The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"There ya go, kiddo," Orion said, pulling the stamp away from Birch's hand.

"Alright, I guess I'll take you all to my home first..and if Birch wants he can cook something. If he doesn't feel like it I could always run to the market," Ava said, tilting her head to the side. Strands of pink hair fell into her vision, so she quickly brushed them out of the way.

"Sounds like a plan!" Faye said in return, smiling cheerfully.

Ava returned the gesture before turning to Orion. "Thank you for the stamps, Orion," she said, an appreciative look among her face.

"Ah, it's no problem! New elves are always welcome!" he said, his rosy cheeks smiling along with his lips.

With that, Ava waved and made her way over to the door from the desk. She pushed it open and began heading out, beckoning for the rest of the group to tag along. Faye turned and waved gratefully at the pudgy bald man behind the desk one last time before following the Dihart elf.

As Faye was going to walk out the door, she stopped right in her tracks and turned back to Orion for a moment. "Orion?" she asked aloud.

The man looked up at her and replied, "Yes?"

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but out of curiosity...what type of elf are you? It's just..I've never been around so many different kinds of elves. It's interesting," she told him with a warm smile.

Orion laughed hardily as he began cleaning the desk with a wet rag. "Oi, you get used to it, except for that Cerah girl. Eh, well Ava says you do, but no one else ever does!" He shakes his head and rolls his emerald green eyes with a soft laugh. "Ah, but oh yes, I'm a Light Elf. I escaped Fayland many, many years ago and found myself settling here in Auchertown. Oi, I want nothing to do with that King Calaer. He's simply just imprisoning the elves of Fayland. I don't care if he says he's just trying to protect everyone--he's keeping everyone from seeing the world! Oh, and both Kings are simply ridiculous--this is all because they dislike the opposite species. How vulgar of them! I'm around all kinds of species day after day here and we all get along just fine!" The more Orion speaks, the angrier he seems to get. His bushy eyebrows are furrowed together as he mutters some more words beneath his breath. "Oi, sorry! I got a little carried away and went on a bit of a rant there. My apologies, ma'am."

Faye smiles with a chuckle, actually finding his rant entertaining. "Don't worry," she said with a shrug, "I feel the same way....and I want that to change...and I plan to change that." She looked at him for a moment longer, allowing the idea that she had to sink into his bald head.

After a few moments of him continuing to wash the desk with a rag, he nodded gradually and looked back to Faye. "Ah, good for you then. Just, ah, you and your elf friends--be careful. I you're off to Reddell, they don't play no games up there." The man raised a brow at Faye, giving her a stern look, but at the same time she could tell he had some faith in her.

Faye nodded gratefully, taking another step through the doorway. "We will, thank you." She then headed off after Ava and the others, not wanting to fall too behind.
Juniper shook her head "No that's creepy." she answered Varexes' not sure why his question had to be all secretive. "anyways after carrying me all day. I bet you would fall asleep after five minutes. And I'm the only one who can make a shield remember?"
(( Bahahahah. I just photoshopped myself with elf ears x'D

It's not that great though x'D ))

As Ava continued to walk down the dirt path, she pointed out some places briefly for the rest of the group. "That's the bank, that's the book store, that's the market..or the general store, and that's the healer's house. Hm..and that's about it. The carpentry elves here craft many weapons and sell them in front of their homes just like the tailors sell clothing. So, I have plenty of weapons crafted for sale. I have many bows ready at home as well, Var...exes?" she says, unsure of weather she said his name correctly. 
((Oh, and I updated the Fayland site. ^^))
Nami said:
(( Bahahahah. I just photoshopped myself with elf ears x'D
It's not that great though x'D ))

As Ava continued to walk down the dirt path, she pointed out some places briefly for the rest of the group. "That's the bank, that's the book store, that's the market..or the general store, and that's the healer's house. Hm..and that's about it. The carpentry elves here craft many weapons and sell them in front of their homes just like the tailors sell clothing. So, I have plenty of weapons crafted for sale. I have many bows ready at home as well, Var...exes?" she says, unsure of weather she said his name correctly. 
((Oh, and I updated the Fayland site. ^^))
(*cough* Blacksmiths *cough* Unless we're talking about LoZ or Minecraft where wood is used for tools of that nature)

Nova payed close attention to Avas words, he took note of almost every aspect of the village whether she mentioned it or not. 'You know, this wouldn;t be a bad place to stay' He thought. 'But on second thought if you take that girl into account, it might be pretty dangerous.' Nova caught up to Ava and asked "Is there an academy in this village?"

