The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((Faye's sitting in front of the house btw xD ))

"It might be better to talk with Blake about that..he's in his room currently. I'll ask him to come out later," Ava told Varexes. When he mentioned the bows, her face immediately lit up. "Ah, yes!" she exclaimed, standing from her chair. She rushed over to the door, giving Varexes one last look before beckoning for him to follow.

As Ava headed outside, she spotted Faye at the bottom of the walkway. Before Ava could apologize to her, Faye stood up and walked up to Ruineth.

"Yep, this is the house," she said, displaying a half grin. Ruineth must've not seen her sitting there at the bottom of the walkway.

"Faye," Ava finally began as she approached her.

Faye turned, shaking her head and interrupting the pink haired girl. "Ava, I'm sorry about yelling at you earlier. I just get worked up about this stuff sometimes."

Ava smiled kindly at Faye. "No need to apologize. I brought the conversation up. It's all good, okay?" she said, waiting for a response.

Faye smiled in return and then nodded her head. With that Ava continued walking and ensured that Varexes was following her to the shed by the house. She headed over to the little shed and swung the door open. Once Ava stepped inside, she pulled a string which allowed a light bulb to flicker on. The inside of the shed was her own personal working place. Surrounding her work bench were about 40 bows hanging on the walls and some on hooks.

"Here it is," she said, smiling back at Varexes as she held the door open.

"I really hated to do that" Cerah said, stroking Junipers hair, "But I knew you wouldn't listen if I didn't. I really do think you are pretty. Is that guy your boyfriend? Will I have to kill him?"
(( Bahahah I thought Cerah was flirting as well.

Oh wait, now she really is? Lolol. This is so sketchy. x'D ))
Juniper looked up at Cerah startled. "W w what guy?" she asked confused "don't don't kill anyone." she muttered confused. Her heart raced in her chest realized she wasn't able to pull away.

I followed Ava and during her exchange with Faye I smiled and nodded. Good, Faye mastered herself. I waved and said "Hello" to Ruineth before walking with Ava to her shed and entered, observing all of the lovely bows. "Wow..." I said to myself. "This is... amazing..." I was breathless as I observed the beautiful works of art. "These are beautiful." I walked up to one wall and gently took a longbow off the wall and lifted it as best I could with my left hand before I gasped in pain and had to release it, swiftly catching it before it fell to the floor with my right. "Sorry..." I muttered to Ava. "My arm... it's a bit broken." I explained, wondering if there was any point to a bow if I couldn't use it.
Ava's eyes expanded a little as Varexes almost dropped one of her bows right on the ground. She quickly headed over to him, taking the bow from his hands and observing it swiftly before placing it back on the wall.

"Thank you," she said softly at his compliment. "But your can you shoot like that? Maybe you should go to the healer's house down the street and get that fixed up," she suggested, eyeing his arm.

At that I just stood still for a moment, not registering what she said. I turned around and walked out of the shed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I took out the money Nova gave to me and quickly handed it to her, then walked away, placing my feet one in front of the other at a speed that was more like a jog without the hop to it. Idiot, idiot, idiot! I thought to myself, wanting to punch myself in the face.
Ruineth's face turned red with embarrassment. "Oh!" She exclaimed. "I'm sorry, everyone! I didn't see you! My mind was elsewhere." She said. When they walked away, Ruineth wasn't sure what to do. She just shrugged and pushed her way into the house, setting her things down next to the staircase. She plopped into a chair with a sigh, and took out Faye's jacket so she could continue working on it. Rune began humming a rune softly to herself, letting her mind go elsewhere again. Merith...I hope you're okay.
Ava stood there with the money in her hand, her periwinkle eyes growing a shade darker with sadness. She didn't understand what had just happened. After a moment of questioning the thought, she raced out after him.

"Varexes! Wait!" she said, stopping beside him. She gave him an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry! Did I say something?"

Ava ran up to me and I turned away. "It wasn't you. I knew I wasn't fit and I tried to pick up that bow and almost dropped it, ruining your hard work. I don't deserve one of your bows." Without my hood I felt vulnerable, confused, and like a part of me was missing. I needed to hide my face, to hide my eyes in shadows where I could observe and not be observed, so people couldn't see my emotions within my eyes. 
I needed my bow so I could defend myself. So I didn't hold anyone back. At that point right then, there was no other time previously where I had felt so worthless, useless, and vulnerable in my entire life. I was pathetic, and I didn't want anyone to see me like that. I did my best to hide from Ava, but I didn't run. It was like my feet weren't controlled by my mind anymore, like they had another agenda that was contrary to my wish to run away and never stop.
Ava placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled warmly at him. "Oh no, don't worry. You didn't break it--and even if you did it'd be okay. I have plenty of bows, anyway. Don't worry about it," she said with a small laugh to lighten the mood. "I was just saying you should go to the healer's house...since you're going to need that arm to defend yourself using your new bow."

