The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Ava jumped at the sudden thud, worry crawling up her spine. She had a strong feeling she knew what the sudden trouble was caused by, but she quickly followed Varexes out of the shed and raced up the walkway. As she was heading up, she saw Faye standing on the balcony with what seemed like...Cerah lying on the ground?

Ava's stomach churned as her eyes grew wide. Her heart was beating as fast as ever, afraid of what she was about to find. Afraid of all the possibilities.

Ava rushed through the door, moving right past Varexes and Juniper and down the hallway. She was breathing heavily from running so much and panicking all at the same time. She took a turn out to the balcony, gasping as she saw Faye standing there.

Holding her bow. With blood on the tip of it. And blood trickling down Cerah's head.

"Cerah!" she cried, falling to the ground beside her friend. She lifted her up and placed her head in her lap.
(Ok, I need your honest opinions on something: Is this cute? Or frightening? I think it's friggin adorable.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be01d3374_cutespider.jpg.1399e7362395084c41cbd44264f5d579.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be01d3374_cutespider.jpg.1399e7362395084c41cbd44264f5d579.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Juniper looked up at Verexes tears streaming from her eyes. "Cerah wouldn't let me go. She she zapped me and threatened me." she frowned shaking. "Faye hit her" She stammered unable to explain herself properly.
(( Actually I love those cute spider memes. They make me laugh x'D

But in general I dislike spiders. owo I don't mind ants..but lately I've had to be the bad guy and go on killing sprees since they're invading my room -___- ))

I lay there groaning in agony as something suddenly lifted my head. "uuuugh," I moaned, blinking open my eyes to see who it was and I looked up to see Ava. "Ava..." I moaned, reaching up to touch her cheek, then I curled up as my head pounded.


I took a second to process what happened, then I hugged Juniper tightly for a moment. "It's okay. It's not gonna happen anymore. Faye and I won't let it, we'll take care of Cerah." I stepped back and looked over to the doorway that led to the balcony. "Do you want to see what's going on? Or leave?" I asked her, looking back. 
(That spider is so cuuuuuute! I love it D: I want it as a pet!)
Blake felt annoyed when Ava didn't answer his call immediately and, with a deep sigh, he began wandering around the house to see if his suspicions were confirmed. While it didn't seem to be a whole crowd of them, there was definitely strangers in the house, probably travelers from the look of the stuff left by the steps. He kept looking around until he heard a commotion on the balcony and hurried over to investigate. There he found what -was- a crowd of strangers with Cerah and Ava in the middle of them, the former seeming to be bleeding. The scene made his face shift into something of slight announce as he found himself raising his voice again. "What the hell is going on?" he shouted at the group, voice still flat as he tried to sound demanding.
Faye stood there, her mouth hanging open as she watched Ava fall to her knees as she lifted her friend's body up into her arms. The only thing going through her mind currently was: Shit, shit, shit. Faye had just practically sent Cerah unconscious, which was probably not looking so good. She hoped Ava would understand. Maybe it would be best if Faye could just explain what had happened, but unfortunately she was just standing there still feeling guilty as she looked at the blood on the end of her bow.

I moaned louder when I heard what sounded distantly like Blake. "Faye... hit..." it was all I could muster before I groaned. My head was pounding so hard and I couldn't concentrate. All I wanted to do was black out, but it wasn't that bad unfortunately. Luckily it felt like the pain was beginning to fade.


I saw an old man walk down the stairs and go to the balcony. "Blake? Come here, I can explain." I called over to him. "Cerah attacked Juniper and Faye defended her." I put one arm around Juniper to comfort her and to keep her safe.
Ava brushed back her friend's blonde hair to observe the bloody wound on the side of her head. She had a feeling this was indeed Cerah's own fault and Faye was just trying to protect herself, but she couldn't just sit there and watch her dear friend bleed. Even if she was a huge pain the majority of the time.

