The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Pandora pushed herself up and dusted off her clothes. "No, it's alright." Pandora straightened her legs and began properly walking. "They're just numb from all the walking." Pandora tossed aside the question given my Faye and Var, not wanting to tell anyone why she was out here in the first place. "Besides, it isn't as interesting as Nova's." Pandora shrugged and undid her two high pigtails, letting her hair fall down. Humming a light tune while she walked along with the group, Pandora quickly tied her hair back up, not wanting it to get in her way.
(Is Val still carrying Juniper? I'm still totally confused at what is happening? Has anytime passed, I assumed not since we are still at the ruins...) 
<--- (Hee hee, I found a decent picture of Pig Pen)
((Oh, I didn't realize people had responded xD

Yes, we're all still at the ruins. OH, and an idea has been proposed by Zeyro which I thought was kind of interesting. Due to the fact that our group of elves is getting rather large, maybe we should create a second group of elves. In other words, the new roleplayers that join will end up making their own group of elves and we can have a few existing roleplayers create a 'doomed character' meaning this character will be a part of the second group of elves, but will die eventually and the two groups will merge together one day. I thought it was kind of an interesting idea. Thoughts?))
((Sounds good. Maybe Pandora can be the doomed character since I was thinking of creating a new one anyway.... :D ))
Faye's eyes widened at Nova's explanation to why he was here, her arm still carelessly around Varexes's shoulders. That's one harsh way of leaving, she thought to herself with sorrow, having no one to accept you, leading to running away.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Faye finally said to Nova, her grey eyes softened on his. After a moment had passed though, her eyes lit up like a light bulb and a cheery smile appeared on her face. "Well, at least you're here with all of us! We're really happy that you did, too--you're a wonderful elf!" she told him merrily. In her mind, she decided it was a sign for Nova that he had come across their group. It was a sign that everything happened back in Fayland for a reason, so that he could be with them..elves who would accept him.
Flingzombies said:
(We need another RP thread so we can relieve traffic from this RP. Two different RPs on me thread is a bit too much.)
(My thoughts exactly, and by 'die eventually' I mean as soon as the second group gets 4 new players or so, plus Nami I assume, considering she practically keeps this one alive :P )
((Wait there's going to be 2 different rps? Never mind. I'm not going to ask. :3))


Pandora patted Nova's back and brought him in for a cheerful hug. "Yeah, Nova~ We wuv yuuu!" Pandora chuckled as she messed up his hair and let go of him.
(Wait if there is going to be another group can Caricon stubble upon them we just ignore the whole dieting thing?)
(Coordinate the skills before making characters, because I remember everyone stating they wanted to make a holy art elf. I do not want to end up with everyone taking Juniper's skill. <.< Thank you very much.)
(I was suggesting two different groups at tge same point in time; though I think it would be neat if the second group had a different objective)

"Hahaha, alright" Nova said, cracking a slight smile. "So, shall we get going?"
((My brain is going crazy. I don't know if we'd want a second thread. I the two groups eventually come across one another wouldn't it be better if it was all in one thread? Or maybe not. If so, I'm assuming I'll be having a character in the second group as a doomed character? So I'll have two Fayland threads? Hahahah, I'm a bit lost. Who are our newbies that haven't found our group yet? Flingzombies and VampiricPotato haven't exactly met the group yet so I'm assuming they'd be part of Group 2. You guys discuss what you wanna do and I'll go along with it xD Just lemme know exactly what's going on xD My apologies for being slow minded xDD)) 
((I like the thought of 2 groups though the more I think about it. It'd be quite a coincidence that all elves stumble upon Group 1 hahaha.))
((Yeah, me neither really. xD )) 
(( oh and Little*Dreamer I made it so newcomers can only pick from talents that have one or no elves with the current talent. There's already two healers so for now no one else can have that talent.))
Pandora grinned and nodded at Nova's suggestion. "We're losing daylight here, people!" Pandora pointed onwards and began to march forward, only to trip over a rock and fall into a puddle of mud.
((Just keep roleplaying normally, newcomers do as you wish xD You can join us or start your own group here! ^^ But I was thinking, if anyone wants to stray from the group go ahead! Take someone with you if you wish xD Then later you can find the group again. So instead, we can have little lost groups from the big group for a little bit. That way it'd still be a one thread roleplay. Kinda like when the group was split into three before, until Faye, Birch, Varexes and them came back to find them at the ruins.))
(Just assume all groups follow the same path, and any group behind them can catch up when they wish.)

Nova looked over at both Pandora and Faye. "You guys want to head out with the wolf and Var?"
Before she could even begin walking, Faye couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight of Pandora tripping into a puddle. It was quite humorous, but she bit her lip as she tried to hold in any more laughter.

She bent down beside Pandora and asked, "You alright?" She then reached her hand out to the girl as a gesture to help her up.
Pandora nodded, wiping the mud off her face. Taking Faye's hand, Pandora quickly retreated her own muddy hand, not wanting to get Faye dirty. "I'm okay. I'm just clumsy." Pandora hit her head lightly, sticking out her tongue a bit. Getting up, Pandora frowned at her muddy clothing. "I'm going to take a bath at the next water source we come to." Pandora made a mental note to do so since she hadn't taken one ever since she left Fayland. Mud baths do not count.
Faye smiled at Pandora with a chuckle. Looks like they were both on the same page, here. She was hoping to come across a water source as well, feeling disgusting at the current moment.

"I'm with you on that," Faye said as she stood back up. "Let's get a move on and pray we come across some kind of lake or something."

With that, Faye hiked her belt up a bit as her quiver seemed to be dragging it down. She quickly fastened the buckle a bit before pulling her bow off her back and walking out of the ruins. It was time to head off...again. Although this time she kept at a slower pace for those behind her.
Nova took the lack of response as a yes. He set out a few steps ahead of the group and waited by the edge of the ruins. 'Time to get moving...'
Pandora stood up, trying to wipe the mud off her skin. "Uck. This is gross." The healer followed behind Faye, still trying to remove the mud. Finally giving up after a few minutes, Pandora tried to start a conversation. "So....How is everyone today?"

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