The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"I have a question for you Juniper." Roslyn ponders "You know that new guy, I think he goes by the name Birch? Well, he seems awfully weak and I am afraid he might not make it out there. Is there any way for you to....I dunno....make him stronger? Since you have those healing powers and such.".
The silence lingers for the longest time as they walk, Faye apparently realizing what she'd done and Birch having little to say on the matter. He wasn't entirely sure he wanted to her to remember him. Doing that would mean she'd remember why they'd grown apart which would lead to what happened to him which would more like than not lead to an extra dose of unwanted pity. Still, if he was going to be spending time around her on this trip, he couldn't just keep stone walling everything. Eventually he takes a deep breathe and without turning his head asks, "Do you mind standing on the other side of me? It feels strange walking with you in my blind spot." While only partially true, it felt like a more acceptable reason than to just stop her from staring.

( I'm off to dinner but I'll respond to anything when I get back! :D )
(I haven't been accepted to the website.)

"That's not how it works" she shakes her head "I can shield him if he gets into trouble and heal some wounds, but I can't do something like that." Even if it were possible, it still sounded wrong. It was like cheating to get your way. She had been taught not to abuse her powers and that definitely sounded like abuse. She bit her lip not saying what was on her mind thinking maybe the girl hadn't meant it that way.
Roslyn nodded her head. "Yes I understand that, but what if his weakness was caused by a wound? Some kind of accident or something. There is a reason he is blind in one eye and has that scar. Something happen to him.". She lets out a deep sigh. "Are you sure there is nothing you can do?".
((You could go ahead and have Darian come back to the camp and leave with us if you want. That way he can give everyone the supplies before we leave.))
"I can't heal something like that. I'm not that skilled, maybe temporarily, but it would take all my energy and I thought we were leaving today." Juniper thought it over, curing blindness wouldn't be an easy task. It was also dangerous especially of she did it wrong. Once she started healing, she couldn't just stop. The holy arts weren't something to mess with. She knew the girl was only trying to help, but what she was asking was pretty scary.
(Well, I still don't have the time to write a post that details Darian's exploits at the King's stores and his Master's room, so I just wanted to follow Nami plan of him catching up after they left. Plus, I got an extra idea that'll be fun, if only I could get an hour free to write a nice post...)
Roslyn nods her head. She couldn't hide her dissappointment. She thought if Juniper could heal his wounds, as severe as they where, then maybe she could get rid of her own scars. Just erase the past entirely. "Your right, my mistake.". She looks around the camp "Where are those two anyways? We are going to have to get going with or without Darian. Though, it would be nice if he would get here since he has all the supplies.". 
((Alright Lysander, as soon as Nami replies and they get back, we should be leaving.))
Juniper shrugs "I don't know, everyone seems to have wandered off. I don't think were going at all anymore. Everyone will be up and about soon and we'll never make it out of here." She noticed how disappointed the girl was. She couldn't have cared that much about the guy she had just met could she? "Are you really upset that he is blind?" she asks curiously.
((Faye and Birch went off to get food. Me, Axel, and Juniper are back at the camp. Darian and whoever else went with him, I can't remember, are still a no show, annnnnd...I think that is it.))
(Okey dokey, Warlock ^^)

Faye looks at him with surprise and nods gradually. "Yeah--yeah, I'm sorry." She quickly walks around him to his other side, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Not only did he catch her staring at him--which was simply because she was trying to remember where she met him--but she was also standing on the side where he was blind in one eye. She made him feel uncomfortable x2. Just great. Good job, Faye, she thought to herself with a mental slap.

She could tell her face was burning up as she walked beside him. She looked away, her eyes landing on a muscular man with shaggy blonde hair down to his shoulders. He was wearing a forest green tunic, thick brown work gloves, and brown trousers paired with black boots. It was her father.

Faye began to slow down, realizing she couldn't just stand there and take one final look at him.

" it okay if I just catch up with you in a little bit? We could meet back at the fire pit if you'd like? I have to...say some goodbyes..somehow.." she said, though she was barely looking at him this time as she spoke. Her eyes stayed on her father at a distance, who was carving some new arrows.

