSTS and roleplay as well xD

Derp. )) 

Okai, leaving.... xD )) 
((Nvm screw that xD Shot 10 arrows then got irritated by the mosquitoes and knats

why do those exist? -_-

okai, and honestly I dont know what to post for once o-o 'cause like, both of the characters I'm controlling are together.. xD ...OH WAIT. ))

Faye opened her mouth to tell her not to feel bad about it, but Ava spoke first. "Well, I'm gonna go upstairs and keep and eye on Cerah." She sighed, turning away.

"Should I come, too..?" Faye asked softly, feeling a little bad for what she'd done to the girl. However, she only felt this way slightly. She would've done anything to protect Juniper from being physically harassed any further.

Ava shook her head slowly, looking back up at Faye momentarily. "No, it's okay. When her head clears up I should be the first one she sees so I can talk to her. I don't want her to try anything on you. She's done enough." Ava keeps her eyes on Faye a bit longer, seeming to be waiting for some sort of response before she leaves the balcony.

"Oh," is all Faye can manage. She then nods, gesturing that it's okay for her to leave now.

Ava smiles apologetically at her before moving from the balcony back into the house. Faye let out a deep breath as she scratched the back of her neck and headed over to the edge of the balcony. She peered over the railing and out at the beautiful treetops full of colorful leaves. The stars were twinkling merrily along the vast dark sky. As she lowered her pupils, she spotted two elves settled down outside with one of their arms wrapped around the other.

She grinned to herself, the sight warming her insides. She didn't mean to stare, but she was trying to figure out who they were. Without needing another moment to think, she realized it was Juniper and Varexes. Faye chuckled to herself, not surprised. Lately, they seemed rather close with one another.
(Imma cut you if you don't stop trying to ship Viper.

... What does that even mean? "ship viper" ;-;

Also, I'm curious as to what Cerah's second power is... if I made her too weak I wanna know what I can do to make her a challenge xD haha)
(( Go ahead and cut me, bro xDD

lmfao, VarexesxJuniper = Viper

it's also a venomous snake...which is cool so xDDD

And Cerah's stronger? I thought having lightning like that was already strong enough x.x Like srsly man, Faye just shoots arrows lmfao. xDD ))
(( Oh and 'shipping' means pairing any two characters together. Like relationship ~ ship ~ shipping. ))
(Cerah RP stuff and powers


Thunder Bolt- Single strike of lightnining from the finger tips. Powerful enough to cut through a wooden wall.

Shock Touch- Electric shock from the hang or fingertips, becomes more powerful with duration of contact. Can also heat metal with prolonged contact.

Flash Step- Converts her body into pure electricity in the form of a thunder bolt for a split second moving her about a foot. Normal attacks can easily be dodged as long as she has a half to a quarter of a second to react. Can be used to more around people or under doors or through small cracks. Very energy intensive and cannot be used in rapid succession.

Personality: Cerah will yell at anyone all the time. She toggles between yelling normally and YELL LOUDLY at random. She is only nice when looking at Juniper or in close proximity to her. She is always condescending even to Ava. Ava recieves no special treatment save the fact that Cerah will think twice before attacking her or her friends.) 

Nami said:
(( Oh and 'shipping' means pairing any two characters together. Like relationship ~ ship ~ shipping. ))
(I feel dumb now 0_0 )
(Flash step timing needs a nerf I think. 1/4-1/2 a second? I'm assuming that's not counting reaction time, which is about 1/5-1/6 of a second, if I remember correctly. I think that it should be about a second after reaction time, so like 1.2 seconds-ish? In any prolonged engagement, 1.2 seconds is a long time.

I also feel dumb. xD But it's not gonna happen! >.<)
(( I didn't know what it meant at first either, don't worry xD

This is what Urban Dictionary is for lmfao )) 


//shakes Alcatraz's shoulders violently// (~ *o*)~ )) 
(( Come on, just to please us Viper shippers? ||D ))

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