"Blake!" she exclaimed, turning her head to see her roommate standing behind her. He was clearly annoyed at the chaos, hating when trouble was brewed up because of Cerah. "Cerah's bleeding! Could you take her to the healer's house?!" 
At last Faye was able to speak up. "I'm sorry, Ava! I didn't mean to hit her that hard...but, she was trying to physically harass Juniper and I had to stop her. She was threatening to zap me with her lightning, also. I really had no choice," she told her, begging for her to understand as well as a bit of forgiveness with her grey eyes. 
"Faye, it's okay, really," Ava said, sounding a little stressed at the moment, "I understand. This isn't the first time Cerah's done something of the sort. I thought she'd gotten past this stage, but I guess not. I'm deeply sorry I didn't say anything about this earlier." Ava sighed and looked away, feeling guilty for what her friend had caused. 
Blake closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead as he sighed again. "It's always something with her..." he muttered as he heard Ava's words ring true. That girl was more often than not more trouble than she was worth. It was bad enough she wasn't stable but to have someone gifted with magic be like that. Barely opening his eyes and letting his hand drop, he stepped through the group and got to his two roommates. He knelt down, putting a hand on Ava's shoulder for the briefest of moments in what he thought was a comforting gesture before he moved his hands under Cerah, trying to get her out of Ava's hold gently so he could get her to the healer's room.
Juniper stood closer too Varexes. "I want to leave" she stated wanting to get out of the house and away from Cerah. She was still nervous about everything that had happened. Her emotions were running high.

As Blake went out to the balcony to take care of Ava and Cerah, I nodded. "Let's go for a walk then." I kept my arm around her and walked out with her outside. "You lead, I"ll follow, k?" I said with a smile and a gentle squeeze of her shoulders.
(( Let's see....Junexes...Variper...Varjuni...Junivar...I like Junexes the most. #Junexes xD ))
(<.< we are not going through this again. What is your obsession with pairing Juniper up with someone?)

Juniper left the house walking outside, although she would have preferred to be alone, it was a small comfort to have someone with her that could protect her. The fresh air was nice, but she couldn't get her mind off of what happened. She wiped the tears from her eyes softly with her hand.
(( Hey, this time it's just way too obvious, can't help it xD )) 
(( WAIT. #Viper

xD even better. ))

Once we were outside I held Juniper for a few minutes, then removed my arm and slung my bow properly over my back. I walked slightly behind Juniper, just enough to keep her in sight so that I could follow her, but close enough that she knew I was still there. I saw her wipe her face and suddenly I wanted to hold her again and comfort her. I stayed silent, not wanting to break the spell or piss off Juniper, so instead I simply walked, eyes and ears open just in case.

(Who says Varexes likes Juniper? O.o )
( O.o you cray cray gurl? Varexes is being a good friend and looking out for a group member >.> He'd do the same for Faye, or Jess, or Ruineth. Nova can go screw himself though, arrogant jackass. KIDDING KIDDING xD )
(( Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I still ship it! No one can stop me! xD

I refuse to believe that this is all coincidentally cute~))
(Maybe I'm just a good guy >.>

... maybe this is why I get friendzoned all the time...) 
(Did anyone copy-paste my Cerah posts for Nova when he logs on tomorrow?)
"Maybe we shouldn't bother the healer with a small cut," Ava said as Blake lifted her up. "She's still awake, she just has a headache."

With that, Blake sighed to himself, not quite caring what they do with the girl for the most part. He lifted her up into his arms, silently carrying her into the house.

Faye turned to Ava now, settling her bow onto her back once again. Silence rose in the air between them for a few moments, Faye feeling terribly guilty as well as Ava. However, Faye didn't know quite why Ava felt so guilty. After all, it was Cerah's trouble not her own. It seemed to become more apparent that Ava willingly took the blame for everyone's doings. In a way, Faye admired that aspect of her, but at the same time she felt bad for her.

"You okay?" Faye asked finally, trying to look Ava in the eye, but the girl was looking away. She wasn't sure if this was an appropriate question, considering Cerah was the real one hurting.

Ava looked up at her and nodded fast. "Yeah, once again I'm really sor--"

Before Ava could finish, Faye stopped her. "No," she interrupted, "stop taking the blame. This was Cerah's fault for harassing Juniper. You had nothing to do with it."
(( You've started a cute relationship with Juniper and you know it (~ ^-^)~

and no one did I don't think xD ))


When Juniper stopped I sat down next to her. Unsure of what to do, I sat there, closer than normal but not close to be creepy. "Are you okay..?" I asked softly, not wanting to break the spell of the silence, but needing to ask.

(Too late, I'm too lazy xD

Psh, it won't go anywhere even if I did. xD )
(( What kind of music? :o

And wanna see something fabulous? Look at my phone case xD

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/601085_634871606528091_1843213361_n.jpg.359dd900f92fbe15eb1e4c340699da66.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/601085_634871606528091_1843213361_n.jpg.359dd900f92fbe15eb1e4c340699da66.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

xD My favorite bearrr everr~<3 ||D

and WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WOULDNT GO ANYWHERE?! 'TIS NOT TRUEEEE (~ x.x)~ It's already going somewhere xD ))



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