Slightly embarrassed I shrugged. "All right. Well, I'll go look for the things I need." I followed Ava and observed the area, looking out for the alleys and dark places, loose objects and various other things to map out a path. Landmarks were also good, such as signs and piles of objects. It was my way of feeling secure in this new place, figuring out the easiest and most unusual way to escape. Some of the roofs seemed low and flat... but that was if I could climb. I cursed in my head and turned to Ava when she said my name. I nodded. "Would you mind if I looked at your bows to see if I can find one that fits me?" I purposely said it like this because to me weapons were like clothes. Sometimes they fit, sometimes they didn't. Weight, size, texture, that all mattered when it came to picking a weapon.
Ruineth's eyes widened at the word tailors. Ooohhh. I wonder what sorts of clothing they make. "Um...Faye? I want to go check out the other tailors here and see what they've got. You would mind if I catch up later...?" She asked, with a hopeful glint in her eye. Her face was like that of a child's when asking if they could check out the candy store across the street.
(LoZ = Legend of Zelda...the first sword in the game is a wooden sword. In Minecraft the first tier of tools are made of wood, wood shovel, wood pickaxe...)
Ava turned to Nova and nodded gradually, "Oh, yes--well, not's more of a small school house for younger children. I don't think you'd be interested, aha." She smiles awkwardly since they didn't have too much to offer here. She then turned to Varexes with an excited grin, clearly happy that he wanted to take a look at the bows she crafted. "Yes, of course!" she told him.

Faye turned to Ruineth who was walking beside her as she asked if it'd be okay to take a look at the tailors in town. She smiled with a chuckle and nodded. "Yeah, sure! We'll probably be at Ava's place later. You could ask someone where her house is if you can't find it," she told her.
Nova understood her confusion. "I meant a school for mages. I have a lot to learn about magic, have anything like that?"
Birch stayed firmly glued to Faye's shadow as they went through the town, his expression still wide eyed with panic ready to burst forth as he waited for something terrible to happen. He didn't want to be so paranoid, he really did, but it wasn't something he could exactly control. Perhaps living as a shut in for ages and then going out into the big wide world wasn't the healthiest way to try and face your problems. None the less he at least managed to not do anything besides look like a scared little child and of course that imagery bled through even deeper when he finally get out from behind Faye only to slip by her side and hold tightly to her hand without a word, his eyes on the ground.
Ava turned back to Nova. "Well, no...but we have plenty of books at our local bookstore. And as Orion said earlier, there are a number of very skilled mages around here. Most don't leave their houses often and they don't really like socializing, but my roommate, Blake can teach you some things. He's a little rough around the edges, but he's nothing like Cerah. He's one of the most skilled mages in town and I'm sure he wouldn't mind sitting down to talk to you," Ava explained. After a moment she laughed a little to herself. "That's literally all he cares about, is his magic. He's always locked up in that room of his reading books."

I smiled back at her, glad that she was so excited over a potential customer. But then my face fell as I realized I had no money. "Ah... nevermind, actually. I just realized I don't have any money... I can't pay. I'm sorry, I didn't think about it." I said sadly as I stopped walking.
Faye looked at Birch, her expression softening as he kept his gaze focused on the ground as he held onto her hand suddenly. She noticed he wasn't looking the way he usually did, he looked a bit fearful of something. Maybe it was all the elves around them since he wasn't used to being around so many others.

"Hey," she said softly, "are you alright?" 
Ava waved her hand at Varexes's words. She then smiled kindly and said, "Oh, don't worry about it! I'll give you one for free. I wasn't planning on making you pay, since we're friends now."

At that my mood brightened immediately. "Really? I'd love that, but... doesn't it cost something to make it? Like, don't you have to buy your wood, or find it? And doesn't it take time to make..? Are you sure that's okay?" I asked. I wasn't trying to say no, I just felt guilty that I'd be taking something that took time and resources to make.
Ruineth nodded, and quickly made her way throughout the village. She passed by several homes with tailored clothing out front, but most of them were pretty standard. The tailor work was a little disappointing as well. Just when she was about to give up, Rune came across a home that was a little bigger than the others, and out front lay all kinds of beautiful gowns. For some reason all the elves passed by the works without as much of a glance. Why would they simply ignore such fine work? Ruineth zipped over, immediately observing the stitches and fabrics. She saw an old woman standing straight and tall. Her hands were folded neatly in front of her. Her white hair was pulled up in a strict bun,and she was clothed in a fine green dress. No doubt one of her best pieces. Ruineth walked over to her, a smile planted firmly on her face. "Ma'am, if I may say, you have a wonderful selection here! The stitch work, the fabrics! How did you get the colors to be so vibrant?" She would have continued asking questions, had it not been for the old woman's immediate sneer the second she laid eyes on her. "Oh my! Where ever did you come from? I'm surprised you're able to speak so cleanly! Look at you! What are you wearing? Do you ever bathe? Good heavens, your hair is such a mess! Get away! Shoo, keep away from my artwork!" The old woman ordered. The croon was stingier than Ruineth! Rune backed away, feeling as if she'd been slapped. She quickly got as far as she could from the home. Now I see why no one bothers. She thought to herself as she sat under a tree off the side of the street.
Nova took some coins out of his pocket and tossed them to Var. "All I got. I haven't used money in years, so it's probably filthy by now. But I always kept what I had in case I got back to some civilization." He then distanced himself from Var as much as possible without being obvious about it. Nova then inched closer to Ava and whispered "Before you give him anything let me take it to Blake, and have him enchant it with my magic. I owe him one."

