The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Hey, idk if I'll be posting anymore tonight. I hurt my hip really badly walking to walgreens earlier when my friend rolleda rock down a hill and it slammed into it, and it hurts to walk and just sitting the wrong way hurts. I'll try to but... we'll see.)


I sniffed the air and my mouth watered, stomach growling loudly. "Mind if I have two plates, one for me and one for Juni?" I asked Birch, staring at the food. It smelled amazing, and while I could cook a deer to a point where it wouldn't kill me, it was travel fare for sustenance.
(( Aw, I'm sorry! :u I hope you feel better soon~ and that's okai :o )) 
(( Well, in the time that no one's posting I just want to say: This may just be my favorite cover of a song ever. I'm addicted *-*


(( I don't think they're currently online xD

And I'm literally just replaying this song and doing nothing. Well, I'm working on a movie thing but other than that I'm doing nothing x'D And I'm not tired. T^T ))
(Do you ever get a bad case of writers block lol. Unless something is happening, I have a hard time thinking of stuff for my character to do or say)
(( Sometimes I do xD But not really when roleplaying, that's more just when I'm writing my book. Like I haven't written a chapter in a few weeks now 'cause I'm at one of those wtf do I write to fill in space chapters xDD ))
(Anyone still on? Imma back from my magical world.) 
Juniper rolled back onto her back so her face wasn't pressed against Varexes' knee. "My head still hurts" she stated trying not to make it sound like a complaint. She would never aknoweldge it, but it felt nice the way he brushed his hand through her hair. It gave her something to focus on, rather then the pain.
(I am. Just watching anime and talking to peepz xD and dealing with pain ;- ;)


I nodded. "Do you want something to eat? It might help." When she rolled I let her, then when she was still I brushed her hair more. She wasn't objecting to it, so I figured it was okay. Besides, it felt nice to run my fingers through something soft.
"Food sounds good" Juniper agrees although she was reluctant to let him stand up. She didn't want to put her head back on the ground. It was strange how familiar it felt. She remembered Caricon petting her head in a similar way when she had a bad headache. She still wondered where he had gone off too. She hadn't thought he would leave her, he must have been so angry. She decided not to ponder it too much and returned her thoughts back to the present.

I nodded. "I'll be right back then." I slid out from under her and stood up, walked over to the fire and got two plates of food from Birch. "Thanks man." I said with a grin. "Smells great." I walked back over to Juniper and put the two plates beside her and helped her sit up, then handed her a plate. Sitting next to her, I began to awkwardly eat with one hand. "This tastes amazing!" I said.
Juniper held her plate in her lap slowly eating a few bites of her food. She wished she had something to lean against realizing how much energy it took just to sit up right. Being the only one with holy art sucked. She lifted her head from her plate to look at Varexes. She hadn't even been paying attention to the taste until he mentioned it. It did taste pretty good, especially for being on a a journey like this.
Seeing that everyone was beginning to eat, she figured it was okay to finally help herself. Besides, with that wonderful aroma in the air she couldn't wait any longer. Faye leaned forward and picked up a plate, beaming as her eyes landed on the food. Sure, it was extremely nice to be having something so delicious at such a time, but even if they were sitting back home in Fayland she would've been just as happy to eat this.

Before resorting back to her spot on the ground she turned to Birch. "Thanks for breakfast," she said merrily, planting a kiss on his cheek quickly with appreciation.

Ever sense earlier that day she felt much closer to Birch due to the events that had occurred between the two of them. Then again, she had really just been bottling up her feelings for him because she didn't know if he felt the same. Although, she was glad to know he did.