Without even giving Birch the chance to answer, she started heading towards her father. Eventually, he noticed her and lifted his head up with a joyful smile.

"Faye! There you are! I was just making some new arrows. We need to go hunting tomorrow night, okay? There should be plenty of deer out then.." her father says happily, still carving the arrows. He picks one up and blows at the tip, which is now perfectly sharp.

Faye walks up to him, doing her best to hold back tears. Little did her father know, Faye wouldn't be home to go hunting with him tomorrow night.

"Yeah, I can't wait," she lied, knowing it would have to wait forever if even at all.

She stepped forward, picking up a finished arrow. It was beautiful..perfectly crafted. Her father made the best arrows.

"Father, these arrows are fantastic. Are you going to sell any?" she asks, spinning the arrow around in between her fingers.

Her father shook his head quickly, still looking at her. "Oh, no. These are specifically made for the two of us. Actually, here. Why don't you take some now? Go practice." Her father picks up a quiver my mother must've made and fills it with a number of arrows. He then holds it out to Faye.

She eyes the quiver full of arrows, then takes it from her father. "Wow...Father, thank you so much.."

He laughs hardily and tells her, "Now go, practice!" He waves her away, going back to carving his arrows.

Faye smiles warmly, throwing the quiver over her shoulder for now. "Okay," she says, "Bye, Father." She begins walking away, then turns, allowing her eyes to fill with salty tears as she heads back to the road. She doesn't see Birch there any longer, so he must've headed off to his home. Faye walks back to the clearing behind the general store, not even caring if her eyes were soaked with tears.

Once she arrives there, she throws herself onto a log and stares into the empty fire pit.
Roslyn shakes her head "No, it doesn't bother me at all. I just thought...." she trailed off for a moment. She was unsure if she should say anything. She had built this reputation of being a strong powerful hunter, yet deep down she held so many secrets. "Never mind, it's not important.".
"Alright" she lets the topic drop picking on that Roslyn didn't want to talk about it, she also got the feeling she was hiding something. Juniper wasn't one to press for an answer anyways. She looks over seeing Faye return, she seemed upset as well.
Faye wiped her eyes with her sleeve, not wanting to seem like such a downer. After seeing her father one last time, she even reconsidered this whole plan to leave the village. She knew very well that there was a high chance of any of them dying along this journey. She may never see her parents again..and she loved them..she loved them very much. But she also loved her grandfather who had passed away recently..and she knew he would be so proud of her if she had made it to the other side of the land in one piece. So she would make it. They would all make it..she believed in everyone.
Vex made his way to the Protector's cabin and said he was going out of the town on a small mission, and said goodbye to all of his Protector mates. Then he left and walked all the way back to the camp where everyone was waiting.

"Greetings, comrades. Are we all ready for our departure?"
Valindil looks up to see Vex. "I don't know. I was hoping Darian would be here by now. But at least we have a majority of the group here."
Roslyn was relieved when Juniper did not push the subject. If there was nothing that could be done about it then she didn't want to reveal that particular weakness. When Juniper goes off to speak with Faye, Roslyn turns to Vex as he comes forth. "I think we about ready Vex. We aren't going to be able to wait on Darian any longer, it is almost sunset.".
Faye rubs her eyes a bit more before looking up at Vex, who is wondering if they're ready to leave.

"Soon," she says, standing up from the log. "We just need to wait for Birch to return. He needed to retrieve some things from his home. When he gets here we can all begin to head off."

She looks around, not seeing everyone from the night before there with them. "It looks like not everyone showed up, either. I guess we can't blame them for not wanting to risk their lives."
"Darian still hasn't returned? What if...what if he turned us in? You know, ratted us out, told his uncle what we were planning?"

Vex pondered this for a moment.

"Well, in any case, we could probably start loading up all of the things we'll be taking, then."

He shifted to beast form, nodding over his shoulder to indicate he wanted them to start packing up the supplies onto his back.

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