The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper woke up blinking at the morning light. She sat up quickly realizing what today meant. They were leaving, no she was leaving. She couldn't back out now. She felt better after having a rest, but she still hoped she wouldn't have to use her holy arts any time soon. Climbing out of bed, she picks up her satchel that she had packed the night before with some water and food and a few other things that might be useful. It took her a while to come up with some excuse to get out of the house.

Arriving back behind the general store where they had all met and made the plans the night before, she looked around at the familiar faces. She wasn't sure if she was late, but she was glad they hadn't left without her.
As Faye silently lets her know that this stranger is know threat, Roslyn releases her grasp from her bow, but she keeps her eyes on the stranger. Faye seemed to know him, or at least know of him, so Roslyn becomes a little less guarded. She walks over to Axel and whispers to him "Do you know him? I didn't see him here last night.".
(Ok now I'm on for the night, also love how when everyone got back on they started with their characters waking up)
(Welcome back, Athral ^^ Hahaha, I know right? xD I think you started that little trend~ lol)
Birch remains perfectly quiet as the girl speaks, his mind focusing more on recognizing her than listening to her. She was Faye, that much was obvious from her reaction, but he quickly began to wonder how he figured that out. Between much has changed and how he doesn't think much of the past, he was surprised he recognized her - or anyone else from then - at all. He blinks rapidly as he's pulled back into reality by her holding out her hand to him. He looks slightly confused before his brain catches up and repeats what she says before he simply mutters, "Oh." He accepts her hand and only for a moment, giving it a gentle squeeze at best before letting go. "We've met," he assures her quietly, his voice probably not traveling much further than her ears with the way he spoke. "But... it was a long time ago."
Roslyn continues to stares at Faye and the stranger. "I wonder where he came from.". The question was more to herself, though she speaks it out loud. The strange boy didn't seem to know what was going on. He seemed almost scared.
Faye nods gradually at Birch, trying to make more sense of the words he's just said to her. She shoves her hands into the pockets of the gray hoodie her mother had given to her this morning.

She laughs with a hopeless shrug. "I honestly can't remember...then again, my memory is pretty bad, aha. But--I bet we were great friends," she jokes. Faye winks at him playfully before chuckling. Although it was more of a jest, something deep in the back of her mind tells her that they had been friends. She wasn't usually this comfortable around strangers so quickly.

Faye grabs his wrist and pulls him over to the rest of the group. "Everyone, this is Birch," she says with a bright smile. "I think he..cooks..stuff?" she says, but more as a question as she raises her eyebrows at Birch.
Unlike the others, Roslyn did not introduce herself. She simply nodded and stood back, keeping a cautious eye.
Ivy watches everyone greet this new boy. 'He's kinda cute..' she thinks, 'It looks like Faye is...flirting with him? Nice.' Ivy thinks. She chuckles a little. She sees Faye wink at him. She laughs a little more. She steps out of the forest and walks up behind the boy. She taps on his shoulder. "Hey there, I'm Ivy." she smiles brightly, extending her arm at the boy.
((Did everyone disappear again? The one night I get the baby to bed early and the forum is dead xD ))
(I'm alive! xD I think we're mostly waiting for posts from warlock and lysander...lysander fell off the face of the earth today, though so xD )
Juniper sits down on the log. She listened to the conversations going around. She didn't think she had much to contribute to any of them, so she just sat and listened.
Birch isn't such exactly how to act in this conversation. He feels very self aware once she realizes that Faye is putting so much energy into how she talks and acts while he's been monotone at best, the only obvious emotion he displays at times being nervousness. Normally he would brood a little on this but that option is swiftly taken out from under him by the girl as she unexpectedly pulls him towards the rest of the group. That in it's own fixes the problem: he can now add flustered to the list. He looks around, only briefly glancing at the group as they make introductions. As he's nailed with a hail of greetings, he accepts the handshake from a boy named Valandil, keeping it short and light as with Faye. He almost feels like this situation -isn't- the most uncomfortable thing in the world when he gets a tap on the shoulder and a nasty shock to go with it. He wasn't much of a fan for physical contact with strangers and this one came out of the blue. He turns around to look at the source, his expression slightly strained until he spotted the person. As with Faye, there was a bizzare resemblance pulled out from the deepest part of his mind and before she can even introduce herself he knows her name. It's hard to forget someone with hair like that. "Hi," is all he mutters as he accepts her handshake for a brief moment before he decides to finally get to Faye's question. "I'm a... apprentice cook," he says to no one in particular.
Valandil turned to Ivy and said "You said your harp could play a song that would put the guards to sleep. Does the song effect all who hear it? Or could a guard who is far away faintly hear it and still not be affected?
"A cook?!" Roslyn sudden bursts out. "Yeah that will be...helpful". She rolls her eyes before leaning against a nearby tree and crossing her arms. She was growing impatient. Soon the town would be bustling and it would be harder for them to make there escape.
"Ah," Faye stammers as Roslyn carelessly has an outburst over Birch's talent. She glances at Birch for a moment, unaware of whether he's even going to be coming along with them on their journey. "No, of course he's coming," she accidentally says aloud, still looking at Birch. "Er, we're planning on going somewhere..and it'd be nice if you'd join us..." Faye says quietly, trying to cover for her mistake.

To be honest, she wasn't quite sure herself how Birch's talent would come in handy on their trip, but she figured he'd be of help one way or another. Maybe he knew how to hunt, too? Or not....but he could learn?
Axel then said " Yea that would be nice for you to join us we do need a person to cook the food we hunt ".

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