The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"Be sure to tell Darian when he gets here." He then turned to Faye and said "I was thinking about this and was wondering if we should scope out the best place to leave the village depending on guards and villagers.
((We've gotta wait for Darian before we can execute the plan))

Vex finally managed to drag himself out of bed, got dressed, and left for the general store, where he found the rest of the gang.

"C'mon, guys, let's leave before everyone else wakes up and foils our plan."
Faye looked to Vex and shrugged with a short sigh. "Not everyone's here..and most importantly, Darian needs to arrive with all of the supplies he promised.."

Faye settled down on a log beside the fire pit, which no longer had a fire going. She rolled her neck, ready to wait for Darian. She wasn't sure how long it would take him, but she believed he wouldn't bail on them.
((I have to give my daughter a bath and get her ready for bed, but I should be back in about half an hour-ish))
(Ahahahah, we can roleplay still while we wait xD I'm so bored lmao..and hungry..owo)
Birch hadn't slept the night before. Not since the note had arrived at any rate. It stirred too many thoughts, made him ask too many questions for him to be able to calm down and get any rest. With dark bags under each of his eyes, he wandered through Fayland as he tried to think clearly with few results. Of course the first thing that had gone through his mind was that it was just some kind of add to try and get the town together but when he looked outside that night, Fayland was as sleepy and simple as ever and it would be quite easy to notice a crowd behind the general store if it was big enough. Not that he would have known. He didn't go. Too many worries and doubts flooded his mind, some outrageous even to him and others that just sat there and stood him in the eye. He would have liked to go out and talk to people under the stars like any other kid. But he didn't. The thought alone made his heart sink lower into his stomach, a process that had been happening more and more since the note's arrival.

Trying to tear his thoughts away from the note, he tried to focus on the town. It was still fairly early so people weren't exactly bustling around just yet but there was an odd person or two on the street, chatting away happily and paying little mind to Birch, much to his relief. Unfortunately he didn't get to appreciate this for long as his mind got wrenched back by the sight of something: the general store just a few shops down. He was an odd sight, standing there and just staring blankly at it for a good minute before he began walking towards it but once he got near the front door, he took an abrupt turn into the space between it and it's neighbor. He was curious as to what had gone on the night before so maybe the bonfire pit would have some answers. Trying to deduce what sort of gathering it must have been, he ends up distracting himself so much that he's only a few yards away from the spot when he stops in place as his eyes go wide. There were people there still, young elves his age, a few of them right in his sights and a few in his blind spot. Being far too shocked and unfamiliar with talking to this many people, he just stands there looking like a deer in the headlights.
The quiet pleasantries where interrupted when someone else entered the camp. Figuring it would be Darian and the others, Roslyn turned with a smile, only to find a stranger standing in the midst. She gives him a puzzled look before cautiously reaching for her bow.
Vex glanced over at the elf stranger that had just arrived. Well, he wasn't EXACTLY a stranger. Vex recognized him as the son of that one master chef that lived in the town. Vex sometimes went to get food from the guy when he returned from his missions as a protector.

"Howdy, stranger."
Axel's question cued Faye to look up, causing her deep brown eyes to land on a tan boy with auburn hair and big golden eyes. He looked a bit startled, standing in the pathway completely still and confused.

Faye glanced to Roslyn, who had just reached for her bow at the sight of the mysterious boy.

Faye slowly and carefully stood up from the log and began to head over to the boy, giving Roslyn an it's okay, he's harmless look as she passes. Once Faye is standing in front of the boy she carefully asks, "Is your name..Birch?"

The boy looked familiar, and she really didn't know where it was that she had heard that name before. Though somewhere in her mind, she believed that was this boy's name. She wasn't quite sure..and she was about to feel really awkward and dumb if that wasn't his name.
(I'm online, how dare my mother make me go out and do stuff..<-- Dreamer said with sarcasm. Did I miss a lot? Did you leave without me?)
(Hey Dreamer! Hahah, nope xD It's the next morning and everyone's returned to behind the general store. Everyone has gathered supplies and food and they're just waiting for Darian to return with everything he promised to return with, then they'll leave soon.)
A thousand different thoughts go through his head at once as he looks just stares at the group of strangers. What breaks him out of his funk is seeing one of them going carefully for their bow. He takes a step back, his mind telling him to just run for it before one of them silently calls them off. He watches her carefully, trying to keep her in his lacking vision at all time though it's not until she walks up and speaks to him that the impact of her really hits him. She looked vaguely familiar, not quite the same as the foggy memories but something undoubtedly there. When she asks him about his name, he's momentarily quiet as if he needs to think over the answer before he gives a small nod to her. "Faye." He says the name, more to echo his thoughts than to introduce her. It had been a long time ago, lifetimes in his mind, but it was there. Foggy, but there. She'd been his friend when they were children, one of the other children he'd spent time with. Looking past her for a moment at the gathered group, he paid less attention to their forms and more to their faces. Not all of them were familiar but he couldn't help feeling some of them he'd seen before and knew. Realizing that he'd hardly said a thing and had been ignoring the girl for the most part due to his wandering mind, he looks quite flustered as he looks back to her and tries to speak. "Y-yeah. I'm Birch," he says quietly, his eyes darting around as he tries to read her face.
"You know my name, too?" she wonders, tilting her head to the side. Some strands of blonde hair fall against her face as she smiles warmly at Birch. "You look so..familiar..I just don't remember where from.."

Her cheeks turn pink with embarrassment as she realizes how rude that might've sounded. "I'm sorry!" she blurts, rushing to apologize. "Ah, nice to meet you," she says quickly, holding her hand out to him for a proper greeting. "I mean, even though we may have already met.."

Where in the world have I seen this boy? Faye wonders to herself, looking in the boy's pretty golden eyes. She notices that one of them is a slight darker shade than the other.

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