The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye looks to Roslyn and says, "I was considering teaching him as well, but I thought about it and I'm not sure if archery is something that can be taught really well in one day. Though, I guess we could try..unless he's interested in another talent."

She shrugs, not sure if it's worth it, but willing to have faith.
Birch can't hide his surprise when she insists that they'd want him along though wanted to retort that she hadn't really given a reason other than his cooking skill. As he tried to think of a more polite response, he was interrupted by one of the older girls, the one who had gone for her bow before, whom insisted on trying to teach him archery. For the hundredth time in so many days, his heart fell. "I can't," he says quietly, his head bowing just a bit causing his bangs to cover his eyes the best they could. "I'm... blind in one eye. My depth perception is off. And I'm not sure how long my body could keep up practicing even if I tried." He says all of this so simply that you'd think it was casual for him were it not for his voice barely being a whisper the entire time.
Axel then says "Maybe I can teach you how to use a sword your eye sight doesn't have to be as good".
Faye looks at Birch sympathetically and apologizes, "'m sorry.." She shakes her head, feeling that he probably doesn't want elves constantly pitying him anymore.

"Don't worry," she reassures him, "you have all of us to protect you if you're ever in danger."

She places her hands on her hips with pride, knowing that with everyone's skill combined, this would be a great experience for Birch. It seemed to Faye that Birch looked a bit lonely and hopeless, but she was ready to change those aspects of him.

"I want you to come with us," she tells him, her eyes lighting up.
Axel then turns to Roslyn and says "I'll go I kinda getting bored of sitting on a log all day".
Roslyn nods to Axel "Fine, just follow me and stay hidden. We don't want to get caught before we have even left." She then proceeds to leave the camp, keeping to the surrounding woods.
Birch looks genuinely surprised by Faye's reaction, tilting his head up to look at her with a very hard to read expression as he tries to figure out if she's telling the truth. Of course he feels a big hole being punched in his stomach as Axel brings up sword play. He didn't want to say anything on the matter, knowing that him revealing more about his poor state of health would only ensure that everyone would pity him more though Roslyn chips in with something of a double edged sword. Despite being what he hoped was a joke, commenting so casually as making him bait was rather biting though her going to the city and Axel's insistence to go along saved him from having to answer anything else. Focusing on Faye, he gives her one last hard look before quietly saying, "Well, if you really want me to come along and I'll be of some use... I guess...."
(Love the character page :D )

Faye scratches her head, hoping Roslyn's comments aren't causing Birch to feel even worse about himself. Faye's determined to give this boy some hope, seeing that he clearly lacks such.

"Ah, you and Axel go take a look around. I'm going to stay here with the others for now and see if Darian will be arriving anytime soon. Let us know if you find a good escape route, okay?" Faye smiles warmly at Roslyn with a slight nod. 
Faye then turns to Birch and smiles brightly when he agrees to coming along with them. She hopes that he'll be able to handle the long journey, but either way it'll be better than sitting around in Fayland, right?

"Good!" she exclaims, clasping her hands together excitedly. "I'm glad you're agreeing to come with us. It'll be the best experience ever, I promise!"

Though Faye knew it would certainly be her own best experience, she didn't know if Birch was interested in adventure as much as her...but after agreeing to join them, she decided that eventually he'd love the experience as well.
((God I hate waiting. Lysander get those monkeys working with your new internet provider to hurry the hell up. Throw some bananas at them or something))
(It said he was online this morning xD But no posts~) 
(Maybe Darian is a traitor and he turned us in :'u)
((I will be on and off for a little while. I am trying to get all of my daughters toys out of the living room and into her toy box. It's a never ending task when she keeps pulling them out again :meh:))
Juniper took note that there was someone else here that couldn't fight. Her shields might benefit someone else after all. It was easier to create a shield then to heal someone, but her shields weren't very big. She wasn't sure if a shield would work against a sword. She scratches at the bark on the log wondering if they were leaving anytime soon.
Though he didn't want to admit it, the camp's numbers thinning out by two gave him a little more comfort. Not because he hate any particular hatred of crowds or gatherings but he wasn't entirely sure what to think of those two. Rosalyn seemed to think he was going to be an annoyance the moment she brought up training him and Axel... well, he just didn't really know Axel. Not that he knew anyone all that well to begin with but still.

After watching the duo leave he focuses back on Faye again and her air of excitement that she seemed unable to drop. As much as he hated to admit it, this made him uncomfortable in it's own way. She was so happy with so much energy and aspiration. It made him a little jealous just being around her. It also made him sad that even with her being so nice, she still treated him like something of a stranger. It was expected since they'd only known each other when they were children but it bothered him when he remembered things and she didn't.

"The thing is, I don't have anything with me. And I don't know where we're going. And I don't want to be a burden, especially if you think I'll need protecting."
Roslyn weaved in and out of the city, keeping away from the sight of any citizens. She didn't want to draw attention to herself or possibly have someone follow them. She started her way in the direction of her own home. She whispers to Axel "I have to get my other bow and quiver, just in case someone else could use it.". Arriving at her home, she pears through the window. She notices her father was already back from the hunting trip. "Damn." she mumbles under the breath. She then tip-toes around to the back where her bedroom is. She notices her bedroom window is cracked open. She looks to Axel "Hey, you want to give me a boost up there?".
Roslyn puts her foot into Axel's hand then pulls herself up to the window. The opening is just wide enough for her to squeeze through. Once inside she quietly gathers up the bow and quiver along with an old compass given to her by her grandfather, and a sketching her oldest brother did of her mother before she died. She puts the compass and picture in her knapsack and climbs back out the window. She makes a motion to Axel, silently telling him to follow me. She then proceeds down towards the southern end of the city.
Faye shook her head quickly with a short laugh. "Noo, you won't be a burden at all. Why would you say that? I really want you to come along. I mean, we all want you to. I'm sure you'll be able to fend for yourself, but if you ever need help, we're all here. You never know, you may end up saving me in the end." She chuckles, shrugging as she puts her hands back into the pockets of her long cardigan. "I might be skilled in archery, but sometimes I end up doing...stupid..things." She eyes Vex, remembering when his beast form startled her yesterday.

"Actually, last night I fell into the fire pit...thing is..there was a fire going at the time." She sighs, feelings of embarrassment going through her. "Fortunately, Juniper over there is skilled in the Holy Arts, so she was able to heal the massive burn all along my arm." She nods her head towards the girl with short red hair and gentle emerald eyes by the fire pit.
((I've got an idea. What if someone else RP'ed Darian until Lysander gets back? That way we can get this moving along and we don't have to wait for his molasses-slow @$$))
(Err, Idunno..I don't wanna control others' characters..we'll wait 'til tonight. If he still hasn't posted by then, then it will be night time in the RP, which is when they leave Fayland, therefore they can believe Darian may be turning on them instead, so they all hurry to leave. Then when Lysander comes back he can have Darian catch up with them..I'm sure his character would be able to do so.)

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