As I was eating I snuck a glance or three at Juniper. She seemed quite exhausted and like she was having a hard time. "Do you want something to lean against?" I asked. "You look like you're barely staying upright." I swallowed another bite of food.
Birch blankly deflected almost every compliment going his way, paying more attention to getting food onto plates and cleaning off what wasn't being used anymore though his face gave way as Faye kissed him on the cheek and he suddenly looked very meek. Of course this was all still new to him, the relationship, and her so casually showing him affection in front of the others felt odd. It wasn't as if he wanted to keep it a secret or anything but he felt like it drew attention and he wasn't sure how to feel about that. Finally giving himself a small plate of food, he dug in slowly and carefully, scooting closer to Faye as he does so and enjoying the sound of everyone else chatting it up.

I smiled and I moved next to her, touching her hip with mine. "Lean against me for now. We can find something else later if you want." I said, leaving it open ended. Honestly I wanted to get to know her better and I wanted to help her, especially to make up for how I treated her the night before. My tone portrayed this, but also that if she truly wanted she could tell me to screw off and I would.
Juniper was a bit surprised when he sat next to her. She slowly leaned back against him. He seemed to be trying to stay close enough to touch her, but she wasn't sure why. Her surprise turned into confusion not sure what to make of the gesture. She had thought he would help her to move to another spot, so she could lean against a tree or something. She looked down at her plate taking another bite silently.

When she leaned against me I breathed a sigh of relief and took a bite. Obviously she was willing to humor me, at least for now. It was a start at least. "Hey, Juniper... I wanted to apologize for last night. I know I said it earlier, but... I was a real jerk. Please know that I'm not going to act like that again... I lost control." I said it slowly, picking each word carefully in an attempt to avoid pissing her off. "And know that if I ever bother you... feel free to tell me to go away." I said this to everyone, since it meant that if I were to ever annoy them they could tell me to go away and I would. Just like how Faye had told me to screw off earlier when I was questioning Birch and I did.
Juniper finished eating and looked at her hands looking around for somewhere to clean them off. "Whatever, it was last night. It's not like anyone died. Anyway i'm sure i'll find a way to get you back." she shrugged off the comment and wiped her hands off on his pants. "There, now we are even."

I stopped for a moment and stared, then I laughed loudly. "That sure is one way!" I exclaimed, laughing some more. I finished my food and followed Juniper's example. "One moment." I said, standing up and taking our plates back to Birch, who was cuddling with Faye. Obviously something had happened between those two while we were at the ruins, but hey, as long as they were happy. "Thanks for breakfast Birch." I said sincerely, placing them next to the fire and returning to my place by Juniper. "So where exactly did you learn the Healing Arts?" I asked Juniper when I sat next to her again.
Juniper watched Varexes stand up and then return a bit later. She thought over the question. She had been asked that question a few times by various people over the trip. She thought he had herd her tell Nova, but he must not have been paying attention. It wasn't that she minded repeating herself, it just always seemed to lead to more private questions. "My parents taught me" she finally admits. She wasn't sure why the topic was so popular anyways.

Her answer was both close and open-ended. It was open because it opened the way to a lot more questions, but close because it was such a general answer that it appeared she didn't want to open up. That was fine with me. I just shrugged inwardly and sat there. "Sorry to pry, I'm a curious person."
After about several minutes passed, Faye put down her empty plate of food and rested her head against Birch's shoulder momentarily. It felt as if there was now an anchor in her stomach. She must've eaten too fast or too much--or both. Either way, it was worth it because damn that was good.

"Ugh," she grumbled, closing her eyes shut for a second before reopening them, "I'm most definitely full." She then lifted her head back up and smiled thankfully at him. "But that was really good, thank you." Faye knew she'd already thanked him earlier, but it was worth another one. She wondered if he knew how well he could cook..she wondered if he liked cooking as well.

Faye turned her head, seeing Varexes and Juniper engaged in conversation now. They seemed to be getting along well and she was grateful for that, especially after the incident last night. Even if her ears had been ringing and her vision was fuzzy, she knew they'd fought. The last thing she wanted was for them to hate each other over something she ended up causing. However, she didn't want any of the elves to hate one another in general. To Faye they were all big happy family...well except for her and Birch 'cause that'd be totally incest. xD

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