The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Valindil walked closer and said,"We'll everyone went out to stock up on supplies for the venture tomorrow. "I went out to get myself a weapon" said Valandil as he patted the sheath at his side.
Juniper looks at the sheath then up at Valindil. "I'm no good at fighting." she admits "Faye said I would be held because of my holy art skills, but i'm not so sure."
"We'll I'm not so good with a sword myself. I mainly practice martial arts, but I figured that I might need some sort of a weapon at my side. Ultimately the group seems pretty well balanced with its assortment of archers,swordfighters,and shapeshifters. We should have enough support.
Juniper nods "I guess that's true" she agrees and looks down moving some dirt around with her foot. "I'm sort of nervous about tomorrow. Especially the not knowing part."
"Well, that's normal though, not knowing what's out there then venturing into the unknown. I have nothing to lose really and I kinda want to know what's out there. The beasts,the wilderness, even the Dark Elves. There is so much to see then little Belford."
Juniper smiles "Yeah, I get that. What I wonder is how stories can be told about a place no one has been too." she adds. She thought about all the bedtime stories she was told about the Dark Elves who would snatch the little elves who didn't eat their vegetables. It was rather silly now.
(Alright well I gonna go to sleep now but I'll be on tomorrow. Good night)

"Alright said Valandil. I'll be on my way home now. See you tomorrow.
((Hey guys I think I am going to pull out of this roleplay I have gotten to far behind in it and RL just got to busy for me. Sorry, hopefully I can catch the next one.))
Gypsy said:
((Hey guys I think I am going to pull out of this roleplay I have gotten to far behind in it and RL just got to busy for me. Sorry, hopefully I can catch the next one.))
(( Really? :( I'm gonna miss having you here! Sorry we move so quickly!)
MandaMae338 said:
(( Really? :( I'm gonna miss having you here! Sorry we move so quickly!)
((Sorry, If someone can catch me up on what's going on I can try to be a little more active, but I can't guarantee it.))
(Darian said that we could use the Kings stores to get supplies for the trip. After he left some of us went to buy weapons and food. Now we are waiting to leave the village. My brother Axel joined us and Vex found a storage of food. You can still join in by meeting us at when we regroup. Or any other way you want to.)
The first sound Valandil heard when he woke up was the birds outside. He then realized today was the day. He got up and started putting his gear on. After going into the room next to his and waking Axel up, he went back to his room and pulled out two things from his bed. The first was his katana, which he had tried practicing with last night to no avail. The second was his fathers combat gloves. Valandil did not know much about him, and Axel knew even less, but these were the only things he had to remember him by. He then walked outside and waited for Axel.
Axel woke hearing someone saying"Come on, time to get up." He walked out of the room. Axel then woke up,put his clothes on, and walked out into the hallway thinking about the day ahead of him.
((Hey I just realized some irony, I'm going (I think) to break into the Court supplies with Darian, and him and Selina are the only two who have Dark Elf in them. Anyway, Lysander Priest we should probabally write that pretty soon before we have to converge at the normal story line again, ha. And FroggieJay That's Selina's job alright! :D ))
Roslyn gets up from her bed, greeting the morning sun. The house was quiet except for the sound of Kayden scurring about the kitchen. Her father and youngest brother had already rose before the sun to go out on a fishing expedition. She gets dressed and pulles her long auburn hair back into a pony-tail. She then painted her face once again with with a green tribal design. The paint started out as a type of camaflouge when she was out hunting, but it now became a signature for her. She attaches her bow and quivered to a harness on her back and walks out to the kitchen. Kayden greets her warmly "Hey little sister, want some breakfast?". Roslyn smiles trying to hold back the tears forming in her eyes. Kayden was the only one from her family who had ever been remotly nice to her, and she knew this could be the last time she ever saw him. "No thank you brother, I have to head out early this morning. I spotted a heard of deer moving through the fields last night and they are calling my name.". She then turns away and wipes a tear off of her cheek before heading out the door and down to their meeting spot behind the general store.
(I don't know if anyone else is still on right now lol, Me and my brother got our characters up. As for the main story I think we're waiting for Lysander to log back on.
As Valandil was walking he thought about getting Axel a weapon. But then decided that he might wait until Darian got back with supplies. His brother wanted armor and that was something Valandil could not really afford after buying his Katana. They then rounded the corner to the general store and sat down. He then took out his weapon eyeing it carefully.
Roslyn looked over as someone else arrived. She remember seeing him the night before, but didn't get a chance to talk to him at all. She nods her head in greeting "Hello" she states with a slight smile.

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