I looked at Nova confused. "Why are you giving me money? You don't have to. I'll find a way to pay for it myself, or work it off." I told him, handing him the money back. "Why are you giving me money in the first place? Last I checked, you were pissed at me." I was genuinely confused, and when he whispered to Ava I got worried. He's setting me up for something... I told myself.
"In case you haven't noticed: I live alone in the woods and I will never be allowed to return to Fayland, I don't need anything I can't make on my own and I have magic as a weapon which you do not, and we are heading toward the city of Dark Elves so this will probably be the last time any of us will be alive to spend money. clearly I do not have any use for it." Nova paused giving him a blank stare. "I can be pissed and still do the right thing."

I realized his logic and frowned, furrowing my brow. It made sense what Nova was saying, but it still didn't seem quite right. "If you plan on training in magic, you never know what sort of payment your mentors may require. Even if this money is grimy, it's still money, and you could use it to buy books and various other instruments required for your practice." It was a solid counter argument, at least to me.
Ava shook her head fast. "No, don't feel bad! It's my gift to you! After all, you guys are going to be heading back out into these dangerous woods tomorrow. You'll need it. I have plenty of bows crafted, one gone isn't going to hurt me any," she told him, clasping her hands together behind her back with a bright smile.

Finally, the group arrived in a large area full of what seemed like tree houses. They'd passed a number of stone houses earlier, so it was a bit of a change suddenly. Despite the switch, all the homes looked wonderful and cozy. It was getting dark, so all the lights inside were turned on, causing the windows to light up. There were thin strands of lights going back and fourth through the tree tops as some sort of decorations.

"Wow!" Faye exclaimed, unable to hold back. "This is amazing! I never saw anything like this back in Fayland..."

Ava chuckled, heading over to a stone path that lead to a wooden walkway. The walkway trailed up to a comfortable sized house settled among the trees. "Since we're in the middle of a forest and it's getting harder to find stones these days, we've been building more houses in the trees. I like my house here, anyway. Plus, out here we all love to decorate." She smiles, walking along the wooden walkway up to the house. "This is my home, everyone."

As Ava approached the door, she turned hearing Varexes and Nova in an argument again. Faye sighed, crossing her arms. Why can't they just get along? she wondered to herself, shaking her head with a small chuckle. Ava's expression seemed to be very concerned all of a sudden, a bit frightened as well.

"Uhm," Faye stammered, stepping in between Nova and Varexes. "Guys, I think you're worrying her," she said quietly through a false grin.

"Did you say you're headed to..Reddell?" Ava asked dumbfounded. She kept her periwinkle eyes focused on the three of them, the color looking a shade darker.

I turned to Ava, shrugging and pocketing Nova's money. If he wanted it back, he could have it. "I'm following Faye." I said simply. "And thank you for the bow."
((Oh and the house looks like this but a bit bigger:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be00c5377_WonderfulTreehouse..!!!Wouldyouliketostay...jpg.8083e8f7b95151ded4ed0f553e3ac8ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4893" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be00c5377_WonderfulTreehouse..!!!Wouldyouliketostay...jpg.8083e8f7b95151ded4ed0f553e3ac8ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Wonderful Tree house..!!! Would you like to stay...jpg
    Wonderful Tree house..!!! Would you like to stay...jpg
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Nova gave Var the same blank stare again. "I have the alchemy book to barter with. Look, just shut up and take my money." (When do you ever get to use that reference? Now! xD ) Nova handed the money to Var, and then attempted to change the subject. "Yes, we're apparently headed to Reddell against all logical reason. I would object but such a death really would improve my quality of existence; as far as I can tell" For once, Nova wasn't sure he meant that.

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