I sighed and took a deep breath, then looked at Ava. Luckily no tears had fallen, but my eyes were watery. "I know. But I almost did, and the way you took it back made me realize how pathetic I am right now." Then I shook my head. "I can't go to the healer. I feel like I would be betraying Juniper if I did. She's the groups healer, and I told her I wouldn't ask her to heal my arm after I forced her to heal Faye... if I got healed by someone else, she'll think that I'm replacing her because she won't do it." This logic sounded both irrational and incredibly logical to my ears, but I knew what Ava would say.
(( Bahahah, this is what I do with my life, guyz. xD Photoshop myself as an elf. Lmfao. hahahah MY PHOTOSHOPPING SKILLS ARENT THE BESTTT, BUT IM STILL AN ELF SO WEEEE. xD

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be0178f32_Snapshot_201201171_1536501563co1py1.jpg.db92ac7c721b632bb41f7977cdb557e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4920" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be0178f32_Snapshot_201201171_1536501563co1py1.jpg.db92ac7c721b632bb41f7977cdb557e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

annnnd Idunno if Zeyro logged off, you can never tell since for some reason it never even shows up that he's online even though I follow him :l ))



  • Snapshot_201201171_1536501563 co1py1.jpg
    Snapshot_201201171_1536501563 co1py1.jpg
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The door to the top of the staircase slowly swung open as a groggy looking figure stepped out and descended the steps. He was a tall, thin elf with long black hair, light grey skin and a bit of a short, scruffy beard going along his jawline. His clothes were very plain, a mix of dark greys and blacks mixing together into a very monotone look that quite frankly matched his expression. His drooping eyelids covered most of his dark green eyes, his attention only barely focused on front of him as he made his way to the pantry. His borderline mechanical progress was stopped as his foot tapped something he didn't expect, making his head slowly point down towards the source of the disturbance which appeared to be someone's belongings. Looking up again and he realized that there was people in the house. People he didn't know. Taking it in for a few seconds to make sure he wasn't dreaming and realizing that reality felt far too heavy for him to be unconscious, he sighed before raising a monotone voice to call out, "Ava!"
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(Hahaha xD You're really pretty! The ears look nice, just slightly... plasticy. Some better blending or texturing would've made it perfect!)
Nami said:
(( Bahahah, this is what I do with my life, guyz. xD Photoshop myself as an elf. Lmfao. hahahah MY PHOTOSHOPPING SKILLS ARENT THE BESTTT, BUT IM STILL AN ELF SO WEEEE. xD
View attachment 20785

(Wow, you're pretty :) I mean I expected such, I just never had any proof. Also, Yesh...I got da majyks of stealth xD )

annnnd Idunno if Zeyro logged off, you can never tell since for some reason it never even shows up that he's online even though I follow him :l ))
(( Aw, thanks guyz<3 xD And yus, I couldnt get the ears the right color of my skin xDD //is too pale// I swear, I got a bit of a tan too. Yet, nobody notices x''D oh werl~

I wish I could be an elf. I love elves o -o))

Ava kept her hand on Varexes's shoulder, nodding slowly as he responded. She sighed a little, knowing he really needed to get that arm healed as soon as possible. However, she wasn't about to force him.

"I understand," she said softly, smiling kindly in return. "But please, don't feel bad about almost dropping my bow. It's fine, really." She moved her hand from his shoulder and loosely grabbed his wrist, pulling him to a stop. "I still want to give you one. So, come back and choose one, please," she begged with both her voice and eyes. 
(( @EkimAdonihs I kept forgetting to say this, but your avatar is so adorable (~x.x)~ ))

I let her pull me back, surprised she didn't try to reassure me that Juniper wouldn't think that. Part of me regretted that, but part of me was glad she didn't. I swear I have two personalities... I thought to myself as I went with her back to the shed. 
(I think you're stuck until Ceara says something to what you said)
(( Oh, that's awkward. Juniper's unconscious again, isnt she? xD Zeryooooooo~ halp Juniper x'D))
("Juniper looked up at Cerah startled. "W w what guy?" she asked confused "don't don't kill anyone." she muttered confused. Her heart raced in her chest realized she wasn't able to pull away."

This is what Juniper last did, and since then Ceara hasn't done anything.)
Ava held the door open for Varexes once again, following him inside. "Just in case, why don't you let me pick the bow up when you've decided the one you like?" she suggested, laughing a little. "Just in case."

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